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Views: 418346############################################################################# ## #W automgrp package Yevgen Muntyan #W Dmytro Savchuk ## automgrp v 1.3 ## #Y Copyright (C) 2003 - 2016 Yevgen Muntyan, Dmytro Savchuk ## ############################################################################### ## #R IsAutomRep ## ## This is how IsAutom object is stored in GAP: ## IsAutom object is a thing of kind "w = (w_1, w_2, ..., w_d)\pi", where ## deg = d - arity of tree; ## perm = \pi - permutation on first level; ## w, w_1, ..., w_d - elements of free group representing elements of ## automata group; ## word = w; ## states = [w_1, ..., w_d]. ## DeclareRepresentation("IsAutomRep", IsComponentObjectRep and IsAttributeStoringRep, ["word", "states", "perm", "deg"]); InstallGlobalFunction(__AG_CreateAutom, function(family, word, states, perm, invertible) local a, cat; if invertible then cat := IsInvertibleAutom and IsAutomRep; if perm^-1=fail then Error(perm, " is not invertible"); else perm := AG_PermFromTransformation(perm); fi; else cat := IsAutom and IsAutomRep; fi; a := Objectify(NewType(family, cat), rec(word := word, states := states, perm := perm, deg := family!.deg)); SetIsActingOnBinaryTree(a, a!.deg = 2); return a; end); ############################################################################### ## #M Autom(<word>, <fam>) ## InstallMethod(Autom, "for [IsAssocWord, IsAutomFamily]", [IsAssocWord, IsAutomFamily], function(w, fam) local exp, wstates, curstate, newstate, curletter, newletter, nperm, i, j, perm, a, wtmp, reduced, invertible; if fam!.use_rws then w := AG_ReducedForm(fam!.rws, w); fi; if Length(w) = 0 then return One(fam); elif Length(w) = 1 then if ExponentSyllable(w, 1) = 1 then return fam!.automgens[GeneratorSyllable(w, 1)]; else return fam!.automgens[GeneratorSyllable(w, 1) + fam!.numstates]; fi; fi; # TODO exp := LetterRepAssocWord(w); for i in [1..Length(exp)] do if exp[i] < 0 then exp[i] := -exp[i] + fam!.numstates; fi; od; wstates := []; nperm := (); for i in [1..Length(exp)] do nperm := nperm * fam!.automatonlist[exp[i]][fam!.deg+1]; od; for i in [1..fam!.deg] do wstates[i] := []; perm := (); for j in [1..Length(exp)] do newstate := fam!.automatonlist[exp[j]][i^perm]; if newstate <> fam!.trivstate then if newstate > fam!.numstates then newstate := -(newstate - fam!.numstates); fi; if Length(wstates[i]) > 0 and wstates[i][Length(wstates[i])] = -newstate then Remove(wstates[i], Length(wstates[i])); else Add(wstates[i], newstate); fi; fi; perm := perm * fam!.automatonlist[exp[j]][fam!.deg+1]; od; if Length(wstates[i]) > 0 then wstates[i] := AssocWordByLetterRep(FamilyObj(w), wstates[i]); else wstates[i] := One(fam!.freegroup); fi; if fam!.use_rws and not IsOne(wstates[i]) then wstates[i] := AG_ReducedForm(fam!.rws, wstates[i]); fi; od; invertible := true; if not fam!.isgroup then for i in exp do if i <= fam!.numstates and not IsInvertibleAutom(fam!.automgens[i]) then invertible := false; break; fi; od; fi; return __AG_CreateAutom(fam, w, wstates, nperm, invertible); end); ############################################################################### ## #M Autom(<word>, <a>) ## InstallMethod(Autom, "for [IsAssocWord, IsAutom]", [IsAssocWord, IsAutom], function(w, a) return Autom(w, FamilyObj(a)); end); InstallMethod(MappedWord, [IsAssocWord, IsList and IsAssocWordCollection, IsList and IsAutomCollection], function(w, fgens, agens) local img; img := MappedWord(w, fgens, List(agens, a -> a!.word)); return Autom(img, FamilyObj(agens[1])); end); ############################################################################### ## #M Autom(<word>, <list>) ## InstallMethod(Autom, "for [IsAssocWord, IsList]", [IsAssocWord, IsList], function(w, list) local fam; fam := AutomFamily(list); if fam = fail then return fail; fi; return Autom(w, fam); end); ############################################################################### ## #M PrintObj(<a>) ## InstallMethod(PrintObj, "for [IsAutom]", [IsAutom], function (a) local deg, printword, i; printword := function(w) if IsOne(w) then