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/- Copyright (c) 2019 Johannes Hölzl. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Johannes Hölzl, Casper Putz The equivalence between matrices and linear maps. -/ import data.matrix.basic import linear_algebra.dimension linear_algebra.tensor_product /-! # Linear maps and matrices This file defines the maps to send matrices to a linear map, and to send linear maps between modules with a finite bases to matrices. This defines a linear equivalence between linear maps between finite-dimensional vector spaces and matrices indexed by the respective bases. Some results are proved about the linear map corresponding to a diagonal matrix (range, ker and rank). ## Main definitions to_lin, to_matrix, linear_equiv_matrix ## Tags linear_map, matrix, linear_equiv, diagonal -/ noncomputable theory open set submodule universes u v w variables {l m n : Type u} [fintype l] [fintype m] [fintype n] namespace matrix variables {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] instance [decidable_eq m] [decidable_eq n] (R) [fintype R] : fintype (matrix m n R) := by unfold matrix; apply_instance /-- Evaluation of matrices gives a linear map from matrix m n R to linear maps (n → R) →ₗ[R] (m → R). -/ def eval : (matrix m n R) →ₗ[R] ((n → R) →ₗ[R] (m → R)) := begin refine linear_map.mk₂ R mul_vec _ _ _ _, { assume M N v, funext x, change finset.univ.sum (λy:n, (M x y + N x y) * v y) = _, simp only [_root_.add_mul, finset.sum_add_distrib], refl }, { assume c M v, funext x, change finset.univ.sum (λy:n, (c * M x y) * v y) = _, simp only [_root_.mul_assoc, finset.mul_sum.symm], refl }, { assume M v w, funext x, change finset.univ.sum (λy:n, M x y * (v y + w y)) = _, simp [_root_.mul_add, finset.sum_add_distrib], refl }, { assume c M v, funext x, change finset.univ.sum (λy:n, M x y * (c * v y)) = _, rw [show (λy:n, M x y * (c * v y)) = (λy:n, c * (M x y * v y)), { funext n, ac_refl }, ← finset.mul_sum], refl } end /-- Evaluation of matrices gives a map from matrix m n R to linear maps (n → R) →ₗ[R] (m → R). -/ def to_lin : matrix m n R → (n → R) →ₗ[R] (m → R) := eval.to_fun lemma to_lin_add (M N : matrix m n R) : (M + N).to_lin = M.to_lin + N.to_lin := matrix.eval.map_add M N @[simp] lemma to_lin_zero : (0 : matrix m n R).to_lin = 0 := matrix.eval.map_zero instance to_lin.is_linear_map : @is_linear_map R (matrix m n R) ((n → R) →ₗ[R] (m → R)) _ _ _ _ _ to_lin := matrix.eval.is_linear instance to_lin.is_add_monoid_hom : @is_add_monoid_hom (matrix m n R) ((n → R) →ₗ[R] (m → R)) _ _ to_lin := { map_zero := to_lin_zero, map_add := to_lin_add } @[simp] lemma to_lin_apply (M : matrix m n R) (v : n → R) : (M.to_lin : (n → R) → (m → R)) v = mul_vec M v := rfl lemma mul_to_lin [decidable_eq l] (M : matrix m n R) (N : matrix n l R) : (M.mul N).to_lin = M.to_lin.comp N.to_lin := begin ext v x, simp [to_lin_apply, mul_vec, matrix.mul, finset.sum_mul, finset.mul_sum], rw [finset.sum_comm], congr, funext x, congr, funext y, rw [mul_assoc] end end matrix namespace linear_map variables {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] /-- The linear map from linear maps (n → R) →ₗ[R] (m → R) to matrix m n R. -/ def to_matrixₗ [decidable_eq n] : ((n → R) →ₗ[R] (m → R)) →ₗ[R] matrix m n R := begin refine (λ f i j, f (λ n, ite (j = n) 1 0) i) _ _, { assume f g, simp only [add_apply], refl }, { assume f g, simp only [smul_apply], refl } end /-- The map from linear maps (n → R) →ₗ[R] (m → R) to matrix m n R. -/ def to_matrix [decidable_eq