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Views: 418346############################################################################# ## #W automgrp package Yevgen Muntyan #W Dmytro Savchuk ## automgrp v 1.3 ## #Y Copyright (C) 2003 - 2016 Yevgen Muntyan, Dmytro Savchuk ## ############################################################################### ## #R IsMealyAutomatonRep ## DeclareRepresentation("IsMealyAutomatonRep", IsComponentObjectRep and IsAttributeStoringRep, ["table", # transitions: table[i][j] is the state automaton goes to after processing letter j # if it was in state i "perms", # output: perms[i] is the output function at state i. It is either IsPerm or IsTransformation "trans", # images of elements of perms: i^perms[j] = trans[j][i] "alphabet", # by default it's []; may be something different e.g. after taking "cross product" # it's used for pretty printing, internally only [] is used "degree", # Length(alphabet) "states", # names of the states "n_states", # Length(states), Length(table) ]); BindGlobal("AG_AutomatonFamily", NewFamily("AutomatonFamily", IsMealyAutomaton, IsMealyAutomaton, IsMealyAutomatonFamily)); BindGlobal("AG_IsInvertible", function(t) return RankOfTransformation(t) = DegreeOfTransformation(t); end); BindGlobal("_AG_CreateAutomaton", function(table, states, alphabet) local a, s, i, n_states, invertible, degree, perms; if not AG_IsCorrectAutomatonList(table, false) then Error("'", table, "' is not a correct table representing a finite automaton"); fi; if states = fail then states := List([1..Length(table)], i -> Concatenation(AG_Globals.state_symbol, String(i))); else if Length(states) <> Length(table) then Error("number of state names is not equal to the number of states"); fi; if Length(Set(states)) <> Length(states) then Error("duplicated states names"); fi; states := List(states, s -> String(s)); fi; if alphabet = fail then alphabet := [1 .. Length(table[1])-1]; else if Length(alphabet) <> Length(table[1]) - 1 then Error("number of letters in alphabet does not agree with the automaton table"); fi; alphabet := StructuralCopy(alphabet); fi; n_states := Length(table); degree := Length(alphabet); perms := List(table, s -> s[degree+1]); table := List(table, s -> s{[]}); invertible := true; for i in [1..n_states] do if not IsPerm(perms[i]) and not AG_IsInvertible(perms[i]) then invertible := false; break; fi; od; if not invertible then for i in [1..n_states] do if IsPerm(perms[i]) then perms[i] := Transformation(List([], j -> j^perms[i])); fi; od; else for i in [1..n_states] do if not IsPerm(perms[i]) then perms[i] := PermList(ImageListOfTransformation(perms[i])); fi; od; fi; a := Objectify(NewType(AG_AutomatonFamily, IsMealyAutomaton and IsMealyAutomatonRep), rec(table := table, perms := perms, trans := List([1..n_states], i -> List([], j -> j^perms[i])), states := states, n_states := n_states, alphabet := alphabet, degree := degree)); SetIsInvertible(a, invertible); return a; end); BindGlobal("__AG_PrintPerm", function(p) if IsPerm(p) then Print(p); else Print(ImageListOfTransformation(p)); fi; end); BindGlobal("__AG_PermString", function(p) if IsPerm(p) then return String(p); else return String(ImageListOfTransformation(p)); fi; end); InstallMethod(MealyAutomaton, [IsList, IsList, IsList], function(table, states, alphabet) return _AG_CreateAutomaton(table, states, alphabet); end); InstallMethod(MealyAutomaton, [IsList, IsList], function(table, states) return _AG_CreateAutomaton(table, states, fail); end); InstallMethod(MealyAutomaton, [IsList], function(table) return _AG_CreateAutomaton(table, fail, fail); end); InstallMethod(MealyAutomaton, [IsString], function(string) local ret; ret := AG_ParseAutomatonString(string); return MealyAutomaton(ret[2], ret[1]); end); InstallMethod(MealyAutomaton, [IsTreeHomomorphism], function(a) return MealyAutomaton([a]); end); InstallMethod(MealyAutomaton, [IsList and IsTreeHomomorphismCollection], function(tree_hom_list) return MealyAutomaton(tree_hom_list, false); end); ############################################################################### ## ## ## InstallMethod(MealyAutomaton, [IsList, IsObject], function(tree_hom_list, name_func) local a, states, names, MealyAutomatonLocal, aut_list; MealyAutomatonLocal := function(g) local cur_state; if g in states then return Position(states, g); fi; Add(states, g); if IsFunction(name_func) then Add(names, name_func(g)); elif name_func = true then Add(names, Concatenation("<", String(g), ">")); fi; cur_state := Length(states); aut_list[cur_state] := List([1..g!.deg], x -> MealyAutomatonLocal(Section(g, x))); Add(aut_list[cur_state], g!.perm); return cur_state; end; names := []; states := []; aut_list := []; for a in tree_hom_list do MealyAutomatonLocal(a); od; if not IsEmpty(names) then return MealyAutomaton(aut_list, names); else return MealyAutomaton(aut_list); fi; end); InstallMethod(MealyAutomaton, [IsSelfSim], function(a) local states, MealyAutomatonLocal, aut_list; MealyAutomatonLocal := function(g) local cur_state; if g!.word in states then return Position(states, g!.word); fi; Add(states, g!.word); cur_state := Length(states); aut_list[cur_state] := List([1..g!.deg], x -> MealyAutomatonLocal(Section(g, x))); Add(aut_list[cur_state], g!.perm); return cur_state; end; states := []; aut_list := []; MealyAutomatonLocal(a); return MealyAutomaton(aut_list); end); InstallMethod(SetStateName, [IsMealyAutomaton, IsInt, IsString], function(aut, k, name) local new_names; if k < 1 or k > aut!.n_states then Error("wrong state number ", k); fi; new_names := List(aut!.states); new_names[k] := name; SetStateNames(aut, new_names); end); InstallMethod(SetStateNames, [IsMealyAutomaton, IsList], function(aut, names) if not IsDenseList(names) or Length(names) <> aut!.n_states or not ForAll(names, IsString) or Length(AsSet(names)) <> aut!.n_states then Error("invalid state names list, it must be a dense list of strings of length ", aut!.n_states, " without duplicates"); fi; aut!.states := MakeImmutable(List(names)); end); InstallMethod(Display, [IsMealyAutomaton and IsMealyAutomatonRep], function(a) local i, j; for i in [1..a!.n_states] do Print(a!.states[i], " = ("); for j in [1..a!.degree] do Print(a!.states[a!.table[i][j]]); if j <> a!.degree then Print(", "); fi; od; Print(")"); if not IsOne(a!.perms[i]) then __AG_PrintPerm(a!.perms[i]); fi; if i <> a!.n_states then Print(", "); fi; od; end); InstallMethod(String, [IsMealyAutomaton and IsMealyAutomatonRep], function(a) local i, j, str; str := ""; for i in [1..a!.n_states] do Append(str,Concatenation(String(a!.states[i]), " = (")); for j in [1..a!.degree] do Append(str,String(a!.states[a!.table[i][j]])); if j <> a!.degree then