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Image: ubuntu2004
%auto # make sure to evaluate this cell to load the functions URL='' files=['lic_internal.pyx', '',''] for f in files: load(URL+f)
Compiling /home/sagenbws/.sage//temp/
var('y') F=[-1 - x^2 + y, 1 + x - y^2] v=plot_vector_field(F,(x,-3,3),(y,-3,3),aspect_ratio=1) v
q=plot_streamlines(F, (x,-3,3), (y,-3,3)) q
p=plot_field_texture(F, (x,-3,3), (y,-3,3),plot_points=400,alpha=0.9) p
%auto # make sure to evaluate this cell to load the functions # based on code from oddrobot, from sage.calculus.desolvers import desolve_system_rk4 x,y,t=var('x y t') class DESolution: def __init__(self,system,time_range,initial,stepsize=0.05): self.tvar=time_range[0] self._times=srange(time_range[1],time_range[2],stepsize) self.vars=[v for v,_ in initial] self.dim=len(self.vars) self._soln=desolve_odeint(system, ics=[v for _,v in initial], times=self._times, dvars=self.vars, ivar=self.tvar) def phase_plot(self,vars=None,color='blue',**kwargs): # find which indices the specified variables are if vars is not None: vars_index=[self.vars.index(v) for v in vars] elif self.dim<=3: vars_index=range(self.dim) else: vars_index=range(2) p=line(self._soln[:,vars_index],color=color,**kwargs) # add an arrow head showing which way we are going around the phase line half=int(self._soln.shape[0]/2) p+=arrow(self._soln[half,vars_index], self._soln[half+1,vars_index],color=color) if len(vars_index)==2: p.axes_labels([str(self.vars[v]) for v in vars_index]) return p def coordinates(self,colors=None,**kwargs): if colors is None: colors=rainbow(len(self.vars)) p=Graphics() p+=sum(line(zip(self._times,self._soln[:,i]), color=colors[i], legend_label=str(self.vars[i]),**kwargs) for i in range(self.dim)) return p
var('x,y') F=[x-y^2,x-y] solution=DESolution(F,[t,0,4],[(x,1),(y,0.5)]) solution.coordinates(['red','blue'])