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/- Copyright (c) 2019 Zhouhang Zhou. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Zhouhang Zhou -/ import measure_theory.simple_func_dense import analysis.normed_space.bounded_linear_maps /-! # Bochner integral The Bochner integral extends the definition of the Lebesgue integral to functions that map from a measure space into a Banach space (complete normed vector space). It is constructed here by extending the integral on simple functions. ## Main definitions The Bochner integral is defined following these steps: 1. Define the integral on simple functions of the type `simple_func α β` (notation : `α →ₛ β`) where `β` is a real normed space. (See `simple_func.bintegral` and section `bintegral` for details. Also see `simple_func.integral` for the integral on simple functions of the type `simple_func α ennreal`.) 2. Use `simple_func α β` to cut out the simple functions from L1 functions, and define integral on these. The type of simple functions in L1 space is written as `α →₁ₛ β`. 3. Show that the embedding of `α →₁ₛ β` into L1 is a dense and uniform one. 4. Show that the integral defined on `α →₁ₛ β` is a continuous linear map. 5. Define the Bochner integral on L1 functions by extending the integral on integrable simple functions `α →₁ₛ β` using `continuous_linear_map.extend`. Define the Bochner integral on functions as the Bochner integral of its equivalence class in L1 space. ## Main statements 1. Basic properties of the Bochner integral on functions of type `α → β`, where `α` is a measure space and `β` is a real normed space. * `integral_zero` : `∫ 0 = 0` * `integral_add` : `∫ f + g = ∫ f + ∫ g` * `integral_neg` : `∫ -f = - ∫ f` * `integral_sub` : `∫ f - g = ∫ f - ∫ g` * `integral_smul` : `∫ r • f = r • ∫ f` * `integral_congr_ae` : `∀ₘ a, f a = g a → ∫ f = ∫ g` * `norm_integral_le_integral_norm` : `∥∫ f∥ ≤ ∫ ∥f∥` 2. Basic properties of the Bochner integral on functions of type `α → ℝ`, where `α` is a measure space. * `integral_nonneg_of_nonneg_ae` : `∀ₘ a, 0 ≤ f a → 0 ≤ ∫ f` * `integral_nonpos_of_nonpos_ae` : `∀ₘ a, f a ≤ 0 → ∫ f ≤ 0` * `integral_le_integral_of_le_ae` : `∀ₘ a, f a ≤ g a → ∫ f ≤ ∫ g` 3. Propositions connecting the Bochner integral with the integral on `ennreal`-valued functions, which is called `lintegral` and has the notation `∫⁻`. * `integral_eq_lintegral_max_sub_lintegral_min` : `∫ f = ∫⁻ f⁺ - ∫⁻ f⁻`, where `f⁺` is the positive part of `f` and `f⁻` is the negative part of `f`. * `integral_eq_lintegral_of_nonneg_ae` : `∀ₘ a, 0 ≤ f a → ∫ f = ∫⁻ f` 4. `tendsto_integral_of_dominated_convergence` : the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem ## Notes Some tips on how to prove a proposition if the API for the Bochner integral is not enough so that you need to unfold the definition of the Bochner integral and go back to simple functions. See `integral_eq_lintegral_max_sub_lintegral_min` for a complicated example, which proves that `∫ f = ∫⁻ f⁺ - ∫⁻ f⁻`, with the first integral sign being the Bochner integral of a real-valued function f : α → ℝ, and second and third integral sign being the integral on ennreal-valued functions (called `lintegral`). The proof of `integral_eq_lintegral_max_sub_lintegral_min` is scattered in sections with the name `pos_part`. Here are the usual steps of proving that a property `p`, say `∫ f = ∫⁻ f⁺ - ∫⁻ f⁻`, holds for all functions : 1. First go to the `L¹` space. For example, if you see `ennreal.to_real (∫⁻ a, ennreal.of_real $ ∥f a∥)`, that is the norm of `f` in `L¹` space. Rewrite using `l1.norm_of_fun_eq_lintegral_norm`. 2. Show that the set `{f ∈ L¹ | ∫ f = ∫⁻ f⁺ - ∫⁻ f⁻}` is closed in `L¹` using `is_closed_eq`. 3. Show that the property holds for all simple functions `s` in `L¹` space. Typically, you need to convert various notions to their `simple_func` counterpart, using lemmas like `l1.integral_coe_eq_integral`. 4. Since simple functions are dense in `L¹`, ``` univ = closure {s simple} = closure {s simple | ∫ s = ∫⁻ s⁺ - ∫⁻ s⁻} : the property holds for all simple functions ⊆ closure {f | ∫ f = ∫⁻ f⁺ - ∫⁻ f⁻} = {f | ∫ f = ∫⁻ f⁺ - ∫⁻ f⁻} : closure of a closed set is itself ``` Use `is_closed_property` or `dense_range.induction_on` for this argument. ## Notations * `α →ₛ β` : simple functions (defined in `measure_theory/integration`) * `α →₁ β` : functions in L1 space, i.e., equivalence classes of integrable functions (defined in `measure_theory/l1_space`) * `α →₁ₛ β` : simple functions in L1 space, i.e., equivalence classes of integrable simple functions Note : `ₛ` is typed using `\_s`. Sometimes it shows as a box if font is missing. ## Tags Bochner integral, simple function, function space, Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem -/ noncomputable theory open_locale classical topological_space set_option class.instance_max_depth 100 -- Typeclass inference has difficulty finding `has_scalar ℝ β` where `β` is a `normed_space` on `ℝ` local attribute [instance, priority 10000] mul_action.to_has_scalar distrib_mul_action.to_mul_action add_comm_group.to_add_comm_monoid normed_group.to_add_comm_group normed_space.to_module module.to_semimodule namespace measure_theory universes u v w variables {α : Type u} [measurable_space α] {β : Type v} [decidable_linear_order β] [has_zero β] local infixr ` →ₛ `:25 := simple_func namespace simple_func section pos_part /-- Positive part of a simple function. -/ def pos_part (f : α →ₛ β) : α →ₛ β := (λb, max b 0) /-- Negative part of a simple function. -/ def neg_part [has_neg β] (f : α →ₛ β) : α →ₛ β := pos_part (-f) lemma pos_part_map_norm (f : α →ₛ ℝ) : (pos_part f).map norm = pos_part f := begin ext, rw [map_apply, real.norm_eq_abs, abs_of_nonneg], rw [pos_part, map_apply], exact le_max_right _ _ end lemma neg_part_map_norm (f : α →ₛ ℝ) : (neg_part f).map norm = neg_part f := by { rw neg_part, exact pos_part_map_norm _ } lemma pos_part_sub_neg_part (f : α →ₛ ℝ) : f.pos_part - f.neg_part = f := begin simp only [pos_part, neg_part], ext, exact max_zero_sub_eq_self (f a) end end pos_part end simple_func end measure_theory namespace measure_theory open set lattice filter topological_space ennreal emetric universes u v w