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Try doing some basic maths questions in the Lean Theorem Prover. Functions, real numbers, equivalence relations and groups. Click on and then on "Open in CoCalc with one click".

Project: Xena
Views: 18542
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Copyright (c) 2018 Patrick Massot. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Normed spaces.

Authors: Patrick Massot, Johannes Hölzl

import algebra.pi_instances
import linear_algebra.basic
import topology.instances.nnreal topology.instances.complex
import topology.algebra.module

variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*} {γ : Type*} {ι : Type*}

noncomputable theory
open filter metric
open_locale topological_space
localized "notation f `→_{`:50 a `}`:0 b := filter.tendsto f (_root_.nhds a) (_root_.nhds b)" in filter

/-- Auxiliary class, endowing a type `α` with a function `norm : α → ℝ`. This class is designed to
be extended in more interesting classes specifying the properties of the norm. -/
class has_norm (α : Type*) := (norm : α → ℝ)

export has_norm (norm)

notation `∥`:1024 e:1 `∥`:1 := norm e

section prio
set_option default_priority 100 -- see Note [default priority]
/-- A normed group is an additive group endowed with a norm for which `dist x y = ∥x - y∥` defines
a metric space structure. -/
class normed_group (α : Type*) extends has_norm α, add_comm_group α, metric_space α :=
(dist_eq : ∀ x y, dist x y = norm (x - y))
end prio

/-- Construct a normed group from a translation invariant distance -/
def normed_group.of_add_dist [has_norm α] [add_comm_group α] [metric_space α]
  (H1 : ∀ x:α, ∥x∥ = dist x 0)
  (H2 : ∀ x y z : α, dist x y ≤ dist (x + z) (y + z)) : normed_group α :=
{ dist_eq := λ x y, begin
    rw H1, apply le_antisymm,
    { rw [sub_eq_add_neg, ← add_right_neg y], apply H2 },
    { have := H2 (x-y) 0 y, rwa [sub_add_cancel, zero_add] at this }
  end }

/-- Construct a normed group from a translation invariant distance -/
def normed_group.of_add_dist' [has_norm α] [add_comm_group α] [metric_space α]
  (H1 : ∀ x:α, ∥x∥ = dist x 0)
  (H2 : ∀ x y z : α, dist (x + z) (y + z) ≤ dist x y) : normed_group α :=
{ dist_eq := λ x y, begin
    rw H1, apply le_antisymm,
    { have := H2 (x-y) 0 y, rwa [sub_add_cancel, zero_add] at this },
    { rw [sub_eq_add_neg, ← add_right_neg y], apply H2 }
  end }

/-- A normed group can be built from a norm that satisfies algebraic properties. This is
formalised in this structure. -/
structure normed_group.core (α : Type*) [add_comm_group α] [has_norm α] : Prop :=
(norm_eq_zero_iff : ∀ x : α, ∥x∥ = 0 ↔ x = 0)
(triangle : ∀ x y : α, ∥x + y∥ ≤ ∥x∥ + ∥y∥)
(norm_neg : ∀ x : α, ∥-x∥ = ∥x∥)

/-- Constructing a normed group from core properties of a norm, i.e., registering the distance and
the metric space structure from the norm properties. -/
noncomputable def normed_group.of_core (α : Type*) [add_comm_group α] [has_norm α]
  (C : normed_group.core α) : normed_group α :=
{ dist := λ x y, ∥x - y∥,
  dist_eq := assume x y, by refl,
  dist_self := assume x, (C.norm_eq_zero_iff (x - x)).mpr (show x - x = 0, by simp),
  eq_of_dist_eq_zero := assume x y h, show (x = y), from $ (C.norm_eq_zero_iff (x - y)).mp h,
  dist_triangle := assume x y z,
    calc ∥x - z∥ = ∥x - y + (y - z)∥ : by simp
            ... ≤ ∥x - y∥ + ∥y - z∥  : C.triangle _ _,
  dist_comm := assume x y,
    calc ∥x - y∥ = ∥ -(y - x)∥ : by simp
             ... = ∥y - x∥ : by { rw [C.norm_neg] } }

section normed_group
variables [normed_group α] [normed_group β]

lemma dist_eq_norm (g h : α) : dist g h = ∥g - h∥ :=
normed_group.dist_eq _ _

@[simp] lemma dist_zero_right (g : α) : dist g 0 = ∥g∥ :=
by rw [dist_eq_norm, sub_zero]

lemma norm_sub_rev (g h : α) : ∥g - h∥ = ∥h - g∥ :=
by simpa only [dist_eq_norm] using dist_comm g h

@[simp] lemma norm_neg (g : α) : ∥-g∥ = ∥g∥ :=
by simpa using norm_sub_rev 0 g

@[simp] lemma dist_add_left (g h₁ h₂ : α) : dist (g + h₁) (g + h₂) = dist h₁ h₂ :=
by simp [dist_eq_norm]

@[simp] lemma dist_add_right (g₁ g₂ h : α) : dist (g₁ + h) (g₂ + h) = dist g₁ g₂ :=
by simp [dist_eq_norm]

@[simp] lemma dist_neg_neg (g h : α) : dist (-g) (-h) = dist g h :=
by simp only [dist_eq_norm, neg_sub_neg, norm_sub_rev]

@[simp] lemma dist_sub_left (g h₁ h₂ : α) : dist (g - h₁) (g - h₂) = dist h₁ h₂ :=
by simp only [sub_eq_add_neg, dist_add_left, dist_neg_neg]

@[simp] lemma dist_sub_right (g₁ g₂ h : α) : dist (g₁ - h) (g₂ - h) = dist g₁ g₂ :=
dist_add_right _ _ _