Print(AG_Globals.identity_symbol); else Print(w); fi; end; if true then View(a); return; fi; deg := a!.deg; printword(a!.word); Print(" = ("); for i in [1..deg] do printword(a!.states[i]); if i <> deg then Print(", "); fi; od; Print(")"); if not IsOne(a!.perm) then AG_PrintTransformation(a!.perm); fi; end); ############################################################################### ## #M ViewObj(<a>) ## InstallMethod(ViewObj, "for [IsAutom]", [IsAutom], function (a) if IsOne(a!.word) then Print(AG_Globals.identity_symbol); else Print(a!.word); fi; end); ############################################################################### ## #M String(<a>) ## InstallMethod(String, "for [IsAutom]", [IsAutom], function (a) if IsOne(a!.word) then return AG_Globals.identity_symbol; else return String(a!.word); fi; end); ############################################################################### ## #M Perm(<a>) ## InstallMethod(Perm, "for [IsAutom]", [IsAutom], function(a) return a!.perm; end); ############################################################################### ## #M Word(<a>) ## InstallMethod(Word, "for [IsAutom]", [IsAutom], function(a) return a!.word; end); ############################################################################### ## #M <a1> * <a2> ## InstallMethod(\*, "for [IsAutom, IsAutom]", [IsAutom, IsAutom], function(a1, a2) local a, i, fam, word, states; fam := FamilyObj(a1); word := a1!.word * a2!.word; if fam!.use_rws then word := AG_ReducedForm(fam!.rws, word); fi; if IsOne(word) then return One(a1); fi; states := List([1..a1!.deg], i -> a1!.states[i] * a2!.states[i^(a1!.perm)]); if fam!.use_rws then for i in [1..a1!.deg] do states[i] := AG_ReducedForm(fam!.rws, states[i]); od; fi; return __AG_CreateAutom(FamilyObj(a1), word, states, a1!.perm * a2!.perm, IsInvertibleAutom(a1) and IsInvertibleAutom(a2)); end); AG_IsOne_Autom := function(a) local deg, w, aw, checked, to_check; if IsOne(a!.word) then return true; fi; if not IsOne(a!.perm) then return false; fi; deg := a!.deg; checked := []; to_check := Filtered(a!.states, w -> not IsOne(w) and w <> a!.word); while not IsEmpty(to_check) do w := Remove(to_check, Length(to_check)); # TODO Use AddSet() here? Add(checked, w); aw := Autom(w, a); if not IsOne(aw!.perm) then return false; fi; for w in aw!.states do if not IsOne(w) and not w in checked and not w in to_check then # TODO Use AddSet() here? Add(to_check, w); fi; od; od; return true; end; ############################################################################### ## #M IsOne(a) ## InstallMethod(IsOne, "for [IsAutom]", [IsAutom], function(a) local i, w, nw, d, to_check, checked, deb_i, perm, autlist, pos, istrivstate, exp, G, trivstate; if IsOne(a!.word) then return true; fi; G := GroupOfAutomFamily(FamilyObj(a)); if G <>fail and HasIsContracting(G) and IsContracting(G) and FamilyObj(a)!.use_contraction = true then return IsOneContr(a); fi; # this seems working well enough return AG_IsOne_Autom(a); d := a!.deg; autlist := FamilyObj(a)!.automatonlist; trivstate := FamilyObj(a)!.trivstate; checked := []; istrivstate := function(v) local i, j, perm; if IsEmpty(v) then return true; fi; if v in checked then return true; else perm := (); for i in [1..Length(v)] do perm := perm * autlist[v[i]][d+1]; od; if perm <> () then return false; fi; Add(checked, v); for j in [1..d] do if not istrivstate(AG_WordStateInList(v, j, autlist, true, trivstate)) then return false; fi; od; return true; fi; end; exp := LetterRepAssocWord(a!.word); for i in [1..Length(exp)] do if exp[i] < 0 then exp[i] := -exp[i] + FamilyObj(a)!.numstates; fi; od; return istrivstate(exp); end); ############################################################################### ## #M a1 = a2 ## InstallMethod(\=, "for [IsAutom, IsAutom]", IsIdenticalObj, [IsAutom, IsAutom], function(a1, a2) local areequalstates, exp, i, d, checked, autlist, G, trivstate; G := GroupOfAutomFamily(FamilyObj(a1)); if G <> fail and HasIsContracting(G) and IsContracting(G) and UseContraction(G) then return IsOneContr(a1*a2^-1); fi; # TODO can there be a problem if we do this? if G <> fail then return AG_IsOne_Autom(a1*a2^-1); fi; d := a1!.deg; checked := []; autlist := FamilyObj(a1)!.automatonlist; trivstate := FamilyObj(a1)!.trivstate; areequalstates := function(p) local i, j, perm1, perm2; if p[1] = p[2] then return true; fi; if p in checked then return true; else perm1 := (); perm2 := (); for i in [1..Length(p[1])] do perm1 := perm1 * autlist[p[1][i]][d+1]; od; for i in [1..Length(p[2])] do perm2 := perm2 * autlist[p[2][i]][d+1]; od; if perm1 <> perm2 then return false; fi; AddSet(checked, p); for j in [1..d] do if not areequalstates([AG_WordStateInList(p[1], j, autlist, true, trivstate), AG_WordStateInList(p[2], j, autlist, true, trivstate)]) then return false; fi; od; return true; fi; end; exp := [LetterRepAssocWord(a1!.word), LetterRepAssocWord(a2!.word)]; for i in [1..Length(exp[1])] do if exp[1][i] < 0 then exp[1][i] := -exp[1][i] + FamilyObj(a1)!.numstates; fi; od; for i in [1..Length(exp[2])] do if exp[2][i] < 0 then exp[2][i] := -exp[2][i] + FamilyObj(a2)!.numstates; fi; od; return areequalstates(exp); end); ############################################################################### ## #M a1 < a2 ## InstallMethod(\<, "for [IsAutom, IsAutom]", IsIdenticalObj, [IsAutom, IsAutom], function(a1, a2) local d, checked, pos, aw1, aw2, p, np, i, exp, perm1, perm2, autlist, cmp; d := a1!.deg; autlist := FamilyObj(a1)!.automatonlist; exp := [LetterRepAssocWord(a1!.word), LetterRepAssocWord(a2!.word)]; for i in [1..Length(exp[1])] do if exp[1][i] < 0 then exp[1][i] := -exp[1][i] + FamilyObj(a1)!.numstates; fi; od; for i in [1..Length(exp[2])] do if exp[2][i] < 0 then exp[2][i] := -exp[2][i] + FamilyObj(a2)!.numstates; fi; od; checked := [exp]; pos := 0; while Length(checked) <> pos do pos := pos + 1; p := checked[pos]; perm1 := (); perm2 := (); for i in [1..Length(p[1])] do perm1 := perm1 * autlist[p[1][i]][d+1]; od; for i in [1..Length(p[2])] do perm2 := perm2 * autlist[p[2][i]][d+1]; od; cmp := AG_TrCmp(perm1, perm2, d); if cmp < 0 then return true; elif cmp > 0 then return false; fi; for i in [1..d] do np := [AG_WordStateInList(p[1], i, autlist, false, 0), AG_WordStateInList(p[2], i, autlist, false, 0)]; if not np in checked then Add(checked, np); fi; od; od; return false; end); ############################################################################### ## #M InverseOp(<a>) ## InstallMethod(InverseOp, "for [IsInvertibleAutom]", [IsInvertibleAutom], function(a) local i, inv, fam, word, states; fam := FamilyObj(a); word := a!.word ^ -1; if fam!.use_rws then word := AG_ReducedForm(fam!.rws, word); if IsOne(word) then return One(a); fi; fi; states := List([1..a!.deg], i -> a!.states[i^(a!.perm^-1)]^-1); if fam!.use_rws then for i in [1..a!.deg] do states[i] := AG_ReducedForm(fam!.rws, states[i]); od; fi; return __AG_CreateAutom(FamilyObj(a), word, states, a!.perm^-1, true); end); ############################################################################### ## #M OneOp(<a>) ## InstallMethod(OneOp, "for [IsAutom]", [IsAutom], function(a) return One(FamilyObj(a)); end); ############################################################################### ## #M StatesWords(<a>) ## InstallMethod(StatesWords, "for [IsAutom]", [IsAutom], function(a) return a!.states; end); ############################################################################### ## #M Sections(a) ## InstallMethod(Sections, "for [IsAutom]", [IsAutom], function(a) return List(a!.states, s -> Autom(s, a)); end); ############################################################################### ## #M Section(a, k) ## InstallMethod(Section, "for [IsAutom, IsPosInt]", [IsAutom, IsPosInt], function(a, k) if k > a!.deg then Error("in Section(IsAutom, IsPosInt): invalid vertex ", k); fi; return Autom(a!.states[k], a); end); ############################################################################### ## #M Section(a, seq) ## ## TODO InstallMethod(Section, "for [IsAutom, IsList]", [IsAutom, IsList], function(a, v) if Length(v) = 0 then return a; fi; if Length(v) = 1 then return Section(a, v[1]); fi; return Section(Section(a, v[1]), v{[2..Length(v)]}); end); ############################################################################### ## #M