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/- Copyright (c) 2017 Mario Carneiro. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Mario Carneiro, Jeremy Avigad -/ import data.set.basic data.equiv.basic data.rel logic.relator /-- `roption α` is the type of "partial values" of type `α`. It is similar to `option α` except the domain condition can be an arbitrary proposition, not necessarily decidable. -/ structure {u} roption (α : Type u) : Type u := (dom : Prop) (get : dom → α) namespace roption variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*} {γ : Type*} /-- Convert an `roption α` with a decidable domain to an option -/ def to_option (o : roption α) [decidable o.dom] : option α := if h : dom o then some (o.get h) else none /-- `roption` extensionality -/ theorem ext' : ∀ {o p : roption α} (H1 : o.dom ↔ p.dom) (H2 : ∀h₁ h₂, o.get h₁ = p.get h₂), o = p | ⟨od, o⟩ ⟨pd, p⟩ H1 H2 := have t : od = pd, from propext H1, by cases t; rw [show o = p, from funext $ λp, H2 p p] /-- `roption` eta expansion -/ @[simp] theorem eta : Π (o : roption α), (⟨o.dom, λ h, o.get h⟩ : roption α) = o | ⟨h, f⟩ := rfl /-- `a ∈ o` means that `o` is defined and equal to `a` -/ protected def mem (a : α) (o : roption α) : Prop := ∃ h, o.get h = a instance : has_mem α (roption α) := ⟨roption.mem⟩ theorem mem_eq (a : α) (o : roption α) : (a ∈ o) = (∃ h, o.get h = a) := rfl theorem dom_iff_mem : ∀ {o : roption α}, o.dom ↔ ∃y, y ∈ o | ⟨p, f⟩ := ⟨λh, ⟨f h, h, rfl⟩, λ⟨_, h, rfl⟩, h⟩ theorem get_mem {o : roption α} (h) : get o h ∈ o := ⟨_, rfl⟩ /-- `roption` extensionality -/ theorem ext {o p : roption α} (H : ∀ a, a ∈ o ↔ a ∈ p) : o = p := ext' ⟨λ h, ((H _).1 ⟨h, rfl⟩).fst, λ h, ((H _).2 ⟨h, rfl⟩).fst⟩ $ λ a b, ((H _).2 ⟨_, rfl⟩).snd /-- The `none` value in `roption` has a `false` domain and an empty function. -/ def none : roption α := ⟨false, false.rec _⟩ instance : inhabited (roption α) := ⟨none⟩ @[simp] theorem not_mem_none (a : α) : a ∉ @none α := λ h, h.fst /-- The `some a` value in `roption` has a `true` domain and the function returns `a`. -/ def some (a : α) : roption α := ⟨true, λ_, a⟩ theorem mem_unique : relator.left_unique ((∈) : α → roption α → Prop) | _ ⟨p, f⟩ _ ⟨h₁, rfl⟩ ⟨h₂, rfl⟩ := rfl theorem get_eq_of_mem {o : roption α} {a} (h : a ∈ o) (h') : get o h' = a := mem_unique ⟨_, rfl⟩ h @[simp] theorem get_some {a : α} (ha : (some a).dom) : get (some a) ha = a := rfl theorem mem_some (a : α) : a ∈ some a := ⟨trivial, rfl⟩ @[simp] theorem mem_some_iff {a b} : b ∈ (some a : roption α) ↔ b = a := ⟨λ⟨h, e⟩, e.symm, λ e, ⟨trivial, e.symm⟩⟩ theorem eq_some_iff {a : α} {o : roption α} : o = some a ↔ a ∈ o := ⟨λ e, e.symm ▸ mem_some _, λ ⟨h, e⟩, e ▸ ext' (iff_true_intro h) (λ _ _, rfl)⟩ theorem eq_none_iff {o : roption α} : o = none ↔ ∀ a, a ∉ o := ⟨λ e, e.symm ▸ not_mem_none, λ h, ext (by simpa [not_mem_none])⟩ theorem eq_none_iff' {o : roption α} : o = none ↔ ¬ o.dom := ⟨λ e, e.symm ▸ id, λ h, eq_none_iff.2 (λ a h', h h'.fst)⟩ lemma some_ne_none (x : α) : some x ≠ none := by { intro h, change none.dom, rw [← h], trivial } lemma ne_none_iff {o : roption α} : o ≠ none ↔ ∃x, o = some x := begin split, { rw [ne, eq_none_iff], intro h, push_neg at h, cases h with x hx, use x, rwa [eq_some_iff] }, { rintro ⟨x, rfl⟩, apply some_ne_none } end @[simp] lemma some_inj {a b : α} : roption.some a = some b ↔ a = b := function.injective.eq_iff (λ a b h, congr_fun (eq_of_heq ( h).2) trivial) @[simp] lemma some_get {a : roption α} (ha : a.dom) : roption.some (roption.get a ha) = a := eq.symm (eq_some_iff.2 ⟨ha, rfl⟩) lemma get_eq_iff_eq_some {a : roption α} {ha : a.dom} {b : α} : a.get ha = b ↔ a = some b := ⟨λ h, by simp [h.symm], λ h, by simp [h]⟩ instance none_decidable : decidable (@none α).dom := decidable.false instance some_decidable (a : α) : decidable (some a).dom := decidable.true def get_or_else (a : roption α) [decidable a.dom] (d : α) := if ha : a.dom then a.get ha else d @[simp] lemma get_or_else_none (d : α) : get_or_else none d = d := dif_neg id @[simp] lemma get_or_else_some (a : α) (d : α) : get_or_else (some a) d = a := dif_pos trivial @[simp] theorem mem_to_option {o : roption α} [decidable o.dom] {a : α} : a ∈ to_option o ↔ a ∈ o := begin unfold to_option, by_cases h : o.dom; simp [h], { exact ⟨λ h, ⟨_, h⟩, λ ⟨_, h⟩, h⟩ }, { exact mt Exists.fst h } end /-- Convert an `option α` into an `roption α` -/ def of_option : option α → roption α | option.none := none | (option.some a) := some a @[simp] theorem mem_of_option {a : α} : ∀ {o : option α}, a ∈ of_option o ↔ a ∈ o | option.none := ⟨λ h, h.fst.elim, λ h, option.no_confusion h⟩ | (option.some b) := ⟨λ h, congr_arg option.some h.snd, λ h, ⟨trivial, option.some.inj h⟩⟩ @[simp] theorem of_option_dom {α} : ∀ (o : option α), (of_option o).dom ↔ o.is_some | option.none := by simp [of_option, none] | (option.some a) := by simp [of_option] theorem of_option_eq_get {α} (o : option α) : of_option o = ⟨_, @option.get _ o⟩ := roption.ext' (of_option_dom o) $ λ h₁ h₂, by cases o; [cases h₁, refl] instance : has_coe (option α) (roption α) := ⟨of_option⟩ @[simp] theorem mem_coe {a : α} {o : option α} : a ∈ (o : roption α) ↔ a ∈ o := mem_of_option @[simp] theorem coe_none : (@option.none α : roption α) = none := rfl @[simp] theorem coe_some (a : α) : (option.some a : roption α) = some a := rfl @[elab_as_eliminator] protected lemma induction_on {P : roption α → Prop} (a : roption α) (hnone : P none) (hsome : ∀ a : α, P (some a)) : P a := (classical.em a.dom).elim (λ h, roption.some_get h ▸ hsome _) (λ h, (eq_none_iff'.2 h).symm ▸ hnone) instance of_option_decidable : ∀ o : option α, decidable (of_option o).dom | option.none := roption.none_decidable | (option.some a) := roption.some_decidable a @[simp] theorem to_of_option (o : option α) : to_option (of_option o) = o := by