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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 4662971[1X1 [33X[0;0YIntroduction to the [5XAtlasRep[105X[101X[1X Package[133X[101X23[33X[0;0YThe aim of the [5XGAP[105X 4 package [5XAtlasRep[105X is to provide a link between [5XGAP[105X and4the [21X[5XATLAS[105X of Group Representations[121X [ATLAS], a database that comprises5generating permutations and matrices for many almost simple groups, and6information about their maximal subgroups. This database is available7independent of [5XGAP[105X at[133X89[33X[0;0Y[7X[107X[133X1011[33X[0;0YThe [5XAtlasRep[105X package consists of this database (see Section [14X1.1[114X) and a [5XGAP[105X12interface (see Section [14X1.2[114X); the latter is extended by further information13available via the internet (see Section [14X4.4[114X).[133X1415[33X[0;0YThis package manual has the following parts.[133X1617[8XA tutorial[108X18[33X[0;6Ygives an overview how the functions of the package can be used, see19Chapter [14X2[114X.[133X2021[8XUser interface functions[108X22[33X[0;6Yare described in Chapter [14X3[114X.[133X2324[8XCustomizations of the package[108X25[33X[0;6Yare described in Chapter [14X4[114X.[133X2627[8XInformation how to extend the database[108X28[33X[0;6Ycan be found in Chapter [14X5[114X.[133X2930[8XMore technical information[108X31[33X[0;6Ycan be found in the chapters [14X6[114X (concerning [5XGAP[105X objects that are32introduced by the package) and [14X7[114X (concerning global variables and33sanity checks).[133X343536[1X1.1 [33X[0;0YThe [5XATLAS[105X[101X[1X of Group Representations[133X[101X3738[33X[0;0YThe [5XATLAS[105X of Group Representations consists of matrices over various rings,39permutations, and shell scripts encoding so-called black box programs (see40[Nic06] and Section [14X6.2[114X). Many of these scripts are straight line programs41(see [BSWW01], [SWW00], and [14X'Reference: Straight Line Programs'[114X) and42straight line decisions (see Section [14X6.1[114X). These programs can be used to43compute certain elements in a group [22XG[122X from its standard generators44(see [Wil96] and Section [14X3.3[114X) for example generators of maximal subgroups of45[22XG[122X or representatives of conjugacy classes of [22XG[122X.[133X4647[33X[0;0YThe [5XATLAS[105X of Group Representations has been prepared by Robert Wilson, Peter48Walsh, Jonathan Tripp, Ibrahim Suleiman, Richard Parker, Simon Norton, Simon49Nickerson, Steve Linton, John Bray, and Rachel Abbott (in reverse50alphabetical order).[133X5152[33X[0;0YThe information was computed and composed using computer algebra systems53such as [5XMeatAxe[105X (see [Rin]), Magma (see [CP96]), and [5XGAP[105X (in reverse54alphabetical order). Part of the constructions have been documented in the55literature on almost simple groups, or the results have been used in such56publications, see for example the references in [CCNPW85] and [BN95].[133X5758[33X[0;0YIf you use the [5XATLAS[105X of Group Representations to solve a problem then please59send a short email to [7Xmailto:[email protected][107X about it. The [5XATLAS[105X of60Group Representations database should be referenced with the entry [ATLAS]61in the bibliography of this manual.[133X6263[33X[0;0YIf your work made use of functions of the [5XGAP[105X interface (see Section [14X1.2[114X)64then you should also reference this interface, as follows.[133X6566[4X[32X[104X67[4X@misc{ AtlasRep1.5.1,[104X68[4X author = {Wilson, R. A. and Parker, R. A. and Nickerson, S. and[104X69[4X Bray, J. N. and Breuer, T.},[104X70[4X title = {{AtlasRep}, A \textsf{GAP} Interface to the Atlas of[104X71[4X Group Representations,[104X72[4X {V}ersion 1.5.1},[104X73[4X month = {March},[104X74[4X year = {2016},[104X75[4X note = {\textsf{GAP} package},[104X76[4X howpublished = {\~{}Thomas.Breuer/atlasrep}[104X77[4X}[104X78[4X[32X[104X7980[33X[0;0YFor referencing the [5XGAP[105X system in general, use the entry [GAP] in the81bibliography of this manual, see also[133X8283[33X[0;0Y[7X[107X.