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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 418346############################################################################# ## #W mapping.tst GAP library Thomas Breuer ## ## #Y Copyright (C) 1996, Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany ## ## To be listed in testinstall.g ## gap> START_TEST("mapping.tst"); gap> M:= GF(3); GF(3) gap> tuples:= List( Tuples( AsList( M ), 2 ), DirectProductElement );; gap> Print(tuples,"\n"); [ DirectProductElement( [ 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ), DirectProductElement( [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ] ), DirectProductElement( [ 0*Z(3), Z(3) ] ), DirectProductElement( [ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ] ), DirectProductElement( [ Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0 ] ), DirectProductElement( [ Z(3)^0, Z(3) ] ), DirectProductElement( [ Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ), DirectProductElement( [ Z(3), Z(3)^0 ] ), DirectProductElement( [ Z(3), Z(3) ] ) ] gap> map:= GeneralMappingByElements( M, M, [] ); <general mapping: GF(3) -> GF(3) > gap> IsInjective( map ); true gap> IsSingleValued( map ); true gap> IsSurjective( map ); false gap> IsTotal( map ); false gap> map:= GeneralMappingByElements( M, M, tuples{ [ 1, 2, 4, 7 ] } ); <general mapping: GF(3) -> GF(3) > gap> IsInjective( map ); false gap> IsSingleValued( map ); false gap> IsSurjective( map ); false gap> IsTotal( map ); true gap> inv:= InverseGeneralMapping( map ); InverseGeneralMapping( <general mapping: GF(3) -> GF(3) > ) gap> Print(AsList( UnderlyingRelation( inv ) ),"\n"); [ DirectProductElement( [ 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ), DirectProductElement( [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ] ), DirectProductElement( [ 0*Z(3), Z(3) ] ), DirectProductElement( [ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ] ) ] gap> IsInjective( inv ); false gap> IsSingleValued( inv ); false gap> IsSurjective( inv ); true gap> IsTotal( inv ); false gap> comp:= CompositionMapping( inv, map ); CompositionMapping( InverseGeneralMapping( <general mapping: GF(3) -> GF(3) > ), <general mapping: GF(3) -> GF(3) > ) gap> Print(AsList( UnderlyingRelation( comp ) ),"\n"); [ DirectProductElement( [ 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ), DirectProductElement( [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ] ), DirectProductElement( [ 0*Z(3), Z(3) ] ), DirectProductElement( [ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ] ), DirectProductElement( [ Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0 ] ), DirectProductElement( [ Z(3)^0, Z(3) ] ), DirectProductElement( [ Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ), DirectProductElement( [ Z(3), Z(3)^0 ] ), DirectProductElement( [ Z(3), Z(3) ] ) ] gap> IsInjective( comp ); false gap> IsSingleValued( comp ); false gap> IsSurjective( comp ); true gap> IsTotal( comp ); true gap> anticomp:= CompositionMapping( map, inv ); CompositionMapping( <general mapping: GF(3) -> GF(3) >, InverseGeneralMapping( <general mapping: GF(3) -> GF(3) > ) ) gap> Print(AsList( UnderlyingRelation( anticomp ) ),"\n"); [ DirectProductElement( [ 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ), DirectProductElement( [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ] ), DirectProductElement( [ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ] ), DirectProductElement( [ Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0 ] ) ] gap> IsInjective( anticomp ); false gap> IsSingleValued( anticomp ); false gap> IsSurjective( anticomp ); false gap> IsTotal( anticomp ); false gap> t1:= DirectProductElement( [ (), () ] );; t2:= DirectProductElement( [ (1,2), (1,2) ] );; gap> g:= Group( (1,2) );; gap> t:= TrivialSubgroup( g );; gap> map1:= GeneralMappingByElements( g, g, [ t1, t2 ] );; gap> map2:= GeneralMappingByElements( t, t, [ t1 ] );; gap> IsMapping( map1 ); true gap> IsMapping( map2 ); true gap> com:= CompositionMapping( map2, map1 );; gap> Source( com ); Group([ (1,2) ]) gap> Images( com, (1,2) ); [ ] gap> IsTotal( com ); false gap> IsSurjective( com ); true gap> IsSingleValued( com ); true gap> IsInjective( com ); true gap> map:= GeneralMappingByElements( M, M, tuples{ [ 1, 4 ] } ); <general mapping: GF(3) -> GF(3) > gap> IsInjective( map ); false gap> IsSingleValued( map ); true gap> IsSurjective( map ); false gap> IsTotal( map ); false gap> inv:= InverseGeneralMapping( map ); InverseGeneralMapping( <general mapping: GF(3) -> GF(3) > ) gap> AsList( UnderlyingRelation( inv ) ); [ DirectProductElement( [ 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ), DirectProductElement( [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ] ) ] gap> IsInjective( inv ); true gap> IsSingleValued( inv ); false gap> IsSurjective( inv ); false gap> IsTotal( inv ); false gap> comp:= CompositionMapping( inv, map ); CompositionMapping( InverseGeneralMapping( <general