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/- Copyright (c) 2019 Kenny Lau. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Kenny Lau Integral closure of a subring. -/ import ring_theory.adjoin linear_algebra.finsupp universes u v open_locale classical open polynomial submodule section variables (R : Type u) {A : Type v} variables [comm_ring R] [comm_ring A] variables [algebra R A] def is_integral (x : A) : Prop := ∃ p : polynomial R, monic p ∧ aeval R A x p = 0 variables {R} theorem is_integral_algebra_map {x : R} : is_integral R (algebra_map A x) := ⟨X - C x, monic_X_sub_C _, by rw [alg_hom.map_sub, aeval_def, aeval_def, eval₂_X, eval₂_C, sub_self]⟩ theorem is_integral_of_subring {x : A} (T : set R) [is_subring T] (hx : is_integral T (algebra.comap.to_comap T R A x)) : is_integral R (x : A) := let ⟨p, hpm, hpx⟩ := hx in ⟨⟨, λ n, (p.to_fun n).1, λ n, finsupp.mem_support_iff.trans (not_iff_not_of_iff ⟨λ H, have _ := congr_arg subtype.val H, this, λ H, subtype.eq H⟩)⟩, have _ := congr_arg subtype.val hpm, this, hpx⟩ theorem is_integral_iff_is_integral_closure_finite {r : A} : is_integral R r ↔ ∃ s : set R, s.finite ∧ is_integral (ring.closure s) (algebra.comap.to_comap (ring.closure s) R A r) := begin split; intro hr, { rcases hr with ⟨p, hmp, hpr⟩, exact ⟨_, set.finite_mem_finset _, p.restriction, subtype.eq hmp, hpr⟩ }, rcases hr with ⟨s, hs, hsr⟩, exact is_integral_of_subring _ hsr end theorem fg_adjoin_singleton_of_integral (x : A) (hx : is_integral R x) : (algebra.adjoin R ({x} : set A) : submodule R A).fg := begin rcases hx with ⟨f, hfm, hfx⟩, existsi finset.image ((^) x) (finset.range (nat_degree f + 1)), apply le_antisymm, { rw span_le, intros s hs, rw finset.mem_coe at hs, rcases finset.mem_image.1 hs with ⟨k, hk, rfl⟩, clear hk, exact is_submonoid.pow_mem (algebra.subset_adjoin (set.mem_singleton _)) }, intros r hr, change r ∈ algebra.adjoin R ({x} : set A) at hr, rw algebra.adjoin_singleton_eq_range at hr, rcases hr with ⟨p, rfl⟩, rw ← mod_by_monic_add_div p hfm, rw [alg_hom.map_add, alg_hom.map_mul, hfx, zero_mul, add_zero], have : degree (p %ₘ f) ≤ degree f := degree_mod_by_monic_le p hfm, generalize_hyp : p %ₘ f = q at this ⊢, rw [← sum_C_mul_X_eq q, aeval_def, eval₂_sum, finsupp.sum, mem_coe], refine sum_mem _ (λ k hkq, _), rw [eval₂_mul, eval₂_C, eval₂_pow, eval₂_X, ← algebra.smul_def], refine smul_mem _ _ (subset_span _), rw finset.mem_coe, refine finset.mem_image.2 ⟨_, _, rfl⟩, rw [finset.mem_range, nat.lt_succ_iff], refine le_of_not_lt (λ hk, _), rw [degree_le_iff_coeff_zero] at this, rw [finsupp.mem_support_iff] at hkq, apply hkq, apply this, exact lt_of_le_of_lt degree_le_nat_degree (with_bot.coe_lt_coe.2 hk) end theorem fg_adjoin_of_finite {s : set A} (hfs : s.finite) (his : ∀ x ∈ s, is_integral R x) : (algebra.adjoin R