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Views: 466309############################################################################# ## #W matrix.tst GAP Tests Robert F. Morse ## ## ## #Y (C) 1998 School Math. and Comp. Sci., University of St Andrews, Scotland ## ## Exclude from testinstall.g: why? ## gap> START_TEST("matrix.tst"); gap> ## gap> ## gap> ######################################################################## gap> ## gap> ## Categories of Matrices gap> ## gap> ## gap> r := Rationals;; gap> m := RandomMat(10,10,r);; gap> IsMatrix(m); true gap> IsTable(m); true gap> IsRectangularTable(m); true gap> m := [RandomMat(10,10,r)];; gap> IsMatrix(m); false gap> IsTable(m); true gap> m := RandomMat(10,10,r);; gap> IsOrdinaryMatrix(m); true gap> IsLieMatrix(m); false gap> #T gap> #T Make malformed matrices of both types gap> #T gap> m := [[1,2,3],[1,2],[1]];; gap> IsMatrix(m); true gap> IsOrdinaryMatrix(m); true gap> IsTable(m); true gap> IsRectangularTable(m); false gap> m := LieObject(m);; gap> IsMatrix(m); true gap> IsLieMatrix(m); true gap> IsTable(m); true gap> IsRectangularTable(m); false gap> ## gap> m := LieObject(RandomMat(50,50,[-100..100]));; gap> IsLieMatrix(m); true gap> IsOrdinaryMatrix(m); false gap> m*m=Zero(m); true gap> m1 := LieObject(IdentityMat(50));; gap> m*m1=m; false gap> #T gap> #T From the manual: A matrix is a list of lists of equal length gap> #T whose entries lie in a common ring gap> #T gap> #T But not rings represented as matrices. gap> #T gap> m := RandomInvertibleMat(5,GF(3));; gap> r := Ring(m);; gap> IsFinite(r); true gap> e:=Random(r);; gap> m1 := [[e,e],[e,e]];; gap> IsMatrix(m1); false gap> IsRingElement(e); true gap> nm := NullMat(2,2,r);; gap> IsMatrix(nm); false gap> d := DiagonalMat([e,e]);; gap> IsMatrix(d); false gap> ## gap> ######################################################################## gap> ## gap> ## Operators for Matrices gap> ## gap> ## gap> m := RandomInvertibleMat(10,Rationals);; gap> m1 := RandomInvertibleMat(10,Rationals);; gap> v := Flat(RandomMat(1,10,Rationals));; gap> e := 3/23;; gap> ## gap> ## scalar ops gap> ## gap> e*m/e=m; true gap> (m/e)*e=m; true gap> (e/m)=m^-1*e; true gap> e+m-e = m; true gap> ## list ops gap> mlst := [m,m1,m,m1];; gap> e+mlst-e = mlst; true gap> e*mlst/e=mlst; true gap> #T gap> #T not sure why this is a syntax error gap> #T (m^-1*mlst*m){[1,3]} = mlst{[1,3]}; gap> #T gap> m1lst := m^-1*mlst*m;; gap> m1lst{[1,3]}=mlst{[1,3]}; true gap> ## gap> r := Integers;; gap> n := Random([5..10]);; gap> rm := RandomInvertibleMat(n,r);; rmi := rm^-1;; gap> e*rmi = e/rm; true gap> rm*rmi = rm/rm; true gap> Comm(rm,IdentityMat(n,r))=IdentityMat(n,r); true gap> Comm(rm,rm)=IdentityMat(n,r); true gap> Comm(rm,rmi)=One(rm); true gap> ## gap> ## vector ops gap> ## gap> v1 := v*m;; gap> v1[1]=Sum(List([1..10],x->v[x]*m[x][1])); true gap> v1 := m*v{[1..5]};; gap> v1[1]=Sum(List([1..5],x->m[1][x]*v[x])); true gap> rm := RandomInvertibleMat(5,r);; rmi := rm^-1;; gap> rm*rmi = rmi*rm; true gap> v := List([1..5],x->Random(r));; gap> v*rmi = v/rm; true gap> v := List([1..5],x->rmi[1][x]);; gap> v*rm = [One(rm[1][1]),Zero(rm[1][1]),Zero(rm[1][1]),Zero(rm[1][1]),Zero(rm[1][1])]; true gap> ## gap> ## More general ring gap> ## gap> r := GroupRing(GF(2), ElementaryAbelianGroup(4));; gap> m := RandomMat(10,5,r);; gap> v := Flat(RandomMat(1,10,r));; gap> e := Random(r);; gap> ## gap> ## scalar ops gap> ## gap> m1 := e*m;; gap> m1[5][5] = e*m[5][5]; true