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/- Copyright (c) 2017 Mario Carneiro. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Mario Carneiro -/ import number_theory.pell data.pfun universe u open nat function namespace int lemma eq_nat_abs_iff_mul (x n) : nat_abs x = n ↔ (x - n) * (x + n) = 0 := begin refine iff.trans _ mul_eq_zero.symm, refine iff.trans _ (or_congr sub_eq_zero add_eq_zero_iff_eq_neg).symm, exact ⟨λe, by rw ← e; apply nat_abs_eq, λo, by cases o; subst x; simp [nat_abs_of_nat]⟩ end end int /-- An alternate definition of `fin n` defined as an inductive type instead of a subtype of `nat`. This is useful for its induction principle and different definitional equalities. -/ inductive fin2 : ℕ → Type | fz {n} : fin2 (succ n) | fs {n} : fin2 n → fin2 (succ n) namespace fin2 @[elab_as_eliminator] protected def cases' {n} {C : fin2 (succ n) → Sort u} (H1 : C fz) (H2 : Π n, C (fs n)) : Π (i : fin2 (succ n)), C i | fz := H1 | (fs n) := H2 n def elim0 {C : fin2 0 → Sort u} : Π (i : fin2 0), C i. /-- convert a `fin2` into a `nat` -/ def to_nat : Π {n}, fin2 n → ℕ | ._ (@fz n) := 0 | ._ (@fs n i) := succ (to_nat i) /-- convert a `nat` into a `fin2` if it is in range -/ def opt_of_nat : Π {n} (k : ℕ), option (fin2 n) | 0 _ := none | (succ n) 0 := some fz | (succ n) (succ k) := fs <$> @opt_of_nat n k /-- `i + k : fin2 (n + k)` when `i : fin2 n` and `k : ℕ` -/ def add {n} (i : fin2 n) : Π k, fin2 (n + k) | 0 := i | (succ k) := fs (add k) /-- `left k` is the embedding `fin2 n → fin2 (k + n)` -/ def left (k) : Π {n}, fin2 n → fin2 (k + n) | ._ (@fz n) := fz | ._ (@fs n i) := fs (left i) /-- `insert_perm a` is a permutation of `fin2 n` with the following properties: * `insert_perm a i = i+1` if `i < a` * `insert_perm a a = 0` * `insert_perm a i = i` if `i > a` -/ def insert_perm : Π {n}, fin2 n → fin2 n → fin2 n | ._ (@fz n) (@fz ._) := fz | ._ (@fz n) (@fs ._ j) := fs j | ._ (@fs (succ n) i) (@fz ._) := fs fz | ._ (@fs (succ n) i) (@fs ._ j) := match insert_perm i j with fz := fz | fs k := fs (fs k) end /-- `remap_left f k : fin2 (m + k) → fin2 (n + k)` applies the function `f : fin2 m → fin2 n` to inputs less than `m`, and leaves the right part on the right (that is, `remap_left f k (m + i) = n + i`). -/ def remap_left {m n} (f : fin2 m → fin2 n) : Π k, fin2 (m + k) → fin2 (n + k) | 0 i := f i | (succ k) (@fz ._) := fz | (succ k) (@fs ._ i) := fs (remap_left _ i) /-- This is a simple type class inference prover for proof obligations of the form `m < n` where `m n : ℕ`. -/ class is_lt (m n : ℕ) := (h : m < n) instance (n) : is_lt 0 (succ n) := ⟨succ_pos _⟩ instance is_lt.succ (m n) [l : is_lt m n] : is_lt (succ m) (succ n) := ⟨succ_lt_succ l.h⟩ /-- Use type class inference to infer the boundedness proof, so that we can directly convert a `nat` into a `fin2 n`. This supports notation like `&1 : fin 3`. -/ def of_nat' : Π {n} m [is_lt m n], fin2 n | 0 m ⟨h⟩ := absurd h (not_lt_zero _) | (succ n) 0 ⟨h⟩ := fz | (succ n) (succ m) ⟨h⟩ := fs (@of_nat' n m ⟨lt_of_succ_lt_succ h⟩) local prefix `&`:max := of_nat' end fin2 open fin2 /-- Alternate definition of `vector` based on `fin2`. -/ def vector3 (α : Type u) (n : ℕ) : Type u := fin2 n → α namespace vector3 /-- The empty vector -/ @[pattern] def nil {α} : vector3 α 0. /-- The vector cons operation -/ @[pattern] def cons {α} {n} (a : α) (v : vector3 α n) : vector3 α (succ n) := λi, by {refine i.cases' _ _, exact a, exact v} /- We do not want to make the following notation global, because then these expressions will be overloaded, and only the expected type will be able to disambiguate the meaning. Worse: Lean will try to insert a coercion from `vector3 α _` to `list α`, if a list is expected. -/ localized "notation `[` l:(foldr `, ` (h t, vector3.cons h t) nil `]`) := l" in vector3 notation a :: b := cons a b @[simp] theorem cons_fz {α} {n} (a : α) (v : vector3 α n) : (a :: v) fz = a := rfl @[simp] theorem cons_fs {α} {n} (a : α) (v : vector3 α n) (i) : (a :: v) (fs i) = v i := rfl /-- Get the `i`th element of a vector -/ @[reducible] def nth {α} {n} (i : fin2 n) (v : vector3 α n) : α := v i /-- Construct a vector from a function on `fin2`. -/ @[reducible] def of_fn {α} {n} (f : fin2 n → α) : vector3 α n := f /-- Get the head of a nonempty vector. -/ def head {α} {n} (v : vector3 α (succ n)) : α := v fz /-- Get the tail of a nonempty vector. -/ def tail {α} {n} (v : vector3 α (succ n)) : vector3 α n := λi, v (fs i) theorem eq_nil {α} (v : vector3 α 0) : v = [] := funext $ λi, match i with end theorem cons_head_tail {α} {n} (v : vector3 α (succ n)) : head v :: tail v = v := funext $ λi, fin2.cases' rfl (λ_, rfl) i def nil_elim {α} {C : vector3 α 0 → Sort u} (H : C []) (v : vector3 α 0) : C v := by rw eq_nil v; apply H def cons_elim {α n} {C : vector3 α (succ n) → Sort u} (H : Π (a : α) (t : vector3 α n), C (a :: t)) (v : vector3 α (succ n)) : C v := by rw ← (cons_head_tail v); apply H @[simp] theorem cons_elim_cons {α n C H a t} : @cons_elim α n C H (a :: t) = H a t := rfl @[elab_as_eliminator] protected def rec_on {α} {C : Π {n}, vector3 α n → Sort u} {n} (v : vector3 α n) (H0 : C []) (Hs : Π {n} (a) (w : vector3 α n), C w → C (a :: w)) : C v := nat.rec_on n (λv, v.nil_elim H0) (λn IH v, v.cons_elim (λa t, Hs _ _ (IH _))) v @[simp] theorem rec_on_nil {α C H0 Hs} : @vector3.rec_on α @C 0 [] H0 @Hs = H0 := rfl @[simp] theorem rec_on_cons {α C H0 Hs n a v} : @vector3.rec_on α @C (succ n) (a :: v) H0 @Hs = Hs a v (@vector3.rec_on α @C n v H0 @Hs) := rfl /-- Append two vectors -/ def append {α} {m} (v : vector3 α m) {n} (w : vector3 α n) : vector3 α (n+m) := nat.rec_on m (λ_, w) (λm IH v, v.cons_elim $ λa t, @fin2.cases' (n+m) (λ_, α) a (IH t)) v local infix ` +-+ `:65 := vector3.append @[simp] theorem append_nil {α} {n} (w : vector3 α n) : [] +-+ w = w := rfl @[simp] theorem append_cons {α} (a : α) {m} (v : vector3 α m) {n} (w : vector3 α n) : (a::v) +-+ w = a :: (v +-+ w) := rfl @[simp] theorem append_left {α} : ∀ {m} (i : fin2 m) (v : vector3 α m) {n} (w : vector3 α n), (v +-+ w) (left n i) = v i | ._ (@fz m) v n w := v.cons_elim (λa t, by simp [*, left]) | ._ (@fs m i) v n w := v.cons_elim (λa t, by simp [*, left]) @[simp] theorem append_add {α} : ∀ {m} (v : vector3 α m) {n} (w : vector3 α n) (i : fin2 n), (v +-+ w) (add i m) = w i | 0 v n w i := rfl | (succ m) v n w i := v.cons_elim (λa t, by simp [*, add]) /-- Insert `a` into `v` at index `i`. -/ def insert {α} (a : α) {n} (v : vector3 α n) (i : fin2 (succ n)) : vector3 α (succ n) := λj, (a :: v) (insert_perm i j) @[simp] theorem insert_fz {α} (a : α) {n} (v : vector3 α n) : insert a v fz = a :: v := by refine funext (λj, j.cases' _ _); intros; refl @[simp] theorem insert_fs {α} (a : α) {n} (b : α) (v : vector3 α n) (i : fin2 (succ n)) : insert a (b :: v) (fs i) = b :: insert a v i := funext $ λj, by { refine j.cases' _ (λj, _); simp [insert, insert_perm], refine fin2.cases' _ _ (insert_perm i j); simp [insert_perm] } theorem append_insert {α} (a : α) {k} (t : vector3 α k) {n} (v : vector3 α n) (i : fin2 (succ n)) (e : succ n + k = succ (n + k)) : insert a (t +-+ v) (eq.rec_on e (i.add k)) = eq.rec_on e (t +-+ insert a v i) := begin refine vector3.rec_on t (λe, _) (λk b t IH e, _) e, refl, have e' := succ_add n k, change insert a (b :: (t +-+ v)) (eq.rec_on (congr_arg succ e') (fs (add i k))) = eq.rec_on (congr_arg succ e') (b :: (t +-+ insert a v i)), rw ← (eq.drec_on e' rfl : fs (eq.rec_on e' (i.add k) : fin2 (succ (n + k))) = eq.rec_on (congr_arg succ e') (fs (i.add k))), simp, rw IH, exact eq.drec_on e' rfl end end vector3 section vector3 open vector3 open_locale vector3 /-- "Curried" exists, i.e. ∃ x1 ... xn, f [x1, ..., xn] -/ def vector_ex {α} : Π k, (vector3 α k → Prop) → Prop | 0 f := f [] | (succ k) f := ∃x : α, vector_ex k (λv, f (x :: v)) /-- "Curried" forall, i.e. ∀ x1 ... xn, f [x1, ..., xn] -/ def vector_all {α} : Π k, (vector3 α k → Prop) → Prop | 0 f := f [] | (succ k) f := ∀x : α, vector_all k (λv, f (x :: v)) theorem exists_vector_zero {α} (f : vector3 α 0 → Prop) : Exists f ↔ f [] := ⟨λ⟨v, fv⟩, by rw ← (eq_nil v); exact fv, λf0, ⟨[], f0⟩⟩ theorem exists_vector_succ {α n} (f : vector3 α (succ n) → Prop) : Exists f ↔ ∃x v, f (x :: v) := ⟨λ⟨v, fv⟩, ⟨_, _, by rw