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Project: Dynamics 2019
Views: 75
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Kernel: SageMath (stable)


We consider the doubling map on the circle R/Z\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}:

D(x) = 2*x - floor(2*x) show(D)

Some example applications:


Here we plot the function over the interval (0,1):

plot(D,(x,0,1), aspect_ratio=1)
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As a remark, we can get rid of those vertical lines (which arise because Sage doesn't realize that the function is not continuous) using the exclude parameter:

plot(D,(x,0,1), aspect_ratio=1, exclude=[1/2,1]) # exclude corrects the plotting for discontinuities
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def forward_orbit(x, T, N): ''' Return the list [x, T(x), ..., T^N(x)]. ''' orbit = [x] # Start of the orbit. y = x for i in range(N): y = T(y) # Redefine y to be T(y) orbit.append(y) # Add y at the end of the orbit. return orbit

Recall that a fixed point of DD is a value xx so that D(x)=xD(x)=x. Zero is a fixed point:


A periodic point of DD is a point xx so that Dk(p)=pD^k(p)=p for some k≥1k \geq 1. The least period (or prime period) of pp is the smallest such kk. We say xx has period kk if Dk(x)=xD^k(x)=x.

The number 13\frac{1}{3} has least period two, since the following output shows that D(1/3)=2/3D(1/3)=2/3 and D2(1/3)=1/3D^2(1/3)=1/3.

forward_orbit(1/3, D, 2)
[1/3, 2/3, 1/3]

A cobweb plot is a useful way to visualize an orbit of a map T:R→RT:{\mathbb R} \to {\mathbb R}. It involves several things:

  • The graph of the function ff.

  • The diagonal (the graph of the identity map)

  • The orbit. The orbit is visualized as the sequence of points (the cobweb path) [(x,x),(x,T(x)),(T(x),T(x)),(T(x),T2(x)),…].[(x,x), (x,T(x)), (T(x),T(x)), (T(x), T^2(x)), \ldots].

The following function draws a cobweb plot of the orbit of xx, connecting (x,x)(x,x) to (TN(x),TN(x))\big(T^N(x),T^N(x)\big) by a cobweb path:

def cobweb(x, T, N, xmin, xmax): cobweb_path = [(x,x)] for i in range(N): y = T(x) # Reassign y to be T(x). cobweb_path.append( (x,y) ) cobweb_path.append( (y,y) ) x = y # Reassign x to be identical to y. cobweb_plot = line2d(cobweb_path, color="red", aspect_ratio=1) function_graph = plot(T, (xmin, xmax), color="blue") # define the identity map: identity(t) = t id_graph = plot(identity, (xmin, xmax), color="green") return cobweb_plot + function_graph + id_graph

Here is the cobweb plot of 1/3:

plt = cobweb(1/3, D, 2, 0, 1) plt
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The point 1/51/5 has period 44:

plt = cobweb(1/5, D, 4, 0, 1) plt
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Here is another phenomenon. The point 1/61/6 is pre-periodic or eventually periodic. This means that there is a k>0k>0 so that Dk(1/6)D^k(1/6) is periodic. For 1/61/6, this kk is one since D(1/6)=1/3D(1/6)=1/3, and above we showed that 1/31/3 is period 22:

plt = cobweb(1/6, D, 3, 0, 1) plt
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Lets compute the least period of 73/103:

x = D(73/103) k = 1 while x != 73/103: x = D(x) k = k+1 print( "73/103 has least period " + str(k) )
73/103 has least period 51
cobweb(73/103, D, 51, 0, 1)
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Exercise: Think about why if p/qp/q is a fraction, then it must be either periodic or eventually periodic under DD. Under what conditions is it periodic? When is it eventually periodic?