variables {α : Type u} [measure_space α] {β : Type v} {γ : Type w} local infixr ` →ₛ `:25 := simple_func namespace simple_func section bintegral /-! ### The Bochner integral of simple functions Define the Bochner integral of simple functions of the type `α →ₛ β` where `β` is a normed group, and prove basic property of this integral. -/ open finset variables [normed_group β] [normed_group γ] lemma integrable_iff_integral_lt_top {f : α →ₛ β} : integrable f ↔ integral ( (coe ∘ nnnorm)) < ⊤ := by { rw [integrable, ← lintegral_eq_integral, lintegral_map] } lemma fin_vol_supp_of_integrable {f : α →ₛ β} (hf : integrable f) : f.fin_vol_supp := begin rw [integrable_iff_integral_lt_top] at hf, have hf := fin_vol_supp_of_integral_lt_top hf, refine fin_vol_supp_of_fin_vol_supp_map f hf _, assume b, simp [nnnorm_eq_zero] end lemma integrable_of_fin_vol_supp {f : α →ₛ β} (h : f.fin_vol_supp) : integrable f := by { rw [integrable_iff_integral_lt_top], exact integral_map_coe_lt_top h nnnorm_zero } /-- For simple functions with a `normed_group` as codomain, being integrable is the same as having finite volume support. -/ lemma integrable_iff_fin_vol_supp (f : α →ₛ β) : integrable f ↔ f.fin_vol_supp := iff.intro fin_vol_supp_of_integrable integrable_of_fin_vol_supp lemma integrable_pair {f : α →ₛ β} {g : α →ₛ γ} (hf : integrable f) (hg : integrable g) : integrable (pair f g) := by { rw integrable_iff_fin_vol_supp at *, apply fin_vol_supp_pair; assumption } variables [normed_space ℝ γ] /-- Bochner integral of simple functions whose codomain is a real `normed_space`. The name `simple_func.integral` has been taken in the file `integration.lean`, which calculates the integral of a simple function with type `α → ennreal`. The name `bintegral` stands for Bochner integral. -/ def bintegral [normed_space ℝ β] (f : α →ₛ β) : β := f.range.sum (λ x, (ennreal.to_real (volume (f ⁻¹' {x}))) • x) /-- Calculate the integral of `g ∘ f : α →ₛ γ`, where `f` is an integrable function from `α` to `β` and `g` is a function from `β` to `γ`. We require `g 0 = 0` so that `g ∘ f` is integrable. -/ lemma map_bintegral (f : α →ₛ β) (g : β → γ) (hf : integrable f) (hg : g 0 = 0) : ( g).bintegral = f.range.sum (λ x, (ennreal.to_real (volume (f ⁻¹' {x}))) • (g x)) := begin /- Just a complicated calculation with `finset.sum`. Real work is done by `map_preimage_singleton`, `simple_func.volume_bUnion_preimage` and `ennreal.to_real_sum` -/ rw integrable_iff_fin_vol_supp at hf, simp only [bintegral, range_map], refine finset.sum_image' _ (assume b hb, _), rcases mem_range.1 hb with ⟨a, rfl⟩, let s' := f.range.filter (λb, g b = g (f a)), calc (ennreal.to_real (volume (( g) ⁻¹' {g (f a)}))) • (g (f a)) = (ennreal.to_real (volume (⋃b∈s', f ⁻¹' {b}))) • (g (f a)) : by rw map_preimage_singleton ... = (ennreal.to_real (s'.sum (λb, volume (f ⁻¹' {b})))) • (g (f a)) : by rw volume_bUnion_preimage ... = (s'.sum (λb, ennreal.to_real (volume (f ⁻¹' {b})))) • (g (f a)) : begin by_cases h : g (f a) = 0, { rw [h, smul_zero, smul_zero] }, { rw ennreal.to_real_sum, simp only [mem_filter], rintros b ⟨_, hb⟩, have : b ≠ 0, { assume hb', rw [← hb, hb'] at h, contradiction }, apply hf, assumption } end ... = s'.sum (λb, (ennreal.to_real (volume (f ⁻¹' {b}))) • (g (f a))) : finset.sum_smul ... = s'.sum (λb, (ennreal.to_real (volume (f ⁻¹' {b}))) • (g b)) : finset.sum_congr rfl $ by { assume x, simp only [mem_filter], rintro ⟨_, h⟩, rw h } end /-- `simple_func.bintegral` and `simple_func.integral` agree when the integrand has type `α →ₛ ennreal`. But since `ennreal` is not a `normed_space`, we need some form of coercion. See `bintegral_eq_integral'` for a simpler version. -/ lemma bintegral_eq_integral {f : α →ₛ β} {g : β → ennreal} (hf : integrable f) (hg0 : g 0 = 0) (hgt : ∀b, g b < ⊤): ( (ennreal.to_real ∘ g)).bintegral = ennreal.to_real ( g).integral := begin have hf' : f.fin_vol_supp, { rwa integrable_iff_fin_vol_supp at hf }, rw [map_bintegral f _ hf, map_integral, ennreal.to_real_sum], { refine finset.sum_congr rfl (λb hb, _), rw [smul_eq_mul], rw [to_real_mul_to_real, mul_comm] }, { assume a ha, by_cases a0 : a = 0, { rw [a0, hg0, zero_mul], exact with_top.zero_lt_top }, apply mul_lt_top (hgt a) (hf' _ a0) }, { simp [hg0] } end /-- `simple_func.bintegral` and `lintegral : (α → ennreal) → ennreal` are the same when the integrand has type `α →ₛ ennreal`. But since `ennreal` is not a `normed_space`, we need some form of coercion. See `bintegral_eq_lintegral'` for a simpler version. -/ lemma bintegral_eq_lintegral (f : α →ₛ β) (g : β → ennreal) (hf : integrable f) (hg0 : g 0 = 0) (hgt : ∀b, g b < ⊤): ( (ennreal.to_real ∘ g)).bintegral = ennreal.to_real (∫⁻ a, g (f a)) := by { rw [bintegral_eq_integral hf hg0 hgt, ← lintegral_eq_integral], refl } variables [normed_space ℝ β] lemma bintegral_congr {f g : α →ₛ β} (hf : integrable f) (hg : integrable g) (h : ∀ₘ a, f a = g a): bintegral f = bintegral g := show ((pair f g).map prod.fst).bintegral = ((pair f g).map prod.snd).bintegral, from begin have inte := integrable_pair hf hg, rw [map_bintegral (pair f g) _ inte prod.fst_zero, map_bintegral (pair f g) _ inte prod.snd_zero], refine finset.sum_congr rfl (assume p hp, _), rcases mem_range.1 hp with ⟨a, rfl⟩, by_cases eq : f a = g a, { dsimp only [pair_apply], rw eq }, { have : volume ((pair f g) ⁻¹' {(f a, g a)}) = 0, { refine volume_mono_null (assume a' ha', _) h, simp only [set.mem_preimage, mem_singleton_iff, pair_apply,] at ha', show f a' ≠ g a', rwa [ha'.1, ha'.2] }, simp only [this, pair_apply, zero_smul, ennreal.zero_to_real] }, end /-- `simple_func.bintegral` and `simple_func.integral` agree when the integrand has type `α →ₛ ennreal`. But since `ennreal` is not a `normed_space`, we need some form of coercion. -/ lemma bintegral_eq_integral' {f : α →ₛ ℝ} (hf : integrable f) (h_pos : ∀ₘ a, 0 ≤ f a) : f.bintegral = ennreal.to_real ( ennreal.of_real).integral := begin have : ∀ₘ a, f a = ( (ennreal.to_real ∘ ennreal.of_real)) a, { filter_upwards [h_pos], assume a, simp only [mem_set_of_eq, map_apply, function.comp_apply], assume h, exact (ennreal.to_real_of_real h).symm }, rw ← bintegral_eq_integral hf, { refine bintegral_congr hf _ this, exact integrable_of_ae_eq