cons_head_tail v; exact fv⟩, λ⟨x, v, fxv⟩, ⟨_, fxv⟩⟩ theorem vector_ex_iff_exists {α} : ∀ {n} (f : vector3 α n → Prop), vector_ex n f ↔ Exists f | 0 f := (exists_vector_zero f).symm | (succ n) f := iff.trans (exists_congr (λx, vector_ex_iff_exists _)) (exists_vector_succ f).symm theorem vector_all_iff_forall {α} : ∀ {n} (f : vector3 α n → Prop), vector_all n f ↔ ∀ v, f v | 0 f := ⟨λf0 v, v.nil_elim f0, λal, al []⟩ | (succ n) f := (forall_congr (λx, vector_all_iff_forall (λv, f (x :: v)))).trans ⟨λal v, v.cons_elim al, λal x v, al (x::v)⟩ /-- `vector_allp p v` is equivalent to `∀ i, p (v i)`, but unfolds directly to a conjunction, i.e. `vector_allp p [0, 1, 2] = p 0 ∧ p 1 ∧ p 2`. -/ def vector_allp {α} (p : α → Prop) {n} (v : vector3 α n) : Prop := vector3.rec_on v true (λn a v IH, @vector3.rec_on _ (λn v, Prop) _ v (p a) (λn b v' _, p a ∧ IH)) @[simp] theorem vector_allp_nil {α} (p : α → Prop) : vector_allp p [] = true := rfl @[simp] theorem vector_allp_singleton {α} (p : α → Prop) (x : α) : vector_allp p [x] = p x := rfl @[simp] theorem vector_allp_cons {α} (p : α → Prop) {n} (x : α) (v : vector3 α n) : vector_allp p (x :: v) ↔ p x ∧ vector_allp p v := vector3.rec_on v (and_true _).symm (λn a v IH, iff.rfl) theorem vector_allp_iff_forall {α} (p : α → Prop) {n} (v : vector3 α n) : vector_allp p v ↔ ∀ i, p (v i) := begin refine v.rec_on _ _, { exact ⟨λ_, fin2.elim0, λ_, trivial⟩ }, { simp, refine λn a v IH, (and_congr_right (λ_, IH)).trans ⟨λ⟨pa, h⟩ i, by {refine i.cases' _ _, exacts [pa, h]}, λh, ⟨_, λi, _⟩⟩, { have h0 := h fz, simp at h0, exact h0 }, { have hs := h (fs i), simp at hs, exact hs } } end theorem vector_allp.imp {α} {p q : α → Prop} (h : ∀ x, p x → q x) {n} {v : vector3 α n} (al : vector_allp p v) : vector_allp q v := (vector_allp_iff_forall _ _).2 (λi, h _ $ (vector_allp_iff_forall _ _).1 al _) end vector3 /-- `list_all p l` is equivalent to `∀ a ∈ l, p a`, but unfolds directly to a conjunction, i.e. `list_all p [0, 1, 2] = p 0 ∧ p 1 ∧ p 2`. -/ @[simp] def list_all {α} (p : α → Prop) : list α → Prop | [] := true | (x :: []) := p x | (x :: l) := p x ∧ list_all l @[simp] theorem list_all_cons {α} (p : α → Prop) (x : α) : ∀ (l : list α), list_all p (x :: l) ↔ p x ∧ list_all p l | [] := (and_true _).symm | (x :: l) := iff.rfl theorem list_all_iff_forall {α} (p : α → Prop) : ∀ (l : list α), list_all p l ↔ ∀ x ∈ l, p x | [] := (iff_true_intro $ list.ball_nil _).symm | (x :: l) := by rw [list.ball_cons, ← list_all_iff_forall l]; simp theorem list_all.imp {α} {p q : α → Prop} (h : ∀ x, p x → q x) : ∀ {l : list α}, list_all p l → list_all q l | [] := id | (x :: l) := by simpa using and.imp (h x) list_all.imp @[simp] theorem list_all_map {α β} {p : β → Prop} (f : α → β) {l : list α} : list_all p ( f) ↔ list_all (p ∘ f) l := by induction l; simp * theorem list_all_congr {α} {p q : α → Prop} (h : ∀ x, p x ↔ q x) {l : list α} : list_all p l ↔ list_all q l := ⟨list_all.imp (λx, (h x).1), list_all.imp (λx, (h x).2)⟩ instance decidable_list_all {α} (p : α → Prop) [decidable_pred p] (l : list α) : decidable (list_all p l) := decidable_of_decidable_of_iff (by apply_instance) (list_all_iff_forall _ _).symm /- poly -/ /-- A predicate asserting that a function is a multivariate integer polynomial. (We are being a bit lazy here by allowing many representations for multiplication, rather than only allowing monomials and addition, but the definition is equivalent and this is easier to use.) -/ inductive is_poly {α} : ((α → ℕ) → ℤ) → Prop | proj : ∀ i, is_poly (λx : α → ℕ, x i) | const : Π (n : ℤ), is_poly (λx : α → ℕ, n) | sub : Π {f g : (α → ℕ) → ℤ}, is_poly f → is_poly g → is_poly (λx, f x - g x) | mul : Π {f g : (α → ℕ) → ℤ}, is_poly f → is_poly g → is_poly (λx, f x * g x) /-- The type of multivariate integer polynomials -/ def poly (α : Type u) := {f : (α → ℕ) → ℤ // is_poly f} namespace poly section parameter {α : Type u} instance : has_coe_to_fun (poly α) := ⟨_, λ f, f.1⟩ /-- The underlying function of a `poly` is a polynomial -/ lemma isp (f : poly α) : is_poly f := f.2 /-- Extensionality for `poly α` -/ lemma ext {f g : poly α} (e : ∀x, f x = g x) : f = g := subtype.eq (funext e) /-- Construct a `poly` given an extensionally equivalent `poly`. -/ def subst (f : poly α) (g : (α → ℕ) → ℤ) (e : ∀x, f x = g x) : poly α := ⟨g, by rw ← (funext e : coe_fn f = g); exact f.isp⟩ @[simp] theorem subst_eval (f g e x) : subst f g e x = g x := rfl /-- The `i`th projection function, `x_i`. -/ def proj (i) : poly α := ⟨_, is_poly.proj i⟩ @[simp] theorem proj_eval (i x) : proj i x = x i := rfl /-- The constant function with value `n : ℤ`. -/ def const (n) : poly α := ⟨_, is_poly.const n⟩ @[simp] theorem const_eval (n x) : const n x = n := rfl /-- The zero polynomial -/ def zero : poly α := const 0 instance : has_zero (poly α) := ⟨⟩ @[simp] theorem zero_eval (x) : (0 : poly α) x = 0 := rfl /-- The zero polynomial -/ def one : poly α := const 1 instance : has_one (poly α) := ⟨⟩ @[simp] theorem one_eval (x) : (1 : poly α) x = 1 := rfl /-- Subtraction of polynomials -/ def sub : poly α → poly α → poly α | ⟨f, pf⟩ ⟨g, pg⟩ := ⟨_, is_poly.sub pf pg⟩ instance : has_sub (poly α) := ⟨poly.sub⟩ @[simp] theorem sub_eval : Π (f g x), (f - g : poly α) x = f x - g x | ⟨f, pf⟩ ⟨g, pg⟩ x := rfl /-- Negation of a polynomial -/ def neg (f : poly α) : poly α := 0 - f instance : has_neg (poly α) := ⟨poly.neg⟩ @[simp] theorem neg_eval (f x) : (-f : poly α) x = -f x := show (0-f) x = _, by simp /-- Addition of polynomials -/ def add : poly α → poly α → poly α | ⟨f, pf⟩ ⟨g, pg⟩ := subst (⟨f, pf⟩ - -⟨g, pg⟩) _ (λx, show f x - (0 - g x) = f x + g x, by simp) instance : has_add (poly α) := ⟨poly.add⟩ @[simp] theorem add_eval : Π (f g x), (f + g : poly α) x = f x + g x | ⟨f, pf⟩ ⟨g, pg⟩ x := rfl /-- Multiplication of polynomials -/ def mul : poly α → poly α → poly α | ⟨f, pf⟩ ⟨g, pg⟩ := ⟨_, is_poly.mul pf pg⟩ instance : has_mul (poly α) := ⟨poly.mul⟩ @[simp] theorem mul_eval : Π (f g x), (f * g : poly α) x = f x * g x | ⟨f, pf⟩ ⟨g, pg⟩ x := rfl instance : comm_ring (poly α) := by refine { add := (+), zero := 0, neg := has_neg.neg, mul := (*), one := 1, .. }; {intros, exact ext (λx, by simp [mul_add, mul_left_comm, mul_comm])} lemma induction {C : poly α → Prop} (H1 : ∀i, C (proj i)) (H2 : ∀n, C (const n)) (H3 : ∀f g, C f → C g → C (f - g)) (H4 : ∀f g, C f → C g → C (f * g)) (f : poly α) : C f := begin cases f with f pf, induction pf with i n f g pf pg ihf ihg f g pf pg ihf ihg, apply H1, apply H2, apply H3 _ _ ihf ihg, apply H4 _ _ ihf ihg end /-- The sum of squares of a list of polynomials. This is relevant for Diophantine equations, because it means that a list of equations can be encoded as a single equation: `x = 0 ∧ y = 0 ∧ z = 0` is equivalent to `x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 0`. -/ def sumsq : list (poly α) → poly α | [] := 0 | (p::ps) := p*p + sumsq ps theorem sumsq_nonneg (x) : ∀ l, 0 ≤ sumsq l x | [] := le_refl 0 | (p::ps) := by rw sumsq; simp [-add_comm]; exact add_nonneg (mul_self_nonneg _) (sumsq_nonneg ps) theorem sumsq_eq_zero (x) : ∀ l, sumsq l x = 0 ↔ list_all (λa : poly α, a x = 0) l | [] := eq_self_iff_true _ | (p::ps) := by rw [list_all_cons, ← sumsq_eq_zero ps]; rw sumsq; simp [-add_comm]; exact ⟨λ(h : p x * p x + sumsq ps x = 0), have p x = 0, from eq_zero_of_mul_self_eq_zero $ le_antisymm (by rw ← h; have t := add_le_add_left (sumsq_nonneg x ps) (p x * p x); rwa [add_zero] at t) (mul_self_nonneg _), ⟨this, by simp [this] at h; exact h⟩, λ⟨h1, h2⟩, by rw [h1, h2]; refl⟩ end /-- Map the index set of variables, replacing `x_i` with `x_(f i)`. -/ def remap {α β} (f : α → β) (g : poly α) : poly β := ⟨λv, g $ v ∘ f, g.induction (λi, by simp; apply is_poly.proj) (λn, by simp; apply is_poly.const) (λf g pf pg, by simp; apply is_poly.sub pf pg) (λf g pf pg, by simp; apply is_poly.mul pf pg)⟩ @[simp] theorem remap_eval {α β} (f : α → β) (g : poly α) (v) : remap f g v = g (v ∘ f) := rfl end poly namespace sum /-- combine two functions into a function on the disjoint union -/ def join {α β γ} (f : α → γ) (g : β → γ) : α ⊕ β → γ := by {refine sum.rec _ _, exacts [f, g]} end sum local infixr ` ⊗ `:65 := sum.join open sum namespace option /-- Functions from `option` can be combined similarly to `vector.cons` -/ def cons {α β} (a : β) (v : α → β) : option α → β := by {refine option.rec _ _, exacts [a, v]} notation a :: b := cons a b @[simp] theorem cons_head_tail {α β} (v : option α → β) : v none :: v ∘ some = v := funext $ λo, by cases o; refl end option /- dioph -/ /-- A set `S ⊆ ℕ^α` is diophantine if there exists a polynomial on `α ⊕ β` such that `v ∈ S` iff there exists `t : ℕ^β` with `p (v, t) = 0`. -/ def dioph {α : Type u} (S : set (α → ℕ)) : Prop := ∃ {β : Type u} (p : poly (α ⊕ β)), ∀ (v : α → ℕ), S v ↔ ∃t, p (v ⊗ t) = 0 namespace dioph section variables {α β γ : Type u} theorem ext {S S' : set (α → ℕ)} (d : dioph S) (H : ∀v, S v ↔ S' v) : dioph S' := eq.rec d $ show S = S', from set.ext H theorem of_no_dummies (S : set (α → ℕ)) (p : poly α) (h : ∀ (v : α → ℕ), S v ↔ p v = 0) : dioph S := ⟨ulift empty, p.remap inl, λv, (h v).trans ⟨λh, ⟨λt, empty.rec _ t.down, by simp; rw [ show (v ⊗ λt:ulift empty, empty.rec _ t.down) ∘ inl = v, from rfl, h]⟩, λ⟨t, ht⟩, by simp at ht; rwa [show (v ⊗ t) ∘ inl = v, from rfl] at ht⟩⟩ lemma inject_dummies_lem (f : β → γ) (g : γ → option β) (inv : ∀ x, g (f x) = some x) (p : poly (α ⊕ β)) (v : α → ℕ) : (∃t, p (v ⊗ t) = 0) ↔ (∃t, p.remap (inl ⊗ (inr ∘ f)) (v ⊗ t) = 0) := begin simp, refine ⟨λt, _, λt, _⟩; cases t with t ht, { have : (v ⊗ (0 :: t) ∘ g) ∘ (inl ⊗ inr ∘ f) = v ⊗ t := funext (λs, by cases s with a b; dsimp [join, (∘)]; try {rw inv}; refl), exact ⟨(0 :: t) ∘ g, by rwa this⟩ }, { have : v ⊗ t ∘ f = (v ⊗ t) ∘ (inl ⊗ inr ∘ f) := funext (λs, by cases s with a b; refl), exact ⟨t ∘ f, by rwa this⟩ } end theorem inject_dummies {S : set (α → ℕ)} (f : β → γ) (g : γ → option β) (inv : ∀ x, g (f x) = some x) (p : poly (α ⊕ β)) (h : ∀ (v : α → ℕ), S v ↔ ∃t, p (v ⊗ t) = 0) : ∃ q : poly (α ⊕ γ), ∀ (v : α → ℕ), S v ↔ ∃t, q (v ⊗ t) = 0 := ⟨p.remap (inl ⊗ (inr ∘ f)), λv, (h v).trans $ inject_dummies_lem f g inv _ _⟩ theorem reindex_dioph {S : set (α → ℕ)} : Π (d : dioph S) (f : α → β), dioph (λv, S (v ∘ f)) | ⟨γ, p, pe⟩ f := ⟨γ, p.remap ((inl ∘ f) ⊗ inr), λv, (pe _).trans $ exists_congr $ λt, suffices v ∘ f ⊗ t = (v ⊗ t) ∘ (inl ∘ f ⊗ inr), by simp [this], funext $ λs, by cases s with a b; refl⟩ theorem dioph_list_all (l) (d : list_all dioph l) : dioph (λv, list_all (λS : set (α → ℕ), S v) l) := suffices ∃ β (pl : list (poly (α ⊕ β))), ∀ v, list_all (λS : set _, S v) l ↔ ∃t, list_all (λp : poly (α ⊕ β), p (v ⊗ t) = 0) pl, from let ⟨β, pl, h⟩ := this in ⟨β, poly.sumsq pl, λv, (h v).trans $ exists_congr $ λt, (poly.sumsq_eq_zero _ _).symm⟩, begin induction l with S l IH, exact ⟨ulift empty, [], λv, by simp; exact ⟨λ⟨t⟩, empty.rec _ t, trivial⟩⟩, simp at d, exact let ⟨⟨β, p, pe⟩, dl⟩ := d, ⟨γ, pl, ple⟩ := IH dl in ⟨β ⊕ γ, p.remap (inl ⊗ inr ∘ inl) :: (λq, q.remap (inl ⊗ (inr ∘ inr))), λv, by simp; exact iff.trans (and_congr (pe v) (ple v)) ⟨λ⟨⟨m, hm⟩, ⟨n, hn⟩⟩, ⟨m ⊗ n, by rw [ show (v ⊗ m ⊗ n) ∘ (inl ⊗ inr ∘ inl) = v ⊗ m, from funext $ λs, by cases s with a b; refl]; exact hm, by { refine list_all.imp (λq hq, _) hn, dsimp [(∘)], rw [show (λ (x : α ⊕ γ), (v ⊗ m ⊗ n) ((inl ⊗ λ (x : γ), inr (inr x)) x)) = v ⊗ n, from funext $ λs, by cases s with a b; refl]; exact hq }⟩, λ⟨t, hl, hr⟩, ⟨⟨t ∘ inl, by rwa [ show (v ⊗ t) ∘ (inl ⊗ inr ∘ inl) = v ⊗ t ∘ inl, from funext $ λs, by cases s with a b; refl] at hl⟩, ⟨t ∘ inr, by { refine list_all.imp (λq hq, _) hr, dsimp [(∘)] at hq, rwa [show (λ (x : α ⊕ γ), (v ⊗ t) ((inl ⊗ λ (x : γ), inr (inr x)) x)) = v ⊗ t ∘ inr, from funext $ λs, by cases s with a b; refl] at hq }⟩⟩⟩⟩ end theorem and_dioph {S S' : set (α → ℕ)} (d : dioph S) (d' : dioph S') : dioph (λv, S v ∧ S' v) := dioph_list_all [S, S'] ⟨d, d'⟩ theorem or_dioph {S S' : set (α → ℕ)} : ∀ (d : dioph S) (d' : dioph S'), dioph (λv, S v ∨ S' v) | ⟨β, p, pe⟩ ⟨γ, q, qe⟩ := ⟨β ⊕ γ, p.remap (inl ⊗ inr ∘ inl) * q.remap (inl ⊗ inr ∘ inr), λv, begin refine iff.trans (or_congr ((pe v).trans _) ((qe v).trans _)) (exists_or_distrib.symm.trans (exists_congr $ λt, (@mul_eq_zero_iff_eq_zero_or_eq_zero _ _ (p ((v ⊗ t) ∘ (inl ⊗ inr ∘ inl))) (q ((v ⊗ t) ∘ (inl ⊗ inr ∘ inr)))).symm)), exact inject_dummies_lem _ (some ⊗ (λ_, none)) (λx, rfl) _ _, exact