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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it

Views: 466311
#W  sml3125.z              GAP library of groups           Hans Ulrich Besche
##                                               Bettina Eick, Eamonn O'Brien

SMALL_GROUP_LIB[ 3125 ] :=
[ 500801282048015, 4000051281939, 160256409904, 500801280082225,
500801280082226, 500801280164146, 1565004000256016691, 1565004000256098611,
1565004000256180531, 1565004000512016691, 1565004000512098611,
1565004000512180531, 1565004000512196915, 1565004000051282227, 160256409607,
500160256409623, 4000051281945, 161280081969, 504000051281971,
504000102481971, 504000051281977, 500161280082225, 1563004000051282227,
1563004000051282233, 1563004000102482233, 12500161280081947,
19532825000161280082487, 160256409613, 500160256409629, 160256409712,
500801280016497, 500801280016498, 500160256409968, 1563000801280016753,
1563000801280033137, 1563000801280049521, 1563000801280065905,
1563000801280016754, 51281923, 256016401, 800256016403, 800256016405,
800051216405, 2500160256016407, 51281968, 160256081969, 160256081970,
160256081972, 500800256016435, 500800256016437, 500800256016438,
500800256098358, 500800256180278, 500800512016438, 500800512098358,
500800512180278, 500800051281974, 51281929, 160051281945, 160051282185,
51282000, 160256016465, 160256016466, 160256032850, 160256016468,
160051282256, 500160256016721, 500160256016722, 500160256033106,
500160256016724, 16385, 16400, 51216401, 51216404, 160051216720,
500160051216721, 0 ]; 

isAbelian := [ 1, 15, 28, 39, 58, 71, 77 ], 
lgLength := rec( lgLength := [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], pos := [ [ 77 ], [ 2, 39, -57
, 71, -76 ], [ 3, -27, 58, -70 ], [ 28, -38 ], [ 1 ] ] ),
frattFacs := rec( frattFacs := [ 6, 12, 28, 79 ], pos := [ 1, 38, 70, 76
] ) );