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x = var('x') y = var('y') z = var('z') vx = var('vx') vy = var('vy') vz = var('vz') t1 = var('t1') t2 = var('t2') t3 = var('t3') eq1 = 197869613734967 == x + (vx-150)*t1 eq2 = 292946034245705 == y + (vy-5)*t1 eq3 = 309220804687650 == z + (vz+8)*t1 eq4 = 344503265587754 == x + (vx+69)*t2 eq5 = 394181872935272 == y + (vy-11)*t2 eq6 = 376338710786779 == z + (vz+46)*t2 eq7 = 293577250654200 == x + (vx+17)*t3 eq8 = 176398758803665 == y + (vy-101)*t3 eq9 = 272206447651388 == z + (vz-26)*t3 solutions = solve([eq1,eq2,eq3,eq4,eq5,eq6,eq7,eq8,eq9],x,y,z,vx,vy,vz,t1,t2,t3) solutions[0][0]+solutions[0][1]+solutions[0][2]
x + y + z == 646810057104753