/-- Triangle inequality for the norm. -/
lemma norm_add_le (g h : α) : ∥g + h∥ ≤ ∥g∥ + ∥h∥ :=
by simpa [dist_eq_norm] using dist_triangle g 0 (-h)

lemma norm_add_le_of_le {g₁ g₂ : α} {n₁ n₂ : ℝ} (H₁ : ∥g₁∥ ≤ n₁) (H₂ : ∥g₂∥ ≤ n₂) :
  ∥g₁ + g₂∥ ≤ n₁ + n₂ :=
le_trans (norm_add_le g₁ g₂) (add_le_add H₁ H₂)

lemma dist_add_add_le (g₁ g₂ h₁ h₂ : α) :
  dist (g₁ + g₂) (h₁ + h₂) ≤ dist g₁ h₁ + dist g₂ h₂ :=
by simpa only [dist_add_left, dist_add_right] using dist_triangle (g₁ + g₂) (h₁ + g₂) (h₁ + h₂)

lemma dist_add_add_le_of_le {g₁ g₂ h₁ h₂ : α} {d₁ d₂ : ℝ}
  (H₁ : dist g₁ h₁ ≤ d₁) (H₂ : dist g₂ h₂ ≤ d₂) :
  dist (g₁ + g₂) (h₁ + h₂) ≤ d₁ + d₂ :=
le_trans (dist_add_add_le g₁ g₂ h₁ h₂) (add_le_add H₁ H₂)

lemma dist_sub_sub_le (g₁ g₂ h₁ h₂ : α) :
  dist (g₁ - g₂) (h₁ - h₂) ≤ dist g₁ h₁ + dist g₂ h₂ :=
dist_neg_neg g₂ h₂ ▸ dist_add_add_le _ _ _ _

lemma dist_sub_sub_le_of_le {g₁ g₂ h₁ h₂ : α} {d₁ d₂ : ℝ}
  (H₁ : dist g₁ h₁ ≤ d₁) (H₂ : dist g₂ h₂ ≤ d₂) :
  dist (g₁ - g₂) (h₁ - h₂) ≤ d₁ + d₂ :=
le_trans (dist_sub_sub_le g₁ g₂ h₁ h₂) (add_le_add H₁ H₂)

@[simp] lemma norm_nonneg (g : α) : 0 ≤ ∥g∥ :=
by { rw[←dist_zero_right], exact dist_nonneg }

lemma norm_eq_zero (g : α) : ∥g∥ = 0 ↔ g = 0 :=
by { rw[←dist_zero_right], exact dist_eq_zero }

@[simp] lemma norm_zero : ∥(0:α)∥ = 0 := (norm_eq_zero _).2 rfl

lemma norm_sum_le {β} : ∀(s : finset β) (f : β → α), ∥s.sum f∥ ≤ s.sum (λa, ∥ f a ∥) :=
finset.le_sum_of_subadditive norm norm_zero norm_add_le

lemma norm_sum_le_of_le {β} (s : finset β) {f : β → α} {n : β → ℝ} (h : ∀ b ∈ s, ∥f b∥ ≤ n b) :
  ∥s.sum f∥ ≤ s.sum n :=
by { haveI := classical.dec_eq β, exact le_trans (norm_sum_le s f) (finset.sum_le_sum h) }

lemma norm_pos_iff (g : α) : 0 < ∥ g ∥ ↔ g ≠ 0 :=
dist_zero_right g ▸ dist_pos

lemma norm_le_zero_iff (g : α) : ∥g∥ ≤ 0 ↔ g = 0 :=
by { rw[←dist_zero_right], exact dist_le_zero }

lemma norm_sub_le (g h : α) : ∥g - h∥ ≤ ∥g∥ + ∥h∥ :=
by simpa [dist_eq_norm] using dist_triangle g 0 h

lemma norm_sub_le_of_le {g₁ g₂ : α} {n₁ n₂ : ℝ} (H₁ : ∥g₁∥ ≤ n₁) (H₂ : ∥g₂∥ ≤ n₂) :
  ∥g₁ - g₂∥ ≤ n₁ + n₂ :=
le_trans (norm_sub_le g₁ g₂) (add_le_add H₁ H₂)

lemma dist_le_norm_add_norm (g h : α) : dist g h ≤ ∥g∥ + ∥h∥ :=
by { rw dist_eq_norm, apply norm_sub_le }

lemma abs_norm_sub_norm_le (g h : α) : abs(∥g∥ - ∥h∥) ≤ ∥g - h∥ :=
by simpa [dist_eq_norm] using abs_dist_sub_le g h 0

lemma norm_sub_norm_le (g h : α) : ∥g∥ - ∥h∥ ≤ ∥g - h∥ :=
le_trans (le_abs_self _) (abs_norm_sub_norm_le g h)

lemma dist_norm_norm_le (g h : α) : dist ∥g∥ ∥h∥ ≤ ∥g - h∥ :=
abs_norm_sub_norm_le g h

lemma ball_0_eq (ε : ℝ) : ball (0:α) ε = {x | ∥x∥ < ε} :=
set.ext $ assume a, by simp

lemma norm_le_of_mem_closed_ball {g h : α} {r : ℝ} (H : h ∈ closed_ball g r) :
  ∥h∥ ≤ ∥g∥ + r :=
  ∥h∥ = ∥g + (h - g)∥ : by { congr' 1, abel }
  ... ≤ ∥g∥ + ∥h - g∥  : norm_add_le _ _
  ... ≤ ∥g∥ + r : by { apply add_le_add_left, rw ← dist_eq_norm, exact H }

lemma norm_lt_of_mem_ball {g h : α} {r : ℝ} (H : h ∈ ball g r) :
  ∥h∥ < ∥g∥ + r :=
  ∥h∥ = ∥g + (h - g)∥ : by { congr' 1, abel }
  ... ≤ ∥g∥ + ∥h - g∥  : norm_add_le _ _
  ... < ∥g∥ + r : by { apply add_lt_add_left, rw ← dist_eq_norm, exact H }

theorem normed_group.tendsto_nhds_zero {f : γ → α} {l : filter γ} :
  tendsto f l (𝓝 0) ↔ ∀ ε > 0, ∀ᶠ x in l, ∥ f x ∥ < ε :=
metric.tendsto_nhds.trans $ forall_congr $ λ ε, forall_congr $ λ εgt0,
  simp only [dist_zero_right],
  exact exists_sets_subset_iff

section nnnorm

/-- Version of the norm taking values in nonnegative reals. -/
def nnnorm (a : α) : nnreal := ⟨norm a, norm_nonneg a⟩

