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/- Copyright (c) 2019 Johannes Hölzl. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Johannes Hölzl Multivariate functions of the form `α^n → α` are isomorphic to multivariate polynomials in `n` variables. -/ import linear_algebra.finsupp_vector_space field_theory.finite data.mv_polynomial noncomputable theory open_locale classical open lattice set linear_map submodule namespace mv_polynomial universes u v variables {σ : Type u} {α : Type v} instance [discrete_field α] : vector_space α (mv_polynomial σ α) := finsupp.vector_space _ _ section variables (σ α) [discrete_field α] (m : ℕ) def restrict_total_degree : submodule α (mv_polynomial σ α) := finsupp.supported _ _ {n | n.sum (λn e, e) ≤ m } lemma mem_restrict_total_degree (p : mv_polynomial σ α) : p ∈ restrict_total_degree σ α m ↔ p.total_degree ≤ m := begin rw [total_degree, finset.sup_le_iff], refl end end section variables (σ α) def restrict_degree (m : ℕ) [discrete_field α] : submodule α (mv_polynomial σ α) := finsupp.supported _ _ {n | ∀i, n i ≤ m } end lemma mem_restrict_degree [discrete_field α] (p : mv_polynomial σ α) (n : ℕ) : p ∈ restrict_degree σ α n ↔ (∀s ∈, ∀i, (s : σ →₀ ℕ) i ≤ n) := begin rw [restrict_degree, finsupp.mem_supported], refl end lemma mem_restrict_degree_iff_sup [discrete_field α] (p : mv_polynomial σ α) (n : ℕ) : p ∈ restrict_degree σ α n ↔ ∀i, p.degrees.count i ≤ n := begin simp only [mem_restrict_degree, degrees, multiset.count_sup, finsupp.count_to_multiset, finset.sup_le_iff], exact ⟨assume h n s hs, h s hs n, assume h s hs n, h n s hs⟩ end lemma map_range_eq_map {β : Type*} [comm_ring α] [comm_ring β] (p : mv_polynomial σ α) (f : α → β) [is_semiring_hom f]: finsupp.map_range f (is_semiring_hom.map_zero f) p = f := begin rw [← finsupp.sum_single p, finsupp.sum, finsupp.map_range_finset_sum, ← (map f)], { refine finset.sum_congr rfl (assume n _, _), rw [finsupp.map_range_single, ← monomial, ← monomial, map_monomial] }, apply_instance end section variables (σ α) lemma is_basis_monomials [discrete_field α] : is_basis α ((λs, (monomial s 1 : mv_polynomial σ α))) := suffices is_basis α (λ (sa : Σ _, unit), (monomial sa.1 1 : mv_polynomial σ α)), begin apply is_basis.comp this (λ (s : σ →₀ ℕ), ⟨s,⟩), split, { intros x y hxy, simpa using hxy }, { intros x, rcases x with ⟨x₁, x₂⟩, use x₁, rw punit_eq x₂ } end, begin apply finsupp.is_basis_single (λ _ _, (1 : α)), intro _, apply is_basis_singleton_one, end end end mv_polynomial namespace mv_polynomial universe u variables (σ : Type u) (α : Type u) [discrete_field α] open_locale classical lemma dim_mv_polynomial : vector_space.dim α (mv_polynomial σ α) = (σ →₀ ℕ) := by rw [← cardinal.lift_inj, ← (is_basis_monomials σ α).mk_eq_dim] end mv_polynomial namespace mv_polynomial variables {α : Type*} {σ : Type*} variables [discrete_field α] [fintype α] [fintype σ] def indicator (a : σ → α) : mv_polynomial σ α := (λn, 1 - (X n - C (a n))^(fintype.card α - 1)) lemma eval_indicator_apply_eq_one (a : σ → α) : eval a (indicator a) = 1 := have 0 < fintype.card α - 1, begin rw [← finite_field.card_units, fintype.card_pos_iff], exact ⟨1⟩ end, by simp only [indicator, (finset.univ.prod_hom (eval a)).symm, eval_sub, is_ring_hom.map_one (eval a), is_semiring_hom.map_pow (eval a), eval_X, eval_C, sub_self, zero_pow this, sub_zero, finset.prod_const_one] lemma eval_indicator_apply_eq_zero (a b : σ → α) (h : a ≠ b) : eval a (indicator b) = 0 := have ∃i, a i ≠ b i, by rwa [(≠), function.funext_iff, not_forall] at h, begin rcases this with ⟨i, hi⟩, simp only [indicator, (finset.univ.prod_hom (eval a)).symm, eval_sub, is_ring_hom.map_one (eval a), is_semiring_hom.map_pow (eval a), eval_X, eval_C, sub_self, finset.prod_eq_zero_iff], refine ⟨i, finset.mem_univ _, _⟩, rw [finite_field.pow_card_sub_one_eq_one, sub_self], rwa [(≠), sub_eq_zero], end lemma degrees_indicator (c : σ → α) : degrees (indicator c) ≤ finset.univ.sum (λs:σ, add_monoid.smul (fintype.card α - 1) {s}) := begin rw [indicator], refine le_trans (degrees_prod _ _) (finset.sum_le_sum $ assume s hs, _), refine le_trans (degrees_sub _ _) _, rw [degrees_one, ← bot_eq_zero, bot_sup_eq], refine le_trans (degrees_pow _ _) (add_monoid.smul_le_smul_of_le_right _ _), refine le_trans (degrees_sub _ _) _, rw [degrees_C, ← bot_eq_zero, sup_bot_eq], exact degrees_X _ end set_option class.instance_max_depth 50 lemma indicator_mem_restrict_degree (c : σ → α) : indicator c ∈ restrict_degree σ α (fintype.card α - 1) := begin rw [mem_restrict_degree_iff_sup, indicator], assume n, refine le_trans (multiset.count_le_of_le _ $ degrees_indicator _) (le_of_eq _), rw [← finset.univ.sum_hom (multiset.count n)], simp only [is_add_monoid_hom.map_smul (multiset.count n), multiset.singleton_eq_singleton, add_monoid.smul_eq_mul, nat.cast_id], transitivity, refine finset.sum_eq_single n _ _, { assume b hb ne, rw [multiset.count_cons_of_ne ne.symm, multiset.count_zero, mul_zero] }, { assume h, exact (h $ finset.mem_univ _).elim }, { rw [multiset.count_cons_self, multiset.count_zero, mul_one] } end section variables (α σ) def evalₗ : mv_polynomial σ α →ₗ[α] (σ → α) → α := ⟨ λp e, p.eval e, assume p q, funext $ assume e, eval_add, assume a p, funext $ assume e, by rw [smul_eq_C_mul, eval_mul, eval_C]; refl ⟩ end section lemma evalₗ_apply (p : mv_polynomial σ α) (e : σ → α) : evalₗ α σ p e = p.eval e := rfl end lemma map_restrict_dom_evalₗ : (restrict_degree σ α (fintype.card α - 1)).map (evalₗ α σ) = ⊤ := begin refine top_unique (submodule.le_def'.2 $ assume e _, mem_map.2 _), refine ⟨finset.univ.sum (λn:σ → α, e n • indicator n), _, _⟩, { exact sum_mem _ (assume c _, smul_mem _ _ (indicator_mem_restrict_degree _)) }, { ext n, simp only [linear_map.map_sum, @pi.finset_sum_apply (σ → α) (λ_, α) _ _ _ _ _, pi.smul_apply, linear_map.map_smul], simp only [evalₗ_apply], transitivity, refine finset.sum_eq_single n _ _, { assume b _ h, rw [eval_indicator_apply_eq_zero _ _ h.symm, smul_zero] }, { assume h, exact (h $ finset.mem_univ n).elim }, { rw [eval_indicator_apply_eq_one, smul_eq_mul, mul_one] } } end end mv_polynomial namespace mv_polynomial universe u variables (σ : Type u) (α : Type u) [fintype σ] [discrete_field α] [fintype α] @[derive [add_comm_group, vector_space α, inhabited]] def R : Type u := restrict_degree σ α (fintype.card α - 1) noncomputable instance decidable_restrict_degree (m : ℕ) : decidable_pred (λn, n ∈ {n : σ →₀ ℕ | ∀i, n i ≤ m }) := by simp only [set.mem_set_of_eq]; apply_instance set_option class.instance_max_depth 60 lemma dim_R : vector_space.dim α (R σ α) = fintype.card (σ → α) := calc vector_space.dim α (R σ α) = vector_space.dim α (↥{s : σ →₀ ℕ | ∀ (n : σ), s n ≤ fintype.card α - 1} →₀ α) : linear_equiv.dim_eq (finsupp.supported_equiv_finsupp {s : σ →₀ ℕ | ∀n:σ, s n ≤ fintype.card α - 1 }) ... = {s : σ →₀ ℕ | ∀ (n : σ), s n ≤ fintype.card α - 1} : by rw [finsupp.dim_eq, dim_of_field, mul_one] ... = {s : σ → ℕ | ∀ (n : σ), s n < fintype.card α } : begin refine quotient.sound ⟨equiv.subtype_congr finsupp.equiv_fun_on_fintype $ assume f, _⟩, refine forall_congr (assume n, nat.le_sub_right_iff_add_le _), exact fintype.card_pos_iff.2 ⟨0⟩ end ... = (σ → {n // n < fintype.card α}) : quotient.sound ⟨@equiv.subtype_pi_equiv_pi σ (λ_, ℕ) (λs n, n < fintype.card α)⟩ ... = (σ → fin (fintype.card α)) : quotient.sound ⟨equiv.arrow_congr (equiv.refl σ) (equiv.fin_equiv_subtype _).symm⟩ ... = (σ → α) : begin refine (trunc.induction_on (fintype.equiv_fin α) $ assume (e : α ≃ fin (fintype.card α)), _), refine quotient.sound ⟨equiv.arrow_congr (equiv.refl σ) e.symm⟩ end ... = fintype.card (σ → α) : cardinal.fintype_card _ def evalᵢ : R σ α →ₗ[α] (σ → α) → α := ((evalₗ α σ).comp (restrict_degree σ α (fintype.card α - 1)).subtype) lemma range_evalᵢ : (evalᵢ σ α).range = ⊤ := begin rw [evalᵢ, linear_map.range_comp, range_subtype], exact map_restrict_dom_evalₗ end lemma ker_evalₗ : (evalᵢ σ α).ker = ⊥ := begin refine injective_of_surjective _ _ _ (range_evalᵢ _ _), { rw [dim_R], exact cardinal.nat_lt_omega _ }, { rw [dim_R, dim_fun, dim_of_field, mul_one] } end lemma eq_zero_of_eval_eq_zero (p : mv_polynomial σ α) (h : ∀v:σ → α, p.eval v = 0) (hp : p ∈ restrict_degree σ α (fintype.card α - 1)) : p = 0 := let p' : R σ α := ⟨p, hp⟩ in have p' ∈ (evalᵢ σ α).ker := by rw [mem_ker]; ext v; exact h v, show p'.1 = (0 : R σ α).1, begin rw [ker_evalₗ, mem_bot] at this, rw [this] end end mv_polynomial