gap> m1 := e+m;; gap> m1[3][1] = e+m[3][1]; true gap> m1 := m+e;; gap> m1[3][1] = e+m[3][1]; true gap> m1 := e-m;; gap> m1[3][1] = e-m[3][1]; true gap> m1 := m-e;; gap> m1[3][1] = m[3][1]-e; true gap> mlst := [m,m1,m,m1];; gap> mlst1 := e * mlst;; gap> e*mlst[1]=mlst1[3]; true gap> mlst := [m,m1,m,m1];; gap> mlst1 := e + mlst;; gap> e+mlst[1]=mlst1[3]; true gap> ## gap> ## vector ops gap> ## gap> v1 := v*m;; gap> v1[1]=Sum(List([1..10],x->v[x]*m[x][1])); true gap> v1 := m*v{[1..5]};; gap> v2 := Sum(List([1..5],x->m[1][x]*v[x]));; gap> v1[1]=v2; true gap> ## gap> ## gap> ######################################################################## gap> ## gap> ## Properties and Attributes of Matrices gap> ## gap> #T gap> #T Dimensions of malformed matrices gap> #T gap> m := [[1,2,3],[2,3]];; gap> DimensionsMat(m); fail gap> m := [[1],[1,2]];; gap> DimensionsMat(m); fail gap> m := [[1,2,3,4],[1,2,3,4]];; gap> DimensionsMat(m); [ 2, 4 ] gap> TransposedMatDestructive(m);; gap> DimensionsMat(m); [ 4, 2 ] gap> ## gap> m := [[Random(GF(34147))]];; gap> DefaultFieldOfMatrix(m); GF(34147) gap> ## gap> pr := PolynomialRing(Integers,15);; gap> v := IndeterminatesOfPolynomialRing(pr);; gap> d:= DiagonalMat(v);; gap> Trace(d)=Sum(v); true gap> v1 := v*d;; gap> v2 := List(v,x->x^2);; gap> v1=v2; true gap> ## gap> n:=5;; gap> ##base elements for Vandermonde matrix gap> v := [1/5,1/4,1/3,1/2,1];; ##Rationals gap> M := List(v,x->List([0..n-1],y->x^y));; ## build Vandermonde matrix gap> VD := Product(List(Filtered(Cartesian([1..n],[1..n]), > x->x[1]<x[2]), x->v[x[2]]-v[x[1]]));; ## determine analytically determinant gap> D := Determinant(M);; ## compute gap> VD=D; ## compare true gap> D := DeterminantMatDivFree(M);; ## second method for testing gap> VD=D; true gap> n:=5;; gap> ##base elements for Vandermonde matrix gap> v := [1,3,5,7,11];; #integers gap> M := List(v,x->List([0..n-1],y->x^y));; ## build Vandermonde matrix gap> VD := Product(List(Filtered(Cartesian([1..n],[1..n]), > x->x[1]<x[2]), x->v[x[2]]-v[x[1]]));; ## determine analytically determinant gap> D := Determinant(M);; ## compute gap> VD=D; ## compare true gap> D := DeterminantMatDivFree(M);; ## second method for testing gap> VD=D; true gap> v:=Elements(ZmodnZ(12)){[4..8]};; gap> M := List(v,x->List([0..n-1],y->x^y));; ## build Vandermonde matrix gap> VD := Product(List(Filtered(Cartesian([1..n],[1..n]), > x->x[1]<x[2]), x->v[x[2]]-v[x[1]]));; ## determine analytically determinant gap> D := DeterminantMatDivFree(M);; ## can we only use the division free method gap> VD=D; true gap> ## gap> v:=Elements(GF(97)){[26..50]};; gap> d:= DiagonalMat(v);; gap> Product(v)=Determinant(d); true gap> Product(v)=DeterminantMatDivFree(d); true gap> v:=Elements(GroupRing(GF(2),ElementaryAbelianGroup(8))){[26..50]};; gap> d:= DiagonalMat(v);; gap> Product(v)=DeterminantMatDivFree(d); true gap> ## gap> x := Indeterminate(Integers,1);; gap> hm := [[x,x^0,0*x,0*x], [x^0,x,x^0,0*x], [0*x,x^0,x,x^0], [0*x,0*x,x^0,x]];; gap> DeterminantMatDivFree(hm); x_1^4-3*x_1^2+1 gap> ## gap> ## Simple matrix functions for testing gap> ## gap> Minor := function(m,i,j) local m1; > m1 := TransposedMat(m{Filtered([1..Length(m)],x->x<>i)}); > return TransposedMat(m1{Filtered([1..Length(m1)],x->x<>j)}); > end;; gap> Cofactor := function(m,i,j) > return (-One(m[1][1]))^(i+j)*DeterminantMat(Minor(m,i,j)); > end;; gap> CofactorDV := function(m,i,j) > return (-One(m[1][1]))^(i+j)*DeterminantMatDivFree(Minor(m,i,j)); > end;; gap> Adjoint := m-> > TransposedMat(List([1..Length(m)], > i-> List([1..Length(m[i])], j-> Cofactor(m,i,j))));; gap> AdjointDV := m-> > TransposedMat(List([1..Length(m)], > i-> List([1..Length(m[i])], j-> CofactorDV(m,i,j))));; gap> ## gap> ## Adjoint(m)*m = Det(m)*I gap> m := RandomInvertibleMat(20,GF(2));; gap> Adjoint(m)*m = DeterminantMat(m)*One(m); true gap> AdjointDV(m)*m = DeterminantMatDivFree(m)*One(m); #for testing true gap> ## gap> n:=5;; gap> VV:=Elements(ZmodnZ(12)){[4..8]};; gap> MM := List(VV,x->List([0..n-1],y->x^y));; ## build Vandermonde matrix gap> AdjointDV(MM)*MM = DeterminantMatDivFree(M)*One(M); true gap> ## gap> ######################################################################## gap> ## gap> ## Matrix Constructions gap> ## gap> ## gap> m := IdentityMat(40,Rationals);; gap> v := List([1..40],x->One(Rationals));; gap> m1 := DiagonalMat(v);; gap> m=m1; true gap> IsMatrix(IdentityMat(0,GF(2))); true gap> nm := NullMat(40,40,Rationals);; gap> nm=m-m; true gap> #T gap> #T We cannot determine the default field in this case. gap> #T But can do some reasonabe things with the matrix. gap> #T gap> pr := PolynomialRing(Integers);; gap> x := IndeterminatesOfPolynomialRing(pr)[1];; gap> m := IdentityMat(5,pr);; gap> v := List([1..5],x->One(pr));; gap> m1 := DiagonalMat(v);; gap> m=m1; true gap> DefaultFieldOfMatrix(m); fail gap> nm := NullMat(5,5,pr);; gap> nm=m-m; true gap> #T gap> #T EmptyMatrix Naming convention does not follow the gap> #T other operations/constructions gap> #T gap> em := EmptyMatrix(2); EmptyMatrix( 2 ) gap> IsMutable(em); false gap> em0 := EmptyMatrix(0); EmptyMatrix( 0 ) gap> em=em0; true gap> DimensionsMat(em); [ 0, 0 ] gap> em+em=em; true gap> em^em=em; true gap> []*em =em*[]; true gap> 3*em=em; true gap> #T gap> #T Can't use the ^ or + operations as stated in the manual: gap> #T []+em; gives a no method found gap> #T []^em; gives a no method found gap> #T gap> #T Must compare as lists gap> #T gap> []=em; true gap> IsMatrix([]); false gap> ## gap> #T Allows to construct over a ring but not its elements gap> #T x := Indeterminate(Integers); gap> #T PermutationMat((),30,x); no method found gap> ## gap> pr := PolynomialRing(Integers);; gap> pm := PermutationMat((),30,pr);; gap> pm = IdentityMat(30,pr); true gap> pm = IdentityMat(30,1); false gap> pm := PermutationMat((1,2,3),3,pr);; gap> pm1:= PermutationMat((1,2),3,pr);; gap> pm*pm1 = PermutationMat((2,3),3,pr); true gap> #T gap> #T According to the manual should return a matrix gap> #T gap> IsMatrix(PermutationMat((),0,GF(2))); false gap> ## gap> tm := TransposedMat(pm);; gap> IsMutable(tm); false gap> tm := MutableTransposedMat(pm);; gap> IsMutable(tm); true gap> TransposedMat(IdentityMat(50,Rationals))=IdentityMat(50,Rationals); true gap> m := [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]];; gap> m1 := TransposedMat(m);; gap> TransposedMatDestructive(m);; gap> m=m1; true gap> ## gap> m := [[1,2]];; gap> m1 := [[5,7],[9,2]];; gap> kp := KroneckerProduct(m,m1); [ [ 5, 7, 10, 14 ], [ 9, 2, 18, 4 ] ] gap> [DimensionsMat(m)[1]*DimensionsMat(m1)[1], > DimensionsMat(m)[2]*DimensionsMat(m1)[2]] = DimensionsMat(kp); true gap> r := GF(269);; gap> m1 := RandomInvertibleMat(4,r);; gap> m2 := RandomInvertibleMat(4,r);; gap> m3 := RandomInvertibleMat(4,r);; gap> m4 := RandomInvertibleMat(4,r);; gap> ## gap> ## associativity, distributive, operation preserving