inject_dummies_lem _ ((λ_, none) ⊗ some) (λx, rfl) _ _, end⟩ /-- A partial function is Diophantine if its graph is Diophantine. -/ def dioph_pfun (f : (α → ℕ) →. ℕ) := dioph (λv : option α → ℕ, f.graph (v ∘ some, v none)) /-- A function is Diophantine if its graph is Diophantine. -/ def dioph_fn (f : (α → ℕ) → ℕ) := dioph (λv : option α → ℕ, f (v ∘ some) = v none) theorem reindex_dioph_fn {f : (α → ℕ) → ℕ} (d : dioph_fn f) (g : α → β) : dioph_fn (λv, f (v ∘ g)) := reindex_dioph d ( g) theorem ex_dioph {S : set (α ⊕ β → ℕ)} : dioph S → dioph (λv, ∃x, S (v ⊗ x)) | ⟨γ, p, pe⟩ := ⟨β ⊕ γ, p.remap ((inl ⊗ inr ∘ inl) ⊗ inr ∘ inr), λv, ⟨λ⟨x, hx⟩, let ⟨t, ht⟩ := (pe _).1 hx in ⟨x ⊗ t, by simp; rw [ show (v ⊗ x ⊗ t) ∘ ((inl ⊗ inr ∘ inl) ⊗ inr ∘ inr) = (v ⊗ x) ⊗ t, from funext $ λs, by cases s with a b; try {cases a}; refl]; exact ht⟩, λ⟨t, ht⟩, ⟨t ∘ inl, (pe _).2 ⟨t ∘ inr, by simp at ht; rwa [ show (v ⊗ t) ∘ ((inl ⊗ inr ∘ inl) ⊗ inr ∘ inr) = (v ⊗ t ∘ inl) ⊗ t ∘ inr, from funext $ λs, by cases s with a b; try {cases a}; refl] at ht⟩⟩⟩⟩ theorem ex1_dioph {S : set (option α → ℕ)} : dioph S → dioph (λv, ∃x, S (x :: v)) | ⟨β, p, pe⟩ := ⟨option β, p.remap (inr none :: inl ⊗ inr ∘ some), λv, ⟨λ⟨x, hx⟩, let ⟨t, ht⟩ := (pe _).1 hx in ⟨x :: t, by simp; rw [ show (v ⊗ x :: t) ∘ (inr none :: inl ⊗ inr ∘ some) = x :: v ⊗ t, from funext $ λs, by cases s with a b; try {cases a}; refl]; exact ht⟩, λ⟨t, ht⟩, ⟨t none, (pe _).2 ⟨t ∘ some, by simp at ht; rwa [ show (v ⊗ t) ∘ (inr none :: inl ⊗ inr ∘ some) = t none :: v ⊗ t ∘ some, from funext $ λs, by cases s with a b; try {cases a}; refl] at ht⟩⟩⟩⟩ theorem dom_dioph {f : (α → ℕ) →. ℕ} (d : dioph_pfun f) : dioph f.dom := cast (congr_arg dioph $ set.ext $ λv, (pfun.dom_iff_graph _ _).symm) (ex1_dioph d) theorem dioph_fn_iff_pfun (f : (α → ℕ) → ℕ) : dioph_fn f = @dioph_pfun α f := by refine congr_arg dioph (set.ext $ λv, _); exact pfun.lift_graph.symm theorem abs_poly_dioph (p : poly α) : dioph_fn (λv, (p v).nat_abs) := by refine of_no_dummies _ ((p.remap some - poly.proj none) * (p.remap some + poly.proj none)) (λv, _); apply int.eq_nat_abs_iff_mul theorem proj_dioph (i : α) : dioph_fn (λv, v i) := abs_poly_dioph (poly.proj i) theorem dioph_pfun_comp1 {S : set (option α → ℕ)} (d : dioph S) {f} (df : dioph_pfun f) : dioph (λv : α → ℕ, ∃ h : f.dom v, S (f.fn v h :: v)) := ext (ex1_dioph (and_dioph d df)) $ λv, ⟨λ⟨x, hS, (h: Exists _)⟩, by rw [show (x :: v) ∘ some = v, from funext $ λs, rfl] at h; cases h with hf h; refine ⟨hf, _⟩; rw [pfun.fn, h]; exact hS, λ⟨x, hS⟩, ⟨f.fn v x, hS, show Exists _, by rw [show (f.fn v x :: v) ∘ some = v, from funext $ λs, rfl]; exact ⟨x, rfl⟩⟩⟩ theorem dioph_fn_comp1 {S : set (option α → ℕ)} (d : dioph S) {f : (α → ℕ) → ℕ} (df : dioph_fn f) : dioph (λv : α → ℕ, S (f v :: v)) := ext (dioph_pfun_comp1 d (cast (dioph_fn_iff_pfun f) df)) $ λv, ⟨λ⟨_, h⟩, h, λh, ⟨trivial, h⟩⟩ end section variables {α β γ : Type} open vector3 open_locale vector3 theorem dioph_fn_vec_comp1 {n} {S : set (vector3 ℕ (succ n))} (d : dioph S) {f : (vector3 ℕ n) → ℕ} (df : dioph_fn f) : dioph (λv : vector3 ℕ n, S (cons (f v) v)) := ext (dioph_fn_comp1 (reindex_dioph d (none :: some)) df) $ λv, by rw [ show option.cons (f v) v ∘ (cons none some) = f v :: v, from funext $ λs, by cases s with a b; refl] theorem vec_ex1_dioph (n) {S : set (vector3 ℕ (succ n))} (d : dioph S) : dioph (λv : vector3 ℕ n, ∃x, S (x :: v)) := ext (ex1_dioph $ reindex_dioph d (none :: some)) $ λv, exists_congr $ λx, by rw [ show (option.cons x v) ∘ (cons none some) = x :: v, from funext $ λs, by cases s with a b; refl] theorem dioph_fn_vec {n} (f : vector3 ℕ n → ℕ) : dioph_fn f ↔ dioph (λv : vector3 ℕ (succ n), f (v ∘ fs) = v fz) := ⟨λh, reindex_dioph h (fz :: fs), λh, reindex_dioph h (none :: some)⟩ theorem dioph_pfun_vec {n} (f : vector3 ℕ n →. ℕ) : dioph_pfun f ↔ dioph (λv : vector3 ℕ (succ n), f.graph (v ∘ fs, v fz)) := ⟨λh, reindex_dioph h (fz :: fs), λh, reindex_dioph h (none :: some)⟩ theorem dioph_fn_compn {α : Type} : ∀ {n} {S : set (α ⊕ fin2 n → ℕ)} (d : dioph S) {f : vector3 ((α → ℕ) → ℕ) n} (df : vector_allp dioph_fn f), dioph (λv : α → ℕ, S (v ⊗ λi, f i v)) | 0 S d f := λdf, ext (reindex_dioph d (id ⊗ fin2.elim0)) $ λv, by refine eq.to_iff (congr_arg S $ funext $ λs, _); {cases s with a b, refl, cases b} | (succ n) S d f := f.cons_elim $ λf fl, by simp; exact λ df dfl, have dioph (λv, S (v ∘ inl ⊗ f (v ∘ inl) :: v ∘ inr)), from ext (dioph_fn_comp1 (reindex_dioph d (some ∘ inl ⊗ none :: some ∘ inr)) (reindex_dioph_fn df inl)) $ λv, by {refine eq.to_iff (congr_arg S $ funext $ λs, _); cases s with a b, refl, cases b; refl}, have dioph (λv, S (v ⊗ f v :: λ (i : fin2 n), fl i v)), from @dioph_fn_compn n (λv, S (v ∘ inl ⊗ f (v ∘ inl) :: v ∘ inr)) this _ dfl, ext this $ λv, by rw [ show cons (f v) (λ (i : fin2 n), fl i v) = λ (i : fin2 (succ n)), (f :: fl) i v, from funext $ λs, by cases s with a b; refl] theorem dioph_comp {n} {S : set (vector3 ℕ n)} (d : dioph S) (f : vector3 ((α → ℕ) → ℕ) n) (df : vector_allp dioph_fn f) : dioph (λv, S (λi, f i v)) := dioph_fn_compn (reindex_dioph d inr) df theorem dioph_fn_comp {n} {f : vector3 ℕ n → ℕ} (df : dioph_fn f) (g : vector3 ((α → ℕ) → ℕ) n) (dg : vector_allp dioph_fn g) : dioph_fn (λv, f (λi, g i v)) := dioph_comp ((dioph_fn_vec _).1 df) ((λv, v none) :: λi v, g i (v ∘ some)) $ by simp; exact ⟨proj_dioph none, (vector_allp_iff_forall _ _).2 $ λi, reindex_dioph_fn ((vector_allp_iff_forall _ _).1 dg _) _⟩ localized "notation x ` D∧ `:35 y := dioph.and_dioph x y" in dioph localized "notation x ` D∨ `:35 y := dioph.or_dioph x y" in dioph localized "notation `D∃`:30 := dioph.vec_ex1_dioph" in dioph localized "prefix `&`:max := of_nat'" in dioph theorem proj_dioph_of_nat {n : ℕ} (m : ℕ) [is_lt m n] : dioph_fn (λv : vector3 ℕ n, v &m) := proj_dioph &m localized "prefix `D&`:100 := dioph.proj_dioph_of_nat" in dioph theorem const_dioph (n : ℕ) : dioph_fn (const (α → ℕ) n) := abs_poly_dioph (poly.const n) localized "prefix `D.`:100 := dioph.const_dioph" in dioph variables {f g : (α → ℕ) → ℕ} (df : dioph_fn f) (dg : dioph_fn g) include df dg theorem dioph_comp2 {S : ℕ → ℕ → Prop} (d : dioph (λv:vector3 ℕ 2, S (v &0) (v &1))) : dioph (λv, S (f v) (g v)) := dioph_comp d [f, g] (by exact ⟨df, dg⟩) theorem dioph_fn_comp2 {h : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ} (d : dioph_fn (λv:vector3 ℕ 2, h (v &0) (v &1))) : dioph_fn (λv, h (f v) (g v)) := dioph_fn_comp d [f, g] (by exact ⟨df, dg⟩) theorem eq_dioph : dioph (λv, f v = g v) := dioph_comp2 df dg $ of_no_dummies _ (poly.proj &0 - poly.proj &1) (λv, (int.coe_nat_eq_coe_nat_iff _ _).symm.trans ⟨@sub_eq_zero_of_eq ℤ _ (v &0) (v &1), eq_of_sub_eq_zero⟩) localized "infix ` D= `:50 := dioph.eq_dioph" in dioph theorem add_dioph : dioph_fn (λv, f v + g v) := dioph_fn_comp2 df dg $ abs_poly_dioph (poly.proj &0 + poly.proj &1) localized "infix ` D+ `:80 := dioph.add_dioph" in dioph theorem mul_dioph : dioph_fn (λv, f v * g v) := dioph_fn_comp2 df dg $ abs_poly_dioph (poly.proj &0 * poly.proj &1) localized "infix ` D* `:90 := dioph.mul_dioph" in dioph theorem le_dioph : dioph (λv, f v ≤ g v) := dioph_comp2 df dg $ ext (D∃2 $ D&1 D+ D&0 D= D&2) (λv, ⟨λ⟨x, hx⟩, le.intro hx, le.dest⟩) localized "infix ` D≤ `:50 := dioph.le_dioph" in dioph theorem lt_dioph : dioph (λv, f v < g v) := df D+ (D. 1) D≤ dg localized "infix ` D< `:50 := dioph.lt_dioph" in dioph theorem ne_dioph : dioph (λv, f v ≠ g v) := ext (df D< dg D∨ dg D< df) $ λv, ne_iff_lt_or_gt.symm localized "infix ` D≠ `:50 := dioph.ne_dioph" in dioph theorem sub_dioph : dioph_fn (λv, f v - g v) := dioph_fn_comp2 df dg $ (dioph_fn_vec _).2 $ ext (D&1 D= D&0 D+ D&2 D∨ D&1 D≤ D&2 D∧ D&0 D= D.0) $ (vector_all_iff_forall _).1 $ λx y z, show (y = x + z ∨ y ≤ z ∧ x = 0) ↔ y - z = x, from ⟨λo, begin rcases o with ae | ⟨yz, x0⟩, { rw [ae, nat.add_sub_cancel] }, { rw [x0, nat.sub_eq_zero_of_le yz] } end, λh, begin subst x, cases le_total y z with yz zy, { exact or.inr ⟨yz, nat.sub_eq_zero_of_le yz⟩ }, { exact or.inl (nat.sub_add_cancel zy).symm }, end⟩ localized "infix ` D- `:80 := dioph.sub_dioph" in dioph theorem dvd_dioph : dioph (λv, f v ∣ g v) := dioph_comp (D∃2 $ D&2 D= D&1 D* D&0) [f, g] (by exact ⟨df, dg⟩) localized "infix ` D∣ `:50 := dioph.dvd_dioph" in dioph