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Views: 1429
Kernel: Python 3 (Ubuntu Linux)

Rootfinding and optimization

In many applications we would like to find a root or minimum of a function in one or more variables. We will learn more about these methods later on, but will show some black-box methods in Python here.

# import scipy module import scipy.optimize as opt

Rootfinding in one variable

We want to find xRx\in\mathbb{R} for which f(x)=0f(x) = 0. Two well-known methods are Bisection and Newton's method.

# define function f = lambda x : x**2 - 2 # bisection root = opt.bisect(f,0,2) print('found root : ', root) # Newton root = opt.newton(f,0) print('found root : ', root)
found root : 1.4142135623715149 found root : 1.414213562373095


Try both methods on the function x2x^2, what is going on?


Find all roots of the functions 3.10788.09404x+3.25688x2+x33.1078 - 8.09404 x + 3.25688 x^2 + x^3 and 1.61051+7.3205x13.31x2+12.1x35.5x4+x5-1.61051 + 7.3205 x - 13.31 x^2 + 12.1 x^3 - 5.5 x^4 + x^5.

Optimization in one variable

Findig the minimum of a function in one variable is a common task. Various methods are available via a common interface:

f = lambda x : x**2 - 2*x + 5 xm = opt.minimize_scalar(f) print(xm)
fun: 4.0 nfev: 5 nit: 4 success: True x: 0.99999998519


Check out the documentation of minimize_scalar and try different methods for finding the minimum of (x1)8(x-1)^8. Which one works best?

Optimization in multiple variables

# Define quadratic function f = lambda x : (2*x[0] + x[1] - 2)**2 + (5*x[0] - x[1] + 3)**2 # find minimum using Nelder-Mead method xm = opt.minimize(f,[0,0],method='Nelder-Mead') print(xm)
final_simplex: (array([[-0.14285386, 2.28575115], [-0.14286149, 2.28567636], [-0.14284659, 2.28569444]]), array([2.30419251e-09, 2.43575720e-09, 5.27603680e-09])) fun: 2.304192514827093e-09 message: 'Optimization terminated successfully.' nfev: 136 nit: 71 status: 0 success: True x: array([-0.14285386, 2.28575115])


Find the minimum of the function in the example above by hand and verify the solution found by the algorithm. Hint: at a minimum of f(x,y)=0f(x,y) = 0 we have xf(x,y)=yf(x,y)=0\partial_x f(x,y) = \partial_y f(x,y) = 0.