s : submodule R A).fg := set.finite.induction_on hfs (λ _, ⟨finset.singleton 1, le_antisymm (span_le.2 $ set.singleton_subset_iff.2 $ is_submonoid.one_mem _) (show ring.closure _ ⊆ _, by rw set.union_empty; exact set.subset.trans (ring.closure_subset (set.subset.refl _)) (λ y ⟨x, hx⟩, hx ▸ mul_one (algebra_map A x) ▸ algebra.smul_def x (1:A) ▸ (mem_coe _).2 (submodule.smul_mem _ x $ subset_span $ or.inl rfl)))⟩) (λ a s has hs ih his, by rw [← set.union_singleton, algebra.adjoin_union_coe_submodule]; exact fg_mul _ _ (ih $ λ i hi, his i $ set.mem_insert_of_mem a hi) (fg_adjoin_singleton_of_integral _ $ his a $ set.mem_insert a s)) his theorem is_integral_of_noetherian' (H : is_noetherian R A) (x : A) : is_integral R x := begin let leval : @linear_map R (polynomial R) A _ _ _ _ _ := (aeval R A x).to_linear_map, let D : ℕ → submodule R A := λ n, (degree_le R n).map leval, let M := well_founded.min (is_noetherian_iff_well_founded.1 H) (set.range D) ⟨_, ⟨0, rfl⟩⟩, have HM : M ∈ set.range D := well_founded.min_mem _ _ _, cases HM with N HN, have HM : ¬M < D (N+1) := well_founded.not_lt_min (is_noetherian_iff_well_founded.1 H) (set.range D) _ ⟨N+1, rfl⟩, rw ← HN at HM, have HN2 : D (N+1) ≤ D N := classical.by_contradiction (λ H, HM (lt_of_le_not_le (map_mono (degree_le_mono (with_bot.coe_le_coe.2 (nat.le_succ N)))) H)), have HN3 : leval (X^(N+1)) ∈ D N, { exact HN2 (mem_map_of_mem (mem_degree_le.2 (degree_X_pow_le _))) }, rcases HN3 with ⟨p, hdp, hpe⟩, refine ⟨X^(N+1) - p, monic_X_pow_sub (mem_degree_le.1 hdp), _⟩, show leval (X ^ (N + 1) - p) = 0, rw [linear_map.map_sub, hpe, sub_self] end theorem is_integral_of_noetherian (S : subalgebra R A) (H : is_noetherian R (S : submodule R A)) (x : A) (hx : x ∈ S) : is_integral R x := begin letI : algebra R S := S.algebra, letI : comm_ring S := S.comm_ring R A, suffices : is_integral R (⟨x, hx⟩ : S), { rcases this with ⟨p, hpm, hpx⟩, replace hpx := congr_arg subtype.val hpx, refine ⟨p, hpm, eq.trans _ hpx⟩, simp only [aeval_def, eval₂, finsupp.sum], rw ← subtype.val, { refine finset.sum_congr rfl (λ n hn, _), change _ = _ * _, rw is_semiring_hom.map_pow subtype.val, refl, split; intros; refl }, refine { map_add := _, map_zero := _ }; intros; refl }, refine is_integral_of_noetherian' H ⟨x, hx⟩ end set_option class.instance_max_depth 100 theorem is_integral_of_mem_of_fg (S : subalgebra R A) (HS : (S : submodule R A).fg) (x : A) (hx : x ∈ S) : is_integral R x := begin cases HS with y hy, obtain ⟨lx, hlx1, hlx2⟩ : ∃ (l : A →₀ R) (H : l ∈ finsupp.supported R R ↑y), ( A A R id) l = x, { rwa [←(@finsupp.mem_span_iff_total A A R _ _ _ id ↑y x), set.image_id ↑y, hy] }, have : ∀ (jk : (↑(y.product y) : set (A × A))), jk.1.1 * jk.1.2 ∈ (span R ↑y : submodule R A), { intros jk, let j : ↥(↑y : set A) := ⟨jk.1.1, (finset.mem_product.1 