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/- Copyright (c) 2019 Chris Hughes. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Chris Hughes -/ import data.nat.choose ring_theory.multiplicity data.nat.modeq algebra.gcd_domain /-! # Natural number multiplicity This file contains lemmas about the multiplicity function (the maximum prime power divding a number). # Main results There are natural number versions of some basic lemmas about multiplicity. There are also lemmas about the multiplicity of primes in factorials and in binomial coefficients. -/ open finset nat multiplicity namespace nat /-- The multiplicity of a divisor `m` of `n`, is the cardinality of the set of positive natural numbers `i` such that `p ^ i` divides `n`. The set is expressed by filtering `Ico 1 b` where `b` is any bound at least `n` -/ lemma multiplicity_eq_card_pow_dvd {m n b : ℕ} (hm1 : m ≠ 1) (hn0 : 0 < n) (hb : n ≤ b): multiplicity m n = ↑((finset.Ico 1 b).filter (λ i, m ^ i ∣ n)).card := calc multiplicity m n = ↑(Ico 1 $ ((multiplicity m n).get (finite_nat_iff.2 ⟨hm1, hn0⟩) + 1)).card : by simp ... = ↑((finset.Ico 1 b).filter (λ i, m ^ i ∣ n)).card : congr_arg coe $ congr_arg card $ finset.ext.2 $ λ i, have hmn : ¬ m ^ n ∣ n, from if hm0 : m = 0 then λ _, by cases n; simp [*, lt_irrefl, nat.pow_succ] at * else mt (le_of_dvd hn0) (not_le_of_gt $ lt_pow_self (lt_of_le_of_ne (nat.pos_of_ne_zero hm0) hm1.symm) _), ⟨λ hi, begin simp only [Ico.mem, mem_filter, lt_succ_iff] at *, exact ⟨⟨hi.1, lt_of_le_of_lt hi.2 $ lt_of_lt_of_le (by rw [← enat.coe_lt_coe, enat.coe_get, multiplicity_lt_iff_neg_dvd, nat.pow_eq_pow]; exact hmn) hb⟩, by rw [← nat.pow_eq_pow, pow_dvd_iff_le_multiplicity]; rw [← @enat.coe_le_coe i, enat.coe_get] at hi; exact hi.2⟩ end, begin simp only [Ico.mem, mem_filter, lt_succ_iff, and_imp, true_and] { contextual := tt }, assume h1i hib hmin, rwa [← enat.coe_le_coe, enat.coe_get, ← pow_dvd_iff_le_multiplicity, nat.pow_eq_pow] end⟩ namespace prime lemma multiplicity_one {p : ℕ} (hp : : multiplicity p 1 = 0 := by rw [multiplicity.one_right (mt (ne_of_gt hp.one_lt))] lemma multiplicity_mul {p m n : ℕ} (hp : : multiplicity p (m * n) = multiplicity p m + multiplicity p n := by rw [int.coe_nat_multiplicity, int.coe_nat_multiplicity, int.coe_nat_multiplicity, int.coe_nat_mul, multiplicity.mul (nat.prime_iff_prime_int.1 hp)] lemma multiplicity_pow {p m n : ℕ} (hp : : multiplicity p (m ^ n) = add_monoid.smul n (multiplicity p m) := by induction n; simp [nat.pow_succ, hp.multiplicity_mul, *, hp.multiplicity_one, succ_smul] lemma multiplicity_self {p : ℕ} (hp : : multiplicity p p = 1 := have h₁ : ¬ is_unit (p : ℤ), from mt is_unit_int.1 (ne_of_gt hp.one_lt), have h₂ : (p : ℤ) ≠ 0, from int.coe_nat_ne_zero.2 hp.ne_zero, by rw [int.coe_nat_multiplicity, multiplicity_self h₁ h₂] lemma multiplicity_pow_self {p n : ℕ} (hp : : multiplicity p (p ^ n) = n := by induction n; simp [hp.multiplicity_one, nat.pow_succ, hp.multiplicity_mul, *, hp.multiplicity_self, succ_eq_add_one] /-- The multiplicity of a prime in `fact n` is the sum of the quotients `n / p ^ i`. This sum is expressed over the set `Ico 1 b` where `b` is any bound at least `n` -/ lemma multiplicity_fact {p : ℕ} (hp : : ∀ {n b : ℕ}, n ≤ b → multiplicity p n.fact = ((Ico 1 b).sum (λ i, n / p ^ i) : ℕ) | 0 b hb := by simp [Ico, hp.multiplicity_one] | (n+1) b hb := calc multiplicity p (n+1).fact = multiplicity p n.fact + multiplicity p (n+1) : by rw [fact_succ, hp.multiplicity_mul, add_comm] ... = ((Ico 1 b).sum (λ i, n / p ^ i) : ℕ) + ((finset.Ico 1 b).filter (λ i, p ^ i ∣ n+1)).card : by rw [multiplicity_fact (le_of_succ_le hb), ← multiplicity_eq_card_pow_dvd (ne_of_gt hp.one_lt) (succ_pos _) hb] ... = ((Ico 1 b).sum (λ i, n / p ^ i + if p^i ∣ n+1 then 1 else 0) : ℕ) : by rw [sum_add_distrib, sum_ite (λ _, 1) (λ _, 0) (λ x, x)]; simp ... = ((Ico 1 b).sum (λ i, (n + 1) / p ^ i) : ℕ) : congr_arg coe $ finset.sum_congr rfl (by intros; simp [nat.succ_div]; congr) /-- A prime power divides `fact n` iff it is at most the sum of the quotients `n / p ^ i`. This sum is expressed over the set `Ico 1 b` where `b` is any bound at least `n` -/ lemma pow_dvd_fact_iff {p : ℕ} {n r b : ℕ} (hp : (hbn : n ≤ b) : p ^ r ∣ fact n ↔ r ≤ (Ico 1 b).sum (λ i, n / p ^ i) := by rw [← enat.coe_le_coe, ← hp.multiplicity_fact hbn, ← pow_dvd_iff_le_multiplicity, nat.pow_eq_pow] lemma multiplicity_choose_aux {p n b k : ℕ} (hp : (hkn : k ≤ n) : (finset.Ico 1 b).sum (λ i, n / p ^ i) = (finset.Ico 1 b).sum (λ i, k / p ^ i) + (finset.Ico 1 b).sum (λ i, (n - k) / p ^ i) + ((finset.Ico 1 b).filter (λ i, p ^ i ≤ k % p ^ i + (n - k) % p ^ i)).card := calc (finset.Ico 1 b).sum (λ i, n / p ^ i) = (finset.Ico 1 b).sum (λ i, (k + (n - k)) / p ^ i) : by simp only [nat.add_sub_cancel' hkn] ... = (finset.Ico 1 b).sum (λ i, k / p ^ i + (n - k) / p ^ i + if p ^ i ≤ k % p ^ i + (n - k) % p ^ i then 1 else 0) : by simp only [nat.add_div (nat.pow_pos hp.pos _)] ... = _ : by simp [sum_add_distrib, sum_ite (λ _, 1) (λ _, 0) (λ x, x)] /-- The multiplity of `p` in `choose n k` is the number of carries when `k` and `n - k` are added in base `p`. The set is expressed by filtering `Ico 1 b` where `b` is any bound at least `n`. -/ lemma multiplicity_choose {p n k b : ℕ} (hp : (hkn : k ≤ n) (hnb : n ≤ b) : multiplicity p (choose n k) = ((Ico 1 b).filter (λ i, p ^ i ≤ k % p ^ i + (n - k) % p ^ i)).card := have h₁ : multiplicity p (choose n k) + multiplicity p (k.fact * (n - k).fact) = ((finset.Ico 1 b).filter (λ i, p ^ i ≤ k % p ^ i + (n - k) % p ^ i)).card + multiplicity p (k.fact * (n - k).fact), begin rw [← hp.multiplicity_mul, ← mul_assoc, choose_mul_fact_mul_fact hkn, hp.multiplicity_fact hnb, hp.multiplicity_mul, hp.multiplicity_fact (le_trans hkn hnb), hp.multiplicity_fact (le_trans (nat.sub_le_self _ _) hnb), multiplicity_choose_aux hp hkn], simp, end, (enat.add_right_cancel_iff (enat.ne_top_iff_dom.2 $ by exact finite_nat_iff.2 ⟨ne_of_gt hp.one_lt, mul_pos (fact_pos k) (fact_pos (n - k))⟩)).1 h₁ /-- A lower bound on the multiplicity of `p` in `choose n k`. -/ lemma multiplicity_le_multiplicity_choose_add {p : ℕ} (hp : (n k : ℕ) : multiplicity p n ≤ multiplicity p (choose n k) + multiplicity p k := if hkn : n < k then by simp [choose_eq_zero_of_lt hkn] else if hk0 : k = 0 then by simp [hk0] else if hn0 : n = 0 then by cases k; simp [hn0, *] at * else begin rw [multiplicity_choose hp (le_of_not_gt hkn) (le_refl _), multiplicity_eq_card_pow_dvd (ne_of_gt hp.one_lt) (nat.pos_of_ne_zero hk0) (le_of_not_gt hkn), multiplicity_eq_card_pow_dvd (ne_of_gt hp.one_lt) (nat.pos_of_ne_zero hn0) (le_refl _), ← enat.coe_add, enat.coe_le_coe], calc ((Ico 1 n).filter (λ i, p ^ i ∣ n)).card ≤ ((Ico 1 n).filter (λ i, p ^ i ≤ k % p ^ i + (n - k) % p ^ i) ∪ (Ico 1 n).filter (λ i, p ^ i ∣ k) ).card : card_le_of_subset $ λ i, begin have := @le_mod_add_mod_of_dvd_add_of_not_dvd k (n - k) (p ^ i), simp [nat.add_sub_cancel' (le_of_not_gt hkn)] at * {contextual := tt}, tauto end ... ≤ ((Ico 1 n).filter (λ i, p ^ i ≤ k % p ^ i + (n - k) % p ^ i)).card + ((Ico 1 n).filter (λ i, p ^ i ∣ k)).card : card_union_le _ _ end lemma multiplicity_choose_prime_pow {p n k : ℕ} (hp : (hkn : k ≤ p ^ n) (hk0 : 0 < k) : multiplicity p (choose (p ^ n) k) + multiplicity p k = n := le_antisymm (have hdisj : disjoint ((Ico 1 (p ^ n)).filter (λ i, p ^ i ≤ k % p ^ i + (p ^ n - k) % p ^ i)) ((Ico 1 (p ^ n)).filter (λ i, p ^ i ∣ k)), by simp [disjoint_right, *, dvd_iff_mod_eq_zero, nat.mod_lt _ (nat.pow_pos hp.pos _)] {contextual := tt}, have filter_subset_Ico : filter (λ i, p ^ i ≤ k % p ^ i + (p ^ n - k) % p ^ i ∨ p ^ i ∣ k) (Ico 1 (p ^ n)) ⊆ Ico 1 n.succ, from begin simp only [finset.subset_iff, Ico.mem, mem_filter, and_imp, true_and] {contextual := tt}, assume i h1i hip h, refine lt_succ_of_le (le_of_not_gt (λ hin, _)), have hpik : ¬ p ^ i ∣ k, from mt (le_of_dvd hk0) (not_le_of_gt (lt_of_le_of_lt hkn (pow_right_strict_mono hp.two_le hin))), have hpn : k % p ^ i + (p ^ n - k) % p ^ i < p ^ i, from calc k % p ^ i + (p ^ n - k) % p ^ i ≤ k + (p ^ n - k) : add_le_add (mod_le _ _) (mod_le _ _) ... = p ^ n : nat.add_sub_cancel' hkn ... < p ^ i : pow_right_strict_mono hp.two_le hin, simpa [hpik, not_le_of_gt hpn] using h end, begin rw [multiplicity_choose hp hkn (le_refl _), multiplicity_eq_card_pow_dvd (ne_of_gt hp.one_lt) hk0 hkn, ← enat.coe_add, enat.coe_le_coe, ← card_disjoint_union hdisj, filter_union_right], exact le_trans (card_le_of_subset filter_subset_Ico) (by simp) end) (by rw [← hp.multiplicity_pow_self]; exact multiplicity_le_multiplicity_choose_add hp _ _) end prime end nat