cases o; refl @[simp] theorem of_to_option (o : roption α) [decidable o.dom] : of_option (to_option o) = o := ext $ λ a, mem_of_option.trans mem_to_option noncomputable def equiv_option : roption α ≃ option α := by haveI := classical.dec; exact ⟨λ o, to_option o, of_option, λ o, of_to_option o, λ o, eq.trans (by dsimp; congr) (to_of_option o)⟩ /-- `assert p f` is a bind-like operation which appends an additional condition `p` to the domain and uses `f` to produce the value. -/ def assert (p : Prop) (f : p → roption α) : roption α := ⟨∃h : p, (f h).dom, λha, (f ha.fst).get ha.snd⟩ /-- The bind operation has value `g (f.get)`, and is defined when all the parts are defined. -/ protected def bind (f : roption α) (g : α → roption β) : roption β := assert (dom f) (λb, g (f.get b)) /-- The map operation for `roption` just maps the value and maintains the same domain. -/ def map (f : α → β) (o : roption α) : roption β := ⟨o.dom, f ∘ o.get⟩ theorem mem_map (f : α → β) {o : roption α} : ∀ {a}, a ∈ o → f a ∈ map f o | _ ⟨h, rfl⟩ := ⟨_, rfl⟩ @[simp] theorem mem_map_iff (f : α → β) {o : roption α} {b} : b ∈ map f o ↔ ∃ a ∈ o, f a = b := ⟨match b with _, ⟨h, rfl⟩ := ⟨_, ⟨_, rfl⟩, rfl⟩ end, λ ⟨a, h₁, h₂⟩, h₂ ▸ mem_map f h₁⟩ @[simp] theorem map_none (f : α → β) : map f none = none := eq_none_iff.2 $ λ a, by simp @[simp] theorem map_some (f : α → β) (a : α) : map f (some a) = some (f a) := eq_some_iff.2 $ mem_map f $ mem_some _ theorem mem_assert {p : Prop} {f : p → roption α} : ∀ {a} (h : p), a ∈ f h → a ∈ assert p f | _ _ ⟨h, rfl⟩ := ⟨⟨_, _⟩, rfl⟩ @[simp] theorem mem_assert_iff {p : Prop} {f : p → roption α} {a} : a ∈ assert p f ↔ ∃ h : p, a ∈ f h := ⟨match a with _, ⟨h, rfl⟩ := ⟨_, ⟨_, rfl⟩⟩ end, λ ⟨a, h⟩, mem_assert _ h⟩ theorem mem_bind {f : roption α} {g : α → roption β} : ∀ {a b}, a ∈ f → b ∈ g a → b ∈ f.bind g | _ _ ⟨h, rfl⟩ ⟨h₂, rfl⟩ := ⟨⟨_, _⟩, rfl⟩ @[simp] theorem mem_bind_iff {f : roption α} {g : α → roption β} {b} : b ∈ f.bind g ↔ ∃ a ∈ f, b ∈ g a := ⟨match b with _, ⟨⟨h₁, h₂⟩, rfl⟩ := ⟨_, ⟨_, rfl⟩, ⟨_, rfl⟩⟩ end, λ ⟨a, h₁, h₂⟩, mem_bind h₁ h₂⟩ @[simp] theorem bind_none (f : α → roption β) : none.bind f = none := eq_none_iff.2 $ λ a, by simp @[simp] theorem bind_some (a : α) (f : α → roption β) : (some a).bind f = f a := ext $ by simp theorem bind_some_eq_map (f : α → β) (x : roption α) : x.bind (some ∘ f) = map f x := ext $ by simp [eq_comm] theorem bind_assoc {γ} (f : roption α) (g : α → roption β) (k : β → roption γ) : (f.bind g).bind k = f.bind (λ x, (g x).bind k) := ext $ λ a, by simp; exact ⟨λ ⟨_, ⟨_, h₁, h₂⟩, h₃⟩, ⟨_, h₁, _, h₂, h₃⟩, λ ⟨_, h₁, _, h₂, h₃⟩, ⟨_, ⟨_, h₁, h₂⟩, h₃⟩⟩ @[simp] theorem bind_map {γ} (f : α → β) (x) (g : β → roption γ) : (map f x).bind g = x.bind (λ y, g (f y)) := by rw [← bind_some_eq_map, bind_assoc]; simp @[simp] theorem map_bind {γ} (f : α → roption β) (x : roption α) (g : β → γ) : map g (x.bind f) = x.bind (λ y, map g (f