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Views: 466303############################################################################# ## #W AutPGrp package Bettina Eick ## #H @(#)$Id:,v 1.10 2009/03/09 07:26:55 gap Exp $ ## Revision.("autpgrp/gap/hybridst_gi") := "@(#)$Id:,v 1.10 2009/03/09 07:26:55 gap Exp $"; ############################################################################# ## #F CollectToWord( list ) ## CollectToWord := function( list ) local coll, t, i; coll := []; t := [list[1], 1]; for i in [2..Length(list)] do if t[1] <> list[i] then Add( coll, t ); t := [list[i], 1]; else t[2] := t[2] + 1; fi; od; Add( coll, t ); return coll; end; ############################################################################# ## #F TransformPG( get, list, id ) . . . . . . . . . . . .convert get to element ## TransformPG := function( get, list, id ) local coll, res, i; # catch the special case if Length( get ) = 0 then return id; fi; # otherwise compute coll := CollectToWord( get ); if coll[1][1] > 0 then res := [PGPower( coll[1][2],list[coll[1][1]] )]; else res := [PGPower( coll[1][2], PGInverse(list[-coll[1][1]]))]; fi; for i in [2..Length(coll)] do if coll[i][1] > 0 then Add( res, PGPower(coll[i][2],list[coll[i][1]] ) ); else Add( res, PGPower(coll[i][2], PGInverse(list[-coll[i][1]]) ) ); fi; od; return PGMultList( res ); end; ############################################################################# ## #F Transform( get, list, id ) . . . . . . . . . . . . .convert get to element ## Transform := function( get, list, id ) local res, i; if Length( get ) = 0 then return id; fi; if get[1] > 0 then res := list[get[1]]; else res := list[-get[1]]^-1; fi; for i in [2..Length( get )] do if get[i] > 0 then res := res * list[get[i]]; else res := res * list[-get[i]]^-1; fi; od; return res; end; ############################################################################# ## #F ReduceGet( ords, get ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .reduce get with orders ## ReduceGet := function( ords, get ) local found, i, j, o; found := true; while found do # first reduce by inverses i := 1; found := false; while i <= Length( get ) - 1 do if not IsBool( get[i+1] ) and get[i] = - get[i+1] then get[i] := false; get[i+1] := false; found := true; i := i + 1; fi; i := i + 1; od; # now reduce by orders i := 1; while i <= Length( get ) do if not IsBool( get[i] ) then if get[i] > 0 then o := ords[ get[i] ]; else o := ords[ -get[i] ]; fi; if i+o-1 <= Length( get ) and ForAll( get{[i..i+o-1]}, x -> x = get[i] ) then for j in [i..i+o-1] do get[j] := false; od; found := true; i := i + o - 1; fi; fi; i := i + 1; od; od; return Filtered( get, x -> not IsBool( x ) ); end; ############################################################################# ## #F OSTransversalInverse( j, trans, trels, id ) ## OSTransversalInverse := function( j, trans, trels, id ) local l, g, s, p, t; if j = 1 then return id; fi; l := Product( trels ); j := j - 1; g := id; for s in Reversed( [1..Length( trans )] ) do p := trels[s]; l := l/p; t := QuoInt( j, l ); j := RemInt( j, l ); if t > 0 then g := PGMult( g, PGInverse(trans[s])^t ); fi; od; return g; end; ############################################################################# ## #F PcgsOrbitStabilizer( A, oper, pt, fpt, info ) ## PcgsOrbitStabilizer := function( A, oper, pt, fpt, info ) local pcgs, rels, stabl, srels, trans, trels, orbit, i, y, j, p, l, s, k, t, h, g; pcgs := A.agAutos; rels := A.agOrder; # catch trivial case if Length( pcgs ) = 0 then return rec( stabl := pcgs, srels := rels, orbit := [pt], trans := [], trels := [] ); fi; # initialise orbit, stabiliser and transversal stabl := []; srels := []; trans := []; trels := []; orbit := [pt]; # Start constructing