hf this }, { exact ennreal.of_real_zero }, { assume b, rw ennreal.lt_top_iff_ne_top, exact ennreal.of_real_ne_top } end /-- `simple_func.bintegral` and `lintegral : (α → ennreal) → ennreal` agree when the integrand has type `α →ₛ ennreal`. But since `ennreal` is not a `normed_space`, we need some form of coercion. -/ lemma bintegral_eq_lintegral' {f : α →ₛ ℝ} (hf : integrable f) (h_pos : ∀ₘ a, 0 ≤ f a) : f.bintegral = ennreal.to_real (∫⁻ a, ( ennreal.of_real a)) := by rw [bintegral_eq_integral' hf h_pos, ← lintegral_eq_integral] lemma bintegral_add {f g : α →ₛ β} (hf : integrable f) (hg : integrable g) : bintegral (f + g) = bintegral f + bintegral g := calc bintegral (f + g) = sum (pair f g).range (λx, ennreal.to_real (volume ((pair f g) ⁻¹' {x})) • (x.fst + x.snd)) : begin rw [add_eq_map₂, map_bintegral (pair f g)], { exact integrable_pair hf hg }, { simp only [add_zero, prod.fst_zero, prod.snd_zero] } end ... = sum (pair f g).range (λx, ennreal.to_real (volume ((pair f g) ⁻¹' {x})) • x.fst + ennreal.to_real (volume ((pair f g) ⁻¹' {x})) • x.snd) : finset.sum_congr rfl $ assume a ha, smul_add _ _ _ ... = sum (simple_func.range (pair f g)) (λ (x : β × β), ennreal.to_real (volume ((pair f g) ⁻¹' {x})) • x.fst) + sum (simple_func.range (pair f g)) (λ (x : β × β), ennreal.to_real (volume ((pair f g) ⁻¹' {x})) • x.snd) : by rw finset.sum_add_distrib ... = ((pair f g).map prod.fst).bintegral + ((pair f g).map prod.snd).bintegral : begin rw [map_bintegral (pair f g), map_bintegral (pair f g)], { exact integrable_pair hf hg }, { refl }, { exact integrable_pair hf hg }, { refl } end ... = bintegral f + bintegral g : rfl lemma bintegral_neg {f : α →ₛ β} (hf : integrable f) : bintegral (-f) = - bintegral f := calc bintegral (-f) = bintegral ( (has_neg.neg)) : rfl ... = - bintegral f : begin rw [map_bintegral f _ hf neg_zero, bintegral, ← sum_neg_distrib], refine finset.sum_congr rfl (λx h, smul_neg _ _), end lemma bintegral_sub {f g : α →ₛ β} (hf : integrable f) (hg : integrable g) : bintegral (f - g) = bintegral f - bintegral g := begin have : f - g = f + (-g) := rfl, rw [this, bintegral_add hf _, bintegral_neg hg], { refl }, exact hg.neg end lemma bintegral_smul (r : ℝ) {f : α →ₛ β} (hf : integrable f) : bintegral (r • f) = r • bintegral f := calc bintegral (r • f) = sum f.range (λx, ennreal.to_real (volume (f ⁻¹' {x})) • r • x) : by rw [smul_eq_map r f, map_bintegral f _ hf (smul_zero _)] ... = (f.range).sum (λ (x : β), ((ennreal.to_real (volume (f ⁻¹' {x}))) * r) • x) : finset.sum_congr rfl $ λb hb, by apply smul_smul ... = r • bintegral f : begin rw [bintegral, smul_sum], refine finset.sum_congr rfl (λb hb, _), rw [smul_smul, mul_comm] end lemma norm_bintegral_le_bintegral_norm (f : α →ₛ β) (hf : integrable f) : ∥f.bintegral∥ ≤ ( norm).bintegral := begin rw map_bintegral f norm hf norm_zero, rw bintegral, calc ∥sum f.range (λx, ennreal.to_real (volume (f ⁻¹' {x})) • x)∥ ≤ sum f.range (λx, ∥ennreal.to_real (volume (f ⁻¹' {x})) • x∥) : norm_sum_le _ _ ... = sum f.range (λx, ennreal.to_real (volume (f ⁻¹' {x})) • ∥x∥) : begin refine finset.sum_congr rfl (λb hb, _), rw [norm_smul, smul_eq_mul, real.norm_eq_abs, abs_of_nonneg to_real_nonneg] end end end bintegral end simple_func namespace l1 open ae_eq_fun variables [normed_group β] [second_countable_topology β] [normed_group γ] [second_countable_topology γ] variables (α β) /-- `l1.simple_func` is a subspace of L1 consisting of equivalence classes of an integrable simple function. -/ def simple_func : Type (max u v) := { f : α →₁ β // ∃ (s : α →ₛ β), integrable s ∧ s s.measurable = f} variables {α β} infixr ` →₁ₛ `:25 := measure_theory.l1.simple_func namespace simple_func section instances /-! Simple functions in L1 space form a `normed_space`. -/ instance : has_coe (α →₁ₛ β) (α →₁ β) := ⟨subtype.val⟩ protected lemma eq {f g : α →₁ₛ β} : (f : α →₁ β) = (g : α →₁ β) → f = g := subtype.eq protected lemma eq' {f g : α →₁ₛ β} : (f : α →ₘ β) = (g : α →ₘ β) → f = g := subtype.eq ∘ subtype.eq @[elim_cast] protected lemma eq_iff {f g : α →₁ₛ β} : (f : α →₁ β) = (g : α →₁ β) ↔ f = g := iff.intro (subtype.eq) (congr_arg coe) @[elim_cast] protected lemma eq_iff' {f g : α →₁ₛ β} : (f : α →ₘ β) = (g : α →ₘ β) ↔ f = g := iff.intro (simple_func.eq') (congr_arg _) /-- L1 simple functions forms a `emetric_space`, with the emetric being inherited from L1 space, i.e., `edist f g = ∫⁻ a, edist (f a) (g a)`. Not declared as an instance as `α →₁ₛ β` will only be useful in the construction of the bochner integral. -/ protected def emetric_space : emetric_space (α →₁ₛ β) := subtype.emetric_space /-- L1 simple functions forms a `metric_space`, with the metric being inherited from L1 space, i.e., `dist f g = ennreal.to_real (∫⁻ a, edist (f a) (g a)`). Not declared as an instance as `α →₁ₛ β` will only be useful in the construction of the bochner integral. -/ protected def metric_space : metric_space (α →₁ₛ β) := subtype.metric_space local attribute [instance] protected lemma is_add_subgroup : is_add_subgroup (λf:α →₁ β, ∃ (s : α →ₛ β), integrable s ∧ s s.measurable = f) := { zero_mem := by { use 0, split, { apply integrable_zero }, { refl } }, add_mem := begin rintros f g ⟨s, hsi, hs⟩ ⟨t, hti, ht⟩, use s + t, split, { exact hsi.add s.measurable t.measurable hti }, { rw [coe_add, ← hs, ← ht], refl } end, neg_mem := begin rintros f ⟨s, hsi, hs⟩, use -s, split, { exact hsi.neg }, { rw [coe_neg, ← hs], refl } end } /-- Not declared as an instance as `α →₁ₛ β` will only be useful in the construction of the bochner integral. -/ protected def add_comm_group : add_comm_group (α →₁ₛ β) := subtype.add_comm_group local attribute [instance] simple_func.add_comm_group simple_func.metric_space simple_func.emetric_space instance : inhabited (α →₁ₛ β) := ⟨0⟩ @[simp, elim_cast] lemma coe_zero : ((0 : α →₁ₛ β) : α →₁ β) = 0 := rfl @[simp, move_cast] lemma coe_add (f g : α →₁ₛ β) : ((f + g : α →₁ₛ β) : α →₁ β) = f + g := rfl @[simp, move_cast] lemma coe_neg (f : α →₁ₛ β) : ((-f : α →₁ₛ β) : α →₁ β) = -f := rfl @[simp, move_cast] lemma coe_sub (f g : α →₁ₛ β) : ((f - g : α →₁ₛ β) : α →₁ β) = f - g := rfl @[simp] lemma edist_eq (f g : α →₁ₛ β) : edist f g = edist (f : α →₁ β) (g : α →₁ β) := rfl @[simp] lemma dist_eq (f g : α →₁ₛ β) : dist f g = dist (f : α →₁ β) (g : α →₁ β) := rfl /-- The norm on `α →₁ₛ β` is inherited from L1 space. That is, `∥f∥ = ∫⁻ a, edist (f a) 0`. Not declared as an instance as `α →₁ₛ β` will only be useful in the construction of the bochner integral. -/ protected def has_norm : has_norm (α →₁ₛ β) := ⟨λf, ∥(f : α →₁ β)∥⟩ local attribute [instance] simple_func.has_norm lemma norm_eq (f : α →₁ₛ β) : ∥f∥ = ∥(f : α →₁ β)∥ := rfl lemma norm_eq' (f : α →₁ₛ β) : ∥f∥ = ennreal.to_real (edist (f : α →ₘ β) 0) := rfl /-- Not declared as an instance as `α →₁ₛ β` will only be useful in the construction of the bochner integral. -/ protected def normed_group : normed_group (α →₁ₛ β) := normed_group.of_add_dist (λ x, rfl) $ by { intros, simp only [dist_eq, coe_add, l1.dist_eq, l1.coe_add], rw edist_eq_add_add } variables {𝕜 : Type*} [normed_field 𝕜] [normed_space 𝕜 β] /-- Not declared as an instance as `α →₁ₛ β` will only be useful in the construction of the bochner integral. -/ protected def has_scalar : has_scalar 𝕜 (α →₁ₛ β) := ⟨λk f, ⟨k • f, begin rcases f with ⟨f, ⟨s, hsi, hs⟩⟩, use k • s, split, { exact integrable.smul _ hsi }, { rw [coe_smul, subtype.coe_mk, ← hs], refl } end ⟩⟩ local attribute [instance, priority 10000] simple_func.has_scalar @[simp, move_cast] lemma coe_smul (c : 𝕜) (f : α →₁ₛ β) : ((c • f : α →₁ₛ β) : α →₁ β) = c • (f : α →₁ β) := rfl /-- Not declared as an instance as `α →₁ₛ β` will only be useful in the construction of the bochner integral. -/ protected def semimodule : semimodule 𝕜 (α →₁ₛ β) := { one_smul := λf, simple_func.eq (by { simp only [coe_smul], exact one_smul _ _ }), mul_smul := λx y f, simple_func.eq (by { simp only [coe_smul], exact mul_smul _ _ _ }), smul_add := λx f g, simple_func.eq (by { simp only [coe_smul, coe_add], exact smul_add _ _ _ }), smul_zero := λx, simple_func.eq (by { simp only [coe_zero, coe_smul], exact smul_zero _ }), add_smul := λx y f, simple_func.eq (by { simp only [coe_smul], exact add_smul _ _ _ }), zero_smul := λf, simple_func.eq (by { simp only [coe_smul], exact zero_smul _ _ }) } /-- Not declared as an instance as `α →₁ₛ β` will only be useful in the construction of the bochner integral. -/ protected def module : module 𝕜 (α →₁ₛ β) := { .. simple_func.semimodule } /-- Not declared as an instance as `α →₁ₛ β` will only be useful in the construction of the bochner integral. -/ protected def vector_space : vector_space 𝕜 (α →₁ₛ β) := { .. simple_func.semimodule } local attribute [instance] simple_func.vector_space simple_func.normed_group /-- Not declared as an instance as `α →₁ₛ β` will only be useful in the construction of the bochner integral. -/ protected def normed_space : normed_space 𝕜 (α →₁ₛ β) := ⟨ λc f, by { rw [norm_eq, norm_eq, coe_smul, norm_smul] } ⟩ end instances local attribute [instance] simple_func.normed_group simple_func.normed_space section of_simple_func /-- Construct the equivalence class `[f]` of an integrable simple function `f`. -/ @[reducible] def of_simple_func (f : α →ₛ β) (hf : integrable f) : (α →₁ₛ β) := ⟨l1.of_fun f f.measurable hf, ⟨f, ⟨hf, rfl⟩⟩⟩ lemma of_simple_func_eq_of_fun (f : α →ₛ β) (hf : integrable f) : (of_simple_func f hf : α →₁ β) = l1.of_fun f f.measurable hf := rfl lemma of_simple_func_eq_mk (f : α →ₛ β) (hf : integrable f) : (of_simple_func f hf : α →ₘ β) = f f.measurable := rfl lemma of_simple_func_zero : of_simple_func (0 : α →ₛ β) (integrable_zero α β) = 0 := rfl lemma of_simple_func_add (f g : α →ₛ β) (hf hg) : of_simple_func (f + g) (integrable.add f.measurable hf g.measurable hg) = of_simple_func f hf + of_simple_func g hg := rfl lemma of_simple_func_neg (f : α →ₛ β) (hf) : of_simple_func (-f) (integrable.neg hf) = -of_simple_func f hf := rfl lemma of_simple_func_sub (f g : α →ₛ β) (hf hg) : of_simple_func (f - g) (integrable.sub f.measurable hf g.measurable hg) = of_simple_func f hf - of_simple_func g hg := rfl variables {𝕜 : Type*} [normed_field 𝕜] [normed_space 𝕜 β] lemma of_simple_func_smul (f : α →ₛ β) (hf) (c : 𝕜) : of_simple_func (c • f) (integrable.smul _ hf) = c • of_simple_func f hf := rfl lemma norm_of_simple_func (f : α →ₛ β) (hf) : ∥of_simple_func f hf∥ = ennreal.to_real (∫⁻ a, edist (f a) 0) := rfl end of_simple_func section to_simple_func /-- Find a representative of a `l1.simple_func`. -/ def to_simple_func (f : α →₁ₛ β) : α →ₛ β := classical.some f.2 /-- `f.to_simple_func` is measurable. -/ protected lemma measurable (f : α →₁ₛ β) : measurable f.to_simple_func := f.to_simple_func.measurable /-- `f.to_simple_func` is integrable. -/ protected lemma integrable (f : α →₁ₛ β) : integrable f.to_simple_func := let ⟨h, _⟩ := classical.some_spec f.2 in h lemma of_simple_func_to_simple_func (f : α →₁ₛ β) : of_simple_func (f.to_simple_func) f.integrable = f := by { rw ← simple_func.eq_iff', exact (classical.some_spec f.2).2 } lemma to_simple_func_of_simple_func (f : α →ₛ β) (hfi) : ∀ₘ a, (of_simple_func f hfi).to_simple_func a = f a := by { rw ← mk_eq_mk, exact (classical.some_spec (of_simple_func f hfi).2).2 } lemma to_simple_func_eq_to_fun (f : α →₁ₛ β) : ∀ₘ a, (f.to_simple_func) a = (f : α →₁ β).to_fun a := begin rw [← of_fun_eq_of_fun (f.to_simple_func) (f : α →₁ β).to_fun f.measurable f.integrable (f:α→₁β).measurable (f:α→₁β).integrable, ← l1.eq_iff], simp only [of_fun_eq_mk], rcases classical.some_spec f.2 with ⟨_, h⟩, convert h, rw mk_to_fun, refl end variables (α β) lemma zero_to_simple_func : ∀ₘ a, (0 : α →₁ₛ β).to_simple_func a = 0 := begin filter_upwards [to_simple_func_eq_to_fun (0 : α →₁ₛ β), l1.zero_to_fun α β], assume a, simp only [mem_set_of_eq], assume h, rw h, assume h, exact h end variables {α β} lemma add_to_simple_func (f g : α →₁ₛ β) : ∀ₘ a, (f + g).to_simple_func a = f.to_simple_func a + g.to_simple_func a := begin filter_upwards [to_simple_func_eq_to_fun (f + g), to_simple_func_eq_to_fun f, to_simple_func_eq_to_fun g, l1.add_to_fun (f:α→₁β) g], assume a, simp only [mem_set_of_eq], repeat { assume h, rw h }, assume h, rw ← h, refl end lemma neg_to_simple_func (f : α →₁ₛ β) : ∀ₘ a, (-f).to_simple_func a = - f.to_simple_func a := begin filter_upwards [to_simple_func_eq_to_fun (-f), to_simple_func_eq_to_fun