y)) := by rw [← bind_some_eq_map, bind_assoc]; simp [bind_some_eq_map] theorem map_map (g : β → γ) (f : α → β) (o : roption α) : map g (map f o) = map (g ∘ f) o := by rw [← bind_some_eq_map, bind_map, bind_some_eq_map] instance : monad roption := { pure := @some, map := @map, bind := @roption.bind } instance : is_lawful_monad roption := { bind_pure_comp_eq_map := @bind_some_eq_map, id_map := λ β f, by cases f; refl, pure_bind := @bind_some, bind_assoc := @bind_assoc } theorem map_id' {f : α → α} (H : ∀ (x : α), f x = x) (o) : map f o = o := by rw [show f = id, from funext H]; exact id_map o @[simp] theorem bind_some_right (x : roption α) : x.bind some = x := by rw [bind_some_eq_map]; simp [map_id'] @[simp] theorem ret_eq_some (a : α) : return a = some a := rfl @[simp] theorem map_eq_map {α β} (f : α → β) (o : roption α) : f <$> o = map f o := rfl @[simp] theorem bind_eq_bind {α β} (f : roption α) (g : α → roption β) : f >>= g = f.bind g := rfl instance : monad_fail roption := { fail := λ_ _, none, ..roption.monad } /- `restrict p o h` replaces the domain of `o` with `p`, and is well defined when `p` implies `o` is defined. -/ def restrict (p : Prop) : ∀ (o : roption α), (p → o.dom) → roption α | ⟨d, f⟩ H := ⟨p, λh, f (H h)⟩ @[simp] theorem mem_restrict (p : Prop) (o : roption α) (h : p → o.dom) (a : α) : a ∈ restrict p o h ↔ p ∧ a ∈ o := begin cases o, dsimp [restrict, mem_eq], split, { rintro ⟨h₀, h₁⟩, exact ⟨h₀, ⟨_, h₁⟩⟩ }, rintro ⟨h₀, h₁, h₂⟩, exact ⟨h₀, h₂⟩ end /-- `unwrap o` gets the value at `o`, ignoring the condition. (This function is unsound.) -/ meta def unwrap (o : roption α) : α := o.get undefined theorem assert_defined {p : Prop} {f : p → roption α} : ∀ (h : p), (f h).dom → (assert p f).dom := exists.intro theorem bind_defined {f : roption α} {g : α → roption β} : ∀ (h : f.dom), (g (f.get h)).dom → (f.bind g).dom := assert_defined @[simp] theorem bind_dom {f : roption α} {g : α → roption β} : (f.bind g).dom ↔ ∃ h : f.dom, (g (f.get h)).dom := iff.rfl end roption /-- `pfun α β`, or `α →. β`, is the type of partial functions from `α` to `β`. It is defined as `α → roption β`. -/ def pfun (α : Type*) (β : Type*) := α → roption β infixr ` →. `:25 := pfun namespace pfun variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*} {γ : Type*} instance : inhabited (α →. β) := ⟨λ a, roption.none⟩ /-- The domain of a partial function -/ def dom (f : α →. β) : set α := λ a, (f a).dom theorem mem_dom (f : α →. β) (x : α) : x ∈ dom f ↔ ∃ y, y ∈ f x := by simp [dom, set.mem_def, roption.dom_iff_mem] theorem dom_eq (f : α →. β) : dom f = {x | ∃ y, y ∈ f x} := set.ext (mem_dom f) /-- Evaluate a partial function -/ def fn (f : α →. β) (x) (h : dom f x) : β := (f x).get h /-- Evaluate a partial function to return an `option` -/ def eval_opt (f : α →. β) [D : decidable_pred (dom f)] (x : α) : option β := @roption.to_option _ _ (D x) /-- Partial function