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Views: 466324/****************************************************************************1**2*A menus.h ANUPQ source Eamonn O'Brien3**4*Y Copyright 1995-2001, Lehrstuhl D fuer Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany5*Y Copyright 1995-2001, School of Mathematical Sciences, ANU, Australia6**7*/89/* list all of the menu options */1011#ifndef ANUPQ_MENUS_H12#define ANUPQ_MENUS_H1314#define EXIT 015#define LEAST_OPTION -1 /* least option */1617#if defined (GROUP)1819/* constants for options menu */20#define COMPUTE_PCP 121#define SAVE_PCP 222#define RESTORE_PCP 323#define DISPLAY_PRESENTATION 424#define PRINT_LEVEL 525#define NEXT_CLASS 626#define PCOVER 727#define INTERACTIVE_PQ 828#define PGP 92930/* constants for interactive menu */31#define COLLECT 132#define SOLVE 233#define COMMUTATOR 334#define DISPLAY_PRESENTATION 435#define PRINT_LEVEL 536#define SETUP 637#define TAILS 738#define CONSISTENCY 839#define RELATIONS 940#define EXTRA_RELATIONS 1041#define ELIMINATE 1142#define LAST_CLASS 1243#define MAXOCCUR 1344#define METABELIAN 1445#define JACOBI 1546#define COMPACT 1647#define ECHELON 1748#define AUTS 1849#define CLOSE_RELATIONS 1950#define STRUCTURE 2051#define LIST_AUTOMORPHISMS 2152#define DGEN_WORD 2353#define DGEN_COMM 2454#define OUTPUT_PRESENTATION 2555#define COMPACT_PRESENTATION 2656#define FORMULA 2757#define DGEN_AUT 2858#define CAY_NEXT_CLASS 2559#define CAY_PCOVER 2660#define CAY_PRINT_LEVEL 2761#define ENGEL 2962#define RELATIONS_FILE 306364#endif6566#define CAY_NOT_SET (-100)6768/* constants for pgroup generation menu */69#define SUPPLY_AUTOMORPHISMS 170#define EXTEND_AUTOMORPHISMS 271#define RESTORE_GROUP 372#define DISPLAY_GROUP 473#define ITERATION 574#define INTERACTIVE_PGA 675#define STANDARD 77677/* constants for interactive pgroup generation menu */78#define SUPPLY_AUTS 179#define EXTEND_AUTS 280#define RESTORE_GP 381#define DISPLAY_GP 482#define SINGLE_STAGE 583#define DEGREE 684#define PERMUTATIONS 785#define ORBITS 886#define STABILISERS 987#define STABILISER 1088#define MATRIX_TO_LABEL 1189#define LABEL_TO_MATRIX 1290#define IMAGE 1391#define SUBGROUP_RANK 1492#define ORBIT_REP 1593#define COMPACT_DESCRIPTION 1694#define AUT_CLASSES 1795#define TEMP 199697/* constants for standard presentation menu */98#define START_INFO 199#define CONSTRUCT 2100#define SAVE_PRES 3101#define PRINT_PCP 4102#define STANDARD_PRINT_LEVEL 5103#define COMPARE 6104#define PQ_MENU 7105106#define DEFAULT_MENU 0107#define ISOM_MENU 2108109#endif110111112