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Authors: Kenny Lau More operations on modules and ideals. -/ import ring_theory.ideals data.nat.choose order.zorn import linear_algebra.tensor_product import data.equiv.algebra import ring_theory.algebra_operations universes u v w x open lattice namespace submodule variables {R : Type u} {M : Type v} variables [comm_ring R] [add_comm_group M] [module R M] instance has_scalar' : has_scalar (ideal R) (submodule R M) := ⟨λ I N, ⨆ r : I, (r.1 •⟩ def annihilator (N : submodule R M) : ideal R := (linear_map.lsmul R N).ker def colon (N P : submodule R M) : ideal R := annihilator ( N.mkq) variables {I J : ideal R} {N N₁ N₂ P P₁ P₂ : submodule R M} theorem mem_annihilator {r} : r ∈ N.annihilator ↔ ∀ n ∈ N, r • n = (0:M) := ⟨λ hr n hn, congr_arg subtype.val (linear_map.ext_iff.1 (linear_map.mem_ker.1 hr) ⟨n, hn⟩), λ h, linear_map.mem_ker.2 $ linear_map.ext $ λ n, subtype.eq $ h n.1 n.2⟩ theorem mem_annihilator' {r} : r ∈ N.annihilator ↔ N ≤ comap (r • ⊥ := mem_annihilator.trans ⟨λ H n hn, (mem_bot R).2 $ H n hn, λ H n hn, (mem_bot R).1 $ H hn⟩ theorem annihilator_bot : (⊥ : submodule R M).annihilator = ⊤ := (ideal.eq_top_iff_one _).2 $ mem_annihilator'.2 bot_le theorem annihilator_eq_top_iff : N.annihilator = ⊤ ↔ N = ⊥ := ⟨λ H, eq_bot_iff.2 $ λ (n:M) hn, (mem_bot R).2 $ one_smul R n ▸ mem_annihilator.1 ((ideal.eq_top_iff_one _).1 H) n hn, λ H, H.symm ▸ annihilator_bot⟩ theorem annihilator_mono (h : N ≤ P) : P.annihilator ≤ N.annihilator := λ r hrp, mem_annihilator.2 $ λ n hn, mem_annihilator.1 hrp n $ h hn theorem annihilator_supr (ι : Type w) (f : ι → submodule R M) : (annihilator ⨆ i, f i) = ⨅ i, annihilator (f i) := le_antisymm (le_infi $ λ i, annihilator_mono $ le_supr _ _) (λ r H, mem_annihilator'.2 $ supr_le $ λ i, have _ := (mem_infi _).1 H i, mem_annihilator'.1 this) theorem mem_colon {r} : r ∈ N.colon P ↔ ∀ p ∈ P, r • p ∈ N := mem_annihilator.trans ⟨λ H p hp, (quotient.mk_eq_zero N).1 (H ( p) (mem_map_of_mem hp)), λ H m ⟨p, hp, hpm⟩, hpm ▸ (N.mkq).map_smul r p ▸ (quotient.mk_eq_zero N).2 $ H p hp⟩ theorem mem_colon' {r} : r ∈ N.colon P ↔ P ≤ comap (r • N := mem_colon theorem colon_mono (hn : N₁ ≤ N₂) (hp : P₁ ≤ P₂) : N₁.colon P₂ ≤ N₂.colon P₁ := λ r hrnp, mem_colon.2 $ λ p₁ hp₁, hn $ mem_colon.1 hrnp p₁ $ hp hp₁ theorem infi_colon_supr (ι₁ : Type w) (f : ι₁ → submodule R M) (ι₂ : Type x) (g : ι₂ → submodule R M) : (⨅ i, f i).colon (⨆ j, g j) = ⨅ i j, (f i).colon (g j) := le_antisymm (le_infi $ λ i, le_infi $ λ j, colon_mono (infi_le _ _) (le_supr _ _)) (λ r H, mem_colon'.2 $ supr_le $ λ j, map_le_iff_le_comap.1 $ le_infi $ λ i, map_le_iff_le_comap.2 $ mem_colon'.1 $ have _ := ((mem_infi _).1 H i), have _ := ((mem_infi _).1 this j), this) theorem smul_mem_smul {r} {n} (hr : r ∈ I) (hn : n ∈ N) : r • n ∈ I • N := (le_supr _ ⟨r, hr⟩ : _ ≤ I • N) ⟨n, hn, rfl⟩ theorem smul_le {P : submodule R M} : I • N ≤ P ↔ ∀ (r ∈ I) (n ∈ N), r • n ∈ P := ⟨λ H r hr n hn, H $ smul_mem_smul hr hn, λ H, supr_le $ λ r, map_le_iff_le_comap.2 $ λ n hn, H r.1 r.2 n hn⟩ @[elab_as_eliminator] theorem