[133X848586[1X1.2 [33X[0;0YThe GAP Interface to the [5XATLAS[105X[101X[1X of Group Representations[133X[101X8788[33X[0;0YThe [5XGAP[105X interface to the [5XATLAS[105X of Group Representations consists of89essentially two parts.[133X9091[30X [33X[0;6YFirst, there is the [13Xuser interface[113X which allows the user to get an92overview of the contents of the database, and to access the data in93[5XGAP[105X format; this is described in Chapter [14X3[114X. Advanced users may add94their own data to the database, this is described in Chapter [14X5[114X.[133X9596[30X [33X[0;6YSecond, there is [13Xadministrational information[113X, which covers also the97declaration of [5XGAP[105X objects such as straight line decisions and black98box programs. This is important mainly for users interested in the99actual implementation (e. g., for modifying the package) or in using100it together with the [10XC[110X-[5XMeatAxe[105X standalone (see [Rin]); this is101described in Chapter [14X7[114X.[133X102103[33X[0;0YInformation concerning the [10XC[110X-[5XMeatAxe[105X, including the manual [Rin], can be104found at[133X105106[33X[0;0Y[7X[107X[133X107108[33X[0;0YThe interface and this manual have been provided by Thomas Breuer, except109for the interpreter for black box programs (see Section [14X6.2[114X), which is due110to Simon Nickerson. Comments, bug reports, and hints for improving the111interface can be sent to [7Xmailto:[email protected][107X.[133X112113114[1X1.3 [33X[0;0YWhat's New in [5XAtlasRep[105X[101X[1X, Compared to Older Versions?[133X[101X115116117[1X1.3-1 [33X[0;0YWhat's New in Version 1.5.1? (March 2016)[133X[101X118119[30X [33X[0;6YThe paths of the directories where downloaded data files get stored120are now customizable, see Section [14X4.3-9[114X. Up to now, the data were121stored in subdirectories of the package directory, which might cause122problems with write permissions, depending on the installation of the123package. (Note that choosing other data directories can be useful also124in order to keep existing local data files when a new version of [5XGAP[105X125or of the [5XAtlasRep[105X package gets installed.) Thanks to Bill Allombert126for pointing out this problem.[133X127128[30X [33X[0;6YThe information about data files from the [5XATLAS[105X of Group129Representations has been extended by [2XCrcFile[102X ([14XReference: CrcFile[114X)130values. These values are checked whenever data from such a file are131read, and an error is signalled if the checksum does not fit to the132expected one. Note that several users may access the same data files,133and a user should not suffer from perhaps corrupted files that have134been downloaded by other users. Thanks to Frank Lübeck for the idea to135introduce this consistency test.[133X136137[30X [33X[0;6YWhenever [2XStringFile[102X ([14XGAPDoc: StringFile[114X) is called by functions of the138package, this happens in the wrapper function [10XAGR.StringFile[110X, in order139to replace occasional line breaks of the form [10X"\r\n"[110X by [10X"\n"[110X.140Apparently it may happen that the [10X"\r"[110X is silently smuggled in when141data files get copied to the local computer. Thanks to Marek Mitros142for help with detecting and fixing this problem.[133X143144[30X [33X[0;6YThe function [2XFFMatOrPermCMtxBinary[102X ([14X7.3-5[114X) can now read also145permutations stored in binary files that have been created with146version 2.4 of the C-[5XMeatAxe[105X; note that this format is different from147the one that is written by version 2.3. Conversely,148[2XCMtxBinaryFFMatOrPerm[102X ([14X7.3-4[114X) has been generalized such that both149formats can be written. The reference to the C-[5XMeatAxe[105X documentation150now points to that of version 2.4. Thanks to Jürgen Müller for151pointing out this problem.