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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it

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1. Generalities.

      The programs in the directory  progs.d  are designed to compute
the first and second cohomology groups and the Schur Multipliers of finite
permutation groups acting on finite modules.
      Modules will always be over a prime field, for a fixed prime
p, and similarly, the p-part of the Schur multiplier will be computed for a
fixed prime  p.
      The cohomology groups or Multiplier are constructed originally as
subgroups or quotient groups of the cohomology groups or multiplier of  P,
where P is a Sylow p-subgroup of the group G. If extensions of the module by  G
are required explicitly, then presentations of these extensions can be
computed, by explicitly calculating the corestriction map from P to G.
At present, no corestriction algorithm for first cohomology groups has been
implemented, and so specific crossed homomorphisms cannot be constructed
directly by the programs.

      To compute a cohomology group or multiplier, the programs have to be
run with the correct options, in the correct order. Since this is very
difficult to remember, a shell program called "cohomology" has been written
to take most of the burden of this off the user. This is described in the
file info.4. The shell program resides in the directory ~/exec.d.

      Two other shell programs are "clrgrp" (mentioned in info.4), used for
clearing up after a computation, and "myman". For any program  "p" listed in
info.2 and info.3, the call
myman p
will print the entry in info.3 for p, which gives full details of its usage.

WARNING: If the programs are run in the correct order with sensible data,
(and the "shell" program cohomology is designed to make this as easy as
possible), then they should behave sensibly, and provide error diagnostics
when they fail. If not, then havoc will ensue, usually resulting in a memory
fault. They are not designed to be proof against nonsensical input, (such as
typing "bananas" when asked to input a prime number).

      Each object program has several C source programs. For example "gprun"
has source programs  gpd.c gpp.c permfns.c, and so gprun is produced by the
Unix command
cc gpd.c gpp.c permfns.c
followed by
mv a.out gprun
(or cc -o gprun gpd.c gpp.c permfns.c)
      In general the source program ending 'd.c' contains only declarations of
sizes of arrays, and generation of file names.
If more space is required for any run, then only this source file need
be altered.
The individual programs attempt to give diagnostics on which constants need to
be increased, when a program crashes through lack of space. Diagnostics such as
these, together with some final results (such as final dimension of a
cohomology group) are sent to the standard error output. Most other terminal
output, which is only useful for observing the progress of a computation, is
sent to the standard output, so it may be redirected and discarded if desired.

      Each program has input and output disk files with names of form
'gpname'.'name' (example m24.inperm). So when computing within a specific group
(such as m24), all associated filenames will have this form.


A program call has the general form
                prog [-opt] ... gpname [name] ...
1. gprun m24
2. conrun -c -d m24 sg norm pg
Options may be written in any order, but they have to be listed separately
(so the last example could be written "conrun -d -c ...", but not
"conrun -cd ..."). Some but not all of the names have default
values. Details are given in the description of each program, in info.3.
For example, in example 1. above, default input file m24.inperm and output file
m24.outperm are used. In example 2.,, m24.norm and are input
files, and default output files and m24.dcr are used.

      We will generally call the group  G  in this description, and modules for
G, or the multiplier of  G, will be called  M.  P  will be a Sylow p-subgroup
of  G  for the fixed prime  p. In general, it is the responsibility of the user
to construct a chain of subgroups  P  ( < H(0) ) < H(1) < H(2) < ... < G, where
H(0) will usually be the normalizer of  P  if this is bigger than  P. These
subgroups will often be stabilizers of points, or normalizers of suitable
subgroups of  P, and they can be constructed using the permutation group
programs provided. They have to be constructed by the user, even when using the
shell program "cohomology".Particularly when computing H^2, this chain should b
as long as possible. The cohomology, or multiplier of P,H(0),H(1),...,G  will
then be computed successively. This produces the cohomology of  G  as the
subgroup of the cohomology of  P  consisting of its stable elements. In the case
of H^2 and Multipliers, it is then possible to construct corresponding
extensions of  M  by  G, by computing the corestriction of a stable element of
H^2(P,M) successively from P to H(0), H(0) to H(1), etc. Extensions are
defined by a particular kind of presentation using generators and relations,
which has an associated normal form for group elements, which makes it suitable
for computational purposes.
      Of course, the user may wish to use his own presentation of G as a basis
of a presentation of an extension of M by G (which means computing the values
of the relators of G in the extension, as elements of M). This can also be
achieved: the user's presentation is put in a file (which can also be
used as input to a Todd-Coxeter coset enumeration program), and the resulting
full presentation of the extension is output to another file ( in a
similar format.

      As initial input (and input to the shell program "cohomology"), up to
three files are required. G.inperm, containing generating permutations must
always be present. For cohomology groups (rather than multipliers) a file
containing the matrices corresponding to these generators is also required.
Finally, as mentioned above, a file may be present, giving a presentation
of G.  It is very inadvisable to have the identity present as a generator in
G.inperm, since this can cause some errors later.
      Formats of all files are described below (and in info.7), but the above
mentioned files may be created as follows.
      Matrices for G.inmat can be input interactively using the program testmf,
which is self-explanatory. They can then be output to create the required file.
Other possible means of construction use the programs permmat (starting from
a permutation presentation) or sum,tens, or pkrun (using other existing
matrix representations). See info.3 for details of these programs.
      The format for the file is slightly awkward, since it corresponds to
the standard input for tcrun. By running this program, the format can be
deduced. It is as follows. Line one contains ng,nsg,nr = number of generators,
number of subgroup generators, and number of relators. Line 2 contains a list
of generator names (which should be upper or lower case letters). The following
nsg+nr lines contain the subgroup generators and relators, one per line, in a
fairly free format (run tcrun for a precise description). There follows a line
containing the single character 'y' or 'n', meaning do or do not output the
generators as permutations on the cosets. In case 'y', the output is to the
file named on the following (final) line of the file, and it will usually have
the form G.inperm.
Example Group a5 on subgroup of index 5. Output permutations to file 'a5.inperm'

