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Views: 466293############################################################################# ## #W GAP 4 package AtlasRep Thomas Breuer #W Simon Nickerson ## #Y Copyright (C) 2005, Lehrstuhl D fuer Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany ## ## This file contains the implementations of the operations ## for black box programs and straight line decisions. ## ## 1. Functions for black box algorithms ## 2. Functions for straight line decisions ## ############################################################################# ## ## 1. Functions for black box algorithms ## ############################################################################# ## #V BBoxProgramsDefaultType ## BindGlobal( "BBoxProgramsDefaultType", NewType( StraightLineProgramsFamily, IsBBoxProgram and IsAttributeStoringRep and HasLinesOfBBoxProgram ) ); ############################################################################# ## #M Display( <prog> ) #M Display( <prog>, <record> ) ## InstallMethod( Display, "for a black box program", [ IsBBoxProgram ], function( prog ) local line; for line in LinesOfBBoxProgram( prog ) do Print( line, "\n" ); od; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M PrintObj( <prog> ) ## InstallMethod( PrintObj, "for a black box program", [ IsBBoxProgram ], function( prog ) Print( "<black box program>" ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ViewObj( <prog> ) ## InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for a black box program", [ IsBBoxProgram ], function( prog ) Print( "<black box program>" ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F ScanBBoxProgram( <string> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( ScanBBoxProgram, function( string ) local keywords, rels, notrel, labels, prog, linenums, lines, linenum, s, filelinenum, line, i, ss, n, k, j, level, iflines, endifline, l, m, result; # Get and check the input. if string = fail then # This is used to simplify other programs. return fail; elif not IsString( string ) then Error( "<string> must be `fail' or a string" ); fi; keywords:= [ "add", "break", "call", "chcl", "chor", "cj", "cjr", "com", "cp", "decr", "div", "echo", "else", "elseif", "endif", "fail", "false", "if", "incr", "inv", "iv", "jmp", "lbl", "mod", "mu", "mul", "nop", "ord", "oup", "pwr", "rand", "return", "set", "sub", "timeout", "true" ]; rels:= [ "eq", "in", "gt", "lt", "geq", "leq", "notin", "noteq" ]; notrel:= function( rel ) local i; i:= Position( rels, rel ); if i = fail then return fail; else return rels[ 9-i ]; fi; end; labels:= []; prog:= []; linenums:= []; lines:= SplitString( string, "\n", "\t" ); linenum:= 1; s:= []; for filelinenum in [ 1 .. Length( lines ) ] do line:= lines[ filelinenum ]; # Remove comments. i:= Position( line, '#' ); if i <> fail then line:= line{ [ 1 .. i-1 ] }; fi; # Split the line at whitespace, omitting empty words. ss:= SplitString( line, " ", " " ); if IsEmpty( ss ) then continue; elif ss[1] = "inp" then # This is in fact not a supported statement. continue; elif ss[ Length( ss ) ] = "&" then # The instruction is continued on the next line(s). Append( s, ss{ [ 1 .. Length( ss ) - 1 ] } ); else # An instruction is complete. Append( s, ss ); if 1 < Number( s, x -> x = "if" ) then Info( InfoBBox, 1, "cannot have more than one 'if' at line ", filelinenum ); return fail; elif not s[1] in keywords then Info( InfoBBox, 1, "invalid keyword '", s[1], "' at line ", filelinenum ); return fail; fi; # Replace strings representing integers by these integers. for i in [ 2 .. Length(s) ] do n:= Int( s[i] ); if n <> fail then s[i]:= n; fi; od; if s[1] = "lbl" then Add( labels, [ s[2], linenum ] ); elif s[1] = "elseif" or s[1] = "else" or