[133X152153[30X [33X[0;6YThe function [2XMeatAxeString[102X ([14X7.3-2[114X) can now encode permutation matrices154in different ways. The mode (the first header entry) can be either 2155(then the positions of the nonzero entries are listed) or 1 or 6 (then156all entries of the matrix are listed). In previous versions, the157function produced a matrix of mode 2 whenever this was possible, but158this behaviour is not useful if the result is not processed by the159C-[5XMeatAxe[105X. Thanks to Klaus Lux for pointing out this problem.[133X160161[30X [33X[0;6YDepending on the terminal capabilities and the value of162[10XAtlasOfGroupRepresentationsInfo.displayFunction[110X, some non-ASCII163characters may appear in the output shown by [2XDisplayAtlasInfo[102X ([14X3.5-1[114X).[133X164165166[1X1.3-2 [33X[0;0YWhat's New in Version 1.5? (July 2011)[133X[101X167168[30X [33X[0;6YThe function [2XAtlasSubgroup[102X ([14X3.5-8[114X) now admits also the return value of169[2XOneAtlasGeneratingSetInfo[102X ([14X3.5-5[114X) or the return value of [2XAtlasGroup[102X170([14X3.5-7[114X) as its first argument. The latter is implemented via the new171attribute [2XAtlasRepInfoRecord[102X ([14X3.5-9[114X), which is set in the groups172constructed by [2XAtlasGroup[102X ([14X3.5-7[114X).[133X173174[30X [33X[0;6YInformation about transitivity, rank, primitivity, and point175stabilizers of many permutation representations is now available. If176applicable then this information appears in the records returned by177[2XOneAtlasGeneratingSetInfo[102X ([14X3.5-5[114X), it is part of the overview shown by178[2XDisplayAtlasInfo[102X ([14X3.5-1[114X), and it is shown also in the data overview in179the web, see Section [14X4.4[114X.[133X180181[33X[0;6YTwo new manual sections about point stabilizers have been added, see182the sections [14X2.4-6[114X and [14X2.4-7[114X.[133X183184[30X [33X[0;6YInformation about the characters afforded by many matrix and185permutation representations is now available. If applicable then this186information appears in the records returned by187[2XOneAtlasGeneratingSetInfo[102X ([14X3.5-5[114X), for matrix representations it is188part of the overview shown by [2XDisplayAtlasInfo[102X ([14X3.5-1[114X), and it is189shown also in the data overview in the web, see Section [14X4.4[114X.[133X190191[30X [33X[0;6YThe functions [2XCharacter[102X ([14XReference: Character (for a character table192and a list)[114X), [2XIdentifier[102X ([14XReference: Identifier (for character193tables)[114X), [2XIsPrimitive[102X ([14XReference: IsPrimitive[114X), [2XIsTransitive[102X194([14XReference: IsTransitive[114X), [2XTransitivity[102X ([14XReference: Transitivity[114X), and195[2XRankAction[102X ([14XReference: RankAction[114X) are now supported as input196conditions in [2XDisplayAtlasInfo[102X ([14X3.5-1[114X), [2XOneAtlasGeneratingSetInfo[102X197([14X3.5-5[114X), etc..[133X198199[30X [33X[0;6YIt is now possible to restrict the data shown by [2XDisplayAtlasInfo[102X200([14X3.5-1[114X) to private or non-private data. Also the data returned by201[2XOneAtlasGeneratingSetInfo[102X ([14X3.5-5[114X) can be restricted to private or202non-private data.[133X203204[30X [33X[0;6YA tutorial for beginners was added to the manual, see Chapter [14X2[114X, and205the manual was restructured.[133X206207[30X [33X[0;6YIn the overview shown by [2XDisplayAtlasInfo[102X ([14X3.5-1[114X) and in the data208overview in the web (see Section [14X4.4[114X), the ordering of groups was209improved such that, e.g., [10X"A9"[110X precedes [10X"A10"[110X.