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/- Copyright (c) 2018 Kenny Lau. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Kenny Lau, Chris Hughes, Tim Baanen -/ import data.matrix.basic import data.matrix.pequiv import group_theory.perm.sign universes u v open equiv equiv.perm finset function namespace matrix variables {n : Type u} [fintype n] [decidable_eq n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R] local notation `ε` σ:max := ((sign σ : ℤ ) : R) /-- The determinant of a matrix given by the Leibniz formula. -/ definition det (M : matrix n n R) : R := univ.sum (λ (σ : perm n), ε σ * (λ i, M (σ i) i)) @[simp] lemma det_diagonal {d : n → R} : det (diagonal d) = d := begin refine (finset.sum_eq_single 1 _ _).trans _, { intros σ h1 h2, cases not_forall.1 (mt (equiv.ext _ _) h2) with x h3, convert ring.mul_zero _, apply finset.prod_eq_zero, { change x ∈ _, simp }, exact if_neg h3 }, { simp }, { simp } end @[simp] lemma det_zero (h : nonempty n) : det (0 : matrix n n R) = 0 := by rw [← diagonal_zero, det_diagonal, finset.prod_const, ← fintype.card, zero_pow (fintype.card_pos_iff.2 h)] @[simp] lemma det_one : det (1 : matrix n n R) = 1 := by rw [← diagonal_one]; simp [-diagonal_one] lemma det_mul_aux {M N : matrix n n R} {p : n → n} (H : ¬bijective p) : univ.sum (λ σ : perm n, (ε σ) * ( (λ x, M (σ x) (p x) * N (p x) x))) = 0 := begin obtain ⟨i, j, hpij, hij⟩ : ∃ i j, p i = p j ∧ i ≠ j, { rw [← fintype.injective_iff_bijective, injective] at H, push_neg at H, exact H }, exact sum_involution (λ σ _, σ * swap i j) (λ σ _, have ∀ a, p (swap i j a) = p a := λ a, by simp only [swap_apply_def]; split_ifs; cc, have (λ x, M (σ x) (p x)) = (λ x, M ((σ * swap i j) x) (p x)), from prod_bij (λ a _, swap i j a) (λ _ _, mem_univ _) (by simp [this]) (λ _ _ _ _ h, (swap i j).injective h) (λ b _, ⟨swap i j b, mem_univ _, by simp⟩), by simp [sign_mul, this, sign_swap hij, prod_mul_distrib]) (λ σ _ _ h, hij (σ.injective $ by conv {to_lhs, rw ← h}; simp)) (λ _ _, mem_univ _) (λ _ _, equiv.ext _ _ $ by simp) end @[simp] lemma det_mul (M N : matrix n n R) : det (M * N) = det M * det N := calc det (M * N) = univ.sum (λ σ : perm n, (univ.pi (λ a, univ)).sum (λ (p : Π (a : n), a ∈ univ → n), ε σ * (λ i, M (σ i.1) (p i.1 (mem_univ _)) * N (p i.1 (mem_univ _)) i.1))) : by simp only [det, mul_val', prod_sum, mul_sum] ... = univ.sum (λ σ : perm n, univ.sum (λ p : n → n, ε σ * (λ i, M (σ i) (p i) * N (p i) i))) : sum_congr rfl (λ σ _, sum_bij (λ f h i, f i (mem_univ _)) (λ _ _, mem_univ _) (by simp) (by simp [funext_iff]) (λ b _, ⟨λ i hi, b i, by simp⟩)) ... = univ.sum (λ p : n → n, univ.sum (λ σ : perm n, ε σ * (λ i, M (σ i) (p i) * N (p i) i))) : finset.sum_comm ... = ((@univ (n → n) _).filter bijective).sum (λ p : n → n, univ.sum (λ σ : perm n, ε σ * (λ i, M (σ i) (p i) * N (p i) i))) : eq.symm $ sum_subset (filter_subset _) (λ f _ hbij, det_mul_aux $ by simpa using hbij) ... = (@univ (perm n) _).sum (λ τ, univ.sum (λ σ : perm n, ε σ * (λ i, M (σ i) (τ i) * N (τ i) i))) : sum_bij (λ p h, equiv.of_bijective (mem_filter.1 h).2) (λ _ _, mem_univ _) (λ _ _, rfl) (λ _ _ _ _ h, by injection h) (λ b _, ⟨b, mem_filter.2 ⟨mem_univ _, b.bijective⟩, eq_of_to_fun_eq rfl⟩) ... = univ.sum (λ σ : perm n, univ.sum (λ τ : perm n, ( (λ i, N (σ i) i) * ε τ) * (λ j, M (τ j) (σ j)))) : by simp [mul_sum, det, mul_comm, mul_left_comm, prod_mul_distrib, mul_assoc] ... = univ.sum (λ σ : perm n, univ.sum (λ τ : perm n, ( (λ i, N (σ i) i) * (ε σ * ε τ)) * (λ i, M (τ i) i))) : sum_congr rfl (λ σ _, sum_bij (λ τ _, τ * σ⁻¹) (λ _ _, mem_univ _) (λ τ _, have (λ j, M (τ j) (σ j)) = (λ j, M ((τ * σ⁻¹) j) j), by rw prod_univ_perm σ⁻¹; simp [mul_apply], have h : ε σ * ε (τ * σ⁻¹) = ε τ := calc ε σ * ε (τ * σ⁻¹) = ε ((τ * σ⁻¹) * σ) : by rw [mul_comm, sign_mul (τ * σ⁻¹)]; simp [sign_mul] ... = ε τ : by simp, by rw h; simp [this, mul_comm, mul_assoc, mul_left_comm]) (λ _ _ _ _, (mul_right_inj _).1) (λ τ _, ⟨τ * σ, by simp⟩)) ... = det M * det N : by simp [det, mul_assoc, mul_sum, mul_comm, mul_left_comm] instance : is_monoid_hom (det : matrix n n R → R) := { map_one := det_one, map_mul := det_mul } /-- Transposing a matrix preserves the determinant. -/ @[simp] lemma det_transpose (M : matrix n n R) : M.transpose.det = M.det := begin apply sum_bij (λ σ _, σ⁻¹), { intros σ _, apply mem_univ }, { intros σ _, rw [sign_inv], congr' 1, apply prod_bij (λ i _, σ i), { intros i _, apply mem_univ }, { intros i _, simp }, { intros i j _ _ h, simp at h, assumption }, { intros i _, use σ⁻¹ i, finish } }, { intros σ σ' _ _ h, simp at h, assumption }, { intros σ _, use σ⁻¹, finish } end /-- The determinant of a permutation matrix equals its sign. -/ @[simp] lemma det_permutation (σ : perm n) : matrix.det (σ.to_pequiv.to_matrix : matrix n n R) = σ.sign := begin suffices : matrix.det (σ.to_pequiv.to_matrix) = ↑σ.sign * det (1 : matrix n n R), { simp [this] }, unfold det, rw mul_sum, apply sum_bij (λ τ _, σ * τ), { intros τ _, apply mem_univ }, { intros τ _, conv_lhs { rw [←one_mul (sign τ), ←int.units_pow_two (sign σ)] }, conv_rhs { rw [←mul_assoc, coe_coe, sign_mul, units.coe_mul, int.cast_mul, ←mul_assoc] }, congr, { norm_num }, { ext i, apply pequiv.equiv_to_pequiv_to_matrix } }, { intros τ τ' _ _, exact (mul_left_inj σ).mp }, { intros τ _, use σ⁻¹ * τ, use (mem_univ _), exact (mul_inv_cancel_left _ _).symm } end /-- Permuting the columns changes the sign of the determinant. -/ lemma det_permute (σ : perm n) (M : matrix n n R) : matrix.det (λ i, M (σ i)) = σ.sign * M.det := by rw [←det_permutation, ←det_mul, pequiv.to_pequiv_mul_matrix] section det_zero /-! ### `det_zero` section Prove that a matrix with a repeated column has determinant equal to zero. -/ /-- `mod_swap i j` contains permutations up to swapping `i` and `j`. We use this to partition permutations in the expression for the determinant, such that each partitions sums up to `0`. -/ def mod_swap {n : Type u} [decidable_eq n] (i j : n) : setoid (perm n) := ⟨ λ σ τ, σ = τ ∨ σ = swap i j * τ, λ σ, or.inl (refl σ), λ σ τ h, or.cases_on h (λ h, or.inl h.symm) (λ h, or.inr (by rw [h, swap_mul_self_mul])), λ σ τ υ hστ hτυ, by cases hστ; cases hτυ; try {rw [hστ, hτυ, swap_mul_self_mul]}; finish⟩ instance (i j : n) : decidable_rel (mod_swap i j).r := λ σ τ, or.decidable variables {M : matrix n n R} {i j : n} /-- If a matrix has a repeated column, the determinant will be zero. -/ theorem det_zero_of_column_eq (i_ne_j : i ≠ j) (hij : M i = M j) : M.det = 0 := begin have swap_invariant : ∀ k, M (swap i j k) = M k, { intros k, rw [swap_apply_def], by_cases k = i, { rw [if_pos h, h, ←hij] }, rw [if_neg h], by_cases k = j, { rw [if_pos h, h, hij] }, rw [if_neg h] }, have : ∀ σ, _root_.disjoint (_root_.singleton σ) (_root_.singleton (swap i j * σ)), { intros σ, rw [finset.singleton_eq_singleton, finset.singleton_eq_singleton, disjoint_singleton], apply (not_congr mem_singleton).mpr, exact (not_congr swap_mul_eq_iff).mpr i_ne_j }, apply finset.sum_cancels_of_partition_cancels (mod_swap i j), intros σ _, erw [filter_or, filter_eq', filter_eq', if_pos (mem_univ σ), if_pos (mem_univ (swap i j * σ)), sum_union (this σ), sum_singleton, sum_singleton], convert add_right_neg (↑↑(sign σ) * univ (λ (i : n), M (σ i) i)), rw [neg_mul_eq_neg_mul], congr, { rw [sign_mul, sign_swap i_ne_j], norm_num }, ext j, rw [mul_apply, swap_invariant] end end det_zero end matrix