mapping: GF(3) -> GF(3) > ), <general mapping: GF(3) -> GF(3) > ) gap> IsInjective( comp ); false gap> IsSingleValued( comp ); false gap> IsSurjective( comp ); false gap> IsTotal( comp ); false gap> ImagesSource( map ); [ 0*Z(3) ] gap> PreImagesRange( map ); [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ] gap> comp:= CompositionMapping( IdentityMapping( Range( map ) ), map ); <general mapping: GF(3) -> GF(3) > gap> comp = IdentityMapping( Source( map ) ) * map; true gap> map = comp; true gap> comp = map; true gap> map = inv; false gap> inv = map; false gap> map < inv; true gap> inv < map; false gap> conj:= map ^ inv; CompositionMapping( InverseGeneralMapping( <general mapping: GF(3) -> GF(3) > ), CompositionMapping( <general mapping: GF(3) -> GF(3) >, <general mapping: GF(3) -> GF(3) > ) ) gap> IsSubset( UnderlyingRelation( conj ), UnderlyingRelation( map ) ); true gap> IsSubset( UnderlyingRelation( map ), UnderlyingRelation( conj ) ); false gap> One( map ); IdentityMapping( GF(3) ) gap> Z(3) / IdentityMapping( GF(3) ); Z(3) gap> map:= GeneralMappingByElements( M, M, tuples{ [ 1, 4, 8 ] } ); <general mapping: GF(3) -> GF(3) > gap> IsInjective( map ); false gap> IsSingleValued( map ); true gap> IsSurjective( map ); false gap> IsTotal( map ); true gap> ImageElm( map, Z(3) ); Z(3)^0 gap> ImagesElm( map, Z(3) ); [ Z(3)^0 ] gap> ImagesSet( map, [ 0*Z(3), Z(3) ] ); [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ] gap> ImagesSet( map, GF(3) ); [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ] gap> ImagesRepresentative( map, Z(3) ); Z(3)^0 gap> (0*Z(3)) ^ map; 0*Z(3) gap> map:= InverseGeneralMapping( map ); InverseGeneralMapping( <mapping: GF(3) -> GF(3) > ) gap> Print(AsList( UnderlyingRelation( map ) ),"\n"); [ DirectProductElement( [ 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ), DirectProductElement( [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ] ), DirectProductElement( [ Z(3)^0, Z(3) ] ) ] gap> IsInjective( map ); true gap> IsSingleValued( map ); false gap> IsSurjective( map ); true gap> IsTotal( map ); false gap> PreImageElm( map, Z(3) ); Z(3)^0 gap> PreImagesElm( map, Z(3) ); [ Z(3)^0 ] gap> PreImagesSet( map, [ 0*Z(3), Z(3) ] ); [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ] gap> PreImagesSet( map, GF(3) ); [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ] gap> PreImagesRepresentative( map, Z(3) ); Z(3)^0 gap> map:= GeneralMappingByElements( M, M, tuples{ [ 2, 6, 7 ] } ); <general mapping: GF(3) -> GF(3) > gap> IsInjective( map ); true gap> IsSingleValued( map ); true gap> IsSurjective( map ); true gap> IsTotal( map ); true gap> ImageElm( map, Z(3) ); 0*Z(3) gap> ImagesElm( map, Z(3) ); [ 0*Z(3) ] gap> ImagesSet( map, [ 0*Z(3), Z(3) ] ); [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ] gap> ImagesSet( map, GF(3) ); [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0, Z(3) ] gap> ImagesRepresentative( map, Z(3) ); 0*Z(3) gap> map:= InverseGeneralMapping( map ); InverseGeneralMapping( <mapping: GF(3) -> GF(3) > ) gap> Print(AsList( UnderlyingRelation( map ) ),"\n"); [ DirectProductElement( [ 0*Z(3), Z(3) ] ), DirectProductElement( [ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ] ), DirectProductElement( [ Z(3), Z(3)^0 ] ) ] gap> IsInjective( map ); true gap> IsSingleValued( map ); true gap> IsSurjective( map ); true gap> IsTotal( map ); true gap> PreImageElm( map, Z(3) ); 0*Z(3) gap> PreImagesElm( map, Z(3) ); [ 0*Z(3) ] gap> PreImagesSet( map, [ 0*Z(3), Z(3) ] ); [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ] gap> PreImagesSet( map, GF(3) ); [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0, Z(3) ] gap> PreImagesRepresentative( map, Z(3) ); 0*Z(3) gap> ImagesSource( map ); [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0, Z(3) ] gap> PreImagesRange( map ); [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0, Z(3) ] gap> g := Group((1,2),(3,4));; gap> i := IdentityMapping( g );; gap> i2 := AsGroupGeneralMappingByImages(i);; gap> j:=GroupGeneralMappingByImages(g,g,AsSSortedList(g),AsSSortedList(g));; gap> i2 = j; true gap> A:=[[0,1,0],[0,0,1],[1,0,0]];; gap> B:=[[0,0,1],[0,1,0],[-1,0,0]];; gap> C:=[[E(4),0,0],[0,E(4)^(-1),0],[0,0,1]];; gap> g2:=GroupWithGenerators([A,B,C]);; gap> nice := NiceMonomorphism (g2);; gap> d := DerivedSubgroup (g2);; gap> res := RestrictedMapping (nice, d);; gap> IsGroupHomomorphism(res); true gap> IsInjective(res); true # The following test verifies we handle pcgs with large primes in them efficiently. # See also GitHub pull requests #576 and #578 gap> V := AsVectorSpace (GF(2), GF(2^17));; gap> h := BlownUpMat(Basis(V), [[Z(2^17)]]);; gap> ConvertToMatrixRep(h);; gap> G := CyclicGroup (2^17-1);; gap> H := Group (h);; gap> hom := GroupHomomorphismByImagesNC (G, H, [G.1], [h]);; gap> ImagesRepresentative(hom, G.1^2) = h^2; true gap> STOP_TEST( "mapping.tst", 13280000); ############################################################################# ## #E