smul_induction_on {p : M → Prop} {x} (H : x ∈ I • N) (Hb : ∀ (r ∈ I) (n ∈ N), p (r • n)) (H0 : p 0) (H1 : ∀ x y, p x → p y → p (x + y)) (H2 : ∀ (c:R) n, p n → p (c • n)) : p x := (@smul_le _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ⟨p, H0, H1, H2⟩).2 Hb H theorem mem_smul_span_singleton {I : ideal R} {m : M} {x : M} : x ∈ I • span R ({m} : set M) ↔ ∃ y ∈ I, y • m = x := ⟨λ hx, smul_induction_on hx (λ r hri n hnm, let ⟨s, hs⟩ := mem_span_singleton.1 hnm in ⟨r * s, I.mul_mem_right hri, hs ▸ mul_smul r s m⟩) ⟨0, I.zero_mem, by rw [zero_smul]⟩ (λ m1 m2 ⟨y1, hyi1, hy1⟩ ⟨y2, hyi2, hy2⟩, ⟨y1 + y2, I.add_mem hyi1 hyi2, by rw [add_smul, hy1, hy2]⟩) (λ c r ⟨y, hyi, hy⟩, ⟨c * y, I.mul_mem_left hyi, by rw [mul_smul, hy]⟩), λ ⟨y, hyi, hy⟩, hy ▸ smul_mem_smul hyi (subset_span $ set.mem_singleton m)⟩ theorem smul_le_right : I • N ≤ N := smul_le.2 $ λ r hr n, N.smul_mem r theorem smul_mono (hij : I ≤ J) (hnp : N ≤ P) : I • N ≤ J • P := smul_le.2 $ λ r hr n hn, smul_mem_smul (hij hr) (hnp hn) theorem smul_mono_left (h : I ≤ J) : I • N ≤ J • N := smul_mono h (le_refl N) theorem smul_mono_right (h : N ≤ P) : I • N ≤ I • P := smul_mono (le_refl I) h variables (I J N P) @[simp] theorem smul_bot : I • (⊥ : submodule R M) = ⊥ := eq_bot_iff.2 $ smul_le.2 $ λ r hri s hsb, (submodule.mem_bot R).2 $ ((submodule.mem_bot R).1 hsb).symm ▸ smul_zero r @[simp] theorem bot_smul : (⊥ : ideal R) • N = ⊥ := eq_bot_iff.2 $ smul_le.2 $ λ r hrb s hsi, (submodule.mem_bot R).2 $ ((submodule.mem_bot R).1 hrb).symm ▸ zero_smul _ s @[simp] theorem top_smul : (⊤ : ideal R) • N = N := le_antisymm smul_le_right $ λ r hri, one_smul R r ▸ smul_mem_smul mem_top hri theorem smul_sup : I • (N ⊔ P) = I • N ⊔ I • P := le_antisymm (smul_le.2 $ λ r hri m hmnp, let ⟨n, hn, p, hp, hnpm⟩ := mem_sup.1 hmnp in mem_sup.2 ⟨_, smul_mem_smul hri hn, _, smul_mem_smul hri hp, hnpm ▸ (smul_add _ _ _).symm⟩) (sup_le (smul_mono_right le_sup_left) (smul_mono_right le_sup_right)) theorem sup_smul : (I ⊔ J) • N = I • N ⊔ J • N := le_antisymm (smul_le.2 $ λ r hrij n hn, let ⟨ri, hri, rj, hrj, hrijr⟩ := mem_sup.1 hrij in mem_sup.2 ⟨_, smul_mem_smul hri hn, _, smul_mem_smul hrj hn, hrijr ▸ (add_smul _ _ _).symm⟩) (sup_le (smul_mono_left le_sup_left) (smul_mono_left le_sup_right)) theorem smul_assoc : (I • J) • N = I • (J • N) := le_antisymm (smul_le.2 $ λ rs hrsij t htn, smul_induction_on hrsij (λ r hr s hs, (@smul_eq_mul R _ r s).symm ▸ smul_smul r s t ▸ smul_mem_smul hr (smul_mem_smul hs htn)) ((zero_smul R t).symm ▸ submodule.zero_mem _) (λ x y, (add_smul x y t).symm ▸ submodule.add_mem _) (λ r s h, (@smul_eq_mul R _ r s).symm ▸ smul_smul r s t ▸ submodule.smul_mem _ _ h)) (smul_le.2 $ λ r hr sn hsn, suffices J • N ≤ submodule.comap (r • ((I • J) • N), from this hsn, smul_le.2 $ λ s hs n hn, show r • (s • n) ∈ (I • J) • N, from mul_smul r s n ▸ smul_mem_smul (smul_mem_smul hr hs) hn) variables (S : set R) (T : set M) theorem span_smul_span : (ideal.span S) • (span R T) = span R (⋃ (s ∈ S) (t ∈ T), {s • t}) := le_antisymm (smul_le.2 $ λ r hrS n hnT, span_induction hrS (λ r hrS, span_induction hnT (λ n hnT, subset_span $ set.mem_bUnion hrS $ set.mem_bUnion hnT $ set.mem_singleton _) ((smul_zero r : r • 0 = (0:M)).symm ▸ submodule.zero_mem _) (λ x y, (smul_add r x y).symm ▸ submodule.add_mem _) (λ c m, by rw [smul_smul, mul_comm, mul_smul]; exact submodule.smul_mem _ _)) ((zero_smul R n).symm ▸ submodule.zero_mem _) (λ r s, (add_smul r s n).symm ▸ submodule.add_mem _) (λ c r, by rw [smul_eq_mul, mul_smul]; exact submodule.smul_mem _ _)) $ span_le.2 $ set.bUnion_subset $ λ r hrS, set.bUnion_subset $ λ n hnT, set.singleton_subset_iff.2 $ smul_mem_smul (subset_span hrS) (subset_span hnT) end submodule namespace ideal section chinese_remainder variables {R : Type u} [comm_ring R] {ι : Type v} theorem exists_sub_one_mem_and_mem (s : finset ι) {f : ι → ideal R} (hf : ∀ i ∈ s, ∀ j ∈ s, i ≠ j → f i ⊔ f j = ⊤) (i : ι) (his : i ∈ s) : ∃ r : R, r - 1 ∈ f i ∧ ∀ j ∈ s, j ≠ i → r ∈ f j := begin have : ∀ j ∈ s, j ≠ i → ∃ r : R, ∃ H : r - 1 ∈ f i, r ∈ f j, { intros j hjs hji, specialize hf i his j hjs hji.symm, rw [eq_top_iff_one, submodule.mem_sup] at hf, rcases hf with ⟨r, hri, s, hsj, hrs⟩, refine ⟨1 - r, _, _⟩, { rw [sub_right_comm, sub_self, zero_sub], exact (f i).neg_mem hri }, { rw [← hrs, add_sub_cancel'], exact hsj } }, classical, have : ∃ g : ι → R, (∀ j, g j - 1 ∈ f i) ∧ ∀ j ∈ s, j ≠ i → g j ∈ f j, { choose g hg1 hg2, refine ⟨λ j, if H : j ∈ s ∧ j ≠ i then g j H.1 H.2 else 1, λ j, _, λ j, _⟩, { split_ifs with h, { apply hg1 }, rw sub_self, exact (f i).zero_mem }, { intros hjs hji, rw dif_pos, { apply hg2 }, exact ⟨hjs, hji⟩ } }, rcases this with ⟨g, hgi, hgj⟩, use (s.erase i).prod g, split, { rw [← quotient.eq, quotient.mk_one, ← finset.prod_hom _ ( (f i))], apply finset.prod_eq_one, intros, rw [← quotient.mk_one, quotient.eq], apply hgi }, intros j hjs hji, rw [← quotient.eq_zero_iff_mem, ← finset.prod_hom _ ( (f j))], refine finset.prod_eq_zero (finset.mem_erase_of_ne_of_mem hji hjs) _, rw quotient.eq_zero_iff_mem, exact hgj j hjs hji end theorem exists_sub_mem [fintype ι] {f : ι → ideal R} (hf : ∀ i j, i ≠ j → f i ⊔ f j = ⊤) (g : ι → R) : ∃ r : R, ∀ i, r - g i ∈ f i := begin have : ∃ φ : ι → R, (∀ i, φ i - 1 ∈ f i) ∧ (∀ i j, i ≠ j → φ i ∈ f j), { have := exists_sub_one_mem_and_mem (finset.univ : finset ι) (λ i _ j _ hij, hf i j hij), choose φ hφ, existsi λ i, φ i (finset.mem_univ i), exact ⟨λ i, (hφ i _).1, λ i j hij, (hφ i _).2 j (finset.mem_univ j) hij.symm⟩ }, rcases this with ⟨φ, hφ1, hφ2⟩, use finset.univ.sum (λ i, g i * φ i), intros i, rw [← quotient.eq, ← finset.univ.sum_hom ( (f i))], refine eq.trans (finset.sum_eq_single i _ _) _, { intros j _ hji, rw quotient.eq_zero_iff_mem, exact (f i).mul_mem_left (hφ2 j i hji) }, { intros hi, exact (hi $ finset.mem_univ i).elim }, specialize hφ1 i, rw [← quotient.eq, quotient.mk_one] at hφ1, rw [quotient.mk_mul, hφ1, mul_one] end def quotient_inf_to_pi_quotient (f : ι → ideal R) : (⨅ i, f i).quotient → Π i, (f i).quotient := @@quotient.lift _ _ (⨅ i, f i) (λ r i, (f i) r) (@pi.is_ring_hom_pi ι (λ i, (f i).quotient) _ R _ _ _) (λ r hr, funext $ λ i, quotient.eq_zero_iff_mem.2 $ (submodule.mem_infi _).1 hr i) theorem is_ring_hom_quotient_inf_to_pi_quotient (f : ι → ideal R) : is_ring_hom (quotient_inf_to_pi_quotient f) := @@quotient.is_ring_hom _ _ _ (@pi.is_ring_hom_pi ι (λ i, (f i).quotient) _ R _ _ _) _ theorem bijective_quotient_inf_to_pi_quotient [fintype ι] {f : ι → ideal R} (hf : ∀ i j, i ≠ j → f i ⊔ f j = ⊤) : function.bijective (quotient_inf_to_pi_quotient f) := ⟨λ x y, quotient.induction_on₂' x y $ λ r s hrs, quotient.eq.2 $ (submodule.mem_infi _).2 $ λ i, quotient.eq.1 $ show quotient_inf_to_pi_quotient f (' r) i = _, by rw hrs; refl, λ g, let ⟨r, hr⟩ := exists_sub_mem hf (λ i, quotient.out' (g i)) in ⟨ _ r, funext $ λ i, quotient.out_eq' (g i) ▸ quotient.eq.2 (hr i)⟩⟩ /-- Chinese Remainder Theorem. Eisenbud Ex.2.6. Similar to Atiyah-Macdonald 1.10 and Stacks 00DT -/ noncomputable def quotient_inf_ring_equiv_pi_quotient [fintype ι] (f : ι → ideal R) (hf : ∀ i j, i ≠ j → f i ⊔ f j = ⊤) : (⨅ i, f i).quotient ≃+* Π i, (f i).quotient := by haveI : is_ring_hom (equiv.of_bijective (bijective_quotient_inf_to_pi_quotient hf)) := is_ring_hom_quotient_inf_to_pi_quotient f; exact ring_equiv.of (equiv.of_bijective (bijective_quotient_inf_to_pi_quotient hf)) end chinese_remainder section mul_and_radical variables {R : Type u} [comm_ring R] variables {I J K L: ideal R} instance : has_mul (ideal R) := ⟨(•)⟩ theorem mul_mem_mul {r s} (hr : r ∈ I) (hs : s ∈ J) : r * s ∈ I * J := submodule.smul_mem_smul hr hs theorem mul_mem_mul_rev {r s} (hr : r ∈ I) (hs : s ∈ J) : s * r ∈ I * J := mul_comm r s ▸ mul_mem_mul hr hs theorem mul_le : I * J ≤ K ↔ ∀ (r ∈ I) (s ∈ J), r * s ∈ K := submodule.smul_le variables (I J K) protected theorem mul_comm : I * J = J * I := le_antisymm (mul_le.2 $ λ r hrI s hsJ, mul_mem_mul_rev hsJ hrI) (mul_le.2 $ λ r hrJ s hsI, mul_mem_mul_rev hsI hrJ) protected theorem mul_assoc : (I * J) * K = I * (J * K) := submodule.smul_assoc I J K theorem span_mul_span (S T : set R) : span S * span T = span ⋃ (s ∈ S) (t ∈ T), {s * t} := submodule.span_smul_span S T variables {I J K} theorem mul_le_inf : I * J ≤ I ⊓ J := mul_le.2 $ λ r hri s hsj, ⟨I.mul_mem_right hri, J.mul_mem_left hsj⟩ theorem mul_eq_inf_of_coprime (h : I ⊔ J = ⊤) : I * J = I ⊓ J := le_antisymm mul_le_inf $ λ r ⟨hri, hrj⟩, let ⟨s, hsi, t, htj, hst⟩ := submodule.mem_sup.1 ((eq_top_iff_one _).1 h) in mul_one r ▸ hst ▸ (mul_add r s t).symm ▸ ideal.add_mem (I * J) (mul_mem_mul_rev hsi hrj) (mul_mem_mul hri htj) variables (I) theorem mul_bot : I * ⊥ = ⊥ := submodule.smul_bot I theorem bot_mul : ⊥ * I = ⊥ := submodule.bot_smul I theorem mul_top : I * ⊤ = I := ideal.mul_comm ⊤ I ▸ submodule.top_smul I theorem top_mul : ⊤ * I = I := submodule.top_smul I variables {I} theorem mul_mono (hik : I ≤ K) (hjl : J ≤ L) : I * J ≤ K * L := submodule.smul_mono hik hjl theorem mul_mono_left (h : I ≤ J) : I * K ≤ J * K := submodule.smul_mono_left h theorem mul_mono_right (h : J ≤ K) : I * J ≤ I * K := submodule.smul_mono_right h variables (I J K) theorem mul_sup : I * (J ⊔ K) = I * J ⊔ I * K := submodule.smul_sup