extensionality -/ theorem ext' {f g : α →. β} (H1 : ∀ a, a ∈ dom f ↔ a ∈ dom g) (H2 : ∀ a p q, f.fn a p = g.fn a q) : f = g := funext $ λ a, roption.ext' (H1 a) (H2 a) theorem ext {f g : α →. β} (H : ∀ a b, b ∈ f a ↔ b ∈ g a) : f = g := funext $ λ a, roption.ext (H a) /-- Turn a partial function into a function out of a subtype -/ def as_subtype (f : α →. β) (s : {x // f.dom x}) : β := f.fn s.1 s.2 def equiv_subtype : (α →. β) ≃ (Σ p : α → Prop, subtype p → β) := ⟨λ f, ⟨f.dom, as_subtype f⟩, λ ⟨p, f⟩ x, ⟨p x, λ h, f ⟨x, h⟩⟩, λ f, funext $ λ a, roption.eta _, λ ⟨p, f⟩, by dsimp; congr; funext a; cases a; refl⟩ theorem as_subtype_eq_of_mem {f : α →. β} {x : α} {y : β} (fxy : y ∈ f x) (domx : x ∈ f.dom) : f.as_subtype ⟨x, domx⟩ = y := roption.mem_unique (roption.get_mem _) fxy /-- Turn a total function into a partial function -/ protected def lift (f : α → β) : α →. β := λ a, roption.some (f a) instance : has_coe (α → β) (α →. β) := ⟨pfun.lift⟩ @[simp] theorem lift_eq_coe (f : α → β) : pfun.lift f = f := rfl @[simp] theorem coe_val (f : α → β) (a : α) : (f : α →. β) a = roption.some (f a) := rfl /-- The graph of a partial function is the set of pairs `(x, f x)` where `x` is in the domain of `f`. -/ def graph (f : α →. β) : set (α × β) := {p | p.2 ∈ f p.1} def graph' (f : α →. β) : rel α β := λ x y, y ∈ f x /-- The range of a partial function is the set of values `f x` where `x` is in the domain of `f`. -/ def ran (f : α →. β) : set β := {b | ∃a, b ∈ f a} /-- Restrict a partial function to a smaller domain. -/ def restrict (f : α →. β) {p : set α} (H : p ⊆ f.dom) : α →. β := λ x, roption.restrict (p x) (f x) (@H x) @[simp] theorem mem_restrict {f : α →. β} {s : set α} (h : s ⊆ f.dom) (a : α) (b : β) : b ∈ restrict f h a ↔ a ∈ s ∧ b ∈ f a := by { simp [restrict], reflexivity } def res (f : α → β) (s : set α) : α →. β := restrict (pfun.lift f) (set.subset_univ s) theorem mem_res (f : α → β) (s : set α) (a : α) (b : β) : b ∈ res f s a ↔ (a ∈ s ∧ f a = b) := by { simp [res], split; {intro h, simp [h]} } theorem res_univ (f : α → β) : pfun.res f set.univ = f := rfl theorem dom_iff_graph (f : α →. β) (x : α) : x ∈ f.dom ↔ ∃y, (x, y) ∈ f.graph := roption.dom_iff_mem theorem lift_graph {f : α → β} {a b} : (a, b) ∈ (f : α →. β).graph ↔ f a = b := show (∃ (h : true), f a = b) ↔ f a = b, by simp /-- The monad `pure` function, the total constant `x` function -/ protected def pure (x : β) : α →. β := λ_, roption.some x /-- The monad `bind` function, pointwise `roption.bind` -/ def bind (f : α →. β) (g : β → α →. γ) : α →. γ := λa, roption.bind (f a) (λb, g b a) /-- The monad `map` function, pointwise `` -/ def map (f : β → γ) (g : α →. β) : α →. γ := λa, f (g a) instance : monad (pfun α) := { pure := @pfun.pure _, bind := @pfun.bind _, map := _ } instance : is_lawful_monad (pfun α) := { bind_pure_comp_eq_map := λ β γ f x, funext $ λ a, roption.bind_some_eq_map _ _, id_map := λ β f, by funext a; dsimp [,]; cases f a; refl, pure_bind := λ β γ x f, funext $ λ a, roption.bind_some.