jk.2).1⟩, let k : ↥(↑y : set A) := ⟨jk.1.2, (finset.mem_product.1 jk.2).2⟩, have hj : j.1 ∈ (span R ↑y : submodule R A) := subset_span j.2, have hk : k.1 ∈ (span R ↑y : submodule R A) := subset_span k.2, revert hj hk, rw hy, exact @is_submonoid.mul_mem A _ S _ j.1 k.1 }, rw ← set.image_id ↑y at this, simp only [finsupp.mem_span_iff_total] at this, choose ly hly1 hly2, let S₀' : finset R := lx.frange ∪ finset.bind finset.univ (finsupp.frange ∘ ly), let S₀ : set R := ring.closure ↑S₀', refine is_integral_of_subring (ring.closure ↑S₀') _, letI : algebra S₀ (algebra.comap S₀ R A) := algebra.comap.algebra _ _ _, letI hmod : module S₀ (algebra.comap S₀ R A) := algebra.to_module, have : (span S₀ (insert 1 (↑y:set A) : set (algebra.comap S₀ R A)) : submodule S₀ (algebra.comap S₀ R A)) = (algebra.adjoin S₀ ((↑y : set A) : set (algebra.comap S₀ R A)) : subalgebra S₀ (algebra.comap S₀ R A)), { apply le_antisymm, { rw [span_le, set.insert_subset, mem_coe], split, change _ ∈ ring.closure _, exact is_submonoid.one_mem _, exact algebra.subset_adjoin }, rw [algebra.adjoin_eq_span, span_le], intros r hr, refine monoid.in_closure.rec_on hr _ _ _, { intros r hr, exact subset_span (set.mem_insert_of_mem _ hr) }, { exact subset_span (set.mem_insert _ _) }, intros r1 r2 hr1 hr2 ih1 ih2, rw ← set.image_id (insert _ ↑y) at ih1 ih2, simp only [mem_coe, finsupp.mem_span_iff_total] at ih1 ih2, have ih1' := ih1, have ih2' := ih2, rcases ih1' with ⟨l1, hl1, rfl⟩, rcases ih2' with ⟨l2, hl2, rfl⟩, simp only [finsupp.total_apply, finsupp.sum_mul, finsupp.mul_sum, mem_coe], rw [finsupp.sum], refine sum_mem _ _, intros r2 hr2, rw [finsupp.sum], refine sum_mem _ _, intros r1 hr1, rw [algebra.mul_smul_comm, algebra.smul_mul_assoc], letI : module ↥S₀ A := hmod, refine smul_mem _ _ (smul_mem _ _ _), rcases hl1 hr1 with rfl | hr1, { change 1 * r2 ∈ _, rw one_mul r2, exact subset_span (hl2 hr2) }, rcases hl2 hr2 with rfl | hr2, { change r1 * 1 ∈ _, rw mul_one, exact subset_span (set.mem_insert_of_mem _ hr1) }, let jk : ↥(↑(finset.product y y) : set (A × A)) := ⟨(r1, r2), finset.mem_product.2 ⟨hr1, hr2⟩⟩, specialize hly2 jk, change _ = r1 * r2 at hly2, rw [id, id, ← hly2, finsupp.total_apply], rw [finsupp.sum], refine sum_mem _ _, intros z hz, have : ly jk z ∈ S₀, { apply ring.subset_closure, apply finset.mem_union_right, apply finset.mem_bind.2, exact ⟨jk, finset.mem_univ _, by convert finset.mem_image_of_mem _ hz⟩ }, change @has_scalar.smul S₀ (algebra.comap S₀ R A) hmod.to_has_scalar ⟨ly jk z, this⟩ z ∈ _, exact smul_mem _ _ (subset_span (set.mem_insert_of_mem _ (hly1 _ hz))) }, haveI : is_noetherian_ring ↥S₀ := by { convert is_noetherian_ring_closure _ (finset.finite_to_set _), apply_instance }, apply is_integral_of_noetherian (algebra.adjoin S₀ ((↑y : set A) : set (algebra.comap S₀ R