I J K theorem sup_mul : (I ⊔ J) * K = I * K ⊔ J * K := submodule.sup_smul I J K variables {I J K} lemma pow_le_pow {m n : ℕ} (h : m ≤ n) : I^n ≤ I^m := begin cases nat.exists_eq_add_of_le h with k hk, rw [hk, pow_add], exact le_trans (mul_le_inf) (lattice.inf_le_left) end /-- The radical of an ideal `I` consists of the elements `r` such that `r^n ∈ I` for some `n`. -/ def radical (I : ideal R) : ideal R := { carrier := { r | ∃ n : ℕ, r ^ n ∈ I }, zero := ⟨1, (pow_one (0:R)).symm ▸ I.zero_mem⟩, add := λ x y ⟨m, hxmi⟩ ⟨n, hyni⟩, ⟨m + n, (add_pow x y (m + n)).symm ▸ I.sum_mem $ show ∀ c ∈ finset.range (nat.succ (m + n)), x ^ c * y ^ (m + n - c) * (nat.choose (m + n) c) ∈ I, from λ c hc, or.cases_on (le_total c m) (λ hcm, I.mul_mem_right $ I.mul_mem_left $ nat.add_comm n m ▸ (nat.add_sub_assoc hcm n).symm ▸ (pow_add y n (m-c)).symm ▸ I.mul_mem_right hyni) (λ hmc, I.mul_mem_right $ I.mul_mem_right $ nat.add_sub_cancel' hmc ▸ (pow_add x m (c-m)).symm ▸ I.mul_mem_right hxmi)⟩, smul := λ r s ⟨n, hsni⟩, ⟨n, show (r * s)^n ∈ I, from (mul_pow r s n).symm ▸ I.mul_mem_left hsni⟩ } theorem le_radical : I ≤ radical I := λ r hri, ⟨1, (pow_one r).symm ▸ hri⟩ variables (R) theorem radical_top : (radical ⊤ : ideal R) = ⊤ := (eq_top_iff_one _).2 ⟨0, submodule.mem_top⟩ variables {R} theorem radical_mono (H : I ≤ J) : radical I ≤ radical J := λ r ⟨n, hrni⟩, ⟨n, H hrni⟩ variables (I) theorem radical_idem : radical (radical I) = radical I := le_antisymm (λ r ⟨n, k, hrnki⟩, ⟨n * k, (pow_mul r n k).symm ▸ hrnki⟩) le_radical variables {I} theorem radical_eq_top : radical I = ⊤ ↔ I = ⊤ := ⟨λ h, (eq_top_iff_one _).2 $ let ⟨n, hn⟩ := (eq_top_iff_one _).1 h in @one_pow R _ n ▸ hn, λ h, h.symm ▸ radical_top R⟩ theorem is_prime.radical (H : is_prime I) : radical I = I := le_antisymm (λ r ⟨n, hrni⟩, H.mem_of_pow_mem n hrni) le_radical variables (I J) theorem radical_sup : radical (I ⊔ J) = radical (radical I ⊔ radical J) := le_antisymm (radical_mono $ sup_le_sup le_radical le_radical) $ λ r ⟨n, hrnij⟩, let ⟨s, hs, t, ht, hst⟩ := submodule.mem_sup.1 hrnij in @radical_idem _ _ (I ⊔ J) ▸ ⟨n, hst ▸ ideal.add_mem _ (radical_mono le_sup_left hs) (radical_mono le_sup_right ht)⟩ theorem radical_inf : radical (I ⊓ J) = radical I ⊓ radical J := le_antisymm (le_inf (radical_mono inf_le_left) (radical_mono inf_le_right)) (λ r ⟨⟨m, hrm⟩, ⟨n, hrn⟩⟩, ⟨m + n, (pow_add r m n).symm ▸ I.mul_mem_right hrm, (pow_add r m n).symm ▸ J.mul_mem_left hrn⟩) theorem radical_mul : radical (I * J) = radical I ⊓ radical J := le_antisymm (radical_inf I J ▸ radical_mono $ @mul_le_inf _ _ I J) (λ r ⟨⟨m, hrm⟩, ⟨n, hrn⟩⟩, ⟨m + n, (pow_add r m n).symm ▸ mul_mem_mul hrm hrn⟩) variables {I J} theorem is_prime.radical_le_iff (hj : is_prime J) : radical I ≤ J ↔ I ≤ J := ⟨le_trans le_radical, λ hij r ⟨n, hrni⟩, hj.mem_of_pow_mem n $ hij hrni⟩ theorem radical_eq_Inf (I : ideal R) : radical I = Inf { J : ideal R | I ≤ J ∧ is_prime J } := le_antisymm (le_Inf $ λ J hJ, hJ.2.radical_le_iff.2 hJ.1) $ λ r hr, classical.by_contradiction $ λ hri, let ⟨m, (hrm : r ∉ radical m), him, hm⟩ := zorn.zorn_partial_order₀ {K : ideal R | r ∉ radical K} (λ c hc hcc y hyc, ⟨Sup c, λ ⟨n, hrnc⟩, let ⟨y, hyc, hrny⟩ := submodule.mem_Sup_of_directed hrnc y hyc hcc.directed_on in hc hyc ⟨n, hrny⟩, λ z, le_Sup⟩) I hri in have ∀ x ∉ m, r ∈ radical (m ⊔ span {x}) := λ x hxm, classical.by_contradiction $ λ hrmx, hxm $ hm (m ⊔ span {x}) hrmx le_sup_left ▸ (le_sup_right : _ ≤ m ⊔ span {x}) (subset_span $ set.mem_singleton _), have is_prime m, from ⟨by rintro rfl; rw radical_top at hrm; exact hrm trivial, λ x y hxym, classical.or_iff_not_imp_left.2 $ λ hxm, classical.by_contradiction $ λ hym, let ⟨n, hrn⟩ := this _ hxm, ⟨p, hpm, q, hq, hpqrn⟩ := submodule.mem_sup.1 hrn, ⟨c, hcxq⟩ := mem_span_singleton'.1 hq in let ⟨k, hrk⟩ := this _ hym, ⟨f, hfm, g, hg, hfgrk⟩ := submodule.mem_sup.1 hrk, ⟨d, hdyg⟩ := mem_span_singleton'.1 hg in hrm ⟨n + k, by rw [pow_add, ← hpqrn, ← hcxq, ← hfgrk, ← hdyg, add_mul, mul_add (c*x), mul_assoc c x (d*y), mul_left_comm x, ← mul_assoc]; refine m.add_mem (m.mul_mem_right hpm) (m.add_mem (m.mul_mem_left hfm) (m.mul_mem_left hxym))⟩⟩, hrm $ this.radical.symm ▸ (Inf_le ⟨him, this⟩ : Inf {J : ideal R | I ≤ J ∧ is_prime J} ≤ m) hr instance : comm_semiring (ideal R) := submodule.comm_semiring @[simp] lemma add_eq_sup : I + J = I ⊔ J := rfl @[simp] lemma zero_eq_bot : (0 : ideal R) = ⊥ := rfl @[simp] lemma one_eq_top : (1 : ideal R) = ⊤ := by erw [submodule.one_eq_map_top, submodule.map_id] variables (I) theorem radical_pow (n : ℕ) (H : n > 0) : radical (I^n) = radical I := nat.rec_on n (not.elim dec_trivial) (λ n ih H, or.cases_on (lt_or_eq_of_le $ nat.le_of_lt_succ H) (λ H, calc radical (I^(n+1)) = radical I ⊓ radical (I^n) : radical_mul _ _ ... = radical I ⊓ radical I : by rw ih H ... = radical I : inf_idem) (λ H, H ▸ (pow_one I).symm ▸ rfl)) H end mul_and_radical section map_and_comap variables {R : Type u} {S : Type v} [comm_ring R] [comm_ring S] variables (f : R → S) [is_ring_hom f] variables {I J : ideal R} {K L : ideal S} def map (I : ideal R) : ideal S := span (f '' I) /-- `I.comap f` is the preimage of `I` under `f`. -/ def comap (I : ideal S) : ideal R := { carrier := f ⁻¹' I, zero := show f 0 ∈ I, by rw is_ring_hom.map_zero f; exact I.zero_mem, add := λ x y hx hy, show f (x + y) ∈ I, by rw is_ring_hom.map_add f; exact I.add_mem hx hy, smul := λ c x hx, show f (c * x) ∈ I, by rw is_ring_hom.map_mul f; exact I.mul_mem_left hx } variables {f} theorem map_mono (h : I ≤ J) : map f I ≤ map f J := span_mono $ set.image_subset _ h theorem mem_map_of_mem {x} (h : x ∈ I) : f x ∈ map f I := subset_span ⟨x, h, rfl⟩ theorem map_le_iff_le_comap : map f I ≤ K ↔ I ≤ comap f K := span_le.trans set.image_subset_iff @[simp] theorem mem_comap {x} : x ∈ comap f K ↔ f x ∈ K := iff.rfl theorem comap_mono (h : K ≤ L) : comap f K ≤ comap f L := set.preimage_mono h variables (f) theorem comap_ne_top (hK : K ≠ ⊤) : comap f K ≠ ⊤ := (ne_top_iff_one _).2 $ by rw [mem_comap, is_ring_hom.map_one f]; exact (ne_top_iff_one _).1 hK instance is_prime.comap [hK : K.is_prime] : (comap f K).is_prime := ⟨comap_ne_top _ hK.1, λ x y, by