2 2 3

      The file G.inperm can be constructed in one of the following ways:
(i) By program makegp, inputting permutations as cycles at the terminal.
(ii) Using tcrun on a file  as described above.
(iii) By program matperm, if a faithful matrix representation is stored.
      (The file G.inmat can sometimes be used.)
(iv) In special cases, (such as when the group is a wreath product or a
     subdirect product of groups already present), using other programs
     described in info.3.

The remainder of this file contains information on other files used by the
programs, and on their formats. It is not strictly necessary for the user to
know about any of this.
     The default names of the files relating to subgroups of G are as follows.
G itself has generators in G.inperm, with strong generating set in G.outperm,
and a possibly smaller and ordered strong generating set in P is
defined in G.sylp, N(P) in G.norm and the subgroup  H(i) in G.sgi,
(where  i  is an integer 1<=i<=9), and smaller strong generating sets for P
and N(P) may be contained in G.psg and G.nsg, respectively.  All of these files
contain ordered strong generating sets. A central series for P is contained in
G.spc, and contains a minimal generating set for  P. Generators of
N(P)-P are contained in Coset reps and double coset reps of H(i-1) in
H(i) are contained in G.cri  and  G.dcri respectively, with (double) coset reps
of  H(n)  in  G  in G.(d)cr. Information describing the Sylow intersections
g(-1)Pg ^ P  for  g in G.dcri is contained in G.sci. The power
commutator presentation (PCP) for  P  is contained in  G.pcp, and the PCPs
of the groups describing the computed cohomology groups are in G.cov,
G.ch1 or G.ch2.
      If corestrictions are to be computed, then the following additional files
are required. Relations defining a given strong presentation of H(i) with the
strong generating set are listed in G.sgi.rel, and the corresponding relations
in the extension of M by H(i) are listed in  Information required to
construct the latter (and also the associated normal form for this extension)
is contained in G.sgi.ep and G.sgi.cp. The user's own presentation of G may be
in a file, and the resulting presentation of the extension will be output
to (see description of program 'readrels' in info.3).

      All files containing lists of permutations have four numbers npt,np,nb,
format on their first line. npt=number of points, np=number of permutations,
nb=number of base points,format is a number which specifies the format of the
file.  The second line contains base points (if any), and the third line
contains the orders of the indices in the stabilizer chain (if applicable).
There follows a list of the permutations and (if applicable) the Schreier
format=0 means generators alone are known (no orders or Schreier vectors).
format>0 means generators form a strong generating set, and Schreier vectors
are given.
format=2 is the output of pcrun (see info.3).
format=3 or 4 means that the generators are ordered such that those
fixing the most base points appear first.
format=4 is the output of sylrun (see info.3).
format<0 means that the order of the group is known, but no strong generating
set. If format is -n, then  n  must be at most  nb, and line 3 contains  n
numbers  a(1),...,a(n), where  a(1)a(2)...a(n)  is the order of the group, and
a(1),...,a(n-1) are the first n-1 indices in the stabilizer chain.
Warning. gprun has unpredictable results if any of these given numbers are in
fact too small.

      A brief description of the format of files defining PCP presentations of
p-groups is given in info.5. This is unfortunately rather unnecessarily
confusing, and varies from case to case.

      The format of the files G.sgi.rel and is as follows. Let
H1 > H2 > ... > Hnb be the subgroups of H(i) in its stabilizer chain (where nb
is the number of base points). Line 1 contains nb and then in the
number of generators of  M (as abelian group), followed by the numbers of
relations in H1,H2,.. Hnb, respectively (which is, of course a decreasing
sequence of integers). If the file is for a central extension (-m true), then
there follows a further line giving the orders of the central generators.
The relations themselves follow, with those of Hj
preceding those of Hi for j<i. In G.sgi.rel, each relation is on one line, and
is given as a relator, preceded by its length. If the generators of H(i), in
order, are a,b,c,..., then a,a^-1,b,b^-1,c,c^-1... are numbered 0,1,2,3,4,5,....
Occasionally, at the end of the file, there may follow a further number n,
followed by n more relators, which correspond to the relators in, and
have been appended to the file by the program readrels.

In, each relator is followed by a further line giving the value of
this relator in the extension, as an element of  M. This is written as a string
in the generators of M containg generators followed by exponents, preceded by
its length. For example, the relation ac^-1b = 1^2 3^4 would be written as
3 0 5 2
4 1 2 3 4

      Matrices giving the action of the generators of H(i) on M are listed in
G.sgimat. Matrices corresponding to the action of the generators in G.inperm
must be provided initially by the user in the file G.inmat. Files G.crmat,
G.pgmat, G.dcrmat, etc. may also be present. Some of these are with respect to
a different basis (see description of program 'matcalc' for details).
      The format of most matrix files is for line 1 to contain prime, dimension
and number of matrices, and for the list of matrices to follow. The exception
is gpname.pgmat (output from matcalc), in which lines 2,3 and 4 contain wt,
d1 and d2 for the elements of the bases of the underlying vector space, with
the PCP for the action of P on this space.