Append(str,", "); fi; od; Append(str, ")"); if not IsOne(a!.perms[i]) then Append(str,__AG_PermString(a!.perms[i])); fi; if i <> a!.n_states then Append(str,", "); fi; od; return str; end); InstallMethod(ViewObj, [IsMealyAutomaton], function(a) Print("<automaton>"); end); InstallMethod(PrintObj, [IsMealyAutomaton], function(a) Print("MealyAutomaton(\"",String(a),"\")"); end); BindGlobal("AG_AutomatonTransform", function(a, q, x) local i, j, nq, nx, t; nq := Length(q); nx := Length(x); for i in [1..nq] do for j in [1..nx] do t := x[j]; x[j] := a!.trans[q[i]][t]; q[i] := a!.table[q[i]][t]; od; od; end); # InstallMethod(TransitionFunction, [IsMealyAutomaton and IsMealyAutomatonRep], # function(a) # local func, table; # # table := a!.table; # # func := function(Q, X) # # end; # # return func; # end); InstallMethod(AutomatonList, [IsMealyAutomaton], function(a) return List([1..a!.n_states], i -> Concatenation(a!.table[i], [a!.perms[i]])); end); InstallMethod(NumberOfStates, [IsMealyAutomaton], function(A) return A!.n_states; end); InstallMethod(SizeOfAlphabet, [IsMealyAutomaton], function(A) return A!.degree; end); InstallMethod(AG_MinimizedAutomatonList, "for [IsMealyAutomaton]", [IsMealyAutomaton], function(A) return AG_AddInversesList(List(AutomatonList(A), x -> List(x))); end); InstallGlobalFunction(MinimizationOfAutomatonTrack, function(a) local min_aut; min_aut := AG_MinimizationOfAutomatonListTrack(List(AutomatonList(a), x -> List(x))); return [MealyAutomaton(min_aut[1], a!.states{min_aut[2]}), min_aut[2], min_aut[3]]; end); InstallGlobalFunction(MinimizationOfAutomaton, function(a) local min_aut; min_aut := AG_MinimizationOfAutomatonListTrack(List(AutomatonList(a), x -> List(x))); return MealyAutomaton(min_aut[1], a!.states{min_aut[2]}); end); # this is the method which uses PolynomialDegreeOfGrowthOfUnderlyingAutomaton #InstallMethod(IsOfPolynomialGrowth, "for [IsMealyAutomaton]", true, # [IsMealyAutomaton], #function(A) # local G, res; # G := AutomatonGroup(A); # res := IsGeneratedByAutomatonOfPolynomialGrowth(G); # if res then # SetPolynomialDegreeOfGrowth(A, PolynomialDegreeOfGrowthOfUnderlyingAutomaton(G)); # fi; # SetIsBounded(A, IsGeneratedByBoundedAutomaton(G)); # return res; #end); InstallMethod(IsOfPolynomialGrowth, "for [IsMealyAutomaton]", true, [IsMealyAutomaton], function(A) local i, d, ver, nstates, cycles, cycle_of_vertex, IsNewCycle, known_vertices, aut_list, HasPolyGrowth, cycle_order, next_cycles, cur_cycles, cur_path, cycles_of_level, lev, ContainsTrivState, s; IsNewCycle := function(C) local i, l, cur_cycle, long_cycle; l := [2..Length(C)]; Add(l, 1); long_cycle := PermList(l); for cur_cycle in cycles do if Intersection(cur_cycle, C) <> [] then # if Length(C)<>Length(cur_cycle) then return fail; fi; # for i in [0..Length(C)-1] do # if cur_cycle=Permuted(C, long_cycle^i) then return false; fi; # od; Info(InfoAutomGrp, 5, "cycle1=", cur_cycle, "cycle2=", C); return fail; fi; od; return true; end; # Example: # cycles = [[1, 2, 4], [3, 5, 6], [7]] # cur_cycles = [1, 3] (the first and the third cycles) # cycle_order = [[2, 3], [3], []] (means 1 -> 2 -> 3, 1 -> 3) HasPolyGrowth := function(v) local i, v_next, is_new, C, ver; # Print("v=", v, "\n"); Add(cur_path, v); for i in [1..d] do v_next := aut_list[v][i]; if not (v_next in known_vertices or v_next = nstates+1) then if v_next in cur_path then C := cur_path{[Position(cur_path, v_next)..Length(cur_path)]}; is_new := IsNewCycle(C); if is_new = fail then return false; fi; Add(cycles, C); Add(cycle_order, []); for ver in C do # Print("next_cycles = ", next_cycles); UniteSet(cycle_order[Length(cycles)], next_cycles[ver]); cycle_of_vertex[ver] := Length(cycles); next_cycles[ver] := [Length(cycles)]; od; else if not HasPolyGrowth(v_next) then return false; fi; if cycle_of_vertex[v] = 0 then UniteSet(next_cycles[v], next_cycles[v_next]); elif cycle_of_vertex[v] <> cycle_of_vertex[v_next] then UniteSet(cycle_order[cycle_of_vertex[v]], next_cycles[v_next]); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 5, "v=", v, "; v_next=", v_next); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 5, "cycle_order (local) = ", cycle_order); fi; fi; elif v_next in known_vertices then if cycle_of_vertex[v]=0 then UniteSet(next_cycles[v], next_cycles[v_next]); elif cycle_of_vertex[v] = cycle_of_vertex[v_next] then return false; else UniteSet(cycle_order[cycle_of_vertex[v]], next_cycles[v_next]); fi; fi; od; Remove(cur_path); Add(known_vertices, v); return true; end; aut_list := AG_MinimizationOfAutomatonList(List(AutomatonList(A), x -> List(x))); # below we put the trivial state to the last position in the aut_list ContainsTrivState := false; for s in [1..Length(aut_list)] do if AG_IsTrivialStateInList(s, aut_list) then ContainsTrivState := true; if s < Length(aut_list) then aut_list := AG_PermuteStatesInList(aut_list, (s, Length(aut_list))); fi; break; fi; od; if not ContainsTrivState then SetIsBounded(A, false); return false; fi; nstates := Length(aut_list) - 1; d := A!.degree; cycles := []; cycle_of_vertex := List([1..nstates], x -> 0); #if vertex i is in cycle j, then cycle_of_vertex[i]=j next_cycles := List([1..nstates], x -> []); #if vertex i is not in a cycle, next_cycles[i] stores the list of cycles, that can be reached immediately (with no cycles in between) from this vertex known_vertices := []; cur_path := []; cycle_order := []; while Length(known_vertices) < nstates do ver := Difference([1..nstates], known_vertices)[1]; if not HasPolyGrowth(ver) then SetIsBounded(A, false); return false; fi; od; # Now we find the longest chain in the poset of cycles cycles_of_level := [[]]; for i in [1..Length(cycles)] do if cycle_order[i] = [] then Add(cycles_of_level[1], i); fi; od; lev := 1; while cycles_of_level[Length(cycles_of_level)] <> [] do Add(cycles_of_level, []); for i in [1..Length(cycles)] do if Intersection(cycles_of_level[lev], cycle_order[i]) <> [] then Add(cycles_of_level[lev+1], i); fi; od; lev := lev+1; od; if lev<=2 then SetIsBounded(A, true); else SetIsBounded(A, false); fi; SetPolynomialDegreeOfGrowth(A, lev-2); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 5, "Cycles = ", cycles); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 5, "cycle_order = ", cycle_order); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 5, "next_cycles = ", next_cycles); return true; end); InstallMethod(IsBounded, "for [IsMealyAutomaton]", true, [IsMealyAutomaton], function(A) IsOfPolynomialGrowth(A); return IsBounded(A); end); InstallMethod(PolynomialDegreeOfGrowth, "for [IsMealyAutomaton]", true, [IsMealyAutomaton], function(A) local res; res := IsOfPolynomialGrowth(A); if not res then Info(InfoAutomGrp, 1, "Error: the automaton <A> has exponential growth"); return