[133X210211[30X [33X[0;6YThe function [2XAtlasClassNames[102X ([14X3.4-2[114X) now admits also a Brauer table as212its argument, and works also for character tables of bicyclic213extensions of simple groups.[133X214215[30X [33X[0;6YThe group names that are entered in [2XDisplayAtlasInfo[102X ([14X3.5-1[114X),216[2XOneAtlasGeneratingSetInfo[102X ([14X3.5-5[114X), etc., are now case insensitive, and217if the package [5XCTblLib[105X is available then the admissible group names218for the [5XGAP[105X character table of the group in question can be used in219these functions.[133X220221[30X [33X[0;6YIn order to reduce the number of global variables, several functions222have been turned into components of the new global variable [2XAGR[102X223([14X7.1-5[114X). A few of these functions had been documented in the previous224version, the old values are still available if the package file225[11Xgap/obsolete.g[111X has been read. This file is read automatically when the226package gets loaded if [10XGAPInfo.UserPreferences.ReadObsolete[110X is [9Xtrue[109X,227see [14X'Reference: The gap.ini file'[114X.[133X228229[30X [33X[0;6YA few nicer characters are used by [2XDisplayAtlasInfo[102X ([14X3.5-1[114X) if230[10XGAPInfo.TermEncoding[110X has the value [10X"UTF-8"[110X and if231[10XAtlasOfGroupRepresentationsInfo.displayFunction[110X is different from232[2XPrint[102X ([14XReference: Print[114X), see Section [14X4.3-5[114X.[133X233234[30X [33X[0;6YA bug in the function [2XReloadAtlasTableOfContents[102X ([14X4.2-1[114X) was fixed.235Thanks to Jack Schmidt for reporting this bug.[133X236237238[1X1.3-3 [33X[0;0YWhat's New in Version 1.4? (June 2008)[133X[101X239240[30X [33X[0;6YIn addition to the group orders that were added in version 1.3 (see241Section [14X1.3-5[114X), also many orders of maximal subgroups are now242available. These values occur in the records returned by [2XAtlasProgram[102X243([14X3.5-3[114X) (for the case of [10X"maxes"[110X type programs) and of the three244argument version of [2XAtlasGenerators[102X ([14X3.5-2[114X); now a [10Xsize[110X component may245be bound. In these cases, the groups returned by [2XAtlasSubgroup[102X ([14X3.5-8[114X)246have the [2XSize[102X ([14XReference: Size[114X) attribute set.[133X247248[30X [33X[0;6YThe information about the number of maximal subgroups, if available,249is now used in [2XDisplayAtlasInfo[102X ([14X3.5-1[114X).[133X250251[30X [33X[0;6YIn many cases, straight line programs for computing generators of252maximal subgroups of a group [22XG[122X, say, can in fact be used to compute253also generators of maximal subgroups of downward extensions of [22XG[122X; if254not then it may suffice to extend the given straight line programs by255additional generators.[133X256257[33X[0;6YCurrently this yields more than [22X200[122X new possibilities to compute258maximal subgroups, this means a growth by about [22X25[122X percent. For259example, all maximal subgroups of [22X12.M_22[122X and [22X2.Fi_22[122X can now be260accessed via [2XAtlasGenerators[102X ([14X3.5-2[114X).[133X261262[33X[0;6Y(Of course this extension means only that one can access the straight263line programs in question automatically via the [5XGAP[105X interface. In264principle one could have used them already before, by explicitly265applying a straight line program for a factor group to generators of a266group, and perhaps adding some element in the kernel of the natural267epimorphism.)[133X268269[33X[0;6YFor this feature, information about the compatibility of standard270generators of groups and their factor groups was added.[133X271272[30X [33X[0;6YThe bibliographies contained in the [5XATLAS[105X of Finite Groups [CCNPW85]273and in the [5XATLAS[105X of Brauer Characters [JLPW95] are now available, see274[2XBrowseBibliographySporadicSimple[102X ([14X3.6-2[114X).