s[1] = "endif" then Add( prog, [ "nop" ] ); Add( prog, s ); Add( linenums, 0 ); Add( linenums, filelinenum ); linenum := linenum + 2; elif s[1] = "if" and s[ Length(s) ] <> "then" then # if not ForAll( s, x -> x in keywords or x in rels # or IsInt( x ) or x = "then" # or ForAny( labels, y -> x = y[1] ) # or ( IsString( x ) and Length( x ) = 1 ) ) then # Info( InfoBBox, 1, # "invalid labels in `if' statement at line ", filelinenum ); # return fail; # fi; s[1]:= "_if"; Add( prog, s ); Add( linenums, filelinenum ); linenum:= linenum + 1; else Add( prog, s ); Add( linenums, filelinenum ); linenum:= linenum + 1; fi; s:= []; fi; od; for i in [ 1 .. Length( prog ) ] do k:= Position( prog[i], "jmp" ); if k = fail then k:= Position( prog[i], "call" ); fi; if k <> fail then j:= PositionProperty( labels, x -> x[1] = prog[i][k+1] ); if j = fail then Info( InfoBBox, 1, "label ", prog[i][k+1], " not found at line ", linenums[i] ); return fail; fi; prog[i][k+1]:= labels[j][2]; fi; od; # Preprocess 'if', 'elseif', 'else', 'then'. for i in [ 1 .. Length( prog ) ] do if prog[i][1] = "if" then level := 1; iflines := [ i ]; endifline := 0; for k in [ i+1 .. Length( prog ) ] do if prog[k][1] = "if" then level := level + 1; fi; if prog[k][1] = "endif" then level := level - 1; if level = 0 then Add(iflines, k); endifline := k; break; fi; fi; if level = 1 and prog[k][1] = "else" then Add(iflines, k); fi; if level = 1 and prog[k][1] = "elseif" then Add(iflines, k); fi; od; if endifline = 0 then Info( InfoBBox, 1, "no 'endif' for 'if' at line ", linenums[i] ); return fail; fi; for l in [1 .. Length( iflines ) - 1 ] do k:= iflines[l]; if prog[k][1] = "else" then prog[k][1] := "nop"; else prog[k][1] := "_if"; prog[k][3] := notrel(prog[k][3]); m := Position(prog[k], "then"); if m <> Length(prog[k]) then Info( InfoBBox, 1, "misplaced 'then' at line ", linenums[k] ); return fail; fi; Add(prog[k], "jmp"); Add(prog[k], iflines[l+1]); fi; prog[iflines[l+1]-1] := ["jmp", endifline]; od; prog[endifline] := [ "nop" ]; fi; if prog[i][1] in [ "else", "elseif", "endif" ] then Info( InfoBBox, 1, "unexpected '", prog[i][1], "' at line ", linenums[i] ); return fail; fi; od; result:= rec(); ObjectifyWithAttributes( result, BBoxProgramsDefaultType, LinesOfBBoxProgram, prog ); return rec( program:= result ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F BBoxPerformInstruction( fullline, ins, G, ans, gpelts, ctr, options ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( BBoxPerformInstruction, function( fullline, ins, G, ans, gpelts, ctr, options ) local toval, tonum, testresult, set, i, o, newins, thenpos, elsepos; tonum:= x -> INT_CHAR( x[1] ) - 64; toval:= function(x) local n; n:= Int( x ); if n = fail then return ans.vars[ tonum( x ) ]; fi; return n; end; if ins[1] = "_if" then thenpos:= Position( ins, "then" ); if thenpos = fail then Info( InfoBBox, 1, "'if' statement must have corresponding 'then' at line ", ctr, "\n" ); return fail; fi; elsepos:= Position( ins, "else" ); if elsepos = fail then elsepos:= Length( ins ) + 1; fi; if ins[3] = "eq" then testresult:= ( toval( ins[2] ) = toval( ins[4] ) ); elif ins[3] = "noteq" then testresult:= ( toval( ins[2] ) <> toval( ins[4] ) ); elif ins[3] = "geq" then testresult:= ( toval( ins[2] ) >= toval( ins[4] ) ); elif ins[3] = "gt" then testresult:= ( toval( ins[2] ) > toval( ins[4] ) ); elif ins[3] = "leq" then testresult:= ( toval( ins[2] ) <= toval( ins[4] ) ); elif ins[3] = "lt" then testresult:= ( toval( ins[2] ) < toval( ins[4] ) ); elif ins[3] = "in" then set:= List( ins{ [ 4 .. thenpos-1 ] }, toval ); testresult:= ( toval( ins[2] ) in set ); elif ins[3] = "notin" then set:= List( ins{ [ 4 .. thenpos-1 ] }, toval ); testresult:= ( not toval( ins[2] ) in