fail; fi; return PolynomialDegreeOfGrowth(A); end); InstallMethod(DualAutomaton, "for [IsMealyAutomaton]", true, [IsMealyAutomaton], function(A) local list, dual_list, states, d, n; list := AutomatonList(A); d := Length(list[1]) - 1; n := Length(list); dual_list := List([1..d], i -> Concatenation(List([1..n], j -> i^list[j][d+1]), [Transformation(List([1..n], j -> list[j][i]))])); states := List([1..d], i -> Concatenation(AG_Globals.state_symbol_dual, String(i))); return MealyAutomaton(dual_list, states); end); InstallMethod(InverseAutomaton, "for [IsMealyAutomaton]", true, [IsMealyAutomaton], function(A) local list, inv_list, states, n; if not IsInvertible(A) then Error("MealyAutomaton <A> is not invertible"); fi; list := AutomatonList(A); n := Length(list); inv_list := AG_InverseAutomatonList(list); states := List([1..n], i -> Concatenation(AG_Globals.state_symbol, String(i))); return MealyAutomaton(inv_list, states); end); InstallMethod(IsBireversible, "for [IsMealyAutomaton]", true, [IsMealyAutomaton], function(A) return IsInvertible(A) and IsInvertible(DualAutomaton(A)) and IsInvertible(DualAutomaton(InverseAutomaton(A))); end); InstallMethod(IsReversible, "for [IsMealyAutomaton]", true, [IsMealyAutomaton], function(A) return IsInvertible(DualAutomaton(A)); end); InstallMethod(IsIRAutomaton, "for [IsMealyAutomaton]", true, [IsMealyAutomaton], function(A) return IsInvertible(A) and IsInvertible(DualAutomaton(A)); end); InstallMethod(MDReduction, "for [IsMealyAutomaton]", [IsMealyAutomaton], function(A) local B, DB, MDB; B:=MinimizationOfAutomaton(A); DB:=DualAutomaton(B); MDB:=MinimizationOfAutomaton(DB); while NumberOfStates(MDB)<NumberOfStates(DB) do B:=MDB; DB:=DualAutomaton(B); MDB:=MinimizationOfAutomaton(DB); od; return [B,MDB]; end); InstallMethod(IsMDTrivial, "for [IsMealyAutomaton]", true, [IsMealyAutomaton], function(A) local MDT; MDT:=MDReduction(A); if NumberOfStates(MDT[1])=1 then return true; fi; return false; end); InstallMethod(IsMDReduced, "for [IsMealyAutomaton]", true, [IsMealyAutomaton], function(A) local B, DB, MDB; B:=MinimizationOfAutomaton(A); if NumberOfStates(B)<NumberOfStates(A) then return false; else DB:=DualAutomaton(B); MDB:=MinimizationOfAutomaton(DB); if NumberOfStates(MDB)<NumberOfStates(DB) then return false; fi; fi; return true; end); ############################################################################### ## #M \* ## ## Constructs a product of two noninitial automata ## InstallMethod(\*, "for [IsMealyAutomaton, IsMealyAutomaton]", [IsMealyAutomaton, IsMealyAutomaton], function(A1, A2) local n, m, d, i, j, aut_list, states; d := A1!.degree; if d <> A2!.degree then Error("The cardinalities of alphabets in <A1> and <A2> do not coincide"); fi; n := A1!.n_states; m := A2!.n_states; aut_list := []; for i in [1..n] do for j in [1..m] do # (i, j) < -> m*(i-1)+j # (Int((x-1)/m)+1, ((x-1) mod m) + 1 ) < -> x Add(aut_list, Concatenation(List([1..d], x -> m*(A1!.table[i][x]-1) + A2!.table[j][x^A1!.perms[i]]), [A1!.perms[i]*A2!.perms[j]])); od; od; states := List([1..n*m], i -> Concatenation(AG_Globals.state_symbol, String(i))); return MealyAutomaton(aut_list, states); end); InstallMethod(IsTrivial, "for [IsMealyAutomaton]", [IsMealyAutomaton], function(A) # XXX trivial transformation return AutomatonList(MinimizationOfAutomaton(A)) = [Concatenation(List([1..A!.degree], x -> 1), [()])]; end); InstallMethod(DisjointUnion, "for [IsMealyAutomaton, IsMealyAutomaton]", [IsMealyAutomaton, IsMealyAutomaton], function(A, B) local n, m, aut_list, states, perms, tableA, tableB; if A!.degree <> B!.degree then Error("The cardinalities of alphabets in <A> and <B> do not coincide"); fi; n := A!.n_states; m := B!.n_states; tableA := List(A!.table, x -> List(x)); tableB := List(B!.table, x -> List(x)); Append(tableA, List(tableB, x -> List(x, y -> y+n))); perms := Concatenation(A!.perms, B!.perms); aut_list := List([1..n+m], i -> Concatenation(tableA[i], [perms[i]])); states := List([1..n+m], i -> Concatenation(AG_Globals.state_symbol, String(i))); return MealyAutomaton(aut_list, states); end); InstallMethod(AreEquivalentAutomata, "for [IsMealyAutomaton, IsMealyAutomaton]", [IsMealyAutomaton, IsMealyAutomaton], function(A, B) local n, m, i, j, aut_list, found, Am, Bm, C, equiv_statesB; if A!.degree <> B!.degree then return false; fi; Am := MinimizationOfAutomaton(A); Bm := MinimizationOfAutomaton(B); n := Am!.n_states; m := Bm!.n_states; if m <> n then return false; fi; C := DisjointUnion(Am, Bm); aut_list := AutomatonList(C); equiv_statesB := []; for i in [1..n] do found := false; for j in [n+1..n+m] do if (not j in equiv_statesB) and AG_AreEquivalentStatesInList(i, j, aut_list) then found := true; Add(equiv_statesB, j); break; fi; od; if not found then return false; fi; od; return true; end); InstallMethod(SubautomatonWithStates, "for [IsMealyAutomaton, IsList]", [IsMealyAutomaton, IsList], function(A, states) local G, d, i, g, perm, subautom_list, newsubautom_list; G := AutomatonList(A); d := A!.degree; # first we add all states of <states> in the list for g in states do for i in [1..d] do if not (G[g][i] in states) then Add(states, G[g][i]); fi; od; od; Sort(states); subautom_list := G{states}; newsubautom_list := []; for g in subautom_list do perm := g[d+1]; g := List(g{[1..d]}, x -> Position(states, x)); Add(g, perm); Add(newsubautom_list, g); od; return MealyAutomaton(newsubautom_list, A!.states{states}); end); InstallMethod(AutomatonNucleus, "for [IsMealyAutomaton]", [IsMealyAutomaton], function(A) local IsElemInNucleus, G, tmp, d, Nucl, i; IsElemInNucleus := function(g) local i, res; if g in tmp then for i in [Position(tmp, g)..Length(tmp)] do if not (tmp[i] in Nucl) then Add(Nucl, tmp[i]); fi; od; return g=tmp[1]; fi; Add(tmp, g); res := false; i := 1; while (not res) and i<=d do res := IsElemInNucleus(G[g][i]); i := i+1; od; Remove(tmp); return res; end; G := AutomatonList(A); d := A!.degree; Nucl := []; # first add elements of cycles for i in [1..Length(G)] do tmp := []; if not (i in Nucl) then IsElemInNucleus(i); fi; od; return SubautomatonWithStates(A, Nucl); end); InstallMethod(AdjacencyMatrix, "for [IsMealyAutomaton]", [IsMealyAutomaton], function(A) local i, s, d, M, aut_list; aut_list := AutomatonList(A); M:=List([1..A!.n_states],x->List([1..A!.n_states],x->0)); d := A!.degree; for s in [1..A!.n_states] do for i in [1..d] do M[s][aut_list[s][i]]:=M[s][aut_list[s][i]]+1; od; od; return M; end); InstallMethod(IsAcyclic, "for [IsMealyAutomaton]", [IsMealyAutomaton], function(A) local i, j, M, N; M:=AdjacencyMatrix(A); N:=StructuralCopy(M); for i in [1..(A!.n_states-1)] do N:=N*M; for j in [1..A!.n_states] do if N[j][j]<>M[j][j]^(i+1) then return false; fi; od; od; return true; end); #E