n] : ((n → R) →ₗ[R] (m → R)) → matrix m n R := to_matrixₗ.to_fun end linear_map section linear_equiv_matrix variables {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] [decidable_eq n] open finsupp matrix linear_map /-- to_lin is the left inverse of to_matrix. -/ lemma to_matrix_to_lin {f : (n → R) →ₗ[R] (m → R)} : to_lin (to_matrix f) = f := begin ext : 1, -- Show that the two sides are equal by showing that they are equal on a basis convert linear_eq_on (set.range _) _ (is_basis.mem_span (@pi.is_basis_fun R n _ _) _), assume e he, rw [@std_basis_eq_single R _ _ _ 1] at he, cases ( he) with i h, ext j, change finset.univ.sum (λ k, (f.to_fun (λ l, ite (k = l) 1 0)) j * (e k)) = _, rw [←h], conv_lhs { congr, skip, funext, rw [mul_comm, ←smul_eq_mul, ←pi.smul_apply, ←linear_map.smul], rw [show _ = ite (i = k) (1:R) 0, by convert single_apply], rw [show f.to_fun (ite (i = k) (1:R) 0 • (λ l, ite (k = l) 1 0)) = ite (i = k) (f.to_fun _) 0, { split_ifs, { rw [one_smul] }, { rw [zero_smul], exact linear_map.map_zero f } }] }, convert finset.sum_eq_single i _ _, { rw [if_pos rfl], convert rfl, ext, congr }, { assume _ _ hbi, rw [if_neg $ ne.symm hbi], refl }, { assume hi, exact false.elim (hi $ finset.mem_univ i) } end /-- to_lin is the right inverse of to_matrix. -/ lemma to_lin_to_matrix {M : matrix m n R} : to_matrix (to_lin M) = M := begin ext, change finset.univ.sum (λ y, M i y * ite (j = y) 1 0) = M i j, have h1 : (λ y, M i y * ite (j = y) 1 0) = (λ y, ite (j = y) (M i y) 0), { ext, split_ifs, exact mul_one _, exact ring.mul_zero _ }, have h2 : finset.univ.sum (λ y, ite (j = y) (M i y) 0) = (finset.singleton j).sum (λ y, ite (j = y) (M i y) 0), { refine (finset.sum_subset _ _).symm, { intros _ H, rwa finset.mem_singleton.1 H, exact finset.mem_univ _ }, { exact λ _ _ H, if_neg (mt (finset.mem_singleton.2 ∘ eq.symm) H) } }, rw [h1, h2, finset.sum_singleton], exact if_pos rfl end /-- Linear maps (n → R) →ₗ[R] (m → R) are linearly equivalent to matrix m n R. -/ def linear_equiv_matrix' : ((n → R) →ₗ[R] (m → R)) ≃ₗ[R] matrix m n R := { to_fun := to_matrix, inv_fun := to_lin, right_inv := λ _, to_lin_to_matrix, left_inv := λ _, to_matrix_to_lin, add := to_matrixₗ.add, smul := to_matrixₗ.smul } /-- Given a basis of two modules M₁ and M₂ over a commutative ring R, we get a linear equivalence between linear maps M₁ →ₗ M₂ and matrices over R indexed by the bases. -/ def linear_equiv_matrix {ι κ M₁ M₂ : Type*} [add_comm_group M₁] [module R M₁] [add_comm_group M₂] [module R M₂] [fintype ι] [decidable_eq ι] [fintype κ] [decidable_eq κ] {v₁ : ι → M₁} {v₂ : κ → M₂} (hv₁ : is_basis R v₁) (hv₂ : is_basis R v₂) : (M₁ →ₗ[R] M₂) ≃ₗ[R] matrix κ ι R := linear_equiv.trans (linear_equiv.arrow_congr (equiv_fun_basis hv₁) (equiv_fun_basis hv₂)) linear_equiv_matrix' end linear_equiv_matrix namespace matrix open_locale matrix section trace variables {R : Type v} {M : Type w} [ring R] [add_comm_group M] [module R M] /-- The diagonal of a square matrix. -/ def diag (n : Type u) (R : Type v) (M : Type w) [ring R] [add_comm_group M] [module R M] [fintype n] : (matrix n n M) →ₗ[R] n → M := { to_fun := λ A i, A i i, add := by { intros, ext, refl, }, smul := by { intros, ext, refl, } } @[simp] lemma diag_one [decidable_eq n] : diag n R R 1 = λ i, 1 := by { dunfold diag, ext, simp [one_val_eq] } @[simp] lemma diag_transpose (A : matrix n n M) : diag n R M Aᵀ = diag n R M A := rfl /-- The trace of a square matrix. -/ def trace (n : Type u) (R : Type v) (M : Type w) [ring R] [add_comm_group M] [module R M] [fintype n] : (matrix n n M) →ₗ[R] M := { to_fun := finset.univ.sum ∘ (diag n R M), add := by { intros, apply finset.sum_add_distrib, }, smul := by { intros, simp [finset.smul_sum], } } @[simp] lemma trace_one [decidable_eq n] : trace n R R 1 = fintype.card n := have h : trace n R R 1 = finset.univ.sum (diag n R R 1) := rfl, by rw [h, diag_one, finset.sum_const, add_monoid.smul_one]; refl @[simp] lemma trace_transpose (A : matrix n n M) : trace n R M Aᵀ = trace n R M A := rfl @[simp] lemma trace_transpose_mul [decidable_eq n] (A : matrix m n R) (B : matrix n m R) : trace n R R (Aᵀ ⬝ Bᵀ) = trace m R R (A ⬝ B) := finset.sum_comm lemma trace_mul_comm {S : Type v} [comm_ring S] [decidable_eq n] (A : matrix m n S) (B : matrix n m S) : trace n S S (B ⬝ A) = trace m S S (A ⬝ B) := by rw [←trace_transpose, ←trace_transpose_mul, transpose_mul] end trace section ring variables {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] open linear_map matrix lemma proj_diagonal [decidable_eq m] (i : m) (w : m → R) : (proj i).comp (to_lin (diagonal w)) = (w i) • proj i := by ext j; simp [mul_vec_diagonal] lemma diagonal_comp_std_basis [decidable_eq n] (w : n → R) (i : n) : (diagonal w).to_lin.comp (std_basis R (λ_:n, R) i) = (w i) • std_basis R (λ_:n, R) i := begin ext a j, simp only [linear_map.comp_apply, smul_apply, to_lin_apply, mul_vec_diagonal, smul_apply, pi.smul_apply, smul_eq_mul], by_cases i = j, { subst h }, { rw [std_basis_ne R (λ_:n, R) _ _ (ne.symm h), _root_.mul_zero, _root_.mul_zero] } end end ring section vector_space variables {K : Type u} [discrete_field K] -- maybe try to relax the universe constraint open linear_map matrix lemma rank_vec_mul_vec [decidable_eq n] (w : m → K) (v : n → K) : rank (vec_mul_vec w v).to_lin ≤ 1 := begin rw [vec_mul_vec_eq, mul_to_lin], refine le_trans (rank_comp_le1 _ _) _, refine le_trans (rank_le_domain _) _, rw [dim_fun', ← cardinal.fintype_card], exact le_refl _ end set_option class.instance_max_depth 100 lemma diagonal_to_lin [decidable_eq m] (w : m → K) : (diagonal w).to_lin = linear_map.pi (λi, w i • linear_map.proj i) := by ext v j; simp [mul_vec_diagonal] lemma ker_diagonal_to_lin [decidable_eq m] (w : m → K) : ker (diagonal w).to_lin = (⨆i∈{i | w i = 0 }, range (std_basis K (λi, K) i)) := begin rw [← comap_bot, ← infi_ker_proj], simp only [comap_infi, (ker_comp _ _).symm, proj_diagonal, ker_smul'], have : univ ⊆ {i : m | w i = 0} ∪ -{i : m | w i = 0}, { rw set.union_compl_self }, exact (supr_range_std_basis_eq_infi_ker_proj K (λi:m, K) (disjoint_compl {i | w i = 0}) this (finite.of_fintype _)).symm end lemma range_diagonal [decidable_eq m] (w : m → K) : (diagonal w).to_lin.range = (⨆ i ∈ {i | w i ≠ 0}, (std_basis K (λi, K) i).range) := begin dsimp only [mem_set_of_eq], rw [← map_top, ← supr_range_std_basis, map_supr], congr, funext i, rw [← linear_map.range_comp, diagonal_comp_std_basis, range_smul'], end lemma rank_diagonal [decidable_eq m] (w : m → K) : rank (diagonal w).to_lin = fintype.card { i // w i ≠ 0 } := begin have hu : univ ⊆ - {i : m | w i = 0} ∪ {i : m | w i = 0}, { rw set.compl_union_self }, have hd : disjoint {i : m | w i ≠ 0} {i : m | w i = 0} := (disjoint_compl {i | w i = 0}).symm, have h₁ := supr_range_std_basis_eq_infi_ker_proj K (λi:m, K) hd hu (finite.of_fintype _), have h₂ := @infi_ker_proj_equiv K _ _ (λi:m, K) _ _ _ _ (by simp; apply_instance) hd hu, rw [rank, range_diagonal, h₁, ←@dim_fun' K], apply linear_equiv.dim_eq, apply h₂, end end vector_space end matrix