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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466303############################################################################# ## #W cong.g The Congruence package Ann Dooms #W Eric Jespers #W Alexander Konovalov ## ## ############################################################################# ############################################################################# # # CanEasilyCompareCongruenceSubgroups( G, H ) # InstallMethod( CanEasilyCompareCongruenceSubgroups, "for two congruence subgroups", [ IsCongruenceSubgroup, IsCongruenceSubgroup ], function ( G, H ) local i; if ForAll( [ G, H ], IsPrincipalCongruenceSubgroup ) or ForAll( [ G, H ], IsCongruenceSubgroupGamma0 ) or ForAll( [ G, H ], IsCongruenceSubgroupGammaUpper0 ) or ForAll( [ G, H ], IsCongruenceSubgroupGamma1 ) or ForAll( [ G, H ], IsCongruenceSubgroupGammaUpper1 ) then return LevelOfCongruenceSubgroup(G)=LevelOfCongruenceSubgroup(H); elif ForAll( [ G, H ], IsIntersectionOfCongruenceSubgroups ) then # we use the canonical ordering of subgroups # in the intersection of congruence subgroups if Length(DefiningCongruenceSubgroups(G)) <> Length(DefiningCongruenceSubgroups(H)) then return false; else return ForAll( [ 1 .. Length(DefiningCongruenceSubgroups(G)) ], i -> CanEasilyCompareCongruenceSubgroups( DefiningCongruenceSubgroups(G)[i], DefiningCongruenceSubgroups(H)[i]) ); fi; else return false; fi; end); ############################################################################# # # CanReduceIntersectionOfCongruenceSubgroups( G, H ) # # This function mimics the structure of the method for Intersection for # congruence subgroups. It returns true, if their intersection can be reduced # to one of the canonical congruence subgroups, and false otherwise, i.e. the # intersection can be expressed only as IntersectionOfCongruenceSubgroups. # This is used in IntersectionOfCongruenceSubgroups to reduce the list of # canonical subgroups forming the intersection. # InstallMethod( CanReduceIntersectionOfCongruenceSubgroups, "for two congruence subgroups", [ IsCongruenceSubgroup, IsCongruenceSubgroup ], function( G, H ) # # Case 1 - at least one subgroup is an intersection of congruence subgroups # if IsIntersectionOfCongruenceSubgroups(G) or IsIntersectionOfCongruenceSubgroups(H) then return false; # # Case 2 - the diagonal (both subgroups has the same type) # elif IsPrincipalCongruenceSubgroup(G) and IsPrincipalCongruenceSubgroup(H) then return true; elif IsCongruenceSubgroupGamma1(G) and IsCongruenceSubgroupGamma1(H) then return true; elif IsCongruenceSubgroupGammaUpper1(G) and IsCongruenceSubgroupGammaUpper1(H) then return true; elif IsCongruenceSubgroupGamma0(G) and IsCongruenceSubgroupGamma0(H) then return true; elif IsCongruenceSubgroupGammaUpper0(G) and IsCongruenceSubgroupGammaUpper0(H) then return true; # # Case 3 - Subgroups has different level # elif LevelOfCongruenceSubgroup(G) <> LevelOfCongruenceSubgroup(H) then return false; # # Now subgroups have the same level # elif IsCongruenceSubgroupGamma1(G) and IsCongruenceSubgroupGamma0(H) then return true; elif IsCongruenceSubgroupGamma0(G) and IsCongruenceSubgroupGamma1(H) then return true; elif IsCongruenceSubgroupGammaUpper1(G) and IsCongruenceSubgroupGammaUpper0(H) then return true; elif IsCongruenceSubgroupGammaUpper0(G) and IsCongruenceSubgroupGammaUpper1(H) then return true; elif IsCongruenceSubgroupGamma0(G) and IsCongruenceSubgroupGammaUpper0(H) or IsCongruenceSubgroupGammaUpper0(G) and IsCongruenceSubgroupGamma0(H) then return false; else return true; fi; end); ############################################################################# # # NumeratorOfGFSElement( gfs, i ) # # Returns the numerator of the i-th term of the generalised Farey sequence # gfs: for the 1st infinite entry returns -1, for the last one returns 1, # for all other entries returns usual numerator. # InstallGlobalFunction( "NumeratorOfGFSElement", function(gfs,i) if i in [ 2 .. Length(gfs)-1 ] then return NumeratorRat( gfs[i] ); elif i=1 then return -1; # infinity on the left elif i=Length(gfs) then return 1; # infinity on the right else Error("There is no entry number ", i, " in <gfs> !!! \n"); fi; end); ############################################################################# # # DenominatorOfGFSElement( gfs, i ) # # Returns the denominator of the i-th term of the generalised Farey sequence # gfs: for both infinite entries returns 0, for the other ones returns usual # denominator. # InstallGlobalFunction( "DenominatorOfGFSElement", function(gfs,i) if i in [ 2 .. Length(gfs)-1 ] then return DenominatorRat( gfs[i] ); elif i=1 or i=Length(gfs) then return 0; else Error("There is no entry number ", i, " in <gfs> !!! \n"); fi; end); ############################################################################# # # IsValidFareySymbol( fs ) # # This function is used in FareySymbolByData to validate its output # InstallGlobalFunction( "IsValidFareySymbol" , function( fs ) local gfs, labels, n, i, t; gfs := GeneralizedFareySequence(fs); labels := LabelsOfFareySymbol(fs); n := Length(gfs); if ForAny( [ 1 .. Length(labels) ], t -> not IsBound(labels[t] ) ) then Error("<labels> must not contain holes !!! \n"); fi; if Length(labels)<>n-1 then Error("Lengths of <gfs> and <labels> do not match !!! \n"); fi; if gfs[1]<>infinity or gfs[n]<>infinity then Error("First and last elements of <gfs> must be infinity !!! \n"); fi; if not 0 in gfs then Error("<gfs> must contain at least one zero element !!! \n"); fi; for i in [ 1 .. n-1 ] do if NumeratorOfGFSElement(gfs,i+1) * DenominatorOfGFSElement(gfs,i) - NumeratorOfGFSElement(gfs,i) * DenominatorOfGFSElement(gfs,i+1) <> 1 then Error("a", i+1, "*b", i, " - a", i, "*b", i+1, " <> 1 !!! \n"); fi; od; if ForAny( Collected(labels), t -> IsInt(t[1]) and t[2]<>2 ) then Error("<labels> are not properly paired !!! \n"); fi; return true; end); ############################################################################# # # MatrixByEvenInterval( gfs, i ) # InstallGlobalFunction( "MatrixByEvenInterval", function(gfs,i) local ai, bi, ai1, bi1; ai := NumeratorOfGFSElement(gfs,i); bi := DenominatorOfGFSElement(gfs,i); ai1 := NumeratorOfGFSElement(gfs,i+1); bi1 := DenominatorOfGFSElement(gfs,i+1); return [ [ ai1*bi1 + ai*bi, -ai^2 - ai1^2 ], [ bi^2 + bi1^2, -ai1*bi1 - ai*bi ] ]; end); ############################################################################# # # MatrixByOddInterval( gfs, i ) # InstallGlobalFunction( "MatrixByOddInterval", function(gfs,j) local aj, bj, aj1, bj1; aj := NumeratorOfGFSElement(gfs,j); bj := DenominatorOfGFSElement(gfs,j); aj1 := NumeratorOfGFSElement(gfs,j+1); bj1 := DenominatorOfGFSElement(gfs,j+1); return [ [ aj1*bj1 + aj*bj1 + aj*bj, -aj^2 - aj*aj1 - aj1^2 ], [ bj^2 + bj*bj1 + bj1^2, -aj1*bj1 - aj1*bj - aj*bj ] ]; end); ############################################################################# # # MatrixByFreePairOfIntervals( gfs, k, kp ) # InstallGlobalFunction( "MatrixByFreePairOfIntervals", function(gfs,k,kp) local ak, bk, ak1, bk1, akp, bkp, akp1, bkp1; ak := NumeratorOfGFSElement(gfs,k); bk := DenominatorOfGFSElement(gfs,k); ak1 := NumeratorOfGFSElement(gfs,k+1); bk1 := DenominatorOfGFSElement(gfs,k+1); akp := NumeratorOfGFSElement(gfs,kp); bkp := DenominatorOfGFSElement(gfs,kp); akp1 := NumeratorOfGFSElement(gfs,kp+1); bkp1 := DenominatorOfGFSElement(gfs,kp+1); return [ [ akp1*bk1 + akp*bk, -akp*ak - akp1*ak1 ], [ bkp*bk + bkp1*bk1, -ak1*bkp1 - ak*bkp ] ]; end); ############################################################################# ## #E ##