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Image: ubuntu2004
%html <h1>Mine Optimisation & Steiner Trees</h1> <p>The following is program to compute approximate steiner trees for a gradient restricted network, such as a mine</p>

Mine Optimisation & Steiner Trees

The following is program to compute approximate steiner trees for a gradient restricted network, such as a mine

## The terminals of the steiner tree (e.g. ore bodies, surface outlets) nodes=[(0,0,0),(0,1,-0.25),(0,-1,-2),(-1,0,-0.75)]#,(1,-1,-1),(0,0,-0.3)] ## The restriction on the gradient of edges of the steiner tree gradient_restriction=1/7.0
## helper functions # return a list of all the k subsets of a given list def k_subsets(list,k): if len(list) < k or k <= 0: return [] elif k == 1: # treating this separately makes things simpler return [[x] for x in list] else: subsets = [] # select a first element, and then find all the k-1 subsets # from the later elements, and prepend your chosen first element for i,elem in enumerate(list): for smaller_subset in k_subsets(list[i+1:], k - 1): subsets.append([elem] + smaller_subset) return subsets # compute the given metric for two points (in any dimension > 1) def metric(m,p1,p2,label_too=False): if len(p1) != len(p2): return 0 # square of the horizontal distance horiz = sum( [ (a-b)^2 for a,b in zip(p1,p2)[:-1] ] ) # the vertical distance vert = abs(p1[-1] - p2[-1]) # rephrasing of the condition for distinguishing the types of edges test = vert^2 - m^2 * horiz if test > 0: if label_too: return 'b', sqrt(1+1/m^2)*vert else: return sqrt(1+1/m^2)*vert elif label_too: if test == 0: return 'm', sqrt(horiz + vert^2) else: return 'f', sqrt(horiz + vert^2) else: return sqrt(horiz + vert^2) ### plots the graph nicely ## this needs to be rewritten def graph_plot(g,pos,special,args={},args2={'color':'red'}): e = g.edges() #print e g = Graphics() points = [] for i,j,w in e: g += line3d([pos[i],pos[j]],**args) if i not in points: points.append(i) if i in special: g += point3d(pos[i],**args2) else: g += point3d(pos[i]) if j not in points: points.append(j) if j in special: g += point3d(pos[j],**args2) else: g += point3d(pos[j]) return g def average(list): return sum(list)/len(list) # can add an arbitrary number of points # does it by grouping the coefficients by index # and then summing them. def add_points(*points): return [sum(row) for row in zip(*points)] def scale_point(s,p1): return [s*x for x in p1] # computes the total distance of one point any number of others def total_distance(m,p,*other_points): return sum([ metric(m,p,other_point,label_too=False) for other_point in other_points ]) # find/approximate a steiner point of 3 vertices # returning True, p iff p is the steiner point and is # different to p1 p2 p3 def find_steiner_point_3(m,p1,p2,p3): if not ( len(p1) == len(p2) and len(p1) == len(p3) ): return False, None # Finds an alright guess, i.e. the geometric centriod of the points, # and then optimises that guess by adding a small amount here and there to try to improve it. centroid = scale_point(1/3,add_points(p1,p2,p3)) centroid_dist = total_distance(m,centroid,p1,p2,p3) # initial conditions guess = centroid dist = centroid_dist step = dist / 10 # 10 is just for fun while step > 5e-4 * centroid_dist: best = guess best_dist = dist # this is our permuting stage, so it adds a small amount in each direction (6 of them) # and checks to see if these new points are better for twiddler in [(step,0,0),(0,step,0),(0,0,step)]: neg_twiddler = scale_point(-1,twiddler) guess1 = add_points(guess, twiddler) guess2 = add_points(guess, neg_twiddler) dist1 = total_distance(m,guess1,p1,p2,p3) dist2 = total_distance(m,guess2,p1,p2,p3) # do the checks if dist1 < best_dist: best = guess1 best_dist = dist1 if dist2 < best_dist: best = guess2 best_dist = dist2 # we've found our new winners, so remember them for next time guess = best dist = best_dist step /= 2 # now check that the steiner point isn't too close to one of the terminals # if it is, we will assume that the terminal is the steiner point threshold = 1e-2 * centroid_dist if metric(m,guess,p1) < threshold: return False,p1 elif metric(m,guess,p2) < threshold: return False,p2 elif metric(m,guess,p3) < threshold: return False,p3 else: return True,guess def get_all_3_steiner_points(ps): return [find_steiner_point_3(m, *p) for p in k_subsets(ps,3)]
## In this cell we compute the candidates for the steiner points ## and then only keep the useful/valid ones m = gradient_restriction # make sure all the nodes are floating point (not symbolic) for efficiency fnodes = [ [ float(x) for x in p ] for p in nodes ] # Get a few candidates for steiner points new_nodes = [p for is_new_point, p in get_all_3_steiner_points(fnodes) if is_new_point ] # compute the (normal) convex hull of the points (the field=RDF # is to stop the nodes being rounded to integral points) convex_hull = Polyhedron(fnodes,field=RDF) # filter out the steiner points outside this hull valid_nodes = [] invalid_nodes = [] for n in new_nodes: if convex_hull.contains(n): if n not in valid_nodes: valid_nodes.append(n) else: invalid_nodes.append(n) print len(valid_nodes),"of the",len(new_nodes),"new nodes are valid" # Make a plot of the interesting bits G = Graphics() if len(invalid_nodes) > 0: G += points(invalid_nodes,color='orange',size=3) if len(valid_nodes) > 0: G += points(valid_nodes) if len(fnodes) > 0: G += points(fnodes,color='red',size=10) G += print print "=====================================" print " The candidates for steiner points"
2 of the 4 new nodes are valid ===================================== The candidates for steiner points
## Now we construct the complete graph on these vertex, with the appropriate weights all_nodes = fnodes+valid_nodes n_o_nodes = len(all_nodes) # a dictionary of the node numbers => euclidean position node_dict = {} for i,node in enumerate(all_nodes): node_dict[i] = node # the dictionary required to make the graph, i.e: # each node number => (dictionary of neighbour number => weight of edge) graph_dict = {} for start in range(n_o_nodes): start_point = node_dict[start] ends_dict = {} for end in range(start+1,n_o_nodes): ends_dict[end] = metric(m,start_point,node_dict[end]) graph_dict[start] = ends_dict complete_graph=Graph(graph_dict,weighted=True) graph_plot(complete_graph,node_dict,range(len(nodes)))
## compute the steiner tree smt_of_complete = complete_graph.steiner_tree(range(len(nodes)),weighted=True) ## print it out graph_plot(smt_of_complete,node_dict,range(len(nodes)))