[133X275276[30X [33X[0;6YIf the [5XGAP[105X package [5XBrowse[105X (see [BL14]) is loaded then the new277functions [2XBrowseMinimalDegrees[102X ([14X3.6-1[114X) and278[2XBrowseBibliographySporadicSimple[102X ([14X3.6-2[114X) are available; these279functions can be called also by choosing the corresponding menu280entries of the [5XBrowse[105X application [2XBrowseGapData[102X ([14XBrowse:281BrowseGapData[114X).[133X282283[30X [33X[0;6YThe function [2XAtlasGroup[102X ([14X3.5-7[114X) now admits also the return value of284[2XOneAtlasGeneratingSetInfo[102X ([14X3.5-5[114X) as its argument.[133X285286287[1X1.3-4 [33X[0;0YWhat's New in Version 1.3.1? (October 2007)[133X[101X288289[33X[0;0YThis version was mainly released in order to fix a few problems. Now one290does not get warnings about unbound variables when the package is loaded and291the [5XGAP[105X package [5XIO[105X [Neu14] is not available, and pathological situations in292[2XFFMatOrPermCMtxBinary[102X ([14X7.3-5[114X) (concerning extremely short corrupted data293files and different byte orderings in binary files) are handled more294carefully.[133X295296[33X[0;0YBesides this, the two functions [2XAtlasGroup[102X ([14X3.5-7[114X) and [2XAtlasSubgroup[102X ([14X3.5-8[114X)297were introduced, and the extended function [2XQuaternionAlgebra[102X ([14XReference:298QuaternionAlgebra[114X) of [5XGAP[105X 4.4.10 can now be used for describing base rings299in [2XOneAtlasGeneratingSetInfo[102X ([14X3.5-5[114X) and [2XAllAtlasGeneratingSetInfos[102X ([14X3.5-6[114X).300(This is the reason why this version of the package requires at least301version 4.4.10 of [5XGAP[105X.)[133X302303304[1X1.3-5 [33X[0;0YWhat's New in Version 1.3? (June 2007)[133X[101X305306[30X [33X[0;6YThe database was extended, see Section [14X4.3-4[114X for the number and size307of files.[133X308309[30X [33X[0;6YNew data types and corresponding [5XGAP[105X objects have been introduced, for310representing semi-presentations, presentations, and programs for311finding standard generators. For details, see [2XAtlasProgram[102X ([14X3.5-3[114X),312Chapter [14X6[114X, and Section [14X7.6[114X.[133X313314[30X [33X[0;6YThe records returned by the functions [2XAtlasGenerators[102X ([14X3.5-2[114X),315[2XOneAtlasGeneratingSetInfo[102X ([14X3.5-5[114X), and [2XAllAtlasGeneratingSetInfos[102X316([14X3.5-6[114X) now contain the name and (if known) the order of the group in317question, and also components describing the degree in the case of318permutation representations or the dimension and the base ring of the319natural module in the case of matrix representations.[133X320321[30X [33X[0;6YFor many of the groups, information about the minimal degree of322faithful permutation representations and the minimal dimensions of323faithful matrix representations in various characteristics is324available for [2XDisplayAtlasInfo[102X ([14X3.5-1[114X), [2XOneAtlasGeneratingSetInfo[102X325([14X3.5-5[114X), and [2XAllAtlasGeneratingSetInfos[102X ([14X3.5-6[114X), see also Section [14X6.3[114X.326For these functions, also properties such as [2XIsPrimeInt[102X ([14XReference:327IsPrimeInt[114X) can be used to describe the intended restriction of the328output.[133X329330[30X [33X[0;6YOne can now use [2XPager[102X ([14XReference: Pager[114X) functionality in331[2XDisplayAtlasInfo[102X ([14X3.5-1[114X), see Section [14X4.3-5[114X.[133X332333[33X[0;6YAn interactive alternative to [2XDisplayAtlasInfo[102X ([14X3.5-1[114X) is provided by334the function [2XBrowseAtlasInfo[102X ([14XBrowse: BrowseAtlasInfo[114X) from the new335(recommended) [5XGAP[105X package [5XBrowse[105X [BL14].[133X336337[30X [33X[0;6YThe functions [2XOneAtlasGeneratingSetInfo[102X ([14X3.5-5[114X) and338[2XAllAtlasGeneratingSetInfos[102X ([14X3.5-6[114X) now admit also a list of group339names as the first argument.