@[simp] lemma coe_nnnorm (a : α) : (nnnorm a : ℝ) = norm a := rfl

lemma nndist_eq_nnnorm (a b : α) : nndist a b = nnnorm (a - b) := nnreal.eq $ dist_eq_norm _ _

lemma nnnorm_eq_zero (a : α) : nnnorm a = 0 ↔ a = 0 :=
by simp only [nnreal.eq_iff.symm, nnreal.coe_zero, coe_nnnorm, norm_eq_zero]

@[simp] lemma nnnorm_zero : nnnorm (0 : α) = 0 :=
nnreal.eq norm_zero

lemma nnnorm_add_le (g h : α) : nnnorm (g + h) ≤ nnnorm g + nnnorm h :=
nnreal.coe_le.2 $ norm_add_le g h

@[simp] lemma nnnorm_neg (g : α) : nnnorm (-g) = nnnorm g :=
nnreal.eq $ norm_neg g

lemma nndist_nnnorm_nnnorm_le (g h : α) : nndist (nnnorm g) (nnnorm h) ≤ nnnorm (g - h) :=
nnreal.coe_le.2 $ dist_norm_norm_le g h

lemma of_real_norm_eq_coe_nnnorm (x : β) : ennreal.of_real ∥x∥ = (nnnorm x : ennreal) :=
ennreal.of_real_eq_coe_nnreal _

lemma edist_eq_coe_nnnorm (x : β) : edist x 0 = (nnnorm x : ennreal) :=
by { rw [edist_dist, dist_eq_norm, _root_.sub_zero, of_real_norm_eq_coe_nnnorm] }

end nnnorm

/-- A submodule of a normed group is also a normed group, with the restriction of the norm.
As all instances can be inferred from the submodule `s`, they are put as implicit instead of
typeclasses. -/
instance submodule.normed_group {𝕜 : Type*} {_ : ring 𝕜}
  {E : Type*} [normed_group E] {_ : module 𝕜 E} (s : submodule 𝕜 E) : normed_group s :=
{ norm := λx, norm (x : E),
  dist_eq := λx y, dist_eq_norm (x : E) (y : E) }

/-- normed group instance on the product of two normed groups, using the sup norm. -/
instance prod.normed_group : normed_group (α × β) :=
{ norm := λx, max ∥x.1∥ ∥x.2∥,
  dist_eq := assume (x y : α × β),
    show max (dist x.1 y.1) (dist x.2 y.2) = (max ∥(x - y).1∥ ∥(x - y).2∥), by simp [dist_eq_norm] }

lemma norm_fst_le (x : α × β) : ∥x.1∥ ≤ ∥x∥ :=
by simp [norm, le_max_left]

lemma norm_snd_le (x : α × β) : ∥x.2∥ ≤ ∥x∥ :=
by simp [norm, le_max_right]

/-- normed group instance on the product of finitely many normed groups, using the sup norm. -/
instance pi.normed_group {π : ι → Type*} [fintype ι] [∀i, normed_group (π i)] :
  normed_group (Πi, π i) :=
{ norm := λf, ((finset.sup finset.univ (λ b, nnnorm (f b)) : nnreal) : ℝ),
  dist_eq := assume x y,
    congr_arg (coe : nnreal → ℝ) $ congr_arg (finset.sup finset.univ) $ funext $ assume a,
    show nndist (x a) (y a) = nnnorm (x a - y a), from nndist_eq_nnnorm _ _ }

/-- The norm of an element in a product space is `≤ r` if and only if the norm of each
component is. -/
lemma pi_norm_le_iff {π : ι → Type*} [fintype ι] [∀i, normed_group (π i)] {r : ℝ} (hr : 0 ≤ r)
  {x : Πi, π i} : ∥x∥ ≤ r ↔ ∀i, ∥x i∥ ≤ r :=
by { simp only [(dist_zero_right _).symm, dist_pi_le_iff hr], refl }

lemma norm_le_pi_norm {π : ι → Type*} [fintype ι] [∀i, normed_group (π i)] (x : Πi, π i) (i : ι) :
  ∥x i∥ ≤ ∥x∥ :=
(pi_norm_le_iff (norm_nonneg x)).1 (le_refl _) i

lemma tendsto_iff_norm_tendsto_zero {f : ι → β} {a : filter ι} {b : β} :
  tendsto f a (𝓝 b) ↔ tendsto (λ e, ∥ f e - b ∥) a (𝓝 0) :=
by rw tendsto_iff_dist_tendsto_zero ; simp only [(dist_eq_norm _ _).symm]

lemma tendsto_zero_iff_norm_tendsto_zero {f : γ → β} {a : filter γ} :
  tendsto f a (𝓝 0) ↔ tendsto (λ e, ∥ f e ∥) a (𝓝 0) :=
have tendsto f a (𝓝 0) ↔ tendsto (λ e, ∥ f e - 0 ∥) a (𝓝 0) :=
by simpa

lemma lim_norm (x : α) : (λg:α, ∥g - x∥) →_{x} 0 :=
tendsto_iff_norm_tendsto_zero.1 (continuous_iff_continuous_at.1 continuous_id x)

lemma lim_norm_zero : (λg:α, ∥g∥) →_{0} 0 :=
by simpa using lim_norm (0:α)

lemma continuous_norm : continuous (λg:α, ∥g∥) :=
  rw continuous_iff_continuous_at,
  intro x,
  rw [continuous_at, tendsto_iff_dist_tendsto_zero],
  exact squeeze_zero (λ t, abs_nonneg _) (λ t, abs_norm_sub_norm_le _ _) (lim_norm x)

lemma filter.tendsto.norm {β : Type*} {l : filter β} {f : β → α} {a : α} (h : tendsto f l (𝓝 a)) :
  tendsto (λ x, ∥f x∥) l (𝓝 ∥a∥) :=
tendsto.comp continuous_norm.continuous_at h

lemma continuous_nnnorm : continuous (nnnorm : α → nnreal) :=
continuous_subtype_mk _ continuous_norm

lemma filter.tendsto.nnnorm {β : Type*} {l : filter β} {f : β → α} {a : α} (h : tendsto f l (𝓝 a)) :
  tendsto (λ x, nnnorm (f x)) l (𝓝 (nnnorm a)) :=
tendsto.comp continuous_nnnorm.continuous_at h