theorem mod_dioph : dioph_fn (λv, f v % g v) := have dioph (λv : vector3 ℕ 3, (v &2 = 0 ∨ v &0 < v &2) ∧ ∃ (x : ℕ), v &0 + v &2 * x = v &1), from (D&2 D= D.0 D∨ D&0 D< D&2) D∧ (D∃3 $ D&1 D+ D&3 D* D&0 D= D&2), dioph_fn_comp2 df dg $ (dioph_fn_vec _).2 $ ext this $ (vector_all_iff_forall _).1 $ λz x y, show ((y = 0 ∨ z < y) ∧ ∃ c, z + y * c = x) ↔ x % y = z, from ⟨λ⟨h, c, hc⟩, begin rw ← hc; simp; cases h with x0 hl, rw [x0, mod_zero], exact mod_eq_of_lt hl end, λe, by rw ← e; exact ⟨or_iff_not_imp_left.2 $ λh, mod_lt _ (nat.pos_of_ne_zero h), x / y, mod_add_div _ _⟩⟩ localized "infix ` D% `:80 := dioph.mod_dioph" in dioph theorem modeq_dioph {h : (α → ℕ) → ℕ} (dh : dioph_fn h) : dioph (λv, f v ≡ g v [MOD h v]) := df D% dh D= dg D% dh localized "notation `D≡` := dioph.modeq_dioph" in dioph theorem div_dioph : dioph_fn (λv, f v / g v) := have dioph (λv : vector3 ℕ 3, v &2 = 0 ∧ v &0 = 0 ∨ v &0 * v &2 ≤ v &1 ∧ v &1 < (v &0 + 1) * v &2), from (D&2 D= D.0 D∧ D&0 D= D.0) D∨ D&0 D* D&2 D≤ D&1 D∧ D&1 D< (D&0 D+ D.1) D* D&2, dioph_fn_comp2 df dg $ (dioph_fn_vec _).2 $ ext this $ (vector_all_iff_forall _).1 $ λz x y, show y = 0 ∧ z = 0 ∨ z * y ≤ x ∧ x < (z + 1) * y ↔ x / y = z, by refine iff.trans _ eq_comm; exact y.eq_zero_or_pos.elim (λy0, by rw [y0, nat.div_zero]; exact ⟨λo, (o.resolve_right $ λ⟨_, h2⟩, not_lt_zero _ h2).right, λz0, or.inl ⟨rfl, z0⟩⟩) (λypos, iff.trans ⟨λo, o.resolve_left $ λ⟨h1, _⟩, ne_of_gt ypos h1, or.inr⟩ (le_antisymm_iff.trans $ and_congr (nat.le_div_iff_mul_le _ _ ypos) $ iff.trans ⟨lt_succ_of_le, le_of_lt_succ⟩ (div_lt_iff_lt_mul _ _ ypos)).symm) localized "infix ` D/ `:80 := dioph.div_dioph" in dioph omit df dg open pell theorem pell_dioph : dioph (λv:vector3 ℕ 4, ∃ h : v &0 > 1, xn h (v &1) = v &2 ∧ yn h (v &1) = v &3) := have dioph {v : vector3 ℕ 4 | v &0 > 1 ∧ v &1 ≤ v &3 ∧ (v &2 = 1 ∧ v &3 = 0 ∨ ∃ (u w s t b : ℕ), v &2 * v &2 - (v &0 * v &0 - 1) * v &3 * v &3 = 1 ∧ u * u - (v &0 * v &0 - 1) * w * w = 1 ∧ s * s - (b * b - 1) * t * t = 1 ∧ b > 1 ∧ (b ≡ 1 [MOD 4 * v &3]) ∧ (b ≡ v &0 [MOD u]) ∧ w > 0 ∧ v &3 * v &3 ∣ w ∧ (s ≡ v &2 [MOD u]) ∧ (t ≡ v &1 [MOD 4 * v &3]))}, from D.1 D< D&0 D∧ D&1 D≤ D&3 D∧ ((D&2 D= D.1 D∧ D&3 D= D.0) D∨ (D∃4 $ D∃5 $ D∃6 $ D∃7 $ D∃8 $ D&7 D* D&7 D- (D&5 D* D&5 D- D.1) D* D&8 D* D&8 D= D.1 D∧ D&4 D* D&4 D- (D&5 D* D&5 D- D.1) D* D&3 D* D&3 D= D.1 D∧ D&2 D* D&2 D- (D&0 D* D&0 D- D.1) D* D&1 D* D&1 D= D.1 D∧ D.1 D< D&0 D∧ (D≡ (D&0) (D.1) (D.4 D* D&8)) D∧ (D≡ (D&0) (D&5) D&4) D∧ D.0 D< D&3 D∧ D&8 D* D&8 D∣ D&3 D∧ (D≡ (D&2) (D&7) D&4) D∧ (D≡ (D&1) (D&6) (D.4 D* D&8)))), dioph.ext this $ λv, matiyasevic.symm theorem xn_dioph : dioph_pfun (λv:vector3 ℕ 2, ⟨v &0 > 1, λh, xn h (v &1)⟩) := have dioph (λv:vector3 ℕ 3, ∃ y, ∃ h : v &1 > 1, xn h (v &2) = v &0 ∧ yn h (v &2) = y), from let D_pell := @reindex_dioph _ (fin2 4) _ pell_dioph [&2, &3, &1, &0] in D∃3 D_pell, (dioph_pfun_vec _).2 $ dioph.ext this $ λv, ⟨λ⟨y, h, xe, ye⟩, ⟨h, xe⟩, λ⟨h, xe⟩, ⟨_, h, xe, rfl⟩⟩ include df dg theorem pow_dioph : dioph_fn (λv, f v ^ g v) := have dioph {v : vector3 ℕ 3 | v &2 = 0 ∧ v &0 = 1 ∨ v &2 > 0 ∧ (v &1 = 0 ∧ v &0 = 0 ∨ v &1 > 0 ∧ ∃ (w a t z x y : ℕ), (∃ (a1 : a > 1), xn a1 (v &2) = x ∧ yn a1 (v &2) = y) ∧ (x ≡ y * (a - v &1) + v &0 [MOD t]) ∧ 2 * a * v &1 = t + (v &1 * v &1 + 1) ∧ v &0 < t ∧ v &1 ≤ w ∧ v &2 ≤ w ∧ a * a - ((w + 1) * (w + 1) - 1) * (w * z) * (w * z) = 1)}, from let D_pell := @reindex_dioph _ (fin2 9) _ pell_dioph [&4, &8, &1, &0] in (D&2 D= D.0 D∧ D&0 D= D.1) D∨ (D.0 D< D&2 D∧ ((D&1 D= D.0 D∧ D&0 D= D.0) D∨ (D.0 D< D&1 D∧ (D∃3 $ D∃4 $ D∃5 $ D∃6 $ D∃7 $ D∃8 $ D_pell D∧ (D≡ (D&1) (D&0 D* (D&4 D- D&7) D+ D&6) (D&3)) D∧ D.2 D* D&4 D* D&7 D= D&3 D+ (D&7 D* D&7 D+ D.1) D∧ D&6 D< D&3 D∧ D&7 D≤ D&5 D∧ D&8 D≤ D&5 D∧ D&4 D* D&4 D- ((D&5 D+ D.1) D* (D&5 D+ D.1) D- D.1) D* (D&5 D* D&2) D* (D&5 D* D&2) D= D.1)))), dioph_fn_comp2 df dg $ (dioph_fn_vec _).2 $ dioph.ext this $ λv, iff.symm $ eq_pow_of_pell.trans $ or_congr iff.rfl $ and_congr iff.rfl $ or_congr iff.rfl $ and_congr iff.rfl $ ⟨λ⟨w, a, t, z, a1, h⟩, ⟨w, a, t, z, _, _, ⟨a1, rfl, rfl⟩, h⟩, λ⟨w, a, t, z, ._, ._, ⟨a1, rfl, rfl⟩, h⟩, ⟨w, a, t, z, a1, h⟩⟩ end end dioph