[133X340341[30X [33X[0;6YThe functions for actually accessing the data are more flexible now,342see Section [14X4.3-6[114X.[133X343344[30X [33X[0;6YFor transferring remote data, the [5XGAP[105X package [5XIO[105X [Neu14] can now be345used (and is recommended) as an alternative to [11Xwget[111X, see346Section [14X4.3-3[114X.[133X347348[30X [33X[0;6YThe address of the data server has changed. Since the access to the349server is no longer possible via [11Xftp[111X, the mechanim used up to version3501.2, which was based on [11Xftp[111X, had to be rewritten.[133X351352[33X[0;6YThe main consequence of this change is that information about updates353of the table of contents is now provided at the package's homepage.354This means that on the one hand, now package users cannot [13Xcompute[113X the355table of contents directly from the server data, but on the other hand356the update information can be [13Xdownloaded[113X without the necessity to357install [11Xperl[111X.[133X358359[33X[0;6YAnother consequence is that the system program [11Xls[111X is no longer needed,360see Section [14X1.3-7[114X.[133X361362[30X [33X[0;6YThe package manual has been restructured, extended and improved. It is363now based on the package [5XGAPDoc[105X [LN12].[133X364365366[1X1.3-6 [33X[0;0YWhat's New in Version 1.2? (November 2003)[133X[101X367368[33X[0;0YNot much.[133X369370[33X[0;0YThe release of Version 1.2 became necessary first of all in order to provide371a package version that is compatible with [5XGAP[105X 4.4, since some372cross-references into the [5XGAP[105X Reference Manual were broken due to changes of373section names. Additionally, several web addresses concerning the package374itself were changed and thus had to be adjusted.[133X375376[33X[0;0YThis opportunity was used[133X377378[30X [33X[0;6Yto upgrade the administrational part for loading the package to the379mechanism that is recommended for [5XGAP[105X 4.4,[133X380381[30X [33X[0;6Yto extend the test suite, which now covers more consistency checks382using the [5XGAP[105X Character Table Library [Bre13],[133X383384[30X [33X[0;6Yto make the function [2XScanMeatAxeFile[102X ([14X7.3-1[114X) more robust, due to the385fact that the [5XGAP[105X function [2XPermList[102X ([14XReference: PermList[114X) now returns386[9Xfail[109X instead of raising an error,[133X387388[30X [33X[0;6Yto change the way how representations with prescribed properties are389accessed (the new function [2XOneAtlasGeneratingSetInfo[102X ([14X3.5-5[114X) is now390preferred to the former [10XOneAtlasGeneratingSet[110X, and391[2XAllAtlasGeneratingSetInfos[102X ([14X3.5-6[114X) has been added in order to provide392programmatic access in parallel to the human readable descriptions393printed by [2XDisplayAtlasInfo[102X ([14X3.5-1[114X)),[133X394395[30X [33X[0;6Yand last but not least to include the current table of contents of the396underlying database.[133X397398[33X[0;0YFor [5XAtlasRep[105X users, the new feature of [5XGAP[105X 4.4 is particularly interesting399that due to better kernel support, reading large matrices over finite fields400is now faster than it was in [5XGAP[105X 4.3.[133X401402403[1X1.3-7 [33X[0;0YWhat's New in Version 1.1? (October 2002)[133X[101X404405[33X[0;0YThe biggest change w.r.t. Version 1.1 is the addition of private extensions406(see Chapter [14X5[114X). It includes a new [21Xfree format[121X for straight line programs407(see Section [14X5.2[114X). Unfortunately, this feature requires the system program408[11Xls[111X, so it may be not available for example under MS Windows operating409systems. [But see Section [14X1.3-5[114X.][133X410411[33X[0;0YIn order to admit the addition of other types of data, the implementation of412several functions has been changed. Data types are described in Section [14X7.5[114X.413An example of a new data type are quaternionic representations (see414Section [14X7.6[114X). The user interface itself (see Chapter [14X3[114X) remained the same.