k ^ a ## InstallMethod(\^, "for [IsPosInt, IsAutom]", [IsPosInt, IsAutom], function(k, a) return k ^ Perm(a); end); ############################################################################### ## #M seq ^ a ## InstallMethod(\^, "for [IsList, IsAutom]", [IsList, IsAutom], function(seq, a) local i, deg, img, cur; deg := DegreeOfTree(a); for i in seq do if not IsInt(i) or i < 1 or i > deg then Error("\^(IsList, IsAutom): ", i, " is out of range 1..", deg, " and is not a letter of the alphabet\n"); # Print("\^(IsList, IsAutom): ", # i, " is out of range 1..", deg, " and is not a letter of the alphabet\n"); # return seq; fi; od; if Length(seq) = 0 then return []; fi; if Length(seq) = 1 then return [seq[1]^Perm(a)]; fi; cur := LetterRepAssocWord(Word(a)); for i in [1..Length(cur)] do if cur[i] < 0 then cur[i] := -cur[i]+FamilyObj(a)!.numstates; fi; od; cur := [cur, Perm(a)]; img := []; for i in [1..Length(seq)] do img[i] := seq[i]^cur[2]; cur := AG_WordStateAndPermInList(cur[1], seq[i], FamilyObj(a)!.automatonlist); od; return img; end); ############################################################################### ## #M PermOnLevelOp(a, k) ## ## TODO InstallMethod(PermOnLevelOp, "for [IsIsInvertibleAutom, IsPosInt]", [IsInvertibleAutom, IsPosInt], function(a, k) local dom, perm; if k = 1 then return a!.perm; fi; dom := AsList(Tuples([1.. a!.deg], k)); perm := List(dom, s -> s ^ a); perm := PermListList(dom, perm); return perm; end); InstallMethod(TransformationOnFirstLevel, [IsAutom], function(a) return AsTransformation(a!.perm); end); ############################################################################### ## #M IsActingOnBinaryTree(<a>) ## InstallMethod(IsActingOnBinaryTree, "for [IsAutom]", [IsAutom], function(a) return a!.deg = 2; end); InstallMethod(SphericalIndex, "for [IsAutom]", [IsAutom], function(a) # XXX check uses of SphericalIndex everywhere return rec(start := [], period := [a!.deg]); end); # XXX check uses of this everywhere InstallMethod(DegreeOfTree, "for [IsAutom]", [IsAutom], function(a) return a!.deg; end); # XXX check uses of this everywhere InstallMethod(TopDegreeOfTree, "for [IsAutom]", [IsAutom], function(a) return a!.deg; end); ############################################################################### ## #M CanEasilyTestSphericalTransitivity(<a>) ## InstallTrueMethod(CanEasilyTestSphericalTransitivity, IsActingOnBinaryTree and IsAutom); ############################################################################### ## #M IsSphericallyTransitive(<a>) ## InstallMethod(IsSphericallyTransitive, "for [IsAutom]", [IsInvertibleAutom], function(a) local w, i, ab, abs; if IsOne(Word(a)) then Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, "IsSphericallyTransitive(a): false"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " IsOne(Word(a)): a = ", a); return false; fi; TryNextMethod(); end); ######################################################################### ## #M Order(<a>) ## InstallMethod(Order, "for [IsInvertibleAutom]", true, [IsInvertibleAutom], function(a) local ord_loc; if IsGeneratedByBoundedAutomaton(GroupOfAutomFamily(FamilyObj(a))) then return OrderUsingSections(a, infinity); fi; if IsActingOnBinaryTree(a) and IsSphericallyTransitive(a) then return infinity; fi; ord_loc := OrderUsingSections(a, 10); if ord_loc <> fail then return ord_loc; fi; return OrderUsingSections(a, infinity); end); ######################################################################### ## #M IsTransitiveOnLevel( <a>, <lev> ) ## InstallMethod(IsTransitiveOnLevel, "for [IsInvertibleAutom, IsPosInt]", [IsInvertibleAutom, IsPosInt], function(a, lev) return Length(OrbitPerms([PermOnLevel(a, lev)], 1)) = a!.deg^lev; end); ######################################################################### ## #M AllSections( <a> ) ## InstallMethod(AllSections, "for [IsAutom]", [IsAutom], function(a) local states, find_all_sections; find_all_sections := function(s) local i; if not s in states then Add(states, s); for i in [1..s!.deg] do find_all_sections(Section(s, i)); od; fi; end; states := []; find_all_sections(a); return states; end); #E