set ); else Info( InfoBBox, 1, "syntax error in 'if' statement at line ", ctr, "\n" ); return fail; fi; if testresult then ctr:= BBoxPerformInstruction( fullline, ins{ [ thenpos+1 .. elsepos-1 ] }, G, ans, gpelts, ctr, options ); elif elsepos <= Size( ins ) then newins := List([elsepos+1..Size(ins)], x->ins[x]); ctr:= BBoxPerformInstruction( fullline, ins{ [ elsepos+1 .. Size( ins ) ] }, G, ans, gpelts, ctr, options ); fi; elif ins[1] = "add" then ans.vars[ tonum( ins[4] ) ]:= toval( ins[2] ) + toval( ins[3] ); elif ins[1] = "break" then if options.allowbreaks then Error( "user defined break" ); fi; elif ins[1] = "call" then Add( ans.callstack, ctr ); if 10 < Length( ans.callstack ) then Info( InfoBBox, 1, "call stack overflow" ); return fail; fi; ctr:= ins[2] - 1; # -1 because ctr gets increased by 1 elif ins[1] = "chcl" then ans.result:= true; if not options.classfunction( gpelts[ ins[2] ], ins[3] ) then Info( InfoBBox, 1, "ccl check failed for element ", ins[2] ); ans.result:= false; return false; fi; ans.class:= ans.class + 1; elif ins[1] = "chor" then ans.result:= true; if options.orderfunction( gpelts[ ins[2] ] ) <> ins[3] then Info( InfoBBox, 1, "order check failed: element ", ins[2], " has order ", Order( gpelts[ ins[2] ] ), " not ", ins[3] ); ans.result := false; return false; fi; ans.order:= ans.order + 1; elif ins[1] = "cj" then gpelts[ ins[4] ]:= gpelts[ ins[2] ]^gpelts[ ins[3] ]; ans.conjugate:= ans.conjugate + 1; elif ins[1] = "cjr" then gpelts[ ins[2] ]:= gpelts[ ins[2] ]^gpelts[ ins[3] ]; ans.conjugateinplace:= ans.conjugateinplace + 1; elif ins[1] = "com" then gpelts[ ins[4] ]:= Comm( gpelts[ ins[2] ], gpelts[ ins[3] ] ); ans.commutator:= ans.commutator + 1; elif ins[1] = "cp" then gpelts[ ins[3] ]:= gpelts[ ins[2] ]; elif ins[1] = "decr" then ans.vars[ tonum( ins[2] ) ]:= ans.vars[ tonum( ins[2] ) ] - 1; elif ins[1] = "div" then ans.vars[ tonum( ins[4] ) ]:= Int( toval( ins[2] ) / toval( ins[3] ) ); elif ins[1] = "echo" then if not options.quiet then for i in [ 2 .. Length( ins ) ] do if IsString( ins[i] ) and ins[i][1] = '$' then Print( toval( ins[i]{ [ 2 ] } ), " " ); else Print( ins[i], " " ); fi; od; fi; Print( "\n" ); elif ins[1] = "fail" then Info( InfoBBox, 1, "black box algorithm failed,\n", "#I last line was: ", fullline, "\n", "#I variables: ", ans.vars ); return fail; elif ins[1] = "false" then ans.result:= false; return false; elif ins[1] = "incr" then ans.vars[ tonum( ins[2] ) ]:= ans.vars[ tonum( ins[2] ) ] + 1; elif ins[1] = "iv" or ins[1] = "inv" then gpelts[ ins[3] ]:= gpelts[ ins[2] ]^-1; ans.invert:= ans.invert + 1; elif ins[1] = "jmp" then ctr:= ins[2] - 1; # -1 because ctr gets increased by 1 elif ins[1] = "mod" then ans.vars[ tonum( ins[4] ) ]:= toval( ins[2] ) mod toval( ins[3] ); elif ins[1] = "mu" then gpelts[ ins[4] ]:= gpelts[ ins[2] ] * gpelts[ ins[3] ]; ans.multiply:= ans.multiply + 1; elif ins[1] = "mul" then ans.vars[ tonum( ins[4] ) ]:= toval( ins[2] ) * toval( ins[3] ); elif ins[1] = "nop" then # Do nothing elif ins[1] = "ord" then o:= options.orderfunction( gpelts[ ins[2] ] ); ans.vars[ tonum( ins[3] ) ]:= o; if options.verbose then Print( "#I o(g", ins[2], ") = ", o, "\n" ); fi; ans.order:= ans.order + 1; elif ins[1] = "oup" then ans.gens:= gpelts{ ins{ [ 3 .. 