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Views: 466297############################################################################# ## #W automgrp package Yevgen Muntyan #W Dmytro Savchuk ## automgrp v 1.3 ## #Y Copyright (C) 2003 - 2016 Yevgen Muntyan, Dmytro Savchuk ## ############################################################################### ## ## AG_IsCorrectAutomatonList( <list>, <invertible> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction(AG_IsCorrectAutomatonList, function(list, invertible) local len, deg, i, j, sym, semi; if not IsDenseList(list) then return false; fi; len := Length(list); if len = 0 then return false; fi; for i in [1..len] do if not IsDenseList(list[i]) then return false; fi; if Length(list[i]) <> Length(list[1]) then return false; fi; od; deg := Length(list[1]) - 1; if deg < 1 then return false; fi; sym := SymmetricGroup(deg); semi := FullTransformationSemigroup(deg); for i in [1..len] do for j in [1..deg] do if not IsInt(list[i][j]) then return false; fi; if list[i][j] > len or list[i][j] < 1 then return false; fi; od; if not list[i][deg + 1] in sym then if not list[i][deg + 1] in semi then return false; fi; if invertible and list[i][deg + 1]^-1=fail then return false; fi; fi; od; return true; end); ############################################################################### ## ## AG_IsCorrectRecurList( <list>, <invertible> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction(AG_IsCorrectRecurList, function(list, invertible) local len, deg, i, j, k, sym, semi, inv_states; if not IsDenseList(list) then return false; fi; len := Length(list); if len = 0 then return false; fi; for i in [1..len] do if not IsDenseList(list[i]) then return false; fi; if Length(list[i]) <> Length(list[1]) then return false; fi; od; deg := Length(list[1]) - 1; if deg < 2 then return false; fi; sym := SymmetricGroup(deg); semi := FullTransformationSemigroup(deg); for i in [1..len] do for j in [1..deg] do if IsInt(list[i][j]) then if list[i][j] > len or list[i][j] < -len or list[i][j] = 0 then return false; fi; elif IsList(list[i][j]) then if not IsDenseList(list[i][j]) then return false; fi; for k in list[i][j] do if (not IsInt(k)) or k > len or k < -len or k = 0 then return false; fi; od; else return false; fi; od; # Check that everything is correct here if (not IsPerm(list[i][deg + 1])) and (not IsTransformation(list[i][deg + 1])) then return false; elif LargestMovedPoint(list[i][deg + 1]) > deg then return false; elif IsTransformation(list[i][deg + 1]) and invertible and list[i][deg + 1]^-1=fail then return false; fi; od; # check if there is x^-1 in the list, while x is not invertible inv_states:=[]; for i in [1..len] do if AG_IsInvertibleStateInList(i,list) then Add(inv_states,i); fi; od; for i in [1..len] do for j in [1..deg] do if IsInt(list[i][j]) then if list[i][j]<0 and not -list[i][j] in inv_states then return false; fi; else for k in list[i][j] do if k<0 and not -k in inv_states then return false; fi; od; fi; od; od; return true; end); ############################################################################### ## ## AG_ConnectedStatesInList(state, list) ## ## Returns list of states which are reachable from given state, ## it does not check correctness of arguments ## InstallGlobalFunction(AG_ConnectedStatesInList, function(state, list) local i, j, s, d, to_check, checked; d := Length(list[1]) - 1; to_check := [state]; checked := []; while Length(to_check) <> 0 do for s in to_check do for i in [1..d] do if IsList(list[s][i]) then for j in AsSet(List(list[s][i],AbsInt)) do if (not j in checked) and (not j in to_check) then to_check := Union(to_check, [j]); fi; od; else if (not AbsInt(list[s][i]) in checked) and (not AbsInt(list[s][i]) in to_check) then to_check := Union(to_check, [AbsInt(list[s][i])]); fi; fi; od; checked := Union(checked, [s]); to_check := Difference(to_check, [s]); od; od; return