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/- Copyright (c) 2018 Chris Hughes. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Chris Hughes Definition of splitting fields, and definition of homomorphism into any field that splits -/ import ring_theory.unique_factorization_domain import data.polynomial ring_theory.principal_ideal_domain algebra.euclidean_domain local attribute [instance, priority 100000] universes u v w variables {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {γ : Type w} namespace polynomial noncomputable theory open_locale classical variables [discrete_field α] [discrete_field β] [discrete_field γ] open polynomial section splits variables (i : α → β) [is_ring_hom i] /-- a polynomial `splits` iff it is zero or all of its irreducible factors have `degree` 1 -/ def splits (f : polynomial α) : Prop := f = 0 ∨ ∀ {g : polynomial β}, irreducible g → g ∣ i → degree g = 1 @[simp] lemma splits_zero : splits i (0 : polynomial α) := or.inl rfl @[simp] lemma splits_C (a : α) : splits i (C a) := if ha : a = 0 then ha.symm ▸ (@C_0 α _).symm ▸ splits_zero i else have hia : i a ≠ 0, from mt ((is_add_group_hom.injective_iff i).1 (is_ring_hom.injective i) _) ha, or.inr $ λ g hg ⟨p, hp⟩, absurd hg.1 (classical.not_not.2 (is_unit_iff_degree_eq_zero.2 $ by have := congr_arg degree hp; simp [degree_C hia, @eq_comm (with_bot ℕ) 0, nat.with_bot.add_eq_zero_iff] at this; clear _fun_match; tautology)) lemma splits_of_degree_eq_one {f : polynomial α} (hf : degree f = 1) : splits i f := or.inr $ λ g hg ⟨p, hp⟩, by have := congr_arg degree hp; simp [nat.with_bot.add_eq_one_iff, hf, @eq_comm (with_bot ℕ) 1, mt is_unit_iff_degree_eq_zero.2 hg.1] at this; clear _fun_match; tauto lemma splits_of_degree_le_one {f : polynomial α} (hf : degree f ≤ 1) : splits i f := begin cases h : degree f with n, { rw [degree_eq_bot.1 h]; exact splits_zero i }, { cases n with n, { rw [eq_C_of_degree_le_zero (trans_rel_right (≤) h (le_refl _))]; exact splits_C _ _ }, { have hn : n = 0, { rw h at hf, cases n, { refl }, { exact absurd hf dec_trivial } }, exact splits_of_degree_eq_one _ (by rw [h, hn]; refl) } } end lemma splits_mul {f g : polynomial α} (hf : splits i f) (hg : splits i g) : splits i (f * g) := if h : f * g = 0 then by simp [h] else or.inr $ λ p hp hpf, ((principal_ideal_domain.irreducible_iff_prime.1 hp).2.2 _ _ (show p ∣ map i f * map i g, by convert hpf; rw polynomial.map_mul)).elim (hf.resolve_left (λ hf, by simpa [hf] using h) hp) (hg.resolve_left (λ hg, by simpa [hg] using h) hp) lemma splits_of_splits_mul {f g : polynomial α} (hfg : f * g ≠ 0) (h : splits i (f * g)) : splits i f ∧ splits i g := ⟨or.inr $ λ g hgi hg, or.resolve_left h hfg hgi (by rw map_mul; exact dvd.trans hg (dvd_mul_right _ _)), or.inr $ λ g hgi hg, or.resolve_left h hfg hgi (by rw map_mul; exact dvd.trans hg (dvd_mul_left _ _))⟩ lemma splits_map_iff (j : β → γ) [is_ring_hom j] {f : polynomial α} : splits j ( i) ↔ splits (λ x, j (i x)) f := by simp [splits, polynomial.map_map] lemma exists_root_of_splits {f : polynomial α} (hs : splits i f) (hf0 : degree f ≠ 0) : ∃ x, eval₂ i x f = 0 := if hf0 : f = 0 then ⟨37, by simp [hf0]⟩ else let ⟨g, hg⟩ := is_noetherian_ring.exists_irreducible_factor (show ¬ is_unit ( i), from mt is_unit_iff_degree_eq_zero.1 (by rwa degree_map)) (by rw [ne.def, map_eq_zero]; exact hf0) in let ⟨x, hx⟩ := exists_root_of_degree_eq_one (hs.resolve_left hf0 hg.1 hg.2) in let ⟨i, hi⟩ := hg.2 in ⟨x, by rw [← eval_map, hi, eval_mul, show _ = _, from hx, zero_mul]⟩ lemma exists_multiset_of_splits {f : polynomial α} : splits i f → ∃ (s : multiset β), i = C (i f.leading_coeff) * ( (λ a : β, (X : polynomial β) - C a)).prod := suffices splits id ( i) → ∃ s : multiset β, i = (C ( i).leading_coeff) * ( (λ a : β, (X : polynomial β) - C a)).prod, by rwa [splits_map_iff, leading_coeff_map i] at this, is_noetherian_ring.irreducible_induction_on ( i) (λ _, ⟨{37}, by simp [is_ring_hom.map_zero i]⟩) (λ u hu _, ⟨0, by conv_lhs { rw eq_C_of_degree_eq_zero (is_unit_iff_degree_eq_zero.1 hu) }; simp [leading_coeff, nat_degree_eq_of_degree_eq_some (is_unit_iff_degree_eq_zero.1 hu)]⟩) (λ f p hf0 hp ih hfs, have hpf0 : p * f ≠ 0, from mul_ne_zero hp.ne_zero hf0, let ⟨s, hs⟩ := ih (splits_of_splits_mul _ hpf0 hfs).2 in ⟨-(p * norm_unit p).coeff 0 :: s, have hp1 : degree p = 1, from hfs.resolve_left hpf0 hp (by simp), begin rw [multiset.map_cons, multiset.prod_cons, leading_coeff_mul, C_mul, mul_assoc, mul_left_comm (C f.leading_coeff), ← hs, ← mul_assoc, domain.mul_right_inj hf0], conv_lhs {rw eq_X_add_C_of_degree_eq_one hp1}, simp only [mul_add, coe_norm_unit hp.ne_zero, mul_comm p, coeff_neg, C_neg, sub_eq_add_neg, neg_neg, coeff_C_mul, (mul_assoc _ _ _).symm, C_mul.symm, mul_inv_cancel (show p.leading_coeff ≠ 0, from mt leading_coeff_eq_zero.1 hp.ne_zero), one_mul], end⟩) section UFD local attribute [instance, priority 10] principal_ideal_domain.to_unique_factorization_domain local infix ` ~ᵤ ` : 50 := associated open unique_factorization_domain associates lemma splits_of_exists_multiset {f : polynomial α} {s : multiset β} (hs : i = C (i f.leading_coeff) * ( (λ a : β, (X : polynomial β) - C a)).prod) : splits i f := if hf0 : f = 0 then or.inl hf0 else or.inr $ λ p hp hdp, have ht : multiset.rel associated (factors ( i)) ( (λ a : β, (X : polynomial β) - C a)) := unique (λ p hp, irreducible_factors (mt (map_eq_zero i).1 hf0) _ hp) (λ p, by simp [@eq_comm _ _ p, -sub_eq_add_neg, irreducible_of_degree_eq_one (degree_X_sub_C _)] {contextual := tt}) (associated.symm $ calc _ ~ᵤ i : ⟨(' C : units β →* units (polynomial β)) (units.mk0 ( i).leading_coeff (mt leading_coeff_eq_zero.1 (mt (map_eq_zero i).1 hf0))), by conv_rhs {rw [hs, ← leading_coeff_map i, mul_comm]}; refl⟩ ... ~ᵤ _ : associated.symm (unique_factorization_domain.factors_prod (by simpa using hf0))), let ⟨q, hq, hpq⟩ := exists_mem_factors_of_dvd (by simpa) hp hdp in let ⟨q', hq', hqq'⟩ := multiset.exists_mem_of_rel_of_mem ht hq in let ⟨a, ha⟩ := multiset.mem_map.1 hq' in by rw [← degree_X_sub_C a, ha.2]; exact degree_eq_degree_of_associated (hpq.trans hqq') lemma splits_of_splits_id {f : polynomial α} : splits id f → splits i f := unique_factorization_domain.induction_on_prime f (λ _, splits_zero _) (λ _ hu _, splits_of_degree_le_one _ ((is_unit_iff_degree_eq_zero.1 hu).symm ▸ dec_trivial)) (λ a p ha0 hp ih hfi, splits_mul _ (splits_of_degree_eq_one _ ((splits_of_splits_mul _ (mul_ne_zero hp.1 ha0) hfi).1.resolve_left hp.1 (irreducible_of_prime hp) (by rw map_id))) (ih (splits_of_splits_mul _ (mul_ne_zero hp.1 ha0) hfi).2)) end UFD lemma splits_iff_exists_multiset {f : polynomial α} : splits i f ↔ ∃ (s : multiset β), i = C (i f.leading_coeff) * ( (λ a : β, (X : polynomial β) - C a)).prod := ⟨exists_multiset_of_splits i, λ ⟨s, hs⟩, splits_of_exists_multiset i hs⟩ lemma splits_comp_of_splits (j : β → γ) [is_ring_hom j] {f : polynomial α} (h : splits i f) : splits (λ x, j (i x)) f := begin change i with (λ x, id (i x)) at h, rw [← splits_map_iff], rw [← splits_map_iff i id] at h, exact splits_of_splits_id _ h end end splits end polynomial