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%python '''Application of vortex lattice method to a planar symmetric wing Check the reference : pp 271-276, Bertin and Smith, Aerodynamics for Engineers (2nd edition) ''' # Author : Pankaj Pandey try: import numpy except ImportError, ierr: print '''This program requires 'numpy' and optionally 'pylab' (for plotting) python modules to run, get them from and respectively''' raise ierr class VLMPlanarWing(object): '''class representing a wing''' def __init__(self, rootChord, tipChord, sweep, length, N=20): '''sweep should be in degrees''' self.rootChord = rootChord self.tipChord = tipChord self.sweep = sweep * numpy.pi / 180 self.b = length self.N = int(N) self.genCoordinates() def getChord(self, y): return self.rootChord - (self.rootChord-self.tipChord)*y*2/self.b def genCoordinates(self): '''To be called after changing any geometric parameter''' N = self.N self.vortexPoints = numpy.empty((N+1,2)) self.vortexPoints[:,1] = numpy.arange(N+1) * self.b / (2*N) self.vortexPoints[:,0] = self.vortexPoints[:,1] *numpy.tan(self.sweep) + (self.rootChord - (self.rootChord-self.tipChord)*numpy.linspace(0.0,1.0,N+1)) / 4.0 self.ctrlPoints = numpy.empty((N,2)) self.ctrlPoints[:,1] = numpy.arange(0.5,N+0.5,1.0) * self.b / (2*N) self.ctrlPoints[:,0] = (self.vortexPoints[:-1,0]+self.vortexPoints[1:,0])/2.0 + (self.rootChord - (self.rootChord-self.tipChord)*(numpy.arange(0.5,N+0.5,1.0)) /N ) / 2.0 self.calcAMatrix() def calcAMatrix(self): '''Not to be externally called. Automatically called by genCoordinates() Calculates the coefficient matrix from 'Bertin and Smith' book's formulae, without the 4pi factor''' dy = self.b / 2 / self.N dx = dy * numpy.tan(self.sweep) + (self.tipChord-self.rootChord) / 4.0 / self.N dxr = dx dyr = - dy N = self.N A = numpy.empty((N,N)) PI = numpy.pi hypot = numpy.hypot for m in xrange(N): for n in xrange(N): dx1, dy1 = self.ctrlPoints[m] - self.vortexPoints[n] dx2, dy2 = self.ctrlPoints[m] - self.vortexPoints[n+1] A[m,n] = ( ((dx*dx1+dy*dy1)/hypot(dx1,dy1) - (dx*dx2+dy*dy2)/hypot(dx2,dy2)) / (dx1*dy2-dx2*dy1) - (1+dx1/hypot(dx1,dy1))/dy1 + (1+dx2/hypot(dx2,dy2))/dy2 ) # for the other symmetric part of the wing dy1r = self.ctrlPoints[m,1] + self.vortexPoints[n,1] dy2r = self.ctrlPoints[m,1] + self.vortexPoints[n+1,1] # -ve sign because in the symmetric part (reverse direction) our (n+1)th point is to left of (n)th point A[m,n] -= ( ((dxr*dx1+dyr*dy1r)/hypot(dx1,dy1r) - (dxr*dx2+dyr*dy2r)/hypot(dx2,dy2r)) / (dx1*dy2r-dx2*dy1r) - (1+dx1/hypot(dx1,dy1r))/dy1r + (1+dx2/hypot(dx2,dy2r))/dy2r ) self.A = A return self.A def solve(self, U_inf=1.0, AoA=180/numpy.pi, rho_inf=1.0): '''AoA in degrees''' AoA *= numpy.pi / 180.0 rhs = - U_inf * AoA * numpy.ones((self.N,)) * numpy.pi * 4 circulation = numpy.linalg.solve(self.A, rhs) sectionalLift = rho_inf * U_inf * circulation lift = numpy.sum(sectionalLift) * self.b / self.N C_l = lift * 4 / rho_inf / U_inf / U_inf / (self.rootChord + self.tipChord) / self.b C_l_alpha = C_l / AoA self.C_L_alpha = C_l_alpha sectional_chord = self.rootChord - (self.rootChord - self.tipChord) * numpy.linspace(0,1.0,self.N+1) sectional_control_chord = (sectional_chord[1:] + sectional_chord[:-1]) / 2.0 sectional_C_l = sectionalLift * 2 / rho_inf / U_inf / U_inf / sectional_control_chord self.sectional_C_l = sectional_C_l return circulation, lift, sectionalLift, sectional_C_l, C_l, C_l_alpha def plot(self): '''Use only after calling solve()''' try: import pylab except ImportError: print 'Matplotlib not installed. Plotting is disabled' return pylab.figure() pylab.plot(self.ctrlPoints[:,1], self.sectional_C_l, '.-', label='$Sectional\ C_l$ \n $C_{L\\alpha}=%.4f$' % self.C_L_alpha) pylab.title('Vortex Lattice Method for planar wing') pylab.xlabel('wing semi-span') pylab.ylabel('$C_l$') pylab.legend(loc='best') pylab.savefig('plot.png') def printdatadict(datadict): for key,value in datadict.iteritems(): print '%25s : %s' %(key,value) def printdata(data): keys = ('Circulation', 'Lift', 'Sectional Lift', 'Sectional C_l', 'C_l', 'C_l_alpha(/radian)') print '' for i in xrange(len(keys)): print '%-19s: %s' %(keys[i],data[i]) def get_result(inputdata): wing = VLMPlanarWing(*[float(i) for i in inputdata[:5]]) data = wing.solve(*[float(i) for i in inputdata[5:]]) print 'C_L_alpha = ', wing.C_L_alpha wing.plot() @interact def _(rootChord=0.2, tipChord=0.2, sweep=45.0, length=1.0, N=5, U_inf=1.0, AoA=57.295779513082323, rho_inf=1.0): args = rootChord, tipChord, sweep, length, N, U_inf, AoA, rho_inf get_result(args)
# input data for the example problem in the 'Bertin and Smith' Book inputdata = [0.2, 0.2, 45.0, 1.0, 4, 1.0 , 180/numpy.pi, 1.0] get_result(inputdata) # Expected approximate results from the example problem in 'Bertin and Smith' book circulationE = numpy.array([ 0.34281059, 0.36052917, 0.35701059, 0.28261768]) liftE = 0.343313 sectionalLiftE = numpy.array([ 0.34281059, 0.36052917, 0.35701059, 0.28261768]) ClE = 3.43313 Cl_alphaE = 3.43313
C_L_alpha = 3.44422418771
# rootChord tipChord sweep(degrees) length N U_inf AoA(degrees) rho_inf inputdata = 0.2, 0.1, 45.0, 1.0, 4, 1.0 , 180/numpy.pi, 1.0 get_result(inputdata)
C_L_alpha = 3.85471901591