{u_1 u_2} _ (f x), bind_assoc := λ β γ δ f g k, funext $ λ a, roption.bind_assoc (f a) (λ b, g b a) (λ b, k b a) } theorem pure_defined (p : set α) (x : β) : p ⊆ (@pfun.pure α _ x).dom := set.subset_univ p theorem bind_defined {α β γ} (p : set α) {f : α →. β} {g : β → α →. γ} (H1 : p ⊆ f.dom) (H2 : ∀x, p ⊆ (g x).dom) : p ⊆ (f >>= g).dom := λa ha, (⟨H1 ha, H2 _ ha⟩ : (f >>= g).dom a) def fix (f : α →. β ⊕ α) : α →. β := λ a, roption.assert (acc (λ x y, sum.inr x ∈ f y) a) $ λ h, @well_founded.fix_F _ (λ x y, sum.inr x ∈ f y) _ (λ a IH, roption.assert (f a).dom $ λ hf, by cases e : (f a).get hf with b a'; [exact roption.some b, exact IH _ ⟨hf, e⟩]) a h theorem dom_of_mem_fix {f : α →. β ⊕ α} {a : α} {b : β} (h : b ∈ fix f a) : (f a).dom := let ⟨h₁, h₂⟩ := roption.mem_assert_iff.1 h in by rw well_founded.fix_F_eq at h₂; exact h₂.fst.fst theorem mem_fix_iff {f : α →. β ⊕ α} {a : α} {b : β} : b ∈ fix f a ↔ sum.inl b ∈ f a ∨ ∃ a', sum.inr a' ∈ f a ∧ b ∈ fix f a' := ⟨λ h, let ⟨h₁, h₂⟩ := roption.mem_assert_iff.1 h in begin rw well_founded.fix_F_eq at h₂, simp at h₂, cases h₂ with h₂ h₃, cases e : (f a).get h₂ with b' a'; simp [e] at h₃, { subst b', refine or.inl ⟨h₂, e⟩ }, { exact or.inr ⟨a', ⟨_, e⟩, roption.mem_assert _ h₃⟩ } end, λ h, begin simp [fix], rcases h with ⟨h₁, h₂⟩ | ⟨a', h, h₃⟩, { refine ⟨⟨_, λ y h', _⟩, _⟩, { injection roption.mem_unique ⟨h₁, h₂⟩ h' }, { rw well_founded.fix_F_eq, simp [h₁, h₂] } }, { simp [fix] at h₃, cases h₃ with h₃ h₄, refine ⟨⟨_, λ y h', _⟩, _⟩, { injection roption.mem_unique h h' with e, exact e ▸ h₃ }, { cases h with h₁ h₂, rw well_founded.fix_F_eq, simp [h₁, h₂, h₄] } } end⟩ @[elab_as_eliminator] def fix_induction {f : α →. β ⊕ α} {b : β} {C : α → Sort*} {a : α} (h : b ∈ fix f a) (H : ∀ a, b ∈ fix f a → (∀ a', b ∈ fix f a' → sum.inr a' ∈ f a → C a') → C a) : C a := begin replace h := roption.mem_assert_iff.1 h, have := h.snd, revert this, induction h.fst with a ha IH, intro h₂, refine H a (roption.mem_assert_iff.2 ⟨⟨_, ha⟩, h₂⟩) (λ a' ha' fa', _), have := (roption.mem_assert_iff.1 ha').snd, exact IH _ fa' ⟨ha _ fa', this⟩ this end end pfun namespace pfun variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*} (f : α →. β) def image (s : set α) : set β := rel.image f.graph' s lemma image_def (s : set α) : image f s = {y | ∃ x ∈ s, y ∈ f x} := rfl lemma mem_image (y : β) (s : set α) : y ∈ image f s ↔ ∃ x ∈ s, y ∈ f x := iff.rfl lemma image_mono {s t : set α} (h : s ⊆ t) : f.image s ⊆ f.image t := rel.image_mono _ h lemma image_inter (s t : set α) : f.image (s ∩ t) ⊆ f.image s ∩ f.image t := rel.image_inter _ s t lemma image_union (s t : set α) : f.image (s ∪ t) = f.image s ∪ f.image t := rel.image_union _ s t def preimage (s : set β) : set α := rel.preimage (λ x y, y ∈ f x) s lemma preimage_def (s : set β) : preimage f