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Sage Interact Quickstart

This Sage worksheet was developed for the MAA PREP Workshop "Sage: Using Open-Source Mathematics Software with Undergraduates" (funding provided by NSF DUE 0817071).

Invaluable resources are the Sage wiki (type "sage interact" into Google) and the interact documentation.


Start by getting the commands for what you want the output to look like.  Here we just want a simple plot.


Then abstract out the parts you want to change.  We'll be letting the user change the function, so let's make that a variable ff.

f=x^3 plot(f,(x,-3,3))

Now make this a "def" function.  The "show" or "print" is needed since the output is not automatically printed from within a function.  Note also that we give the variable a default value of x^2.  This is what ff is if the user does not specify a value for ff.

def myplot(f=x^2): show(plot(f,(x,-3,3)))

Let's test the def function myplot by just calling it.


If we call it with a different value for f, we should get a different plot.


Now to make a control to enter the function, we just preface the function with @interact.

@interact def myplot(f=x^2): show(plot(f,(x,-3,3)))

Tech tip: Technically what the @interact does is wrap the function, so the above is equivalent to:

def myplot(..): ...


Note that we can still call our function, even when we've used @interact.  This is often useful in debugging it.


We can go ahead and replace other parts of the expression with variables.  Note the "_" is the function name now.  That is a convention for throw-away names that we don't care about.

@interact def _(f=x^2,a=-3,b=3): show(plot(f,(x,a,b)))

If we pass ('label', default_value) in for a control, then the control gets the label when printed.

@interact def _(f=('$f$',x^2),a=('lower',-3),b=('upper',3)): show(plot(f,(x,a,b)))

We can specify the type of control explicitly, along with options.

@interact def _(f=input_box(x^2,width=20, label="$f$")): show(plot(f,(x,-3,3)))

Here's another type of control: a color picker.

@interact def _(f=input_box(x^2,width=20), color=color_selector()): show(plot(f,(x,-3,3), color=color))

Here are a bunch of options.  Notice the new controls:

  • range slider, which passes in two values, zoom[0] and zoom[1]
  • True/False get converted to checkboxes
@interact def _(f=input_box(x^2,width=20), color=color_selector(widget='colorpicker', label=""), axes=True, fill=True, zoom=range_slider(-3,3,default=(-3,3))): show(plot(f,(x,zoom[0], zoom[1]), color=color, axes=axes,fill=fill))

That was a bit ugly because all of the controls were stacked on top of each other.  We can layout the controls in a grid in the top, bottom, left, or right using the 'layout' parameter.

@interact(layout=dict(top=[['f', 'color']], left=[['axes'],['fill']], bottom=[['zoom']])) def _(f=input_box(x^2,width=20), color=color_selector(widget='colorpicker', label=""), axes=True, fill=True, zoom=range_slider(-3,3, default=(-3,3))): show(plot(f,(x,zoom[0], zoom[1]), color=color, axes=axes,fill=fill))

Control Types

Sage has:

  • boxes
  • sliders
  • range sliders
  • checkboxes
  • selectors (dropdown lists or buttons)
  • grid of boxes
  • color selectors
  • plain text

We illustrate some of these.

@interact def _(frame=checkbox(True, label='Use frame')): show(plot(sin(x), (x,-5,5)), frame=frame)
var('x,y') colormaps=sage.plot.colors.colormaps.keys() @interact def _(cmap=selector(colormaps)): contour_plot(x^2-y^2,(x,-2,2),(y,-2,2),cmap=cmap).show()
var('x,y') colormaps=sage.plot.colors.colormaps.keys() @interact def _(cmap=selector(['RdBu', 'jet', 'gray','gray_r'],buttons=True), type=['density','contour']): if type=='contour': contour_plot(x^2-y^2,(x,-2,2),(y,-2,2),cmap=cmap, aspect_ratio=1).show() else: density_plot(x^2-y^2,(x,-2,2),(y,-2,2),cmap=cmap, frame=True,axes=False,aspect_ratio=1).show()

By default, ranges are sliders that divide the range into 500 steps (I think that's the right number...)

@interact def _(n=(1,20)): print factorial(n)

You can set the step size to get, for example, just integer values.

@interact def _(n=slider(1,20,step_size=1)): print factorial(n)

Or you can explicitly specify the slider values.

@interact def _(n=slider([1..20])): print factorial(n)

And the slider values don't even have to be numbers!

@interact def _(fun=('function', slider([sin,cos,tan,sec,csc,cot]))): print fun(4.39293)

Matrices are automatically converted to a grid of input boxes.

@interact def _(m=('matrix', identity_matrix(2))): print m.eigenvalues()

Here's how to get vectors from a grid of boxes.

@interact def _(v=('vector', input_grid(1, 3, default=[[1,2,3]], to_value=lambda x: vector(flatten(x))))): print v.norm()

Sometimes we don't want any updates until we specifically say so.  We can use the auto_update=False option for that.

@interact def _(m=('matrix', identity_matrix(2)), auto_update=False): print m.eigenvalues()