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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it

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C intro.tex 1. Introduction
S 1.1. Acknowledgements
S 1.2. License
C fields.tex 2. Methods for number fields
S 2.1. Creation of number fields
F 2.1. FieldByMatricesNC
F 2.1. FieldByMatrices
F 2.1. FieldByMatrixBasisNC
F 2.1. FieldByMatrixBasis
F 2.1. FieldByPolynomialNC
F 2.1. FieldByPolynomial
S 2.2. Methods for number fields
F 2.2. PrimitiveElement
F 2.2. DefiningPolynomial
F 2.2. IsPrimitiveElementOfNumberField
F 2.2. DegreeOverPrimeField
F 2.2. EquationOrderBasis
F 2.2. MaximalOrderBasis
F 2.2. IsIntegerOfNumberField
F 2.2. UnitGroup
F 2.2. IsUnitOfNumberField
F 2.2. ExponentsOfUnits
F 2.2. IsCyclotomicField
F 2.2. NormCosetsOfNumberField
S 2.3. Presentations of multiplicative subgroups
F 2.3. PcpPresentationOfMultiplicativeSubgroup
F 2.3. IsomorphismPcpGroup
F 2.3. RelationLattice
S 2.4. Methods to compute with subgroups of the unit group
F 2.4. RelationLatticeOfUnits
F 2.4. IntersectionOfUnitSubgroups
S 2.5. Factorisation of polynomials over a number field
F 2.5. FactorsPolynomialAlgExt
F 2.5. FactorsPolynomialPari
S 2.6. Examples
F 2.6. ExampleMatField
C example.tex 3. An example application
S 3.1. Number fields defined by matrices
S 3.2. Number fields defined by a polynomial
C install.tex 4. Installation
S 4.1. Installing Alnuth
S 4.2. Getting PARI/GP
S 4.3. Adjust the path of the executable for GP
F 4.3. PariVersion
F 4.3. SetAlnuthExternalExecutable
F 4.3. SetAlnuthExternalExecutablePermanently
F 4.3. RestoreAlnuthExternalExecutable
S 4.4. Loading and testing the package