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Image: ubuntu2004
class Coalitions: "use binary counting to generate all possible coalitions" def __init__(self, participants): self.participants = participants # maximale binäre Stellen self.bin_v = [] # Vektor Länge max mit Zweierpotenzen self.bin = 1 self.bin_v.append(self.bin) for x in range(self.participants ): self.bin = self.bin*2 self.bin_v.append(self.bin) def get_coalition(self, x): "returns binary value of x as list" self.coalition = [] for i in range(1, self.participants +1): if x - self.bin_v[self.participants -i] >= 0: x = x-self.bin_v[self.participants -i] self.coalition.append(1) else: self.coalition.append(0) return self.coalition # Example: alle vierstelligen Binaerzahlen als Liste ausgeben: #coal = Coalitions(4) #for i in range(2^4): # print coal.get_coalition(i) def w_sum(v,w): "v: binary List, w: weights" "returns weighted sum, v[i] decides if w[i] is counted" if len(v) != len(w): print "len(v) != len(w) FAIL" return 0 sum = 0 for i in range(len(v)): if v[i] == 1: sum = sum + w[i] return sum def abs_banzhaf_index(w, q, j): if j >= len(w): print "j >= len(w) FAIL" return 0 coal = Coalitions(len(w)) count = 0 for i in range(2^len(w)): c = coal.get_coalition(i) if c[j] == 1: pass # this coalition includes member j, so just skip else: if w_sum(c, w) < q: c[j] = 1 if w_sum(c, w) >= q: count += 1 #print c return count
w = [10,5,4] q = 10 for j in range(len(w)): abs_banzhaf_index(w,q,j)
4 0 0
w = [9,6,4] q = 10 for j in range(len(w)): abs_banzhaf_index(w,q,j)
2 2 2
w = [4,4,4,2,2,1] q = 12 for j in range(len(w)): abs_banzhaf_index(w,q,j)
10 10 10 6 6 0
w = [10,10,10,10,5,5,3,3,2] q = 41 for j in range(len(w)): abs_banzhaf_index(w,q,j)
53 53 53 53 29 29 21 21 5