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Image: ubuntu2004
def trace_algo(cmd): sort_gen = iter(cmd) def bla(cmd=selector(["Step"], buttons=True)): global dessin try: mess, dessin = except StopIteration: mess = "======== Fin =======" print mess return (bla)
def plot_tab(tab): return sum(point(v, size=50) for v in enumerate(tab))
def vert(i, tab, color="red"): return line([(i, 0),(i, max(tab))], color=color)
def horiz(i, tab, color="green"): return line([(0,i),(len(tab),i)], color=color)

Bubble Sort

def bubble_sort(T): def dessin(): return ("i=%i, j=%i"%(i,j), plot_tab(T)+ vert(i,tab)+vert(j+1/2,tab)) yield "Start", plot_tab(T) for i in range(len(T)-1, 0, -1): for j in range(i): if T[j] > T[j+1]: T[j], T[j+1] = T[j+1], T[j] yield dessin()
tab = [randint(0, 20) for i in range(10)] interact(trace_algo(bubble_sort(tab)))

Insert Sort

def insert_sort(T): def dessin(): return ("i=%i, j=%i, e=%i"%(i,j,e), plot_tab(T)+vert(j, tab)+horiz(e, tab)) yield "Start", plot_tab(T) for i in range(1,len(T)): e = T[i] j = i yield dessin() while j>0 and T[j-1] > e: T[j] = T[j-1] j -= 1 yield dessin() T[j] = e yield dessin()
tab = [randint(0, 20) for i in range(10)] interact(trace_algo(insert_sort(tab)))


Left to right method

def partition(Tab, P): c = 0; j = 0 def dessin(): return (sum(point((i,v), size=40, color="green" if P(v) else "red") for i,v in enumerate(tab)) + vert(c, Tab, "green") + vert(j, Tab)) yield "Start", dessin() c = 0 while c < len(Tab) and P(Tab[c]): c +=1 yield "c=%i"%c, dessin()+vert(c, Tab, "green") for j in range(c+1, len(Tab)): yield ("c=%i, j=%i"%(c, j), dessin()) if P(Tab[j]): Tab[c], Tab[j] = Tab[j], Tab[c] c +=1 yield ("c=%i, j=%i"%(c, j), dessin()) yield ("Retour %i"%c, dessin()+vert(c-1/2, Tab, "blue"))
tab = [randint(0, 20) for i in range(20)] interact(trace_algo(partition(tab, lambda x: x % 2 == 0)))
<function bla at 0x570bd70>

Double sided method

def partition2(Tab, P): def dessin(): return (sum(point((i,v), size=40, color="green" if P(v) else "red") for i,v in enumerate(tab)) + vert(i, Tab, "green") + vert(j, Tab)) i = 0 j = len(Tab)-1 yield "Start", dessin() while i < j: while P(Tab[i]): i += 1 while not P(Tab[j]): j -= 1 yield "i=%i, j=%i"%(i, j), dessin() if i<j: Tab[i], Tab[j] = Tab[j], Tab[i] yield "i=%i, j=%i"%(i, j), dessin() i += 1; j -= 1 yield ("Retour %i"%(i-1), dessin() + vert(i-1/2, Tab, "blue"))
tab = [randint(0, 20) for i in range(20)] interact(trace_algo(partition2(tab, lambda x: x % 2 == 0)))
<function bla at 0x6498a28>