/-- If `∥y∥→∞`, then we can assume `y≠x` for any fixed `x`. -/
lemma ne_mem_of_tendsto_norm_at_top {l : filter γ} {f : γ → α}
  (h : tendsto (λ y, ∥f y∥) l at_top) (x : α) :
  ∀ᶠ y in l, f y ≠ x :=
  have : ∀ᶠ y in l, 1 + ∥x∥ ≤ ∥f y∥ := h (mem_at_top (1 + ∥x∥)),
  apply mem_sets_of_superset this,
  assume y hy hxy,
  subst x,
  simp at hy,
  exact not_le_of_lt zero_lt_one hy

/-- A normed group is a uniform additive group, i.e., addition and subtraction are uniformly
continuous. -/
@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance normed_uniform_group : uniform_add_group α :=
  refine ⟨metric.uniform_continuous_iff.2 $ assume ε hε, ⟨ε / 2, half_pos hε, assume a b h, _⟩⟩,
  rw [prod.dist_eq, max_lt_iff, dist_eq_norm, dist_eq_norm] at h,
  calc dist (a.1 - a.2) (b.1 - b.2) = ∥(a.1 - b.1) - (a.2 - b.2)∥  : by simp [dist_eq_norm]
    ... ≤ ∥a.1 - b.1∥ + ∥a.2 - b.2∥ : norm_sub_le _ _
    ... < ε / 2 + ε / 2 : add_lt_add h.1 h.2
    ... = ε : add_halves _

@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance normed_top_monoid : topological_add_monoid α := by apply_instance -- short-circuit type class inference
@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance normed_top_group : topological_add_group α := by apply_instance -- short-circuit type class inference

end normed_group

section normed_ring

section prio
set_option default_priority 100 -- see Note [default priority]
/-- A normed ring is a ring endowed with a norm which satisfies the inequality `∥x y∥ ≤ ∥x∥ ∥y∥`. -/
class normed_ring (α : Type*) extends has_norm α, ring α, metric_space α :=
(dist_eq : ∀ x y, dist x y = norm (x - y))
(norm_mul : ∀ a b, norm (a * b) ≤ norm a * norm b)
end prio

@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance normed_ring.to_normed_group [β : normed_ring α] : normed_group α := { ..β }

lemma norm_mul_le {α : Type*} [normed_ring α] (a b : α) : (∥a*b∥) ≤ (∥a∥) * (∥b∥) :=
normed_ring.norm_mul _ _

lemma norm_pow_le {α : Type*} [normed_ring α] (a : α) : ∀ {n : ℕ}, 0 < n → ∥a^n∥ ≤ ∥a∥^n
| 1 h := by simp
| (n+2) h :=
  le_trans (norm_mul_le a (a^(n+1)))
           (mul_le_mul (le_refl _)
                       (norm_pow_le (nat.succ_pos _)) (norm_nonneg _) (norm_nonneg _))

/-- Normed ring structure on the product of two normed rings, using the sup norm. -/
instance prod.normed_ring [normed_ring α] [normed_ring β] : normed_ring (α × β) :=
{ norm_mul := assume x y,
    ∥x * y∥ = ∥(x.1*y.1, x.2*y.2)∥ : rfl
        ... = (max ∥x.1*y.1∥  ∥x.2*y.2∥) : rfl
        ... ≤ (max (∥x.1∥*∥y.1∥) (∥x.2∥*∥y.2∥)) :
          max_le_max (norm_mul_le (x.1) (y.1)) (norm_mul_le (x.2) (y.2))
        ... = (max (∥x.1∥*∥y.1∥) (∥y.2∥*∥x.2∥)) : by simp[mul_comm]
        ... ≤ (max (∥x.1∥) (∥x.2∥)) * (max (∥y.2∥) (∥y.1∥)) : by { apply max_mul_mul_le_max_mul_max; simp [norm_nonneg] }
        ... = (max (∥x.1∥) (∥x.2∥)) * (max (∥y.1∥) (∥y.2∥)) : by simp[max_comm]
        ... = (∥x∥*∥y∥) : rfl, }
end normed_ring

@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance normed_ring_top_monoid [normed_ring α] : topological_monoid α :=
⟨ continuous_iff_continuous_at.2 $ λ x, tendsto_iff_norm_tendsto_zero.2 $
    have ∀ e : α × α, e.fst * e.snd - x.fst * x.snd =
      e.fst * e.snd - e.fst * x.snd + (e.fst * x.snd - x.fst * x.snd), by intro; rw sub_add_sub_cancel,
      apply squeeze_zero,
      { intro, apply norm_nonneg },
      { simp only [this], intro, apply norm_add_le },
      { rw ←zero_add (0 : ℝ), apply tendsto.add,
        { apply squeeze_zero,
          { intro, apply norm_nonneg },
          { intro t, show ∥t.fst * t.snd - t.fst * x.snd∥ ≤ ∥t.fst∥ * ∥t.snd - x.snd∥,
            rw ←mul_sub, apply norm_mul_le },
          { rw ←mul_zero (∥x.fst∥), apply tendsto.mul,
            { apply continuous_iff_continuous_at.1,
              apply continuous_norm.comp continuous_fst },
            { apply tendsto_iff_norm_tendsto_zero.1,
              apply continuous_iff_continuous_at.1,
              apply continuous_snd }}},
        { apply squeeze_zero,
          { intro, apply norm_nonneg },
          { intro t, show ∥t.fst * x.snd - x.fst * x.snd∥ ≤ ∥t.fst - x.fst∥ * ∥x.snd∥,
            rw ←sub_mul, apply norm_mul_le },
          { rw ←zero_mul (∥x.snd∥), apply tendsto.mul,
            { apply tendsto_iff_norm_tendsto_zero.1,
              apply continuous_iff_continuous_at.1,
              apply continuous_fst },
            { apply tendsto_const_nhds }}}}
    end ⟩