2 + ins[2] ] } }; return false; elif ins[1] = "pwr" then gpelts[ ins[4] ]:= gpelts[ ins[3] ] ^ ( toval( ins[2] ) ); ans.power:= ans.power + 1; elif ins[1] = "rand" then gpelts[ ins[2] ]:= options.randomfunction( G ); ans.random:= ans.random + 1; elif ins[1] = "return" then if IsEmpty( ans.callstack ) then Info( InfoBBox, 1, "call stack empty at line ", ctr ); return fail; fi; ctr:= ans.callstack[ Length( ans.callstack ) ]; # N.B. no -1 Unbind( ans.callstack[ Length( ans.callstack ) ] ); elif ins[1] = "set" then ans.vars[ tonum( ins[2] ) ]:= toval( ins[3] ); elif ins[1] = "sub" then ans.vars[ tonum( ins[4] ) ]:= toval( ins[2] ) - toval( ins[3] ); elif ins[1] = "timeout" then if options.hardtimeout then Info( InfoBBox, 1, "timed out: check group is correct" ); return "timeout"; else Info( InfoBBox, 1, "warning: timed out, continuing"); fi; elif ins[1] = "true" then ans.result:= true; return false; else Info( InfoBBox, 1, "unrecognised command '", ins[1], "' at line ", ctr ); return fail; fi; return ctr; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F RunBBoxProgram( <prog>, <G>, <input>, <options> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( "RunBBoxProgram", function( prog, G, input, options ) local ans, ctr, gpelts, starttime, lines, ins, i; # Set default options. if not IsBound( options.allowbreaks ) then options.allowbreaks:= true; fi; if not IsBound( options.verbose ) then options.verbose:= false; fi; if not IsBound( options.quiet ) then options.quiet:= false; fi; if not IsBound( options.orderfunction ) then options.orderfunction:= Order; fi; if not IsBound( options.hardtimeout ) then options.hardtimeout:= true; fi; if not IsBound( options.classfunction ) then options.classfunction:= function( x, y ) return true; end; fi; if not IsBound( options.randomfunction ) then options.randomfunction:= PseudoRandom; fi; # Initialize the result record. ans:= rec( multiply := 0, invert := 0, power := 0, order := 0, class := 0, random := 0, timetaken := 0, conjugate := 0, conjugateinplace := 0, commutator := 0, vars := [ ], callstack := [ ], ); ctr:= 1; gpelts:= ShallowCopy( input ); starttime:= Runtime(); lines:= LinesOfBBoxProgram( prog ); # Main loop repeat ins:= lines[ctr]; if options.verbose then if ctr < 100 then Print( " " ); fi; if ctr < 10 then Print( " " ); fi; Print( ctr, ". " ); for i in ins do Print( i, " " ); od; Print( "\n" ); fi; ctr:= BBoxPerformInstruction( ins, ins, G, ans, gpelts, ctr, options ); if ctr = fail or ctr = "timeout" then return ctr; elif ctr = false then break; fi; ctr:= ctr + 1; until Length( lines ) < ctr; ans.timetaken:= Runtime() - starttime; return ans; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F ResultOfBBoxProgram( <prog>, <G> ) #F ResultOfBBoxProgram( <prog>, <gens> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( ResultOfBBoxProgram, function( prog, G ) local result; if IsList( G ) then result:= RunBBoxProgram( prog, "dummy", G, rec() ); else result:= RunBBoxProgram( prog, G, [], rec() ); fi; if result = fail or result = "timeout" then return result; elif IsBound( result.result ) then return result.result; else return result.gens; fi; end ); # blackboxtrials := function(G, filename, numtrials) # local i, prog, options, ans, cost, outputtime; # # prog := prepareblackbox(filename); # options := rec(allowbreaks := false, # verbose := false); # cost := 0; # outputtime := Runtime(); # for i in [1..numtrials] do # repeat # ans := blackbox(G, prog, options); # if ans = fail then # Print("Algorithm failed. Trying again.\n"); # fi; # until not ans = fail; # cost := cost + ans.random; # if Runtime() - outputtime > 5000 then # Print("Trial ", i, "/", numtrials, # ": average cost = ", Int(cost*100/i), "/100\n"); # outputtime := Runtime(); # fi; # od; # # return cost / numtrials; # # end; ############################################################################# ## ## 2. Functions for straight line decisions ## ############################################################################# ## #V StraightLineDecisionsFamily #V StraightLineDecisionsDefaultType ## BindGlobal( "StraightLineDecisionsFamily", NewFamily( "StraightLineDecisionsFamily", IsStraightLineDecision ) ); BindGlobal( "StraightLineDecisionsDefaultType", NewType( StraightLineDecisionsFamily, IsStraightLineDecision and IsAttributeStoringRep and HasLinesOfStraightLineDecision ) ); ############################################################################# ## #F StraightLineDecision( <lines>[, <nrgens>] ) #F StraightLineDecisionNC( <lines>[, <nrgens>] ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( StraightLineDecision, function( arg ) local result; result:= CallFuncList( StraightLineDecisionNC, arg ); if not IsStraightLineDecision( result ) or not IsInternallyConsistent( result ) then result:= fail; fi; return result; end ); InstallGlobalFunction( StraightLineDecisionNC, function( arg ) local lines, nrgens, prog; # Get the arguments. if Length( arg ) = 1 then lines := arg[1]; elif Length( arg ) = 2 then lines := arg[1]; nrgens := arg[2]; else Error( "usage: StraightLineDecisionNC( <lines>[, <nrgens>] )" ); fi; prog:= rec(); ObjectifyWithAttributes( prog, StraightLineDecisionsDefaultType, LinesOfStraightLineDecision, lines ); if IsBound( nrgens ) and IsInt( nrgens ) and 0 <= nrgens then SetNrInputsOfStraightLineDecision( prog, nrgens ); fi; return prog; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M NrInputsOfStraightLineDecision( <prog> ) ## ## This is equal to the code for straight line programs. #T (Unify this!) ## InstallMethod( NrInputsOfStraightLineDecision, "for a straight line decision", [ IsStraightLineDecision ], function( prog ) local defined, # list of currently assigned positions maxinput, # current maximum of input needed lines, # lines of `prog' len, # length of `lines' adjust, # local function to increase the number line, # one line of the program i, j; # loop over the lines defined:= []; maxinput:= 0; lines:= LinesOfStraightLineDecision( prog ); len:= Length( lines ); if len = 0 then # If the number of inputs is not known then this is not allowed. Error( "<lines> must not be empty, or input number must be known" ); fi; adjust:= function( line ) local needed; needed:= Difference( line{ [ 1, 3 .. Length( line ) - 1 ] }, defined ); if not IsEmpty( needed ) then needed:= MaximumList( needed ); if maxinput < needed then maxinput:= needed; fi; fi; end; # Inspect the lines. for i in [ 1 .. len ] do line:= lines[i]; if ForAll( line, IsInt ) then if i = len then adjust( line ); else Error( "<lines> contains a line of integers" ); fi; elif Length( line ) = 2 and IsInt( line[2] ) then adjust( line[1] ); AddSet( defined, line[2] ); elif i = len and ForAll( line, IsList ) then for j in line do adjust( j ); od; fi; od; return maxinput; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ResultOfStraightLineDecision( <prog>, <gens>[, <orderfunc>] ) ## InstallMethod( ResultOfStraightLineDecision, "for a straight line decision, and a homogeneous list", [ IsStraightLineDecision, IsHomogeneousList ], function( prog, gens ) return ResultOfStraightLineDecision( prog, gens, Order ); end ); InstallMethod( ResultOfStraightLineDecision, "for a straight line decision, a homogeneous list, and a function", [ IsStraightLineDecision, IsHomogeneousList, IsFunction ], function( prog, gens, orderfunc ) local r, # list of intermediate results line, # loop over the lines ord; # result of an order check # Initialize the list of intermediate results. r:= ShallowCopy( gens ); # Initialize the list of intermediate results. r:= ShallowCopy( gens ); # Loop over the program. for line in LinesOfStraightLineDecision( prog ) do if IsInt( line[1] ) then # The line describes a word to be appended. Add( r, ResultOfLineOfStraightLineProgram( line, r ) ); elif line[1] = "Order" then # The line describes an order check. ord:= orderfunc( r[ line[2] ] ); if ord <> line[3] then if not IsInt( ord ) then Info( InfoBBox, 1, "order