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Image: ubuntu2004
nodes=[(0.0,0.0,0.0),(0,0,-1.0),(0,0.83,-0.5)] m=1
# helpers def get_sets_of_n(list,n): if len(list) < n or n <= 0: return [] elif n == 1: return map(lambda x:[x],list) newlist = [] for index,i in enumerate(list[:-n+1]): for j in get_sets_of_n(list[index+1:],n-1): newlist.append([i]+j) return newlist def metric(m,a,b): horiz = (a[0]-b[0])^2+(a[1]-b[1])^2 vert = abs(a[2]-b[2]) #return '',sqrt(horiz+vert^2) if vert^2 > m*horiz: return 'b',float(sqrt(1+m^-2)*vert) elif vert^2/horiz == m: return 'm',float(sqrt(horiz + vert^2)) else: return 'f',float(sqrt(horiz + vert^2)) def nub(list): last = None newlist = [] for i in list: if i != last: newlist.append(i) last = i return newlist def average(list): return sum(list)/len(list) def trace(a): print a return a def graph_plot(g,pos,special,args={},args2={'color':'red'}): e = g.edges() #print e g = Graphics() points = [] for i,j,w in e: g += line3d([pos[i],pos[j]],**args) if i not in points: points.append(i) if i in special: g += point3d(pos[i],**args2) else: g += point3d(pos[i]) if j not in points: points.append(j) if j in special: g += point3d(pos[j],**args2) else: g += point3d(pos[j]) return g def scale_point(s,p): return map(lambda x:x*s,p) def add_points(p,q): return map(lambda x,y:x+y,p,q) def compute_metric_steiner2(l): if len(l) != 2: return None first_guess=map(average,(zip(*l))) return first_guess def compute_metric_steiner3(l,p=False): if len(l) != 3: return None guess=map(average,(zip(*l))) def compute_dist(xx): return metric(m,xx,l[0])[1]+metric(m,xx,l[1])[1]+metric(m,xx,l[2])[1] dist = compute_dist(guess) step = dist/2 while step > 1e-3: if p: print "** ", guess, dist best = guess bestd = dist for perm in [(step,0,0),(0,step,0),(0,0,step)]: nperm = scale_point(-1,perm) guess1 = add_points(guess,perm) guess2 = add_points(guess,nperm) d1 = compute_dist(guess1) d2 = compute_dist(guess2) if p: print ">>> ",guess1,d1,"\n ", guess2,d2 if d1 < bestd: best = guess1 bestd = d2 if d2 < bestd: best = guess2 bestd = d2 guess = best dist = bestd step /= 2 return guess def compute_metric_steiner4(l): if len(l) != 4: return None first_guess=map(average,(zip(*l))) return first_guess def compute_metric_steiner5(l): if len(l) != 5: return None first_guess=map(average,(zip(*l))) return first_guess
# we compute the average of all the subsets of vertices of a given size # we first get the sets, i.e. a list of lists of points, and then transpose # each list in the big list, to a list of lists of length 3 of values, each of these sublists # corresponds to a coordinate (i.e. it contains list of all the x values, then y values and z values) # and so just average these len_nodes = len(nodes) node_numbers = range(len_nodes) newnodes=map(compute_metric_steiner3, get_sets_of_n(nodes,3))#+map(compute_metric_steiner4, get_sets_of_n(nodes,4))#+map(compute_metric_steiner5,get_sets_of_n(nodes,5)) allnodes = nodes+nub(sorted(newnodes)) pos = {} for index,i in enumerate(allnodes): pos[index] = i c_hull = Polyhedron(vertices=nodes,field=RDF) useful_v=node_numbers[:] for i,p in pos.items(): if c_hull.contains(p) and i not in useful_v: #and list(l).count(0) < len(l) - 2: # or list(l)[:len_nodes].count(0) < len_nodes: useful_v.append(i) print "Useful: ",useful_v, "\t#:",len(useful_v) diction = {} for i,j in get_sets_of_n(list(enumerate(allnodes)),2): if i[0] not in diction: diction[i[0]] = {j[0]:metric(m,i[1],j[1])[1]} else: diction[i[0]][j[0]] = metric(m,i[1],j[1])[1] g=Graph(diction) print len(allnodes) # compute the spanning tree using those ^ vertices mst=g.min_spanning_tree(lambda a:a[2]) mst_dict = {} for i,j,d in mst: if i not in mst_dict: mst_dict[i] = {j:d} else: mst_dict[i][j] = d mstg = Graph(mst_dict,weighted=True) mstgwam = mstg.weighted_adjacency_matrix() #print allnodes gwam = g.weighted_adjacency_matrix() new_wam = [] for i in range(len(allnodes)): row = gwam[i] newrow = [0]*len(row) if i in useful_v: for j in useful_v: newrow[j] = row[j] new_wam.append(newrow) trimmed_mstg = Graph(data=Matrix(new_wam),format='weighted_adjacency_matrix') G=Graphics() G+=graph_plot(mstg,pos,useful_v,{'opacity':0.5},{'size':7,'color':'red'}) G+=graph_plot(trimmed_mstg,pos,node_numbers,{'thickness':1},{'size':10,'color':'red'}) print "The big vertices are the given points" print "The shaded solid is their convex hull"'tachyon',aspect_ratio=1)
Useful: [0, 1, 2, 3] #: 4 4 The big vertices are the given points The shaded solid is their convex hull
## actually compute steiner tree #smt=g.steiner_tree(node_numbers,weighted=True) trimmed_smt=trimmed_mstg.steiner_tree(node_numbers,weighted=True) G=Graphics() #G+=graph_plot(mstg,pos,node_numbers,{'color':'black'}) G+=graph_plot(trimmed_smt,pos,node_numbers)#,{'thickness':'2'},{'size':8,'color':'red'}) #G+=graph_plot(smt,pos,node_numbers,{'thickness':'2','color':'black'}) print "Steiner Tree of",nodes, "with gradient constraint",m'tachyon')
Steiner Tree of [(0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000), (0, 0, -1.00000000000000), (0, 0.830000000000000, -0.500000000000000)] with gradient constraint 1