simp only [mem_comap, is_ring_hom.map_mul f]; apply hK.2⟩ variables (I J K L) theorem map_bot : map f ⊥ = ⊥ := le_antisymm (map_le_iff_le_comap.2 bot_le) bot_le theorem map_top : map f ⊤ = ⊤ := (eq_top_iff_one _).2 $ subset_span ⟨1, trivial, is_ring_hom.map_one f⟩ theorem comap_top : comap f ⊤ = ⊤ := (eq_top_iff_one _).2 trivial theorem map_sup : map f (I ⊔ J) = map f I ⊔ map f J := le_antisymm (map_le_iff_le_comap.2 $ sup_le (map_le_iff_le_comap.1 le_sup_left) (map_le_iff_le_comap.1 le_sup_right)) (sup_le (map_mono le_sup_left) (map_mono le_sup_right)) theorem map_mul : map f (I * J) = map f I * map f J := le_antisymm (map_le_iff_le_comap.2 $ mul_le.2 $ λ r hri s hsj, show f (r * s) ∈ _, by rw is_ring_hom.map_mul f; exact mul_mem_mul (mem_map_of_mem hri) (mem_map_of_mem hsj)) (trans_rel_right _ (span_mul_span _ _) $ span_le.2 $ set.bUnion_subset $ λ i ⟨r, hri, hfri⟩, set.bUnion_subset $ λ j ⟨s, hsj, hfsj⟩, set.singleton_subset_iff.2 $ hfri ▸ hfsj ▸ by rw [← is_ring_hom.map_mul f]; exact mem_map_of_mem (mul_mem_mul hri hsj)) theorem comap_inf : comap f (K ⊓ L) = comap f K ⊓ comap f L := rfl theorem comap_radical : comap f (radical K) = radical (comap f K) := le_antisymm (λ r ⟨n, hfrnk⟩, ⟨n, show f (r ^ n) ∈ K, from (is_semiring_hom.map_pow f r n).symm ▸ hfrnk⟩) (λ r ⟨n, hfrnk⟩, ⟨n, is_semiring_hom.map_pow f r n ▸ hfrnk⟩) @[simp] lemma map_quotient_self : map ( I) I = ⊥ := lattice.eq_bot_iff.2 $ ideal.map_le_iff_le_comap.2 $ λ x hx, (submodule.mem_bot I.quotient).2 $ ideal.quotient.eq_zero_iff_mem.2 hx variables {I J K L} theorem map_inf_le : map f (I ⊓ J) ≤ map f I ⊓ map f J := map_le_iff_le_comap.2 $ (comap_inf f (map f I) (map f J)).symm ▸ inf_le_inf (map_le_iff_le_comap.1 $ le_refl _) (map_le_iff_le_comap.1 $ le_refl _) theorem map_radical_le : map f (radical I) ≤ radical (map f I) := map_le_iff_le_comap.2 $ λ r ⟨n, hrni⟩, ⟨n, is_semiring_hom.map_pow f r n ▸ mem_map_of_mem hrni⟩ theorem le_comap_sup : comap f K ⊔ comap f L ≤ comap f (K ⊔ L) := map_le_iff_le_comap.1 $ (map_sup f (comap f K) (comap f L)).symm ▸ sup_le_sup (map_le_iff_le_comap.2 $ le_refl _) (map_le_iff_le_comap.2 $ le_refl _) theorem le_comap_mul : comap f K * comap f L ≤ comap f (K * L) := map_le_iff_le_comap.1 $ (map_mul f (comap f K) (comap f L)).symm ▸ mul_mono (map_le_iff_le_comap.2 $ le_refl _) (map_le_iff_le_comap.2 $ le_refl _) section surjective variables (hf : function.surjective f) include hf theorem map_comap_of_surjective (I : ideal S) : map f (comap f I) = I := le_antisymm (map_le_iff_le_comap.2 (le_refl _)) (λ s hsi, let ⟨r, hfrs⟩ := hf s in hfrs ▸ (mem_map_of_mem $ show f r ∈ I, from hfrs.symm ▸ hsi)) theorem mem_image_of_mem_map_of_surjective {I : ideal R} {y} (H : y ∈ map f I) : y ∈ f '' I := submodule.span_induction H (λ _, id) ⟨0, I.zero_mem, is_ring_hom.map_zero f⟩ (λ y1 y2 ⟨x1, hx1i, hxy1⟩ ⟨x2, hx2i, hxy2⟩, ⟨x1 + x2, I.add_mem hx1i hx2i, hxy1 ▸ hxy2 ▸ is_ring_hom.map_add f⟩) (λ c y ⟨x, hxi, hxy⟩, let ⟨d, hdc⟩ := hf c in ⟨d • x, I.smul_mem _ hxi, hdc ▸ hxy ▸ is_ring_hom.map_mul f⟩) theorem comap_map_of_surjective (I : ideal