[133X415416[33X[0;0YAs an alternative to [10Xperl[110X, one can use [10Xwget[110X now for transferring data files417(see [14X4.3[114X).[133X418419[33X[0;0YData files can be read much more efficiently in [5XGAP[105X 4.3 than in [5XGAP[105X 4.2. In420Version 1.1 of the [5XAtlasRep[105X package, this feature is used for reading421matrices and permutations in [5XMeatAxe[105X text format with [2XScanMeatAxeFile[102X422([14X7.3-1[114X). As a consequence, (at least) [5XGAP[105X 4.3 is required for [5XAtlasRep[105X423Version 1.1.[133X424425[33X[0;0YThe new [10Xcompress[110X component of the global variable426[2XAtlasOfGroupRepresentationsInfo[102X ([14X7.1-6[114X) allows one to store data files427automatically in [11Xgzip[111Xped form.[133X428429[33X[0;0YFor matrix representations in characteristic zero, invariant forms and430generators for the centralizer algebra are now accessible in [5XGAP[105X if they are431contained in the source files --this information had been ignored in432Version 1.0 (see [2XAtlasOfGroupRepresentationsTestTableOfContentsRemoteUpdates[102X433([14X4.2-4[114X) for necessary updates).[133X434435[33X[0;0YAdditional information is now available via the internet (see [14X4.4[114X).[133X436437[33X[0;0YThe update facilities have been extended (see [14X4.2[114X).[133X438439[33X[0;0YThe manual is now distributed also in pdf and HTML format; on the other440hand, the PostScript format manual is no longer contained in the archives.[133X441442[33X[0;0YApart from these changes, a few minor bugs in the handling of [5XMeatAxe[105X files443have been fixed, typos in the documentation have been corrected, and the444syntax checks for [5XATLAS[105X straight line programs (see [14X7.4[114X) have been improved.[133X445446447[1X1.4 [33X[0;0YAcknowledgements[133X[101X448449[30X [33X[0;6YFrank Lübeck and Max Neunhöffer kindly provided the perl script that450had been used for fetching remote data until version 1.2. Thanks also451to Greg Gamble and Alexander Hulpke for technical hints concerning452[21Xstandard[121X perl.[133X453454[30X [33X[0;6YUlrich Kaiser helped with preparing the package for MS Windows.[133X455456[30X [33X[0;6YKlaus Lux had the idea to support private extensions of the package,457see Chapter [14X5[114X and helped to fix several bugs.[133X458459[30X [33X[0;6YFrank Lübeck contributed the functions [2XCMtxBinaryFFMatOrPerm[102X ([14X7.3-4[114X)460and [2XFFMatOrPermCMtxBinary[102X ([14X7.3-5[114X).[133X461462[30X [33X[0;6YFrank Lübeck and Max Neunhöffer wrote the [5XGAPDoc[105X package [LN12], which463is used for processing the documentation of the [5XAtlasRep[105X package and464for processing the bibliographies included in this package (see465[2XBrowseBibliographySporadicSimple[102X ([14X3.6-2[114X)),[133X466467[30X [33X[0;6YMax Neunhöffer wrote the [5XGAP[105X package [5XIO[105X [Neu14], which is recommended468for transferring data.[133X469470[30X [33X[0;6YMax has also suggested the generalization of the data access described471in Section [14X7.2[114X, and the admissibility of the function [2XCharacter[102X472([14XReference: Character (for a character table and a list)[114X) as a filter473in [2XDisplayAtlasInfo[102X ([14X3.5-1[114X), [2XOneAtlasGeneratingSetInfo[102X ([14X3.5-5[114X), and474[2XAllAtlasGeneratingSetInfos[102X ([14X3.5-6[114X).[133X475476[30X [33X[0;6YGunter Malle suggested to make the information about representations477of minimal degree accessible, see Section [14X6.3[114X.[133X478479[30X [33X[0;6YAndries Brouwer suggested to add a tutorial (see Chapter [14X2[114X), Klaus Lux480suggested several improvements of this chapter.[133X481482483484