/-- A normed ring is a topological ring. -/
@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance normed_top_ring [normed_ring α] : topological_ring α :=
⟨ continuous_iff_continuous_at.2 $ λ x, tendsto_iff_norm_tendsto_zero.2 $
    have ∀ e : α, -e - -x = -(e - x), by intro; simp,
    by simp only [this, norm_neg]; apply lim_norm ⟩

section prio
set_option default_priority 100 -- see Note [default priority]
/-- A normed field is a field with a norm satisfying ∥x y∥ = ∥x∥ ∥y∥. -/
class normed_field (α : Type*) extends has_norm α, discrete_field α, metric_space α :=
(dist_eq : ∀ x y, dist x y = norm (x - y))
(norm_mul' : ∀ a b, norm (a * b) = norm a * norm b)

/-- A nondiscrete normed field is a normed field in which there is an element of norm different from
`0` and `1`. This makes it possible to bring any element arbitrarily close to `0` by multiplication
by the powers of any element, and thus to relate algebra and topology. -/
class nondiscrete_normed_field (α : Type*) extends normed_field α :=
(non_trivial : ∃x:α, 1<∥x∥)
end prio

@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance normed_field.to_normed_ring [i : normed_field α] : normed_ring α :=
{ norm_mul := by finish [i.norm_mul'], ..i }

namespace normed_field
@[simp] lemma norm_one {α : Type*} [normed_field α] : ∥(1 : α)∥ = 1 :=
have  ∥(1 : α)∥ * ∥(1 : α)∥ = ∥(1 : α)∥ * 1, by calc
 ∥(1 : α)∥ * ∥(1 : α)∥ = ∥(1 : α) * (1 : α)∥ : by rw normed_field.norm_mul'
                  ... = ∥(1 : α)∥ * 1 : by simp,
eq_of_mul_eq_mul_left (ne_of_gt ((norm_pos_iff _).2 (by simp))) this

@[simp] lemma norm_mul [normed_field α] (a b : α) : ∥a * b∥ = ∥a∥ * ∥b∥ :=
normed_field.norm_mul' a b

instance normed_field.is_monoid_hom_norm [normed_field α] : is_monoid_hom (norm : α → ℝ) :=
{ map_one := norm_one, map_mul := norm_mul }

@[simp] lemma norm_pow [normed_field α] (a : α) : ∀ (n : ℕ), ∥a^n∥ = ∥a∥^n :=
is_monoid_hom.map_pow norm a

@[simp] lemma norm_prod {β : Type*} [normed_field α] (s : finset β) (f : β → α) :
  ∥ f∥ = (λb, ∥f b∥) :=
eq.symm (s.prod_hom norm)

@[simp] lemma norm_div {α : Type*} [normed_field α] (a b : α) : ∥a/b∥ = ∥a∥/∥b∥ :=
if hb : b = 0 then by simp [hb] else
  apply eq_div_of_mul_eq,
  { apply ne_of_gt, apply (norm_pos_iff _).mpr hb },
  { rw [←normed_field.norm_mul, div_mul_cancel _ hb] }

@[simp] lemma norm_inv {α : Type*} [normed_field α] (a : α) : ∥a⁻¹∥ = ∥a∥⁻¹ :=
by simp only [inv_eq_one_div, norm_div, norm_one]

@[simp] lemma norm_fpow {α : Type*} [normed_field α] (a : α) : ∀n : ℤ,
  ∥a^n∥ = ∥a∥^n
| (n : ℕ) := norm_pow a n
| -[1+ n] := by simp [fpow_neg_succ_of_nat]

lemma exists_one_lt_norm (α : Type*) [i : nondiscrete_normed_field α] : ∃x : α, 1 < ∥x∥ :=

lemma exists_norm_lt_one (α : Type*) [nondiscrete_normed_field α] : ∃x : α, 0 < ∥x∥ ∧ ∥x∥ < 1 :=
  rcases exists_one_lt_norm α with ⟨y, hy⟩,
  refine ⟨y⁻¹, _, _⟩,
  { simp only [inv_eq_zero, ne.def, norm_pos_iff],
    assume h,
    rw ← norm_eq_zero at h,
    rw h at hy,
    exact lt_irrefl _ (lt_trans zero_lt_one hy) },
  { simp [inv_lt_one hy] }

lemma exists_lt_norm (α : Type*) [nondiscrete_normed_field α]
  (r : ℝ) : ∃ x : α, r < ∥x∥ :=
let ⟨w, hw⟩ := exists_one_lt_norm α in
let ⟨n, hn⟩ := pow_unbounded_of_one_lt r hw in
⟨w^n, by rwa norm_pow⟩

lemma exists_norm_lt (α : Type*) [nondiscrete_normed_field α]
  {r : ℝ} (hr : 0 < r) : ∃ x : α, 0 < ∥x∥ ∧ ∥x∥ < r :=
let ⟨w, hw⟩ := exists_one_lt_norm α in
let ⟨n, hle, hlt⟩ := exists_int_pow_near' hr hw in
⟨w^n, by { rw norm_fpow; exact fpow_pos_of_pos (lt_trans zero_lt_one hw) _},
by rwa norm_fpow⟩

