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/- Copyright (c) 2019 Chris Hughes. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Chris Hughes, Johan Commelin -/ import ring_theory.integral_closure /-! # Minimal polynomials This file defines the minimal polynomial of an element x of an A-algebra B, under the assumption that x is integral over A. After stating the defining property we specialize to the setting of field extensions and derive some well-known properties, amongst which the fact that minimal polynomials are irreducible, and uniquely determined by their defining property. -/ universes u v w open_locale classical open polynomial set function variables {α : Type u} {β : Type v} section min_poly_def variables [comm_ring α] [comm_ring β] [algebra α β] /-- Let B be an A-algebra, and x an element of B that is integral over A. The minimal polynomial of x is a monic polynomial of smallest degree that has x as its root. -/ noncomputable def minimal_polynomial {x : β} (hx : is_integral α x) : polynomial α := well_founded.min polynomial.degree_lt_wf _ hx end min_poly_def namespace minimal_polynomial section ring variables [comm_ring α] [comm_ring β] [algebra α β] variables {x : β} (hx : is_integral α x) /--A minimal polynomial is monic.-/ lemma monic : monic (minimal_polynomial hx) := (well_founded.min_mem degree_lt_wf _ hx).1 /--An element is a root of its minimal polynomial.-/ @[simp] lemma aeval : aeval α β x (minimal_polynomial hx) = 0 := (well_founded.min_mem degree_lt_wf _ hx).2 /--The defining property of the minimal polynomial of an element x: it is the monic polynomial with smallest degree that has x as its root.-/ lemma min {p : polynomial α} (pmonic : p.monic) (hp : polynomial.aeval α β x p = 0) : degree (minimal_polynomial hx) ≤ degree p := le_of_not_lt $ well_founded.not_lt_min degree_lt_wf _ hx ⟨pmonic, hp⟩ end ring section field variables [discrete_field α] [discrete_field β] [algebra α β] variables {x : β} (hx : is_integral α x) /--A minimal polynomial is nonzero.-/ lemma ne_zero : (minimal_polynomial hx) ≠ 0 := ne_zero_of_monic (monic hx) /--If an element x is a root of a nonzero polynomial p, then the degree of p is at least the degree of the minimal polynomial of x.-/ lemma degree_le_of_ne_zero {p : polynomial α} (pnz : p ≠ 0) (hp : polynomial.aeval α β x p = 0) : degree (minimal_polynomial hx) ≤ degree p := calc degree (minimal_polynomial hx) ≤ degree (p * C (leading_coeff p)⁻¹) : min _ (monic_mul_leading_coeff_inv pnz) (by simp [hp]) ... = degree p : degree_mul_leading_coeff_inv p pnz /--The minimal polynomial of an element x is uniquely characterized by its defining property: if there is another monic polynomial of minimal degree that has x as a root, then this polynomial is equal to the minimal polynomial of x.-/ lemma unique {p : polynomial α} (pmonic : p.monic) (hp : polynomial.aeval α β x p = 0) (pmin : ∀ q : polynomial α, q.monic → polynomial.aeval α β x q = 0 → degree p ≤ degree q) : p = minimal_polynomial hx := begin symmetry, apply eq_of_sub_eq_zero, by_contra hnz, have := degree_le_of_ne_zero hx hnz (by simp [hp]), contrapose! this, apply degree_sub_lt _ (ne_zero hx), { rw [(monic hx).leading_coeff, pmonic.leading_coeff] }, { exact le_antisymm (min hx pmonic hp) (pmin (minimal_polynomial hx) (monic hx) (aeval hx)) }, end /--If an element x is a root of a polynomial p, then the minimal polynomial of x divides p.-/ lemma dvd {p : polynomial α} (hp : polynomial.aeval α β x p = 0) : minimal_polynomial hx ∣ p := begin rw ← dvd_iff_mod_by_monic_eq_zero (monic hx), by_contra hnz, have := degree_le_of_ne_zero hx hnz _, { contrapose! this, exact degree_mod_by_monic_lt _ (monic hx) (ne_zero hx) }, { rw ← mod_by_monic_add_div p (monic hx) at hp, simpa using hp } end /--The degree of a minimal polynomial is nonzero.-/ lemma degree_ne_zero : degree (minimal_polynomial hx) ≠ 0 := begin assume deg_eq_zero, have ndeg_eq_zero : nat_degree (minimal_polynomial hx) = 0, { simpa using congr_arg nat_degree (eq_C_of_degree_eq_zero deg_eq_zero) }, have eq_one : minimal_polynomial hx = 1, { rw eq_C_of_degree_eq_zero deg_eq_zero, congr, simpa [ndeg_eq_zero.symm] using (monic hx).leading_coeff }, simpa [eq_one, aeval_def] using aeval hx end /--A minimal polynomial is not a unit.