R) : comap f (map f I) = I ⊔ comap f ⊥ := le_antisymm (assume r h, let ⟨s, hsi, hfsr⟩ := mem_image_of_mem_map_of_surjective f hf h in submodule.mem_sup.2 ⟨s, hsi, r - s, (submodule.mem_bot S).2 $ by rw [is_ring_hom.map_sub f, hfsr, sub_self], add_sub_cancel'_right s r⟩) (sup_le (map_le_iff_le_comap.1 (le_refl _)) (comap_mono bot_le)) /-- Correspondence theorem -/ def order_iso_of_surjective : ((≤) : ideal S → ideal S → Prop) ≃o ((≤) : { p : ideal R // comap f ⊥ ≤ p } → { p : ideal R // comap f ⊥ ≤ p } → Prop) := { to_fun := λ J, ⟨comap f J, comap_mono bot_le⟩, inv_fun := λ I, map f I.1, left_inv := λ J, map_comap_of_surjective f hf J, right_inv := λ I, subtype.eq $ show comap f (map f I.1) = I.1, from (comap_map_of_surjective f hf I).symm ▸ le_antisymm (sup_le (le_refl _) I.2) le_sup_left, ord := λ I1 I2, ⟨comap_mono, λ H, map_comap_of_surjective f hf I1 ▸ map_comap_of_surjective f hf I2 ▸ map_mono H⟩ } def le_order_embedding_of_surjective : ((≤) : ideal S → ideal S → Prop) ≼o ((≤) : ideal R → ideal R → Prop) := (order_iso_of_surjective f hf).to_order_embedding.trans (subtype.order_embedding _ _) def lt_order_embedding_of_surjective : ((<) : ideal S → ideal S → Prop) ≼o ((<) : ideal R → ideal R → Prop) := (le_order_embedding_of_surjective f hf).lt_embedding_of_le_embedding end surjective end map_and_comap end ideal namespace is_ring_hom variables {R : Type u} {S : Type v} (f : R → S) [comm_ring R] section comm_ring variables [comm_ring S] [is_ring_hom f] def ker : ideal R := ideal.comap f ⊥ /-- An element is in the kernel if and only if it maps to zero.-/ lemma mem_ker {r} : r ∈ ker f ↔ f r = 0 := by rw [ker, ideal.mem_comap, submodule.mem_bot] lemma ker_eq : ((ker f) : set R) = is_add_group_hom.ker f := rfl lemma inj_iff_ker_eq_bot : function.injective f ↔ ker f = ⊥ := by rw [←submodule.ext'_iff, ker_eq]; exact is_add_group_hom.inj_iff_trivial_ker f lemma ker_eq_bot_iff_eq_zero : ker f = ⊥ ↔ ∀ x, f x = 0 → x = 0 := by rw [←submodule.ext'_iff, ker_eq]; exact is_add_group_hom.trivial_ker_iff_eq_zero f lemma injective_iff : function.injective f ↔ ∀ x, f x = 0 → x = 0 := is_add_group_hom.injective_iff f end comm_ring /-- If the target is not the zero ring, then one is not in the kernel.-/ lemma not_one_mem_ker [nonzero_comm_ring S] [is_ring_hom f] : (1:R) ∉ ker f := by { rw [mem_ker, is_ring_hom.map_one f], exact one_ne_zero } /-- The kernel of a homomorphism to an integral domain is a prime ideal.-/ lemma ker_is_prime [integral_domain S] [is_ring_hom f] : (ker f).is_prime := ⟨by { rw [ne.def, ideal.eq_top_iff_one], exact not_one_mem_ker f }, λ x y, by simpa only [mem_ker, is_ring_hom.map_mul f] using eq_zero_or_eq_zero_of_mul_eq_zero⟩ end is_ring_hom namespace submodule variables {R : Type u} {M : Type v} variables [comm_ring R] [add_comm_group M] [module R M] -- It is even a semialgebra. But those aren't in mathlib yet. instance : semimodule (ideal R) (submodule R M) := { smul_add := smul_sup, add_smul := sup_smul, mul_smul := smul_assoc, one_smul := by simp, zero_smul := bot_smul, smul_zero := smul_bot } end submodule