lemma tendsto_inv [normed_field α] {r : α} (r0 : r ≠ 0) : tendsto (λq, q⁻¹) (𝓝 r) (𝓝 r⁻¹) :=
  refine metric.tendsto_nhds.2 (λε εpos, _),
  let δ := min (ε/2/2 * ∥r∥^2) (∥r∥/2),
  have norm_r_pos : 0 < ∥r∥ := (norm_pos_iff r).mpr r0,
  have A : 0 < ε / 2 / 2 * ∥r∥ ^ 2 := mul_pos' (half_pos (half_pos εpos)) (pow_pos norm_r_pos 2),
  have δpos : 0 < δ, by simp [half_pos norm_r_pos, A],
  refine ⟨ball r δ, ball_mem_nhds r δpos, λx hx, _⟩,
  have rx : ∥r∥/2 ≤ ∥x∥ := calc
    ∥r∥/2 = ∥r∥ - ∥r∥/2 : by ring
    ... ≤ ∥r∥ - ∥r - x∥ :
      apply sub_le_sub (le_refl _),
      rw ← dist_eq_norm,
      exact le_trans (le_of_lt (mem_ball'.1 hx)) (min_le_right _ _)
    ... ≤ ∥r - (r - x)∥ : norm_sub_norm_le r (r - x)
    ... = ∥x∥ : by simp,
  have norm_x_pos : 0 < ∥x∥ := lt_of_lt_of_le (half_pos norm_r_pos) rx,
  have : x⁻¹ - r⁻¹ = (r - x) * x⁻¹ * r⁻¹,
    by rw [sub_mul, sub_mul, mul_inv_cancel ((norm_pos_iff x).mp norm_x_pos), one_mul, mul_comm,
           ← mul_assoc, inv_mul_cancel r0, one_mul],
  calc dist x⁻¹ r⁻¹ = ∥x⁻¹ - r⁻¹∥ : dist_eq_norm _ _
  ... ≤ ∥r-x∥ * ∥x∥⁻¹ * ∥r∥⁻¹ : by rw [this, norm_mul, norm_mul, norm_inv, norm_inv]
  ... ≤ (ε/2/2 * ∥r∥^2) * (2 * ∥r∥⁻¹) * (∥r∥⁻¹) : begin
    apply_rules [mul_le_mul, inv_nonneg.2, le_of_lt A, norm_nonneg, inv_nonneg.2, mul_nonneg,
                 (inv_le_inv norm_x_pos norm_r_pos).2, le_refl],
    show ∥r - x∥ ≤ ε / 2 / 2 * ∥r∥ ^ 2,
      by { rw ← dist_eq_norm, exact le_trans (le_of_lt (mem_ball'.1 hx)) (min_le_left _ _) },
    show ∥x∥⁻¹ ≤ 2 * ∥r∥⁻¹,
    { convert (inv_le_inv norm_x_pos (half_pos norm_r_pos)).2 rx,
      rw [inv_div (ne.symm (ne_of_lt norm_r_pos)), div_eq_inv_mul, mul_comm],
      norm_num },
    show (0 : ℝ) ≤ 2, by norm_num
  ... = ε/2 * (∥r∥ * ∥r∥⁻¹)^2 : by { generalize : ∥r∥⁻¹ = u, ring }
  ... = ε/2 : by { rw [mul_inv_cancel (ne.symm (ne_of_lt norm_r_pos))], simp }
  ... < ε : half_lt_self εpos

lemma continuous_on_inv [normed_field α] : continuous_on (λ(x:α), x⁻¹) {x | x ≠ 0} :=
  assume x hx,
  apply continuous_at.continuous_within_at,
  exact (tendsto_inv hx)

instance : normed_field ℝ :=
{ norm := λ x, abs x,
  dist_eq := assume x y, rfl,
  norm_mul' := abs_mul }

instance : nondiscrete_normed_field ℝ :=
{ non_trivial := ⟨2, by { unfold norm, rw abs_of_nonneg; norm_num }⟩ }
end normed_field

/-- If a function converges to a nonzero value, its inverse converges to the inverse of this value.
We use the name `tendsto.inv'` as `tendsto.inv` is already used in multiplicative topological
groups. -/
lemma filter.tendsto.inv' [normed_field α] {l : filter β} {f : β → α} {y : α}
  (hy : y ≠ 0) (h : tendsto f l (𝓝 y)) :
  tendsto (λx, (f x)⁻¹) l (𝓝 y⁻¹) :=
(normed_field.tendsto_inv hy).comp h

lemma filter.tendsto.div [normed_field α] {l : filter β} {f g : β → α} {x y : α}
  (hf : tendsto f l (𝓝 x)) (hg : tendsto g l (𝓝 y)) (hy : y ≠ 0) :
  tendsto (λa, f a / g a) l (𝓝 (x / y)) :=
hf.mul (hg.inv' hy)

lemma real.norm_eq_abs (r : ℝ) : norm r = abs r := rfl

@[simp] lemma norm_norm [normed_group α] (x : α) : ∥∥x∥∥ = ∥x∥ :=
by rw [real.norm_eq_abs, abs_of_nonneg (norm_nonneg _)]

@[simp] lemma nnnorm_norm [normed_group α] (a : α) : nnnorm ∥a∥ = nnnorm a :=
by simp only [nnnorm, norm_norm]

instance : normed_ring ℤ :=
{ norm := λ n, ∥(n : ℝ)∥,
  norm_mul := λ m n, le_of_eq $ by simp only [norm, int.cast_mul, abs_mul],
  dist_eq := λ m n, by simp only [int.dist_eq, norm, int.cast_sub] }

@[elim_cast] lemma int.norm_cast_real (m : ℤ) : ∥(m : ℝ)∥ = ∥m∥ := rfl

instance : normed_field ℚ :=
{ norm := λ r, ∥(r : ℝ)∥,
  norm_mul' := λ r₁ r₂, by simp only [norm, rat.cast_mul, abs_mul],
  dist_eq := λ r₁ r₂, by simp only [rat.dist_eq, norm, rat.cast_sub] }

instance : nondiscrete_normed_field ℚ :=
{ non_trivial := ⟨2, by { unfold norm, rw abs_of_nonneg; norm_num }⟩ }