-/ lemma not_is_unit : ¬ is_unit (minimal_polynomial hx) := assume H, degree_ne_zero hx $ degree_eq_zero_of_is_unit H /--The degree of a minimal polynomial is positive.-/ lemma degree_pos : 0 < degree (minimal_polynomial hx) := degree_pos_of_ne_zero_of_nonunit (ne_zero hx) (not_is_unit hx) /--A minimal polynomial is prime.-/ lemma prime : prime (minimal_polynomial hx) := begin refine ⟨ne_zero hx, not_is_unit hx, _⟩, rintros p q ⟨d, h⟩, have : polynomial.aeval α β x (p*q) = 0 := by simp [h, aeval hx], replace : polynomial.aeval α β x p = 0 ∨ polynomial.aeval α β x q = 0 := by simpa, cases this; [left, right]; apply dvd; assumption end /--A minimal polynomial is irreducible.-/ lemma irreducible : irreducible (minimal_polynomial hx) := irreducible_of_prime (prime hx) /--If L/K is a field extension, and x is an element of L in the image of K, then the minimal polynomial of x is X - C x.-/ @[simp] protected lemma algebra_map (a : α) (ha : is_integral α (algebra_map β a)) : minimal_polynomial ha = X - C a := begin refine (unique ha (monic_X_sub_C a) (by simp [aeval_def]) _).symm, intros q hq H, rw degree_X_sub_C, suffices : 0 < degree q, { -- This part is annoying and shouldn't be there. have q_ne_zero : q ≠ 0, { apply polynomial.ne_zero_of_degree_gt this }, rw degree_eq_nat_degree q_ne_zero at this ⊢, rw [← with_bot.coe_zero, with_bot.coe_lt_coe] at this, rwa [← with_bot.coe_one, with_bot.coe_le_coe], }, apply degree_pos_of_root (ne_zero_of_monic hq), show is_root q a, apply is_ring_hom.injective (algebra_map β : α → β), rw [is_ring_hom.map_zero (algebra_map β : α → β), ← H], convert polynomial.hom_eval₂ _ _ _ _, { exact }, { apply_instance } end variable (β) /--If L/K is a field extension, and x is an element of L in the image of K, then the minimal polynomial of x is X - C x.-/ lemma algebra_map' (a : α) : minimal_polynomial (@is_integral_algebra_map α β _ _ _ a) = X - C a := minimal_polynomial.algebra_map _ _ variable {β} /--The minimal polynomial of 0 is X.-/ @[simp] lemma zero {h₀ : is_integral α (0:β)} : minimal_polynomial h₀ = X := by simpa only [add_zero, polynomial.C_0, sub_eq_add_neg, neg_zero, algebra.map_zero] using algebra_map' β (0:α) /--The minimal polynomial of 1 is X - 1.-/ @[simp] lemma one {h₁ : is_integral α (1:β)} : minimal_polynomial h₁ = X - 1 := by simpa only [algebra.map_one, polynomial.C_1, sub_eq_add_neg] using algebra_map' β (1:α) /--If L/K is a field extension and an element y of K is a root of the minimal polynomial of an element x ∈ L, then y maps to x under the field embedding.-/ lemma root {x : β} (hx : is_integral α x) {y : α} (h : is_root (minimal_polynomial hx) y) : algebra_map β y = x := begin have ndeg_one : nat_degree (minimal_polynomial hx) = 1, { rw ← polynomial.degree_eq_iff_nat_degree_eq_of_pos (nat.zero_lt_one), exact degree_eq_one_of_irreducible_of_root (irreducible hx) h }, have coeff_one : (minimal_polynomial hx).coeff 1 = 1, { simpa [ndeg_one, leading_coeff] using (monic hx).leading_coeff }, have hy : y = - coeff (minimal_polynomial hx) 0, { rw (minimal_polynomial hx).as_sum at h, apply eq_neg_of_add_eq_zero, simpa [ndeg_one, finset.sum_range_succ, coeff_one] using h }, subst y, rw [algebra.map_neg, neg_eq_iff_add_eq_zero], have H := aeval hx, rw (minimal_polynomial hx).as_sum at H, simpa [ndeg_one, finset.sum_range_succ, coeff_one, aeval_def] using H end /--The constant coefficient of the minimal polynomial of x is 0 if and only if x = 0.-/ @[simp] lemma coeff_zero_eq_zero : coeff (minimal_polynomial hx) 0 = 0 ↔ x = 0 := begin split, { intro h, have zero_root := polynomial.zero_is_root_of_coeff_zero_eq_zero h, rw ← root hx zero_root, exact is_ring_hom.map_zero _ }, { rintro rfl, simp } end /--The minimal polynomial of a nonzero element has nonzero constant coefficient.-/ lemma coeff_zero_ne_zero (h : x ≠ 0) : coeff (minimal_polynomial hx) 0 ≠ 0 := by { contrapose! h, simpa using h } end field end minimal_polynomial