checked; end); ############################################################################### ## ## AG_IsTrivialStateInList( <state>, <list>) ## ## Checks whether given state is trivial. ## Does not check correctness of arguments. ## InstallGlobalFunction(AG_IsTrivialStateInList, function(state, list) local deg; deg := Length(list[1]) - 1; # IsOne works for Transformation's return ForAll(AG_ConnectedStatesInList(state, list), s -> IsOne(list[s][deg+1])); end); ############################################################################### ## ## AG_IsObviouslyTrivialStateInList( <state>, <list>) ## ## Checks whether given state is obviously trivial. ## Works for lists generating self-similar groups. ## Returns `true' if <state>=(*,...,*)(), where ## * could be either +-<state> or [+-<state>], or []. ## InstallGlobalFunction(AG_IsObviouslyTrivialStateInList, function(state, list) local deg, check; check := function(s) if IsInt(s) then return state=AbsInt(s); else return s=[] or (Length(s)=1 and state=AbsInt(s[1])); fi; end; deg := Length(list[1]) - 1; if not IsOne(list[state][deg+1]) then return false; fi; # IsOne works for Transformation's return ForAll(list[state]{[1..deg]}, check); end); ############################################################################### ## ## AG_IsInvertibleStateInList( <state>, <list> ) ## ## Checks whether given state is invertible. ## Does not check correctness of arguments. ## InstallGlobalFunction(AG_IsInvertibleStateInList, function(state, list) local deg; deg := Length(list[1]) - 1; return ForAll(AG_ConnectedStatesInList(state, list), s -> (list[s][deg+1]^-1<>fail)); end); ############################################################################### ## ## AG_AreEquivalentStatesInList( <state1>, <state2>, <list> ) ## ## Checks whether two given states are equivalent. ## Does not check correctness of arguments. ## InstallGlobalFunction(AG_AreEquivalentStatesInList, function(state1, state2, list) local d, checked_pairs, pos, s1, s2, np, i; d := Length(list[1]) - 1; checked_pairs := [[state1, state2]]; pos := 0; while Length(checked_pairs) <> pos do pos := pos + 1; s1 := checked_pairs[pos][1]; s2 := checked_pairs[pos][2]; if list[s1][d+1] <> list[s2][d+1] then return false; fi; for i in [1..d] do np := [list[s1][i], list[s2][i]]; if not np in checked_pairs then checked_pairs := Concatenation(checked_pairs, [np]); fi; od; od; return true; end); ############################################################################### ## ## AG_AreEquivalentStatesInLists( <state1>, <state2>, <list1>, <list2>) ## ## Checks whether two given states in different lists are equivalent. ## Does not check correctness of arguments. ## InstallGlobalFunction(AG_AreEquivalentStatesInLists, function(state1, state2, list1, list2) local d, checked_pairs, pos, s1, s2, np, i; d := Length(list1[1]) - 1; checked_pairs := [[state1, state2]]; pos := 0; while Length(checked_pairs) <> pos do pos := pos + 1; s1 := checked_pairs[pos][1]; s2 := checked_pairs[pos][2]; if list1[s1][d+1] <> list2[s2][d+1] then return false; fi; for i in [1..d] do np := [list1[s1][i], list2[s2][i]]; if not np in checked_pairs then checked_pairs := Concatenation(checked_pairs, [np]); fi; od; od; return true; end); ############################################################################### ## ## AG_ReducedAutomatonInList( <list> ) ## ## Returns [new_list, list_of_states, old_states] where new_list is a new list ## which represents reduced form of given automaton, i-th elmt of list_of_states ## is the number of i-th state of new automaton in the old one. ## old_states[i] is the number of state which corresponds to the i-th state ## of the original automaton. ## ## First state of returned list is always first state of given one. ## It does not remove trivial state, so it's not really "reduced automaton", ## it just removes equivalent states. ## TODO: write such function which removes trivial state ## ## Does not check correctness of list. ## ## WARNING: do *NOT* change it. ## InstallGlobalFunction(AG_ReducedAutomatonInList, function(list) local i, n, triv_states, equiv_classes, checked_states, s, s1, s2, eq_cl, eq_cl_1, eq_cl_2, are_equiv, eq_cl_reprs, new_states, new_list, deg, reduced_automaton, state, states_reprs; n := Length(list); triv_states := []; equiv_classes := []; checked_states := []; deg := Length(list[1]) - 1; for s in [1..n] do if AG_IsTrivialStateInList(s, list) then triv_states := Union(triv_states, [s]); fi; od; equiv_classes:=[triv_states]; for s1 in Difference([1..n], triv_states) do for s2 in Difference([s1+1..n], triv_states) do are_equiv := AG_AreEquivalentStatesInList(s1, s2, list); if s1 in checked_states then for eq_cl in equiv_classes do if s1 in eq_cl then eq_cl_1 := StructuralCopy(eq_cl); break; fi; od; else equiv_classes := Union(equiv_classes, [[s1]]); eq_cl_1 := [s1]; checked_states := Union(checked_states, [s1]); fi; if s2 in checked_states then for eq_cl in equiv_classes do if s2 in eq_cl then eq_cl_2 := StructuralCopy(eq_cl); break; fi; od; else equiv_classes := Union(equiv_classes, [[s2]]); eq_cl_2 := [s2]; checked_states := Union(checked_states, [s2]); fi; if are_equiv then equiv_classes := Difference(equiv_classes, [eq_cl_1, eq_cl_2]); equiv_classes := Union(equiv_classes, [Union(eq_cl_1, eq_cl_2)]); fi; od; od; states_reprs := [1..n]; for eq_cl in equiv_classes do for s in eq_cl do states_reprs[s] := Minimum(eq_cl); od; od; new_states := Set(states_reprs); new_list := []; for s in new_states do state := []; state[deg+1] := list[s][deg+1]; for i in [1..deg] do state[i] := Position(new_states, states_reprs[list[s][i]]); od; new_list := Concatenation(new_list, [state]); od; return [new_list, new_states, List([1..n], i -> Position(new_states, states_reprs[i]))]; end); ############################################################################### ## ## AG_MinimalSubAutomatonInlist(<states>, <list>) ## ## Returns list representation of automaton given by <list> which is minimal ## subatomaton of automaton containing states <states>. ## ## Does not check correctness of list. ## InstallGlobalFunction(AG_MinimalSubAutomatonInlist, function(states, list) local s, new_states, state, new_list, i, deg; new_states := []; for s in states do new_states := Union(new_states, AG_ConnectedStatesInList(s, list)); od; new_list := []; deg := Length(list[1]) - 1; for s in new_states do state := []; for i in [1..deg] do state[i] := Position(new_states, list[s][i]); od; state[deg+1] := list[s][deg+1]; new_list := Concatenation(new_list, [state]); od; return [new_list, new_states]; end); ############################################################################### ## ## AG_PermuteStatesInList(<list>, <perm>) ## ## Does not check correctness of arguments. ## InstallGlobalFunction(AG_PermuteStatesInList, function(list, perm) local new_list, i, j, deg; deg := Length(list[1]) - 1; new_list := []; for i in [1..Length(list)] do new_list[i^perm] := []; for j in [1..deg] do new_list[i^perm][j] := list[i][j]^perm; od; new_list[i^perm][deg+1] := list[i][deg+1]; od; return new_list; end); ############################################################################### ## ## AG_WordStateInList(<w>, <s>, <list>, <reduce>, <trivstate>) ## ## It's ProjectWord from selfs.g ## Does not check correctness of arguments. ## InstallGlobalFunction(AG_WordStateInList, function(w, s, list, reduce, trivstate) local i, perm, d, proj, red, reduce_word; reduce_word := function(v) local len, red, x; len := 0; red := []; for x in v do if x <> trivstate then if len <> 0 and x = -red[len] then Remove(red, len); len := len - 1; else Add(red, x); len := len + 1; fi; fi; od; return red; end; d := Length(list[1])-1; proj := []; perm := (); for i in [1..Length(w)] do Add(proj, list[w[i]][s^perm]); perm := perm * list[w[i]][d+1]; od; if reduce then return reduce_word(proj); else