@[elim_cast, simp] lemma rat.norm_cast_real (r : ℚ) : ∥(r : ℝ)∥ = ∥r∥ := rfl

@[elim_cast, simp] lemma int.norm_cast_rat (m : ℤ) : ∥(m : ℚ)∥ = ∥m∥ :=
by rw [← rat.norm_cast_real, ← int.norm_cast_real]; congr' 1; norm_cast

section normed_space

section prio
set_option default_priority 100 -- see Note [default priority]
-- see Note[vector space definition] for why we extend `module`.
/-- A normed space over a normed field is a vector space endowed with a norm which satisfies the
equality `∥c • x∥ = ∥c∥ ∥x∥`. -/
class normed_space (α : Type*) (β : Type*) [normed_field α] [normed_group β]
  extends module α β :=
(norm_smul : ∀ (a:α) (b:β), norm (a • b) = has_norm.norm a * norm b)
end prio

variables [normed_field α] [normed_group β]

instance normed_field.to_normed_space : normed_space α α :=
{ norm_smul := normed_field.norm_mul }

set_option class.instance_max_depth 43

lemma norm_smul [normed_space α β] (s : α) (x : β) : ∥s • x∥ = ∥s∥ * ∥x∥ :=
normed_space.norm_smul s x

lemma dist_smul [normed_space α β] (s : α) (x y : β) : dist (s • x) (s • y) = ∥s∥ * dist x y :=
by simp only [dist_eq_norm, (norm_smul _ _).symm, smul_sub]

lemma nnnorm_smul [normed_space α β] (s : α) (x : β) : nnnorm (s • x) = nnnorm s * nnnorm x :=
nnreal.eq $ norm_smul s x

variables {E : Type*} {F : Type*}
[normed_group E] [normed_space α E] [normed_group F] [normed_space α F]

lemma tendsto_smul {f : γ → α} { g : γ → F} {e : filter γ} {s : α} {b : F} :
  (tendsto f e (𝓝 s)) → (tendsto g e (𝓝 b)) → tendsto (λ x, (f x) • (g x)) e (𝓝 (s • b)) :=
  intros limf limg,
  rw tendsto_iff_norm_tendsto_zero,
  have ineq := λ x : γ, calc
      ∥f x • g x - s • b∥ = ∥(f x • g x - s • g x) + (s • g x - s • b)∥ : by simp[add_assoc]
                      ... ≤ ∥f x • g x - s • g x∥ + ∥s • g x - s • b∥ : norm_add_le (f x • g x - s • g x) (s • g x - s • b)
                      ... ≤ ∥f x - s∥*∥g x∥ + ∥s∥*∥g x - b∥ : by { rw [←smul_sub, ←sub_smul, norm_smul, norm_smul] },
  apply squeeze_zero,
  { intro t, exact norm_nonneg _ },
  { exact ineq },
  { clear ineq,

    have limf': tendsto (λ x, ∥f x - s∥) e (𝓝 0) := tendsto_iff_norm_tendsto_zero.1 limf,
    have limg' : tendsto (λ x, ∥g x∥) e (𝓝 ∥b∥) := filter.tendsto.comp (continuous_iff_continuous_at.1 continuous_norm _) limg,

    have lim1 := limf'.mul limg',
    simp only [zero_mul, sub_eq_add_neg] at lim1,

    have limg3 := tendsto_iff_norm_tendsto_zero.1 limg,

    have lim2 := (tendsto_const_nhds : tendsto _ _ (𝓝 ∥ s ∥)).mul limg3,
    simp only [sub_eq_add_neg, mul_zero] at lim2,

    rw [show (0:ℝ) = 0 + 0, by simp],
    exact lim1.add lim2  }

lemma tendsto_smul_const {g : γ → F} {e : filter γ} (s : α) {b : F} :
  (tendsto g e (𝓝 b)) → tendsto (λ x, s • (g x)) e (𝓝 (s • b)) :=
tendsto_smul tendsto_const_nhds

@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance normed_space.topological_vector_space : topological_vector_space α E :=
{ continuous_smul := continuous_iff_continuous_at.2 $ λp, tendsto_smul
    (continuous_iff_continuous_at.1 continuous_fst _) (continuous_iff_continuous_at.1 continuous_snd _) }

open normed_field

/-- If there is a scalar `c` with `∥c∥>1`, then any element can be moved by scalar multiplication to
any shell of width `∥c∥`. Also recap information on the norm of the rescaling element that shows
up in applications. -/
lemma rescale_to_shell {c : α} (hc : 1 < ∥c∥) {ε : ℝ} (εpos : 0 < ε) {x : E} (hx : x ≠ 0) :
  ∃d:α, d ≠ 0 ∧ ∥d • x∥ ≤ ε ∧ (ε/∥c∥ ≤ ∥d • x∥) ∧ (∥d∥⁻¹ ≤ ε⁻¹ * ∥c∥ * ∥x∥) :=
  have xεpos : 0 < ∥x∥/ε := div_pos_of_pos_of_pos ((norm_pos_iff _).2 hx) εpos,
  rcases exists_int_pow_near xεpos hc with ⟨n, hn⟩,
  have cpos : 0 < ∥c∥ := lt_trans (zero_lt_one : (0 :ℝ) < 1) hc,
  have cnpos : 0 < ∥c^(n+1)∥ := by { rw norm_fpow, exact lt_trans xεpos hn.2 },
  refine ⟨(c^(n+1))⁻¹, _, _, _, _⟩,
  show (c ^ (n + 1))⁻¹  ≠ 0,
    by rwa [ne.def, inv_eq_zero, ← ne.def, ← norm_pos_iff],
  show ∥(c ^ (n + 1))⁻¹ • x∥ ≤ ε,
  { rw [norm_smul, norm_inv, ← div_eq_inv_mul, div_le_iff cnpos, mul_comm, norm_fpow],
    exact (div_le_iff εpos).1 (le_of_lt (hn.2)) },
  show ε / ∥c∥ ≤ ∥(c ^ (n + 1))⁻¹ • x∥,
  { rw [div_le_iff cpos, norm_smul, norm_inv, norm_fpow, fpow_add (ne_of_gt cpos),
        fpow_one, mul_inv', mul_comm, ← mul_assoc, ← mul_assoc, mul_inv_cancel (ne_of_gt cpos),
        one_mul, ← div_eq_inv_mul, le_div_iff (fpow_pos_of_pos cpos _), mul_comm],
    exact (le_div_iff εpos).1 hn.1 },
  show ∥(c ^ (n + 1))⁻¹∥⁻¹ ≤ ε⁻¹ * ∥c∥ * ∥x∥,
  { have : ε⁻¹ * ∥c∥ * ∥x∥ = ε⁻¹ * ∥x∥ * ∥c∥, by ring,
    rw [norm_inv, inv_inv', norm_fpow, fpow_add (ne_of_gt cpos), fpow_one, this, ← div_eq_inv_mul],
    exact mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right hn.1 (norm_nonneg _) }