f, l1.neg_to_fun (f:α→₁β)], assume a, simp only [mem_set_of_eq], repeat { assume h, rw h }, assume h, rw ← h, refl end lemma sub_to_simple_func (f g : α →₁ₛ β) : ∀ₘ a, (f - g).to_simple_func a = f.to_simple_func a - g.to_simple_func a := begin filter_upwards [to_simple_func_eq_to_fun (f - g), to_simple_func_eq_to_fun f, to_simple_func_eq_to_fun g, l1.sub_to_fun (f:α→₁β) g], assume a, simp only [mem_set_of_eq], repeat { assume h, rw h }, assume h, rw ← h, refl end variables {𝕜 : Type*} [normed_field 𝕜] [normed_space 𝕜 β] lemma smul_to_simple_func (k : 𝕜) (f : α →₁ₛ β) : ∀ₘ a, (k • f).to_simple_func a = k • f.to_simple_func a := begin filter_upwards [to_simple_func_eq_to_fun (k • f), to_simple_func_eq_to_fun f, l1.smul_to_fun k (f:α→₁β)], assume a, simp only [mem_set_of_eq], repeat { assume h, rw h }, assume h, rw ← h, refl end lemma lintegral_edist_to_simple_func_lt_top (f g : α →₁ₛ β) : (∫⁻ (x : α), edist ((to_simple_func f) x) ((to_simple_func g) x)) < ⊤ := begin rw lintegral_rw₂ (to_simple_func_eq_to_fun f) (to_simple_func_eq_to_fun g), exact lintegral_edist_to_fun_lt_top _ _ end lemma dist_to_simple_func (f g : α →₁ₛ β) : dist f g = ennreal.to_real (∫⁻ x, edist (f.to_simple_func x) (g.to_simple_func x)) := begin rw [dist_eq, l1.dist_to_fun, ennreal.to_real_eq_to_real], { rw lintegral_rw₂, repeat { exact all_ae_eq_symm (to_simple_func_eq_to_fun _) } }, { exact l1.lintegral_edist_to_fun_lt_top _ _ }, { exact lintegral_edist_to_simple_func_lt_top _ _ } end lemma norm_to_simple_func (f : α →₁ₛ β) : ∥f∥ = ennreal.to_real (∫⁻ (a : α), nnnorm ((to_simple_func f) a)) := calc ∥f∥ = ennreal.to_real (∫⁻x, edist (f.to_simple_func x) ((0 : α →₁ₛ β).to_simple_func x)) : begin rw [← dist_zero_right, dist_to_simple_func] end ... = ennreal.to_real (∫⁻ (x : α), (coe ∘ nnnorm) (f.to_simple_func x)) : begin rw lintegral_nnnorm_eq_lintegral_edist, have : (∫⁻ (x : α), edist ((to_simple_func f) x) ((to_simple_func (0:α→₁ₛβ)) x)) = ∫⁻ (x : α), edist ((to_simple_func f) x) 0, { apply lintegral_congr_ae, filter_upwards [zero_to_simple_func α β], assume a, simp only [mem_set_of_eq], assume h, rw h }, rw [ennreal.to_real_eq_to_real], { exact this }, { exact lintegral_edist_to_simple_func_lt_top _ _ }, { rw ← this, exact lintegral_edist_to_simple_func_lt_top _ _ } end lemma norm_eq_bintegral (f : α →₁ₛ β) : ∥f∥ = ( norm).bintegral := calc ∥f∥ = ennreal.to_real (∫⁻ (x : α), (coe ∘ nnnorm) (f.to_simple_func x)) : by { rw norm_to_simple_func } ... = ( norm).bintegral : begin rw ← f.to_simple_func.bintegral_eq_lintegral (coe ∘ nnnorm) f.integrable, { congr }, { simp only [nnnorm_zero, function.comp_app, ennreal.coe_zero] }, { assume b, exact coe_lt_top } end end to_simple_func section coe_to_l1 /-! The embedding of integrable simple functions `α →₁ₛ β` into L1 is a uniform and dense embedding. -/ lemma exists_simple_func_near (f : α →₁ β) {ε : ℝ} (ε0 : 0 < ε) : ∃ s : α →₁ₛ β, dist f s < ε := begin rcases f with ⟨⟨f, hfm⟩, hfi⟩, simp only [integrable_mk, quot_mk_eq_mk] at hfi, rcases simple_func_sequence_tendsto' hfm hfi with ⟨F, ⟨h₁, h₂⟩⟩, rw ennreal.tendsto_at_top at h₂, rcases h₂ (ennreal.of_real (ε/2)) (of_real_pos.2 $ half_pos ε0) with ⟨N, hN⟩, have : (∫⁻ (x : α), nndist (F N x) (f x)) < ennreal.of_real ε := calc (∫⁻ (x : α), nndist (F N x) (f x)) ≤ 0 + ennreal.of_real (ε/2) : (hN N (le_refl _)).2 ... < ennreal.of_real ε : by { simp only [zero_add, of_real_lt_of_real_iff ε0], exact half_lt_self ε0 }, { refine ⟨of_simple_func (F N) (h₁ N), _⟩, rw dist_comm, rw lt_of_real_iff_to_real_lt _ at this, { simpa [edist_mk_mk', of_simple_func, l1.of_fun, l1.dist_eq] }, rw ← lt_top_iff_ne_top, exact lt_trans this (by simp [lt_top_iff_ne_top, of_real_ne_top]) }, { exact zero_ne_top } end protected lemma uniform_continuous : uniform_continuous (coe : (α →₁ₛ β) → (α →₁ β)) := uniform_continuous_comap protected lemma uniform_embedding : uniform_embedding (coe : (α →₁ₛ β) → (α →₁ β)) := uniform_embedding_comap subtype.val_injective protected lemma uniform_inducing : uniform_inducing (coe : (α →₁ₛ β) → (α →₁ β)) := simple_func.uniform_embedding.to_uniform_inducing protected lemma dense_embedding : dense_embedding (coe : (α →₁ₛ β) → (α →₁ β)) := simple_func.uniform_embedding.dense_embedding $ λ f, mem_closure_iff_nhds.2 $ λ t ht, let ⟨ε,ε0, hε⟩ := metric.mem_nhds_iff.1 ht in let ⟨s, h⟩ := exists_simple_func_near f ε0 in ⟨_, hε (metric.mem_ball'.2 h), s, rfl⟩ protected lemma dense_inducing : dense_inducing (coe : (α →₁ₛ β) → (α →₁ β)) := simple_func.dense_embedding.to_dense_inducing protected lemma dense_range : dense_range (coe : (α →₁ₛ β) → (α →₁ β)) := simple_func.dense_inducing.dense variables (𝕜 : Type*) [normed_field 𝕜] [normed_space 𝕜 β] variables (α β) /-- The uniform and dense embedding of L1 simple functions into L1 functions. -/ def coe_to_l1 : (α →₁ₛ β) →L[𝕜] (α →₁ β) := { to_fun := (coe : (α →₁ₛ β) → (α →₁ β)), add := λf g, rfl, smul := λk f, rfl, cont := l1.simple_func.uniform_continuous.continuous, } variables {α β 𝕜} end coe_to_l1 section pos_part /-- Positive part of a simple function in L1 space. -/ def pos_part (f : α →₁ₛ ℝ) : α →₁ₛ ℝ := ⟨l1.pos_part (f : α →₁ ℝ), begin rcases f with ⟨f, s, hsi, hsf⟩, use s.pos_part, split, { exact integrable.max_zero hsi }, { simp only [subtype.coe_mk], rw [l1.coe_pos_part, ← hsf, ae_eq_fun.pos_part, ae_eq_fun.zero_def, comp₂_mk_mk, mk_eq_mk], filter_upwards [], simp only [mem_set_of_eq], assume a, refl } end ⟩ /-- Negative part of a simple function in L1 space. -/ def neg_part (f : α →₁ₛ ℝ) : α →₁ₛ ℝ := pos_part (-f) @[move_cast] lemma coe_pos_part (f : α →₁ₛ ℝ) : (f.pos_part : α →₁ ℝ) = (f : α →₁ ℝ).pos_part := rfl @[move_cast] lemma coe_neg_part (f : α →₁ₛ ℝ) : (f.neg_part : α →₁ ℝ) = (f : α →₁ ℝ).neg_part := rfl end pos_part section simple_func_integral /-! Define the Bochner integral on `α →₁ₛ β` and prove basic properties of this integral. -/ variables [normed_space ℝ β] /-- The Bochner integral over simple functions in l1 space. -/ def integral (f : α →₁ₛ β) : β := (f.to_simple_func).bintegral lemma integral_eq_bintegral (f : α →₁ₛ β) : integral f = (f.to_simple_func).bintegral := rfl lemma integral_eq_lintegral {f : α →₁ₛ ℝ} (h_pos : ∀ₘ a, 0 ≤ f.to_simple_func a) : integral