function returned `", ord, "'" ); fi; return false; fi; else # The line describes a word that shall replace. r[ line[2] ]:= ResultOfLineOfStraightLineProgram( line[1], r ); fi; od; # Return the result. return true; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M StraightLineProgramFromStraightLineDecision( <dec> ) ## InstallMethod( StraightLineProgramFromStraightLineDecision, "for a straight line decision", [ IsStraightLineDecision ], function( dec ) local lines, checkpos, maxslot, line, i, result; lines:= ShallowCopy( LinesOfStraightLineDecision( dec ) ); # Find the check lines. checkpos:= []; maxslot:= NrInputsOfStraightLineDecision( dec );; for i in [ 1 .. Length( lines ) ] do line:= lines[i]; if IsInt( line[1] ) then maxslot:= maxslot + 1; elif line[1] = "Order" then Add( checkpos, i ); elif maxslot < line[2] then maxslot:= line[2]; fi; od; # Replace the check lines. result:= []; for i in checkpos do maxslot:= maxslot + 1; line:= lines[i]; lines[i]:= [ [ line[2], line[3] ], maxslot ]; Add( result, [ maxslot, 1 ] ); od; Add( lines, result ); # Return the result. return StraightLineProgramNC( lines, NrInputsOfStraightLineDecision( dec ) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M Display( <dec> ) #M Display( <dec>, <record> ) ## InstallMethod( Display, "for a straight line decision", [ IsStraightLineDecision ], function( dec ) Display( dec, rec() ); end ); InstallOtherMethod( Display, "for a straight line decision, and a record", [ IsStraightLineDecision, IsRecord ], function( prog, record ) local gensnames, listname, PrintLine, i, lines, len, line, j; # Get and check the arguments. if IsBound( record.gensnames ) then gensnames:= record.gensnames; else gensnames:= List( [ 1 .. NrInputsOfStraightLineDecision( prog ) ], i -> Concatenation( "g", String( i ) ) ); fi; listname:= "r"; if IsBound( record.listname ) then listname:= record.listname; fi; PrintLine := function( line ) local j; for j in [ 2, 4 .. Length( line )-2 ] do Print( "r[", line[ j-1 ], "]" ); if line[j] <> 1 then Print( "^", line[j] ); fi; Print( "*" ); od; j:= Length( line ); if 0 < j then Print( "r[", line[ j-1 ], "]" ); if line[j] <> 1 then Print( "^", line[j] ); fi; fi; end; # Print the initialisation. Print( "# input:\n" ); Print( listname, ":= [ " ); if not IsEmpty( gensnames ) then Print( gensnames[1] ); fi; for i in [ 2 .. Length( gensnames ) ] do Print( ", ", gensnames[i] ); od; Print( " ];\n" ); # Loop over the lines. lines:= LinesOfStraightLineDecision( prog ); len:= Length( gensnames ); Print( "# program:\n" ); for i in [ 1 .. Length( lines ) ] do line:= lines[i]; if Length( line ) = 2 and IsList( line[1] ) and IsPosInt( line[2] ) then Print( "r[", line[2], "]:= " ); PrintLine( line[1] ); Print( ";\n" ); if len < line[2] or i = Length( lines ) then len:= line[2]; fi; elif not IsEmpty( line ) and ForAll( line, IsInt ) then len:= len + 1; Print( "r[", len, "]:= " ); PrintLine( line ); Print( ";\n" ); elif line[1] = "Order" then Print( "if Order( r[", line[2], "] ) <> ", line[3], " then", " return false; fi;\n" ); fi; od; Print( "# return value:\ntrue\n" ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M IsInternallyConsistent( <prog> ) ## InstallMethod( IsInternallyConsistent, "for a straight line decision", [ IsStraightLineDecision ], function( prog ) local lines, nrgens, defined, testline, len, i, line; lines:= LinesOfStraightLineDecision( prog ); if not IsList( lines ) then return false; fi; len:= Length( lines ); if HasNrInputsOfStraightLineDecision( prog ) then nrgens:= NrInputsOfStraightLineDecision( prog ); defined:= [ 1 .. nrgens ]; elif len = 0 then return false; else defined:= []; fi; testline:= function( line ) local len, gens; # The external representation of an