gap> KroneckerProduct(m1,KroneckerProduct(m2,m3))= > KroneckerProduct(KroneckerProduct(m1,m2),m3); true gap> KroneckerProduct(m1,m2+m3)=KroneckerProduct(m1,m2)+KroneckerProduct(m1,m3); true gap> TransposedMat(KroneckerProduct(m1,m2))= > KroneckerProduct(TransposedMat(m1),TransposedMat(m2)); true gap> Inverse(KroneckerProduct(m1,m2))= > KroneckerProduct(Inverse(m1),Inverse(m2)); true gap> Trace(KroneckerProduct(m1,m2))= Trace(m1)*Trace(m2); true gap> KroneckerProduct(m1*m2,m3*m4)= > KroneckerProduct(m1,m3)*KroneckerProduct(m2,m4); true gap> ## use known relations about eigenvalues gap> kb := KroneckerProduct(m1,m3);; gap> Set(Eigenvalues(r,kb)) = > Set(Flat(List(Eigenvalues(r,m1), x->x*Eigenvalues(r,m3)))); true gap> ## gap> ## Malformed construction gap> KroneckerProduct([[1,2],[1,2]],[[5],[9,2,3]]);; gap> DimensionsMat(last); fail gap> ## gap> rm:=ReflectionMat([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]);; gap> rm*[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]=[-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7,-8,-9,-10]; true gap> rm*rm*[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]; true gap> rm^2=One(rm); true gap> rm:=ReflectionMat([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],E(10));; gap> rm^10=One(rm); true gap> pr := PolynomialRing(Integers);; gap> x := IndeterminatesOfPolynomialRing(pr)[1];; gap> v := List([0..4],z->x^z);; gap> rm := ReflectionMat(v,x->-x);; gap> rm*v=-v; true gap> rm^2=One(rm); true gap> rm := ReflectionMat(v,x->x,E(3));; gap> rm^3=One(rm); true gap> ## gap> ######################################################################## gap> ## gap> ## Random Matrices gap> ## gap> ## gap> m := RandomMat(10,43,[100,1000]);; gap> DimensionsMat(m); [ 10, 43 ] gap> m := RandomInvertibleMat(10,GF(23));; gap> One(m)=IdentityMat(10,GF(23)); true gap> m^-1*m=IdentityMat(10,GF(23)); true gap> m^0=One(m); true gap> #T gap> #T RandomInvertibleMat fails at *times* for rings since it uses gap> #T a method that requires multiplicative inverses. gap> #T So we get random failures for gap> #T gr := GroupRing(Integers, CyclicGroup(10)); gap> #T RandomInvertibleMat(2,gr); gap> #T gap> #T When it does return how does it know it has an inverse? Can't use inverse. gap> #T gap> m := RandomUnimodularMat(10);; gap> AbsInt(Determinant(m))=1; true gap> ######################################################################## gap> ## gap> ## Matrices Representing Linear Equations and the Gaussian Algorithm gap> ## gap> ## gap> ######################################################################## gap> ## gap> ## Eigenvectors and eigenvalues gap> ## gap> ## gap> ######################################################################## gap> ## gap> ## Elementary Divisors gap> ## gap> ## gap> ######################################################################## gap> ## gap> ## Echelonized Matrices gap> ## gap> ## gap> ######################################################################## gap> ## gap> ## Matrices as Basis of a Row Space gap> ## gap> ## gap> ######################################################################## gap> ## gap> ## Triangular Matrices gap> ## gap> ## gap> ######################################################################## gap> ## gap> ## Matrices as Linear Mappings gap> ## gap> ## gap> ######################################################################## gap> STOP_TEST( "matrix.tst", 44220000); ############################################################################# ## #E