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Views: 466309############################################################################# ## #W algmat.tst GAP library Thomas Breuer ## ## #Y Copyright (C) 1996, Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany ## ## To be listed in testinstall.g ## gap> START_TEST("algmat.tst"); ############################################################################# gap> Ring( [ [ [ Z(9), Z(3) ], [ Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ], > [ [ 0*Z(9), Z(27) ], [ Z(3)^0, Z(3) ] ] ] ); <algebra over GF(3), with 2 generators> gap> Ring( [ [ 1, E(5) ], [ E(5), 0 ] ] ); <free left module over Integers, and ring, with 1 generators> gap> Ring( [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, E(5) ], [ E(7), 5 ] ] ); <free left module over Integers, and ring, with 2 generators> gap> RingWithOne( [ [ [ Z(9), Z(3) ], [ Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ], > [ [ 0*Z(9), Z(27) ], [ Z(3)^0, Z(3) ] ] ] ); <algebra-with-one over GF(3), with 2 generators> gap> RingWithOne( [ [ 1, E(5) ], [ E(5), 0 ] ] ); <free left module over Integers, and ring-with-one, with 1 generators> gap> RingWithOne( [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, E(5) ], [ E(7), 5 ] ] ); <free left module over Integers, and ring-with-one, with 2 generators> gap> mat:= [ [ 1, E(4) ], [ 1, 1 ] ]; [ [ 1, E(4) ], [ 1, 1 ] ] gap> r:= DefaultRing( [ mat ] ); <algebra over Rationals, with 1 generators> gap> mat in r; true ############################################################################# gap> z:= Algebra( GF(3), [], [ [ 0*Z(9), 0*Z(3) ], [ 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ] ); <algebra over GF(3)> gap> IsGaussianMatrixSpace( z ); true gap> IsTrivial( z ); true gap> Dimension( z ); 0 gap> a:= Algebra( GF(3), [ [ [ Z(9), Z(3) ], [ Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ], > [ [ 0*Z(9), Z(27) ], [ Z(3)^0, Z(3) ] ] ] ); <algebra over GF(3), with 2 generators> gap> IsNonGaussianMatrixSpace( a ); true gap> Dimension( a ); 24 gap> b:= Algebra( Rationals, [ [ [ 1, E(5) ], [ E(5), 0 ] ] ] ); <algebra over Rationals, with 1 generators> gap> IsNonGaussianMatrixSpace( b ); true gap> Dimension( b ); 8 gap> c:= Algebra( CF(5), [ [ [ 1, E(5) ], [ E(5), 0 ] ] ], > [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] ); <algebra over CF(5), with 1 generators> gap> IsGaussianMatrixSpace( c ); true gap> Dimension( c ); 2 gap> d:= Algebra( Rationals, [ [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ], > [ [ 0, E(3) ], [ E(4), 5 ] ] ] ); <algebra over Rationals, with 2 generators> gap> IsNonGaussianMatrixSpace( d ); true gap> Dimension( d ); 16 ############################################################################# gap> uz:= AlgebraWithOne( GF(3), [], > [ [ 0*Z(9), 0*Z(3) ], [ 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ] ); <algebra-with-one over GF(3), with 0 generators> gap> IsGaussianMatrixSpace( uz ); true gap> IsTrivial( uz ); false gap> Dimension( uz ); 1 gap> ua:= AlgebraWithOne( GF(3), [ [ [ Z(9), Z(3) ], [ Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ], > [ [ 0*Z(9), Z(27) ], [ Z(3)^0, Z(3) ] ] ] ); <algebra-with-one over GF(3), with 2 generators> gap> IsNonGaussianMatrixSpace( ua ); true gap> Dimension( ua ); 24 gap> ub:= AlgebraWithOne( Rationals, [ [ [ 1, E(5) ], [ E(5), 0 ] ] ] ); <algebra-with-one over Rationals, with 1 generators> gap> IsNonGaussianMatrixSpace( ub ); true gap> Dimension( ub ); 8 gap> uc:= AlgebraWithOne( CF(5), [ [ [ 1, E(5) ], [ E(5), 0 ] ] ], > [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] ); <algebra-with-one over CF(5), with 1 generators> gap> IsGaussianMatrixSpace( uc ); true gap> Dimension( uc ); 2 gap> ud:= AlgebraWithOne( Rationals, [ [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ], > [ [ 0, E(3) ], [ E(4), 5 ] ] ] ); <algebra-with-one over Rationals, with 2 generators> gap> IsNonGaussianMatrixSpace( ud ); true gap> Dimension( ud ); 16 ############################################################################# gap> IsUnit( c, Zero( c ) ); false gap> r:= [ [ 1, 1 ], [ 1, 1 ] ]; r in c; IsUnit( c, r ); [ [ 1, 1 ], [ 1, 1 ] ] false false gap> r:= [ [ 1, 1 ], [ 0, 1 ] ]; r in c; IsUnit( c, r ); [ [ 1, 1 ], [ 0, 1 ] ] false false gap> IsUnit( c, [ [ 1, E(5) ], [ E(5), 0 ] ] ); true gap> IdentityMat( 2, GF(3) ); [ [ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ], [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ] ] ############################################################################# gap> IsAssociative( a ); true gap> rada:= RadicalOfAlgebra( a ); <algebra of dimension 0 over GF(3)> gap> Dimension( rada ); 0 gap> IsAssociative( c ); true gap> radc:= RadicalOfAlgebra( c ); <algebra of dimension 0 over CF(5)> gap> Dimension( radc ); 0 ############################################################################# gap> cen:= Centralizer( c, GeneratorsOfAlgebra( c )[1] ); <algebra of dimension 2 over CF(5)> gap> cen = c; true gap> cen:= Centralizer( c, cen ); <algebra of dimension 2 over CF(5)> gap> cen = c; true gap> cen:= Centralizer( uc, GeneratorsOfAlgebra( uc )[1] ); <algebra-with-one of dimension 2 over CF(5)> gap> cen = uc; true gap> cen:= Centralizer( uc, cen ); <algebra-with-one of dimension 2 over CF(5)> gap> cen = uc; true gap> cen:= Centralizer( a, GeneratorsOfAlgebra( a )[1] ); <algebra of dimension 12 over GF(3)> gap> Dimension( cen ); 12 gap> cen:= Centralizer( a, cen ); <algebra of dimension 12 over GF(3)> gap> Dimension( cen ); 12 gap> cen:= Centralizer( ua, One( ua ) ); <algebra-with-one of dimension 24 over GF(3)> gap> cen = ua; true gap> cen:= Centralizer( ua, GeneratorsOfAlgebra( ua )[2] ); <algebra-with-one of dimension 12 over GF(3)> gap> Dimension( cen ); 12 gap> cen:= Centralizer( ua, cen ); <algebra-with-one of dimension 12 over GF(3)> gap> Dimension( cen ); 12 ############################################################################# gap> fullcen:= FullMatrixAlgebraCentralizer( CF(5), > GeneratorsOfAlgebra( c ) ); <algebra-with-one of dimension 2 over CF(5)> gap> Dimension( fullcen ); 2 gap> fullcen:= FullMatrixAlgebraCentralizer( GF(3^6), > GeneratorsOfAlgebra( a ) ); <algebra-with-one of dimension 1 over GF(3^6)> gap> Dimension( fullcen ); 1 ############################################################################# gap> f:= GF(2)^[3,3]; ( GF(2)^[ 3, 3 ] ) gap> f = FullMatrixFLMLOR( GF(2), 3 ); true gap> IsFullMatrixModule( f ); true gap> IsAlgebra( f ); true gap> u:= Algebra( GF(2), > [ [ [ 1, 1, 1 ], [ 0, 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 1 ] ] * Z(2) ] ); <algebra over GF(2), with 1 generators> gap> Dimension( u ); 2 gap> IsSubset( f, u ); true gap> cenu:= Centralizer( f, u ); <algebra-with-one of dimension 5 over GF(2)> gap> Dimension( cenu ); 5 gap> v:= FreeLeftModule( GF(2), > [ [ [ 1, 1, 1 ], [ 0, 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 1 ] ] * Z(2) ] ); <vector space over GF(2), with 1 generators> gap> Dimension( v ); 1 gap> IsSubset( f, v ); true gap> cenv:= Centralizer( f, v ); <algebra-with-one of dimension 5 over GF(2)> gap> Dimension( cenv ); 5 gap> IsSubset( cenv, cenu ); true gap> cenv = Centralizer( f, GeneratorsOfLeftModule( v ) ); true gap> gap> Centralizer( f, [] ) = f; true ############################################################################# gap> l:= FullMatrixLieAlgebra( GF(2), 3 ); <Lie algebra over GF(2), with 5 generators> gap> Dimension( l ); 9 ############################################################################# gap> sum:= DirectSumOfAlgebras( f, f ); <algebra over GF(2), with 6 generators> gap> Dimension( sum ) = 2 * Dimension( f ); true gap> IsFullMatrixModule( sum ); false gap> sum:= DirectSumOfAlgebras( l, l ); <Lie algebra over GF(2), with 10 generators> gap> Dimension( sum ) = 2 * Dimension( l ); true gap> IsFullMatrixModule( sum ); false gap> sum:= DirectSumOfAlgebras( l, f ); <algebra of dimension 18 over GF(2)> gap> Dimension( sum ) = 2 * Dimension( l ); true gap> IsFullMatrixModule( sum ); false ############################################################################# gap> n:= NullAlgebra( GF(3) ); <algebra over GF(3)> gap> Dimension( n ); 0 gap> b:= Basis( n ); SemiEchelonBasis( <algebra of dimension 0 over GF(3)>, [ ] ) gap> BasisVectors( b ); [ ] gap> zero:= Zero( n ); EmptyMatrix( 3 ) gap> Coefficients( b, zero ); [ ] gap> zero + zero = zero; true gap> zero * zero = zero; true gap> [] * zero; [ ] gap> zero * []; [ ] gap> Z(3) * zero = zero; true gap> zero * Z(3) = zero; true gap> zero^3 = zero; true gap> zero^-3 = zero; true ############################################################################# # missing: F.p. algebras # missing: standard bases of matrix algebras, # fingerprints, 'RepresentativeOperation' # missing: natural modules, abstract expressions, field multiplicity ############################################################################# gap> STOP_TEST( "algmat.tst", 11540000); ############################################################################# ## #E