s = {x | ∃ y ∈ s, y ∈ f x} := rfl lemma mem_preimage (s : set β) (x : α) : x ∈ preimage f s ↔ ∃ y ∈ s, y ∈ f x := iff.rfl lemma preimage_subset_dom (s : set β) : f.preimage s ⊆ f.dom := assume x ⟨y, ys, fxy⟩, roption.dom_iff_mem.mpr ⟨y, fxy⟩ lemma preimage_mono {s t : set β} (h : s ⊆ t) : f.preimage s ⊆ f.preimage t := rel.preimage_mono _ h lemma preimage_inter (s t : set β) : f.preimage (s ∩ t) ⊆ f.preimage s ∩ f.preimage t := rel.preimage_inter _ s t lemma preimage_union (s t : set β) : f.preimage (s ∪ t) = f.preimage s ∪ f.preimage t := rel.preimage_union _ s t lemma preimage_univ : f.preimage set.univ = f.dom := by ext; simp [mem_preimage, mem_dom] def core (s : set β) : set α := rel.core f.graph' s lemma core_def (s : set β) : core f s = {x | ∀ y, y ∈ f x → y ∈ s} := rfl lemma mem_core (x : α) (s : set β) : x ∈ core f s ↔ (∀ y, y ∈ f x → y ∈ s) := iff.rfl lemma compl_dom_subset_core (s : set β) : -f.dom ⊆ f.core s := assume x hx y fxy, absurd ((mem_dom f x).mpr ⟨y, fxy⟩) hx lemma core_mono {s t : set β} (h : s ⊆ t) : f.core s ⊆ f.core t := rel.core_mono _ h lemma core_inter (s t : set β) : f.core (s ∩ t) = f.core s ∩ f.core t := rel.core_inter _ s t lemma mem_core_res (f : α → β) (s : set α) (t : set β) (x : α) : x ∈ core (res f s) t ↔ (x ∈ s → f x ∈ t) := begin simp [mem_core, mem_res], split, { intros h h', apply h _ h', reflexivity }, intros h y xs fxeq, rw ←fxeq, exact h xs end section open_locale classical lemma core_res (f : α → β) (s : set α) (t : set β) : core (res f s) t = -s ∪ f ⁻¹' t := by { ext, rw mem_core_res, by_cases h : x ∈ s; simp [h] } end lemma core_restrict (f : α → β) (s : set β) : core (f : α →. β) s = set.preimage f s := by ext x; simp [core_def] lemma preimage_subset_core (f : α →. β) (s : set β) : f.preimage s ⊆ f.core s := assume x ⟨y, ys, fxy⟩ y' fxy', have y = y', from roption.mem_unique fxy fxy', this ▸ ys lemma preimage_eq (f : α →. β) (s : set β) : f.preimage s = f.core s ∩ f.dom := set.eq_of_subset_of_subset (set.subset_inter (preimage_subset_core f s) (preimage_subset_dom f s)) (assume x ⟨xcore, xdom⟩, let y := (f x).get xdom in have ys : y ∈ s, from xcore _ (roption.get_mem _), show x ∈ preimage f s, from ⟨(f x).get xdom, ys, roption.get_mem _⟩) lemma core_eq (f : α →. β) (s : set β) : f.core s = f.preimage s ∪ -f.dom := by rw [preimage_eq, set.union_distrib_right, set.union_comm (dom f), set.compl_union_self, set.inter_univ, set.union_eq_self_of_subset_right (compl_dom_subset_core f s)] lemma preimage_as_subtype (f : α →. β) (s : set β) : f.as_subtype ⁻¹' s = subtype.val ⁻¹' pfun.preimage f s := begin ext x, simp only [set.mem_preimage, set.mem_set_of_eq, pfun.as_subtype, pfun.mem_preimage], show pfun.fn f (x.val) _ ∈ s ↔ ∃ y ∈ s, y ∈ f (x.val), exact iff.intro (assume h, ⟨_, h, roption.get_mem _⟩) (assume ⟨y, ys, fxy⟩, have f.fn x.val ∈ f x.val := roption.get_mem _, roption.mem_unique fxy this ▸ ys) end end pfun