associative word has even length, len:= Length( line ); if len mod 2 <> 0 then return false; fi; # and the generator numbers are stored at odd positions. gens:= line{ [ 1, 3 .. len-1 ] }; if not ForAll( gens, IsPosInt ) then return false; fi; # If the number of generators is stored then check # that only defined positions are accessed. if IsBound( nrgens ) and not IsSubset( defined, gens ) then return false; else return true; fi; end; for i in [ 1 .. len ] do line:= lines[i]; if not IsList( line ) then return false; elif not IsEmpty( line ) and ForAll( line, IsInt ) then if not testline( line ) or ( i < len and not IsBound( nrgens ) ) then return false; fi; AddSet( defined, Length( defined ) + 1 ); elif Length( line ) = 2 and IsPosInt( line[2] ) then if not ( IsList( line[1] ) and ForAll( line[1], IsInt ) ) then return false; fi; if not testline( line[1] ) then return false; fi; AddSet( defined, line[2] ); elif not ( Length( line ) = 3 and line[1] = "Order" and IsPosInt( line[2] ) and line[2] <= defined and IsPosInt( line[3] ) ) then # The syntax of the line is not correct. return false; fi; od; return true; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M PrintObj( <prog> ) ## InstallMethod( PrintObj, "for a straight line decision", [ IsStraightLineDecision ], function( prog ) Print( "StraightLineDecision( ", LinesOfStraightLineDecision( prog ) ); if HasNrInputsOfStraightLineDecision( prog ) then Print( ", ", NrInputsOfStraightLineDecision( prog ) ); fi; Print( " )" ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ViewObj( <prog> ) ## InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for a straight line decision", [ IsStraightLineDecision ], function( prog ) Print( "<straight line decision>" ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M AsBBoxProgram( <prog> ) ## InstallMethod( AsBBoxProgram, "for a straight line program", [ IsStraightLineProgram ], function( prog ) prog:= AtlasStringOfProgram( prog ); # Straight line programs use `iv', black box programs use `inv'. prog:= ReplacedString( prog, "\niv ", "\ninv " ); prog:= ScanBBoxProgram( prog ); if prog = fail then return fail; fi; return prog.program; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M AsBBoxProgram( <dec> ) ## InstallMethod( AsBBoxProgram, "for a straight line decision", [ IsStraightLineDecision ], function( dec ) dec:= AtlasStringOfProgram( dec ); # Straight line programs use `iv', black box programs use `inv'. dec:= ReplacedString( dec, "\niv ", "\ninv " ); dec:= ScanBBoxProgram( dec ); if dec = fail then return fail; fi; return dec.program; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M AsStraightLineProgram( <bbox> ) ## InstallMethod( AsStraightLineProgram, "for a black box program", [ IsBBoxProgram ], function( bbox ) local lines; lines:= JoinStringsWithSeparator( List( LinesOfBBoxProgram( bbox ), l -> JoinStringsWithSeparator( List( l, String ), " " ) ), "\n" ); # Straight line programs use `iv', black box programs use `inv'. lines:= ReplacedString( lines, "\ninv ", "\niv " ); lines:= ScanStraightLineProgram( lines, "string" ); if lines = fail then return fail; fi; return lines.program; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M AsStraightLineDecision( <bbox> ) ## InstallMethod( AsStraightLineDecision, "for a black box program", [ IsBBoxProgram ], function( bbox ) local lines; lines:= JoinStringsWithSeparator( List( LinesOfBBoxProgram( bbox ), l -> JoinStringsWithSeparator( List( l, String ), " " ) ), "\n" ); # Straight line programs use `iv', black box programs use `inv'. lines:= ReplacedString( lines, "\ninv ", "\niv " ); lines:= ScanStraightLineDecision( lines ); if lines <> fail then return lines.program; fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #E