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Authors: Alexander Bentkamp, Yury Kudriashov -/ import analysis.convex.basic analysis.normed_space.finite_dimension /-! # Topological and metric properties of convex sets We prove the following facts: * `convex.interior` : interior of a convex set is convex; * `convex.closure` : closure of a convex set is convex; * `set.finite.compact_convex_hull` : convex hull of a finite set is compact; * `set.finite.is_closed_convex_hull` : convex hull of a finite set is closed; * `convex_on_dist` : distance to a fixed point is convex on any convex set; * `convex_hull_ediam`, `convex_hull_diam` : convex hull of a set has the same (e)metric diameter as the original set; * `bounded_convex_hull` : convex hull of a set is bounded if and only if the original set is bounded. * `bounded_std_simplex`, `is_closed_std_simplex`, `compact_std_simplex`: topological properties of the standard simplex; -/ variables {ι : Type*} {E : Type*} open set /-! ### Standard simplex -/ section std_simplex variables [fintype ι] /-- Every vector in `std_simplex ι` has `max`-norm at most `1`. -/ lemma std_simplex_subset_closed_ball : std_simplex ι ⊆ metric.closed_ball 0 1 := begin assume f hf, rw [metric.mem_closed_ball, dist_zero_right], refine (nnreal.coe_one ▸ nnreal.coe_le.2 $ finset.sup_le $ λ x hx, _), change abs (f x) ≤ 1, rw [abs_of_nonneg $ hf.1 x], exact (mem_Icc_of_mem_std_simplex hf x).2 end variable (ι) /-- `std_simplex ι` is bounded. -/ lemma bounded_std_simplex : metric.bounded (std_simplex ι) := (metric.bounded_iff_subset_ball 0).2 ⟨1, std_simplex_subset_closed_ball⟩ /-- `std_simplex ι` is closed. -/ lemma is_closed_std_simplex : is_closed (std_simplex ι) := (std_simplex_eq_inter ι).symm ▸ is_closed_inter (is_closed_Inter $ λ i, is_closed_le continuous_const (continuous_apply i)) (is_closed_eq (continuous_finset_sum _ $ λ x _, continuous_apply x) continuous_const) /-- `std_simplex ι` is compact. -/ lemma compact_std_simplex : compact (std_simplex ι) := metric.compact_iff_closed_bounded.2 ⟨is_closed_std_simplex ι, bounded_std_simplex ι⟩ end std_simplex /-! ### Topological vector space -/ section topological_vector_space variables [add_comm_group E] [vector_space ℝ E] [topological_space E] [topological_add_group E] [topological_vector_space ℝ E] local attribute [instance] set.pointwise_add set.smul_set /-- In a topological vector space, the interior of a convex set is convex. -/ lemma convex.interior {s : set E} (hs : convex s) : convex (interior s) := convex_iff_pointwise_add_subset.mpr $ λ a b ha hb hab, have h : is_open (a • interior s + b • interior s), from or.elim (classical.em (a = 0)) (λ heq, have hne : b ≠ 0, by { rw [heq, zero_add] at hab, rw hab, exact one_ne_zero }, (smul_set_eq_image b (interior s)).symm ▸ (is_open_pointwise_add_left ((is_open_map_smul_of_ne_zero hne _) is_open_interior))) (λ hne, (smul_set_eq_image a (interior s)).symm ▸ (is_open_pointwise_add_right ((is_open_map_smul_of_ne_zero hne _) is_open_interior))), (subset_interior_iff_subset_of_open h).mpr $ subset.trans begin apply pointwise_add_subset_add; rw [smul_set_eq_image, smul_set_eq_image]; exact image_subset _ interior_subset end ( hs ha hb hab) /-- In a topological vector space, the closure of a convex set is convex. -/ lemma convex.closure {s : set E} (hs : convex s) : convex (closure s) := λ x y hx hy a b ha hb hab, let f : E → E → E := λ x' y', a • x' + b • y' in have hf : continuous (λ p : E × E, f p.1 p.2), from (continuous_const.smul continuous_fst).add (continuous_const.smul continuous_snd), show f x y ∈ closure s, from mem_closure_of_continuous2 hf hx hy (λ x' hx' y' hy', subset_closure (hs hx' hy' ha hb hab)) /-- Convex hull of a finite set is compact. -/ lemma set.finite.compact_convex_hull {s : set E} (hs : finite s) : compact (convex_hull s) := begin rw [hs.convex_hull_eq_image], apply (compact_std_simplex _).image, haveI := hs.fintype, apply linear_map.continuous_on_pi end /-- Convex hull of a finite set is closed. -/ lemma set.finite.is_closed_convex_hull [t2_space E] {s : set E} (hs : finite s) : is_closed (convex_hull s) := closed_of_compact _ hs.compact_convex_hull end topological_vector_space /-! ### Normed vector space -/ section normed_space variables [normed_group E] [normed_space ℝ E] lemma convex_on_dist (z : E) (s : set E) (hs : convex s) : convex_on s (λz', dist z' z) := and.intro hs $ assume x y hx hy a b ha hb hab, calc dist (a • x + b • y) z = ∥ (a • x + b • y) - (a + b) • z ∥ : by rw [hab, one_smul, normed_group.dist_eq] ... = ∥a • (x - z) + b • (y - z)∥ : by rw [add_smul, smul_sub, smul_sub]; simp ... ≤ ∥a • (x - z)∥ + ∥b • (y - z)∥ : norm_add_le (a • (x - z)) (b • (y - z)) ... = a * dist x z + b * dist y z : by simp [norm_smul, normed_group.dist_eq, real.norm_eq_abs, abs_of_nonneg ha, abs_of_nonneg hb] lemma convex_ball (a : E) (r : ℝ) : convex (metric.ball a r) := by simpa only [metric.ball, sep_univ] using (convex_on_dist a _ convex_univ).convex_lt r lemma convex_closed_ball (a : E) (r : ℝ) : convex (metric.closed_ball a r) := by simpa only [metric.closed_ball, sep_univ] using (convex_on_dist a _ convex_univ).convex_le r /-- Given a point `x` in the convex hull of `s` and a point `y`, there exists a point of `s` at distance at least `dist x y` from `y`. -/ lemma convex_hull_exists_dist_ge {s : set E} {x : E} (hx : x ∈ convex_hull s) (y : E) : ∃ x' ∈ s, dist x y ≤ dist x' y := (convex_on_dist y _ (convex_convex_hull _)).exists_ge_of_mem_convex_hull hx /-- Given a point `x` in the convex hull of `s` and a point `y` in the convex hull of `t`, there exist points `x' ∈ s` and `y' ∈ t` at distance at least `dist x y`. -/ lemma convex_hull_exists_dist_ge2 {s t : set E} {x y : E} (hx : x ∈ convex_hull s) (hy : y ∈ convex_hull t) : ∃ (x' ∈ s) (y' ∈ t), dist x y ≤ dist x' y' := begin rcases convex_hull_exists_dist_ge hx y with ⟨x', hx', Hx'⟩, rcases convex_hull_exists_dist_ge hy x' with ⟨y', hy', Hy'⟩, use [x', hx', y', hy'], exact le_trans Hx' (dist_comm y x' ▸ dist_comm y' x' ▸ Hy') end /-- Emetric diameter of the convex hull of a set `s` equals the emetric diameter of `s. -/ @[simp] lemma convex_hull_ediam (s : set E) : emetric.diam (convex_hull s) = emetric.diam s := begin refine le_antisymm (emetric.diam_le_of_forall_edist_le $ λ x hx y hy, _) (emetric.diam_mono $ subset_convex_hull s), rcases convex_hull_exists_dist_ge2 hx hy with ⟨x', hx', y', hy', H⟩, rw edist_dist, apply le_trans (ennreal.of_real_le_of_real H), rw ← edist_dist, exact emetric.edist_le_diam_of_mem hx' hy' end /-- Diameter of the convex hull of a set `s` equals the emetric diameter of `s. -/ @[simp] lemma convex_hull_diam (s : set E) : metric.diam (convex_hull s) = metric.diam s := by simp only [metric.diam, convex_hull_ediam] /-- Convex hull of `s` is bounded if and only if `s` is bounded. -/ @[simp] lemma bounded_convex_hull {s : set E} : metric.bounded (convex_hull s) ↔ metric.bounded s := by simp only [metric.bounded_iff_ediam_ne_top, convex_hull_ediam] end normed_space