orbit. i := Length( pcgs ); while i >= 1 do if oper[i] = 1 then Add( stabl, pcgs[i] ); Add( srels, rels[i] ); else y := fpt( pt, oper[i], info ); j := Position( orbit, y ); if IsBool( j ) then # enlarge transversal Add( trans, pcgs[i] ); Add( trels, rels[i] ); # enlarge orbit p := rels[i]; l := Length( orbit ); orbit[p*l] := true; s := 0; for k in [ 1 .. p - 1 ] do t := s + l; for h in [ 1 .. l ] do orbit[h + t] := fpt( orbit[h + s], oper[i], info ); od; s := t; od; else # enlarge stabilizer if j > 1 then g := OSTransversalInverse(j, trans, trels,; Add( stabl, PGMult( pcgs[i], g ) ); else Add( stabl, pcgs[i] ); fi; Add( srels, rels[i] ); fi; fi; i := i - 1; od; return rec( stabl := Reversed( stabl ), srels := Reversed( srels ), orbit := orbit, trans := trans, trels := trels ); end; ############################################################################# ## #F BlockPosition( orbit, pt ) ## BlockPosition := function( orbit, pt ) local h, j; for j in [1..Length(orbit)] do h := Position( orbit[j], pt ); if not IsBool( h ) then return [j, h]; fi; od; return false; end; ############################################################################# ## #F BlockOrbitStabilizer( B, oper, os, fpt, info ) ## BlockOrbitStabilizer := function( B, oper, os, fpt, info ) local bl, l, li, orbit, trans, stabl, pstab, mats, auts, ords, pers, k, pt, i, y, j, new, get, aut, g, per, s; # the block and limit for orbit length bl := os.orbit; l := Length( bl ); li := B.glOrder / Factors( B.glOrder )[1]; # set up orbit, transversal and stab orbit := [ bl ]; trans := [ [] ]; stabl := []; pstab := []; # get acting elements auts := B.glAutos; ords := List( auts, Order ); if IsBound( B.glOper ) then pers := B.glOper; fi; # loop k := 1; while k <= Length( orbit ) do pt := orbit[k][1]; for i in [ 1..Length(oper) ] do # compute the image of a point y := fpt( pt, oper[i], info ); j := BlockPosition( orbit, y ); if IsBool( j ) then # enlarge orbit and transversal new := List( [1..l], x -> true ); for s in [1..l] do new[s] := fpt( orbit[k][s], oper[i], info ); od; Add( orbit, new ); get := Concatenation( trans[k], [i] ); Add( trans, get ); else # enlarge stabilizer get := Concatenation(trans[k], [i], Reversed(-trans[j[1]])); get := ReduceGet( ords, get ); aut := TransformPG( get, auts, ); # reduce from block-stab to point-stab if j[2] > 1 then g := OSTransversalInverse(j[2], os.trans, os.trels,; aut := PGMult( aut, g ); fi; Add( stabl, aut ); # add permutations if known if IsBound( B.glOper ) then Add( pstab, Transform( get, pers, () ) ); fi; fi; od; if Length( orbit ) > li then return rec( stabl := [], pstab := [], length := B.glOrder ); else k := k + 1; fi; od; return rec( stabl := stabl, pstab := pstab, length := Length(orbit), trans := trans ); end; ############################################################################# ## #F PGHybridOrbitStabilizer( A, glMats, agMats, pt, oper, info ) ## PGHybridOrbitStabilizer := function( A, glMats, agMats, pt, oper, info ) local os, OS, B; # compute ag orbit stabilizier if Length( glMats ) = 0 and Length( agMats ) = 0 then return; fi; os := PcgsOrbitStabilizer( A, agMats, pt, oper, info ); Info( InfoAutGrp, 4, " ag-orbit -- length ",Length(os.orbit)); # add info to A A.agAutos := os.stabl; A.agOrder := os.srels; # compute block orbit and stabiliser if Length( glMats ) = 0 then return; fi; OS := BlockOrbitStabilizer( A, glMats, os, oper, info ); Info( InfoAutGrp, 4, " gl-orbit -- length ", OS.length, " -- gens ",Length(OS.stabl)); # set up new aut grp A.glAutos := OS.stabl; A.glOrder := A.glOrder / OS.length; Assert(1,IsInt(A.glOrder)); if IsBound( A.glOper ) then A.glOper := OS.pstab; fi; # nice the glAutos if necessary if NICE_STAB and OS.length > 1 then NiceHybridGroup( A ); fi; end;