/-- The product of two normed spaces is a normed space, with the sup norm. -/
instance : normed_space α (E × F) :=
{ norm_smul :=
    intros s x,
    cases x with x₁ x₂,
    change max (∥s • x₁∥) (∥s • x₂∥) = ∥s∥ * max (∥x₁∥) (∥x₂∥),
    rw [norm_smul, norm_smul, ← mul_max_of_nonneg _ _ (norm_nonneg _)]

  add_smul := λ r x y, prod.ext (add_smul _ _ _) (add_smul _ _ _),
  smul_add := λ r x y, prod.ext (smul_add _ _ _) (smul_add _ _ _),, }

/-- The product of finitely many normed spaces is a normed space, with the sup norm. -/
instance pi.normed_space {E : ι → Type*} [fintype ι] [∀i, normed_group (E i)]
  [∀i, normed_space α (E i)] : normed_space α (Πi, E i) :=
{ norm_smul := λ a f,
    show (↑(finset.sup finset.univ (λ (b : ι), nnnorm (a • f b))) : ℝ) =
      nnnorm a * ↑(finset.sup finset.univ (λ (b : ι), nnnorm (f b))),
    by simp only [(nnreal.coe_mul _ _).symm, nnreal.mul_finset_sup, nnnorm_smul] }

/-- A subspace of a normed space is also a normed space, with the restriction of the norm. -/
instance submodule.normed_space {𝕜 : Type*} [normed_field 𝕜]
  {E : Type*} [normed_group E] [normed_space 𝕜 E] (s : submodule 𝕜 E) : normed_space 𝕜 s :=
{ norm_smul := λc x, norm_smul c (x : E) }

end normed_space

section normed_algebra

/-- A normed algebra `𝕜'` over `𝕜` is an algebra endowed with a norm for which the embedding of
`𝕜` in `𝕜'` is an isometry. -/
class normed_algebra (𝕜 : Type*) (𝕜' : Type*) [normed_field 𝕜] [normed_ring 𝕜']
  extends algebra 𝕜 𝕜' :=
(norm_algebra_map_eq : ∀x:𝕜, ∥algebra_map 𝕜' x∥ = ∥x∥)

@[simp] lemma norm_algebra_map_eq {𝕜 : Type*} (𝕜' : Type*) [normed_field 𝕜] [normed_ring 𝕜']
  [h : normed_algebra 𝕜 𝕜'] (x : 𝕜) : ∥algebra_map 𝕜' x∥ = ∥x∥ :=
normed_algebra.norm_algebra_map_eq _ _

end normed_algebra

section restrict_scalars
set_option class.instance_max_depth 40

variables (𝕜 : Type*) (𝕜' : Type*) [normed_field 𝕜] [normed_field 𝕜'] [normed_algebra 𝕜 𝕜']
{E : Type*} [normed_group E] [normed_space 𝕜' E]

/-- `𝕜`-normed space structure induced by a `𝕜'`-normed space structure when `𝕜'` is a
normed algebra over `𝕜`. Not registered as an instance as `𝕜'` can not be inferred. -/
def normed_space.restrict_scalars : normed_space 𝕜 E :=
{ norm_smul := λc x, begin
    change ∥(algebra_map 𝕜' c) • x∥ = ∥c∥ * ∥x∥,
    simp [norm_smul]
  ..module.restrict_scalars 𝕜 𝕜' E }

end restrict_scalars

section summable
open_locale classical
open finset filter
variables [normed_group α] [complete_space α]

lemma summable_iff_vanishing_norm {f : ι → α} :
  summable f ↔ ∀ε > 0, ∃s:finset ι, ∀t, disjoint t s → ∥ t.sum f ∥ < ε :=
  simp only [summable_iff_vanishing, metric.mem_nhds_iff, exists_imp_distrib],
  { assume h ε hε, refine h {x | ∥x∥ < ε} ε hε _, rw [ball_0_eq ε] },
  { assume h s ε hε hs,
    rcases h ε hε with ⟨t, ht⟩,
    refine ⟨t, assume u hu, hs _⟩,
    rw [ball_0_eq],
    exact ht u hu }

lemma summable_of_norm_bounded {f : ι → α} (g : ι → ℝ) (hf : summable g) (h : ∀i, ∥f i∥ ≤ g i) :
  summable f :=
summable_iff_vanishing_norm.2 $ assume ε hε,
  let ⟨s, hs⟩ := summable_iff_vanishing_norm.1 hf ε hε in
  ⟨s, assume t ht,
    have ∥t.sum g∥ < ε := hs t ht,
    have nn : 0 ≤ t.sum g := finset.sum_nonneg (assume a _, le_trans (norm_nonneg _) (h a)),
    lt_of_le_of_lt (norm_sum_le_of_le t (λ i _, h i)) $
      by rwa [real.norm_eq_abs, abs_of_nonneg nn] at this⟩

lemma summable_of_summable_norm {f : ι → α} (hf : summable (λa, ∥f a∥)) : summable f :=
summable_of_norm_bounded _ hf (assume i, le_refl _)

lemma norm_tsum_le_tsum_norm {f : ι → α} (hf : summable (λi, ∥f i∥)) : ∥(∑i, f i)∥ ≤ (∑ i, ∥f i∥) :=
have h₁ : tendsto (λs:finset ι, ∥s.sum f∥) at_top (𝓝 ∥(∑ i, f i)∥) :=
  (continuous_norm.tendsto _).comp (has_sum_tsum $ summable_of_summable_norm hf),
have h₂ : tendsto (λs:finset ι, s.sum (λi, ∥f i∥)) at_top (𝓝 (∑ i, ∥f i∥)) :=
  has_sum_tsum hf,
le_of_tendsto_of_tendsto at_top_ne_bot h₁ h₂ $ univ_mem_sets' $ assume s, norm_sum_le _ _

end summable