f = ennreal.to_real (∫⁻ a, ennreal.of_real (f.to_simple_func a)) := by { rw [integral, simple_func.bintegral_eq_lintegral' f.integrable h_pos], refl } lemma integral_congr (f g : α →₁ₛ β) (h : ∀ₘ a, f.to_simple_func a = g.to_simple_func a) : integral f = integral g := by { simp only [integral], apply simple_func.bintegral_congr f.integrable g.integrable, exact h } lemma integral_add (f g : α →₁ₛ β) : integral (f + g) = integral f + integral g := begin simp only [integral], rw ← simple_func.bintegral_add f.integrable g.integrable, apply simple_func.bintegral_congr (f + g).integrable, { exact f.integrable.add f.measurable g.measurable g.integrable }, { apply add_to_simple_func }, end lemma integral_smul (r : ℝ) (f : α →₁ₛ β) : integral (r • f) = r • integral f := begin simp only [integral], rw ← simple_func.bintegral_smul _ f.integrable, apply simple_func.bintegral_congr (r • f).integrable, { exact integrable.smul _ f.integrable }, { apply smul_to_simple_func } end lemma norm_integral_le_norm (f : α →₁ₛ β) : ∥ integral f ∥ ≤ ∥f∥ := begin rw [integral, norm_eq_bintegral], exact f.to_simple_func.norm_bintegral_le_bintegral_norm f.integrable end /-- The Bochner integral over simple functions in l1 space as a continuous linear map. -/ def integral_clm : (α →₁ₛ β) →L[ℝ] β := linear_map.mk_continuous ⟨integral, integral_add, integral_smul⟩ 1 (λf, le_trans (norm_integral_le_norm _) $ by rw one_mul) local notation `Integral` := @integral_clm α _ β _ _ _ open continuous_linear_map lemma norm_Integral_le_one : ∥Integral∥ ≤ 1 := linear_map.mk_continuous_norm_le _ (zero_le_one) _ section pos_part lemma pos_part_to_simple_func (f : α →₁ₛ ℝ) : ∀ₘ a, f.pos_part.to_simple_func a = f.to_simple_func.pos_part a := begin have eq : ∀ a, f.to_simple_func.pos_part a = max (f.to_simple_func a) 0 := λa, rfl, have ae_eq : ∀ₘ a, f.pos_part.to_simple_func a = max (f.to_simple_func a) 0, { filter_upwards [to_simple_func_eq_to_fun f.pos_part, pos_part_to_fun (f : α →₁ ℝ), to_simple_func_eq_to_fun f], simp only [mem_set_of_eq], assume a h₁ h₂ h₃, rw [h₁, coe_pos_part, h₂, ← h₃] }, filter_upwards [ae_eq], simp only [mem_set_of_eq], assume a h, rw [h, eq] end lemma neg_part_to_simple_func (f : α →₁ₛ ℝ) : ∀ₘ a, f.neg_part.to_simple_func a = f.to_simple_func.neg_part a := begin rw [simple_func.neg_part, measure_theory.simple_func.neg_part], filter_upwards [pos_part_to_simple_func (-f), neg_to_simple_func f], simp only [mem_set_of_eq], assume a h₁ h₂, rw h₁, show max _ _ = max _ _, rw h₂, refl end lemma integral_eq_norm_pos_part_sub (f : α →₁ₛ ℝ) : f.integral = ∥f.pos_part∥ - ∥f.neg_part∥ := begin -- Convert things in `L¹` to their `simple_func` counterpart have ae_eq₁ : ∀ₘ a, f.to_simple_func.pos_part a = (f.pos_part) norm a, { filter_upwards [pos_part_to_simple_func f], simp only [mem_set_of_eq], assume a h, rw [simple_func.map_apply, h], conv_lhs { rw [← simple_func.pos_part_map_norm, simple_func.map_apply] } }, -- Convert things in `L¹` to their `simple_func` counterpart have ae_eq₂ : ∀ₘ a, f.to_simple_func.neg_part a = (f.neg_part) norm a, { filter_upwards [neg_part_to_simple_func f], simp only [mem_set_of_eq], assume a h, rw [simple_func.map_apply, h], conv_lhs { rw [← simple_func.neg_part_map_norm, simple_func.map_apply] } }, -- Convert things in `L¹` to their `simple_func` counterpart have ae_eq : ∀ₘ a, f.to_simple_func.pos_part a - f.to_simple_func.neg_part a = (f.pos_part) norm a - (f.neg_part) norm a, { filter_upwards [ae_eq₁, ae_eq₂], simp only [mem_set_of_eq], assume a h₁ h₂, rw [h₁, h₂] }, rw [integral, norm_eq_bintegral, norm_eq_bintegral, ← simple_func.bintegral_sub], { show f.to_simple_func.bintegral = ((f.pos_part.to_simple_func).map norm - norm).bintegral, apply simple_func.bintegral_congr f.integrable, { show integrable ( norm - norm), refine integrable_of_ae_eq _ _, { exact (f.to_simple_func.pos_part - f.to_simple_func.neg_part) }, { exact (integrable.max_zero f.integrable).sub f.to_simple_func.pos_part.measurable f.to_simple_func.neg_part.measurable (integrable.max_zero f.integrable.neg) }, exact ae_eq }, filter_upwards [ae_eq₁, ae_eq₂], simp only [mem_set_of_eq], assume a h₁ h₂, show _ = _ - _, rw [← h₁, ← h₂], have := f.to_simple_func.pos_part_sub_neg_part, conv_lhs {rw ← this}, refl }, { refine integrable_of_ae_eq (integrable.max_zero f.integrable) ae_eq₁ }, { refine integrable_of_ae_eq (integrable.max_zero f.integrable.neg) ae_eq₂ } end end pos_part end simple_func_integral end simple_func open simple_func variables [normed_space ℝ β] [normed_space ℝ γ] [complete_space β] section integration_in_l1 local notation `to_l1` := coe_to_l1 α β ℝ local attribute [instance] simple_func.normed_group simple_func.normed_space open continuous_linear_map /-- The Bochner integral in l1 space as a continuous linear map. -/ def integral_clm : (α →₁ β) →L[ℝ] β := integral_clm.extend to_l1 simple_func.dense_range simple_func.uniform_inducing /-- The Bochner integral in l1 space -/ def integral (f : α →₁ β) : β := (integral_clm).to_fun f lemma integral_eq (f : α →₁ β) : integral f = (integral_clm).to_fun f := rfl @[elim_cast] lemma integral_coe_eq_integral (f : α →₁ₛ β) : integral (f : α →₁ β) = f.integral := by { refine uniformly_extend_of_ind _ _ _ _, exact simple_func.integral_clm.uniform_continuous } variables (α β) @[simp] lemma integral_zero : integral (0 : α →₁ β) = 0 := map_zero integral_clm variables {α β} lemma integral_add (f g : α →₁ β) : integral (f + g) = integral f + integral g := map_add integral_clm f g lemma integral_neg (f : α →₁ β) : integral (-f) = - integral f := map_neg integral_clm f lemma integral_sub (f g : α →₁ β) : integral (f - g) = integral f - integral g := map_sub integral_clm f g lemma integral_smul (r : ℝ) (f : α →₁ β) : integral (r • f) = r • integral f := map_smul r integral_clm f local notation `Integral` := @integral_clm α _ β _ _ _ _ local notation `sIntegral` := @simple_func.integral_clm α _ β _ _ _ lemma norm_Integral_le_one : ∥Integral∥ ≤ 1 := calc ∥Integral∥ ≤ 1 * ∥sIntegral∥ : op_norm_extend_le _ _ _ $ λs, by {rw one_mul, refl} ... = ∥sIntegral∥ : one_mul _ ... ≤ 1 : norm_Integral_le_one lemma norm_integral_le (f : α →₁ β) : ∥integral f∥ ≤ ∥f∥ := calc ∥integral f∥ = ∥Integral f∥ : rfl ... ≤ ∥Integral∥ * ∥f∥ : le_op_norm _ _ ... ≤ 1 * ∥f∥ : mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right norm_Integral_le_one $ norm_nonneg _ ... = ∥f∥ : one_mul _ section pos_part lemma integral_eq_norm_pos_part_sub (f : α →₁ ℝ) : integral f = ∥pos_part f∥ - ∥neg_part f∥ := begin -- Use `is_closed_property` and `is_closed_eq` refine @is_closed_property _ _ _ (coe : (α →₁ₛ ℝ) → (α →₁ ℝ)) (λ f : α →₁ ℝ, integral f = ∥pos_part f∥ - ∥neg_part f∥) l1.simple_func.dense_range (is_closed_eq _ _) _ f, { exact cont _ }, { refine continuous.sub (continuous_norm.comp l1.continuous_pos_part) (continuous_norm.comp l1.continuous_neg_part) }, -- Show that the property holds for all simple functions in the `L¹` space. { assume s, norm_cast, rw [← simple_func.norm_eq, ← simple_func.norm_eq], exact simple_func.integral_eq_norm_pos_part_sub _} end end pos_part end integration_in_l1 end l1 variables [normed_group β] [second_countable_topology β] [normed_space ℝ β] [complete_space β] [normed_group γ] [second_countable_topology γ] [normed_space ℝ γ] [complete_space γ] /-- The Bochner integral -/ def integral (f : α → β) : β := if hf : measurable f ∧ integrable f then (l1.of_fun f hf.1 hf.2).integral else 0 notation `∫` binders `, ` r:(scoped f, integral f) := r section properties open continuous_linear_map measure_theory.simple_func variables {f g : α → β} lemma integral_eq (f : α → β) (h₁ : measurable f) (h₂ : integrable f) : (∫ a, f a) = (l1.of_fun f h₁ h₂).integral := dif_pos ⟨h₁, h₂⟩ lemma integral_undef (h : ¬ (measurable f ∧ integrable f)) : (∫ a, f a) = 0 := dif_neg h lemma integral_non_integrable (h : ¬ integrable f) : (∫ a, f a) = 0 := integral_undef $ not_and_of_not_right _ h lemma integral_non_measurable (h : ¬ measurable f) : (∫ a, f a) = 0 := integral_undef $ not_and_of_not_left _ h variables (α β) @[simp] lemma integral_zero : (∫ a:α, (0:β)) = 0 := by rw [integral_eq, l1.of_fun_zero, l1.integral_zero] variables {α β} lemma integral_add (hfm : measurable f) (hfi : integrable f) (hgm : measurable g) (hgi : integrable g) : (∫ a, f a + g a) = (∫ a, f a) + (∫ a, g a) := by rw [integral_eq, integral_eq f hfm hfi, integral_eq g hgm hgi, l1.of_fun_add, l1.integral_add] lemma integral_neg (f : α → β) : (∫ a, -f a) = - (∫ a, f a) := begin by_cases hf : measurable f ∧ integrable f, { rw [integral_eq f hf.1 hf.2, integral_eq (λa, - f a) hf.1.neg hf.2.neg, l1.of_fun_neg, l1.integral_neg] }, { have hf' : ¬(measurable (λa, -f a) ∧ integrable (λa, -f a)), { rwa [measurable_neg_iff, integrable_neg_iff] }, rw [integral_undef hf, integral_undef hf', neg_zero] } end lemma integral_sub (hfm : measurable f) (hfi : integrable f) (hgm : measurable g) (hgi : integrable g) : (∫ a, f a - g a) = (∫ a, f a) - (∫ a, g a) := by simp only [sub_eq_add_neg, integral_neg, integral_add, measurable_neg_iff, integrable_neg_iff, *] lemma integral_smul (r : ℝ) (f : α → β) : (∫ a, r • (f a)) = r • (∫ a, f a) := begin by_cases hf : measurable f ∧ integrable f, { rw [integral_eq f hf.1 hf.2, integral_eq (λa, r • (f a)), l1.of_fun_smul, l1.integral_smul] }, { by_cases hr : r = 0, { simp only [hr, measure_theory.integral_zero, zero_smul] }, have hf' : ¬(measurable (λa, r • f a) ∧ integrable (λa, r • f a)), { rwa [← measurable_smul_iff hr f, ← integrable_smul_iff hr f] at hf }, rw [integral_undef hf, integral_undef hf', smul_zero] } end lemma integral_mul_left (r : ℝ) (f : α → ℝ) : (∫ a, r * (f a)) = r * (∫ a, f a) := integral_smul r f lemma integral_mul_right (r : ℝ) (f : α → ℝ) : (∫ a, (f a) * r) = (∫ a, f a) * r := by { simp only [mul_comm], exact integral_mul_left r f } lemma integral_div (r : ℝ) (f : α → ℝ) : (∫ a, (f a) / r) = (∫ a, f a) / r := integral_mul_right r⁻¹ f lemma integral_congr_ae (hfm : measurable f) (hgm : measurable g) (h : ∀ₘ a, f a = g a) : (∫ a, f a) = (∫ a, g a) := begin by_cases hfi : integrable f, { have hgi : integrable g := integrable_of_ae_eq hfi h, rw [integral_eq f hfm hfi, integral_eq g hgm hgi, (l1.of_fun_eq_of_fun f g hfm hfi hgm hgi).2 h] }, { have hgi : ¬ integrable g, { rw integrable_congr_ae h at hfi, exact hfi }, rw [integral_non_integrable hfi, integral_non_integrable hgi] }, end lemma norm_integral_le_lintegral_norm (f : α → β) : ∥(∫ a, f a)∥ ≤ ennreal.to_real (∫⁻ a, ennreal.of_real ∥f a∥) := begin by_cases hf : measurable f ∧ integrable f, { rw [integral_eq f hf.1 hf.2, ← l1.norm_of_fun_eq_lintegral_norm f hf.1 hf.2], exact l1.norm_integral_le _ }, { rw [integral_undef hf, _root_.norm_zero], exact to_real_nonneg } end /-- Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem provides sufficient conditions under which almost everywhere convergence of a sequence of functions implies the convergence of their integrals. -/ theorem tendsto_integral_of_dominated_convergence {F : ℕ → α → β} {f : α → β} (bound : α → ℝ) (F_measurable : ∀ n, measurable (F n)) (f_measurable : measurable f) (bound_integrable : integrable bound) (h_bound : ∀ n, ∀ₘ a, ∥F n a∥ ≤ bound a) (h_lim : ∀ₘ a, tendsto (λ n, F n a) at_top (𝓝 (f a))) : tendsto (λn, ∫ a, F n a) at_top (𝓝 $ (∫ a, f a)) := begin /- To show `(∫ a, F n a) --> (∫ f)`, suffices to show `∥∫ a, F n a - ∫ f∥ --> 0` -/ rw tendsto_iff_norm_tendsto_zero, /- But `0 ≤ ∥∫ a, F n a - ∫ f∥ = ∥∫ a, (F n a - f a) ∥ ≤ ∫ a, ∥F n a - f a∥, and thus we apply the sandwich theorem and prove that `∫ a, ∥F n a - f a∥ --> 0` -/ have zero_tendsto_zero : tendsto (λn:ℕ, (0 : ℝ)) at_top (𝓝 0) := tendsto_const_nhds, have lintegral_norm_tendsto_zero : tendsto (λn, ennreal.to_real $ ∫⁻ a, ennreal.of_real ∥F n a - f a∥) at_top (𝓝 0) := tendsto.comp (tendsto_to_real (zero_ne_top)) (tendsto_lintegral_norm_of_dominated_convergence F_measurable f_measurable bound_integrable h_bound h_lim), -- Use the sandwich theorem refine tendsto_of_tendsto_of_tendsto_of_le_of_le zero_tendsto_zero lintegral_norm_tendsto_zero _ _, -- Show `0 ≤ ∥∫ a, F n a - ∫ f∥` for all `n` { simp only [filter.eventually_at_top, norm_nonneg, forall_true_iff, exists_const] }, -- Show `∥∫ a, F n a - ∫ f∥ ≤ ∫ a, ∥F n a - f a∥` for all `n` { simp only [filter.eventually_at_top], use 0, assume n hn, have h₁ : integrable (F n) := integrable_of_integrable_bound bound_integrable (h_bound _), have h₂ : integrable f := integrable_of_dominated_convergence bound_integrable h_bound h_lim, rw ← integral_sub (F_measurable _) h₁ f_measurable h₂, exact norm_integral_le_lintegral_norm _ } end /-- Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem for filters with a countable basis -/ lemma tendsto_integral_filter_of_dominated_convergence {ι} {l : filter ι} {F : ι → α → β} {f : α → β} (bound : α → ℝ) (hl_cb : l.has_countable_basis) (hF_meas : ∀ᶠ n in l, measurable (F n)) (f_measurable : measurable f) (h_bound : ∀ᶠ n in l, ∀ₘ a, ∥F n a∥ ≤ bound a) (bound_integrable : integrable bound) (h_lim : ∀ₘ a, tendsto (λ n, F n a) l (𝓝 (f a))) : tendsto (λn, ∫ a, F n a) l (𝓝 $ (∫ a, f a)) := begin rw hl_cb.tendsto_iff_seq_tendsto, { intros x xl, have hxl, { rw tendsto_at_top' at xl, exact xl }, have h := inter_mem_sets hF_meas h_bound, replace h := hxl _ h, rcases h with ⟨k, h⟩, rw ← tendsto_add_at_top_iff_nat k, refine tendsto_integral_of_dominated_convergence _ _ _ _ _ _, { exact bound }, { intro, refine (h _ _).1, exact nat.le_add_left _ _ }, { assumption }, { assumption }, { intro, refine (h _ _).2, exact nat.le_add_left _ _ }, { filter_upwards [h_lim], simp only [mem_set_of_eq], assume a h_lim, apply @tendsto.comp _ _ _ (λn, x (n + k)) (λn, F n a), { assumption }, rw tendsto_add_at_top_iff_nat, assumption } }, end /-- The Bochner integral of a real-valued function `f : α → ℝ` is the difference between the integral of the positive part of `f` and the integral of the negative part of `f`. -/ lemma integral_eq_lintegral_max_sub_lintegral_min {f : α → ℝ} (hfm : measurable f) (hfi : integrable f) : (∫ a, f a) = ennreal.to_real (∫⁻ a, ennreal.of_real $ max (f a) 0) - ennreal.to_real (∫⁻ a, ennreal.of_real $ - min (f a) 0) := let f₁ : α →₁ ℝ := l1.of_fun f hfm hfi in -- Go to the `L¹` space have eq₁ : ennreal.to_real (∫⁻ a, ennreal.of_real $ max (f a) 0) = ∥l1.pos_part f₁∥ := begin rw l1.norm_eq_norm_to_fun, congr' 1, apply lintegral_congr_ae, filter_upwards [l1.pos_part_to_fun f₁, l1.to_fun_of_fun f hfm hfi], simp only [mem_set_of_eq], assume a h₁ h₂, rw [h₁, h₂, real.norm_eq_abs, abs_of_nonneg], exact le_max_right _ _ end, -- Go to the `L¹` space have eq₂ : ennreal.to_real (∫⁻ a, ennreal.of_real $ -min (f a) 0) = ∥l1.neg_part f₁∥ := begin rw l1.norm_eq_norm_to_fun, congr' 1, apply lintegral_congr_ae, filter_upwards [l1.neg_part_to_fun_eq_min f₁, l1.to_fun_of_fun f hfm hfi], simp only [mem_set_of_eq], assume a h₁ h₂, rw [h₁, h₂, real.norm_eq_abs, abs_of_nonneg], rw [min_eq_neg_max_neg_neg, _root_.neg_neg, neg_zero], exact le_max_right _ _ end, begin rw [eq₁, eq₂, integral, dif_pos], exact l1.integral_eq_norm_pos_part_sub _, { exact ⟨hfm, hfi⟩ } end lemma integral_eq_lintegral_of_nonneg_ae {f : α → ℝ} (hf : ∀ₘ a, 0 ≤ f a) (hfm : measurable f) : (∫ a, f a) = ennreal.to_real (∫⁻ a, ennreal.of_real $ f a) := begin by_cases hfi : integrable f, { rw integral_eq_lintegral_max_sub_lintegral_min hfm hfi, have h_min : (∫⁻ a, ennreal.of_real (-min (f a) 0)) = 0, { rw lintegral_eq_zero_iff, { filter_upwards [hf], simp only [mem_set_of_eq], assume a h, simp only [min_eq_right h, neg_zero, ennreal.of_real_zero] }, { refine measurable_of_real.comp ((measurable.neg measurable_id).comp $ measurable.min hfm measurable_const) } }, have h_max : (∫⁻ a, ennreal.of_real (max (f a) 0)) = (∫⁻ a, ennreal.of_real $ f a), { apply lintegral_congr_ae, filter_upwards [hf], simp only [mem_set_of_eq], assume a h, rw max_eq_left h }, rw [h_min, h_max, zero_to_real, _root_.sub_zero] }, { rw integral_non_integrable hfi, rw [integrable_iff_norm, lt_top_iff_ne_top, ne.def, not_not] at hfi, have : (∫⁻ (a : α), ennreal.of_real (f a)) = (∫⁻ a, ennreal.of_real ∥f a∥), { apply lintegral_congr_ae, filter_upwards [hf], simp only [mem_set_of_eq], assume a h, rw [real.norm_eq_abs, abs_of_nonneg h] }, rw [this, hfi], refl } end lemma integral_nonneg_of_nonneg_ae {f : α → ℝ} (hf : ∀ₘ a, 0 ≤ f a) : 0 ≤ (∫ a, f a) := begin by_cases hfm : measurable f, { rw integral_eq_lintegral_of_nonneg_ae hf hfm, exact to_real_nonneg }, { rw integral_non_measurable hfm } end lemma integral_nonpos_of_nonpos_ae {f : α → ℝ} (hf : ∀ₘ a, f a ≤ 0) : (∫ a, f a) ≤ 0 := begin have hf : ∀ₘ a, 0 ≤ (-f) a, { filter_upwards [hf], simp only [mem_set_of_eq], assume a h, rwa [pi.neg_apply, neg_nonneg] }, have : 0 ≤ (∫ a, -f a) := integral_nonneg_of_nonneg_ae hf, rwa [integral_neg, neg_nonneg] at this, end lemma integral_le_integral_ae {f g : α → ℝ} (hfm : measurable f) (hfi : integrable f) (hgm : measurable g) (hgi : integrable g) (h : ∀ₘ a, f a ≤ g a) : (∫ a, f a) ≤ (∫ a, g a) := le_of_sub_nonneg begin rw ← integral_sub hgm hgi hfm hfi, apply integral_nonneg_of_nonneg_ae, filter_upwards [h], simp only [mem_set_of_eq], assume a, exact sub_nonneg_of_le end lemma integral_le_integral {f g : α → ℝ} (hfm : measurable f) (hfi : integrable f) (hgm : measurable g) (hgi : integrable g) (h : ∀ a, f a ≤ g a) : (∫ a, f a) ≤ (∫ a, g a) := integral_le_integral_ae hfm hfi hgm hgi $ univ_mem_sets' h lemma norm_integral_le_integral_norm (f : α → β) : ∥(∫ a, f a)∥ ≤ ∫ a, ∥f a∥ := have le_ae : ∀ₘ (a : α), 0 ≤ ∥f a∥ := by filter_upwards [] λa, norm_nonneg _, classical.by_cases ( λh : measurable f, calc ∥(∫ a, f a)∥ ≤ ennreal.to_real (∫⁻ a, ennreal.of_real ∥f a∥) : norm_integral_le_lintegral_norm _ ... = ∫ a, ∥f a∥ : (integral_eq_lintegral_of_nonneg_ae le_ae $ measurable.norm h).symm ) ( λh : ¬measurable f, begin rw [integral_non_measurable h, _root_.norm_zero], exact integral_nonneg_of_nonneg_ae le_ae end ) lemma integral_finset_sum {ι} (s : finset ι) {f : ι → α → β} (hfm : ∀ i, measurable (f i)) (hfi : ∀ i, integrable (f i)) : (∫ a, s.sum (λ i, f i a)) = s.sum (λ i, ∫ a, f i a) := begin refine finset.induction_on s _ _, { simp only [integral_zero, finset.sum_empty] }, { assume i s his ih, simp only [his, finset.sum_insert, not_false_iff], rw [integral_add (hfm _) (hfi _) (measurable_finset_sum s hfm) (integrable_finset_sum s hfm hfi), ih] } end end properties mk_simp_attribute integral_simps "Simp set for integral rules." attribute [integral_simps] integral_neg integral_smul l1.integral_add l1.integral_sub l1.integral_smul l1.integral_neg attribute [irreducible] integral l1.integral end measure_theory