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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it

Path: gap4r8 / pkg / automata / doc / LER
Views: 466312
## Comandos a executar no GAP para produzir o manual

path := Directory("/home/mdelgado/investigacao/GAP/local/pkg/automata/doc");;
main := "AutMan.xml";;
files := [];;
bookname := "Automata";;
MakeGAPDocDoc( path, main, files, bookname);;

######### Os ficheiros de estilo podem ser copiados executando:
cp investigacao/GAP/GAP4.5/gap4r5/pkg/GAPDoc-1.4/doc/*.css investigacao/GAP/local/pkg/automata/doc
cp investigacao/GAP/GAP4.5/gap4r5/pkg/GAPDoc-1.4/doc/*.js investigacao/GAP/local/pkg/automata/doc