return proj; fi; end); ############################################################################### ## ## AG_WordStateAndPermInList(<w>, <s>, <list>) ## ## Does not check correctness of arguments. ## InstallGlobalFunction(AG_WordStateAndPermInList, function(w, s, list) local i, perm, perm_res, new_state, d, proj; d := Length(list[1])-1; proj := []; perm := (); perm_res := (); for i in [1..Length(w)] do new_state := list[w[i]][s^perm]; Add(proj, new_state); perm := perm * list[w[i]][d+1]; perm_res := perm_res * list[new_state][d+1]; od; return [proj, perm_res]; end); ############################################################################### ## ## AG_ImageOfVertexInList(<list>, <init>, <vertex>) ## ## Does not check correctness of arguments. ## InstallGlobalFunction(AG_ImageOfVertexInList, function(list, s, seq) local deg, img, x; deg := Length(list[1]) - 1; img := []; for x in seq do Add(img, x^list[s][deg+1]); s := list[s][x]; od; return img; end); ############################################################################### ## ## AG_DiagonalPowerInList(<list>, <n>) ## InstallGlobalFunction(AG_DiagonalPowerInList, function(list, n, names) local d, nlist, nd, nalph, nstates, nperm, i, j, k, letter, n_letter, n_state, state, nnames; d := Length(list[1]) - 1; nd := d ^ n; nalph := Tuples([1..d], n); nstates := Tuples([1..Length(list)], n); nlist := List([1..Length(nstates)], i -> []); nnames := List(nstates, s->List(s, i->names[i])); for i in [1..Length(nlist)] do nperm := []; state := nstates[i]; for j in [1..nd] do letter := nalph[j]; n_letter := []; n_state := []; for k in [1..n] do n_letter[k] := letter[k]^list[state[k]][d+1]; n_state[k] := list[state[k]][letter[k]]; od; nperm[j] := n_letter; nlist[i][j] := Position(nstates, n_state); od; nlist[i][nd+1] := PermListList(nalph, nperm); od; nnames := List(nnames, l->Concatenation(l)); return [nlist, nnames]; end); ############################################################################### ## ## AG_MultAlphabetInList(<list>, <n>) ## InstallGlobalFunction(AG_MultAlphabetInList, function(list, n) local d, nlist, nd, nalph, nperm, i, j, k, letter, n_letter, st; d := Length(list[1]) - 1; nd := d ^ n; nalph := Tuples([1..d], n); nlist := List(list, i -> []); for i in [1..Length(nlist)] do nperm := []; for j in [1..Length(nalph)] do letter := nalph[j]; n_letter := []; st := i; for k in [1..n] do Add(n_letter, letter[k]^list[st][d+1]); st := list[st][letter[k]]; od; nlist[i][j] := st; nperm[j] := n_letter; od; nlist[i][nd+1] := PermListList(nalph, nperm); od; return nlist; end); ############################################################################### ## ## AG_HasDualInList(<list>) ## InstallGlobalFunction(AG_HasDualInList, function(list) local i, j, p, d, n; d := Length(list[1]) - 1; n := Length(list); for i in [1..d] do p := []; for j in [1..n] do p[j] := list[j][i]; od; if PermListList([1..n], p) = fail then return false; fi; od; return true; end); ############################################################################### ## ## AG_DualAutomatonList(<list>) ## InstallGlobalFunction(AG_DualAutomatonList, function(list) local dual, d, n; d := Length(list[1]) - 1; n := Length(list); return List([1..d], i -> Concatenation(List([1..n], j -> i^list[j][d+1]), [PermList(List([1..n], j -> list[j][i]))])); end); ############################################################################### ## ## AG_HasDualOfInverseInList(<list>) ## InstallGlobalFunction(AG_HasDualOfInverseInList, function(list) return AG_HasDualInList(AG_InverseAutomatonList(list)); end); ############################################################################### ## ## AG_InverseAutomatonList(<list>) ## InstallGlobalFunction(AG_InverseAutomatonList, function(list) local inv, d, i; d := Length(list[1]) - 1; inv := List(list, l -> Permuted(l, l[d+1])); for i in [1..Length(list)] do inv[i][d+1] := inv[i][d+1]^-1; od; return inv; end); #E