A)) : subalgebra S₀ (algebra.comap S₀ R A)) (is_noetherian_of_fg_of_noetherian _ ⟨insert 1 y, by rw finset.coe_insert; convert this⟩), show x ∈ ((algebra.adjoin S₀ ((↑y : set A) : set (algebra.comap S₀ R A)) : subalgebra S₀ (algebra.comap S₀ R A)) : submodule S₀ (algebra.comap S₀ R A)), rw [← hlx2, finsupp.total_apply, finsupp.sum], refine sum_mem _ _, intros r hr, rw ← this, have : lx r ∈ ring.closure ↑S₀' := ring.subset_closure (finset.mem_union_left _ (by convert finset.mem_image_of_mem _ hr)), change @has_scalar.smul S₀ (algebra.comap S₀ R A) hmod.to_has_scalar ⟨lx r, this⟩ r ∈ _, rw finsupp.mem_supported at hlx1, exact smul_mem _ _ (subset_span (set.mem_insert_of_mem _ (hlx1 hr))), end theorem is_integral_of_mem_closure {x y z : A} (hx : is_integral R x) (hy : is_integral R y) (hz : z ∈ ring.closure ({x, y} : set A)) : is_integral R z := begin have := fg_mul _ _ (fg_adjoin_singleton_of_integral x hx) (fg_adjoin_singleton_of_integral y hy), rw [← algebra.adjoin_union_coe_submodule, set.union_singleton, insert] at this, exact is_integral_of_mem_of_fg (algebra.adjoin R {x, y}) this z (ring.closure_mono (set.subset_union_right _ _) hz) end theorem is_integral_zero : is_integral R (0:A) := algebra.map_zero R A ▸ is_integral_algebra_map theorem is_integral_one : is_integral R (1:A) := algebra.map_one R A ▸ is_integral_algebra_map theorem is_integral_add {x y : A} (hx : is_integral R x) (hy : is_integral R y) : is_integral R (x + y) := is_integral_of_mem_closure hx hy (is_add_submonoid.add_mem (ring.subset_closure (or.inr (or.inl rfl))) (ring.subset_closure (or.inl rfl))) theorem is_integral_neg {x : A} (hx : is_integral R x) : is_integral R (-x) := is_integral_of_mem_closure hx hx (is_add_subgroup.neg_mem (ring.subset_closure (or.inl rfl))) theorem is_integral_sub {x y : A} (hx : is_integral R x) (hy : is_integral R y) : is_integral R (x - y) := is_integral_add hx (is_integral_neg hy) theorem is_integral_mul {x y : A} (hx : is_integral R x) (hy : is_integral R y) : is_integral R (x * y) := is_integral_of_mem_closure hx hy (is_submonoid.mul_mem (ring.subset_closure (or.inr (or.inl rfl))) (ring.subset_closure (or.inl rfl))) variables (R A) def integral_closure : subalgebra R A := { carrier := { r | is_integral R r }, subring := { zero_mem := is_integral_zero, one_mem := is_integral_one, add_mem := λ _ _, is_integral_add, neg_mem := λ _, is_integral_neg, mul_mem := λ _ _, is_integral_mul }, range_le' := λ y ⟨x, hx⟩, hx ▸ is_integral_algebra_map } theorem mem_integral_closure_iff_mem_fg {r : A} : r ∈ integral_closure R A ↔ ∃ M : subalgebra R A, (M : submodule R A).fg ∧ r ∈ M := ⟨λ hr, ⟨algebra.adjoin R {r}, fg_adjoin_singleton_of_integral _ hr, algebra.subset_adjoin (or.inl rfl)⟩, λ ⟨M, Hf, hrM⟩, is_integral_of_mem_of_fg M Hf _ hrM⟩ theorem integral_closure_idem : integral_closure (integral_closure R A : set A) A = ⊥ := begin rw lattice.eq_bot_iff, intros r hr, rcases is_integral_iff_is_integral_closure_finite.1 hr with ⟨s, hfs, hr⟩, apply algebra.mem_bot.2, refine ⟨⟨_, _⟩, rfl⟩, refine (mem_integral_closure_iff_mem_fg _ _).2 ⟨algebra.adjoin _ (subtype.val '' s ∪ {r}), algebra.fg_trans (fg_adjoin_of_finite (set.finite_image _ hfs) (λ y ⟨x, hx, hxy⟩, hxy ▸ x.2)) _, algebra.subset_adjoin (or.inr (or.inl rfl))⟩, refine fg_adjoin_singleton_of_integral _ _, rcases hr with ⟨p, hmp, hpx⟩, refine ⟨to_subring (of_subring _ (of_subring _ p)) _ _, _, hpx⟩, { intros x hx, rcases finsupp.mem_frange.1 hx with ⟨h1, n, rfl⟩, change (coeff p n).1.1 ∈ ring.closure _, rcases ring.exists_list_of_mem_closure (coeff p n).2 with ⟨L, HL1, HL2⟩, rw ← HL2, clear HL2 hfs h1 hx n hmp hpx hr r p, induction L with hd tl ih, { exact is_add_submonoid.zero_mem _ }, rw list.forall_mem_cons at HL1, rw [list.map_cons, list.sum_cons], refine is_add_submonoid.add_mem _ (ih HL1.2), cases HL1 with HL HL', clear HL' ih tl, induction hd with hd tl ih, { exact is_submonoid.one_mem _ }, rw list.forall_mem_cons at HL, rw list.prod_cons, refine is_submonoid.mul_mem _ (ih HL.2), rcases HL.1 with hs | rfl, { exact algebra.subset_adjoin (set.mem_image_of_mem _ hs) }, exact is_add_subgroup.neg_mem (is_submonoid.one_mem _) }, replace hmp := congr_arg subtype.val hmp, replace hmp := congr_arg subtype.val hmp, exact subtype.eq hmp end end section algebra open algebra variables {R : Type*} {A : Type*} {B : Type*} variables [comm_ring R] [comm_ring A] [comm_ring B] variables [algebra R A] [algebra A B] set_option class.instance_max_depth 50 lemma is_integral_trans_aux (x : B) {p : polynomial A} (pmonic : monic p) (hp : aeval A B x p = 0) (S : set (comap R A B)) (hS : S = (↑((finset.range (p.nat_degree + 1)).image (λ i, to_comap R A B (p.coeff i))) : set (comap R A B))) : is_integral (adjoin R S) (comap.to_comap R A B x) := begin have coeffs_mem : ∀ i, coeff (map (to_comap R A B) p) i ∈ adjoin R S, { intro i, by_cases hi : i ∈ finset.range (p.nat_degree + 1), { apply algebra.subset_adjoin, subst S, rw [finset.mem_coe, finset.mem_image, coeff_map], exact ⟨i, hi, rfl⟩ }, { rw [finset.mem_range, not_lt] at hi, rw [coeff_map, coeff_eq_zero_of_nat_degree_lt hi, alg_hom.map_zero], exact submodule.zero_mem (adjoin R S : submodule R (comap R A B)) } }, obtain ⟨q, hq⟩ : ∃ q : polynomial (adjoin R S), (algebra_map (comap R A B)) = ( $ to_comap R A B), { rw [← set.mem_range], dsimp only, apply (polynomial.mem_map_range _).2, { intros i, specialize coeffs_mem i, rw ← subalgebra.mem_coe at coeffs_mem, convert coeffs_mem, exact subtype.val_range }, { apply is_ring_hom.is_semiring_hom } }, use q, split, { suffices h : ( (algebra_map (comap R A B))).monic, { refine @monic_of_injective _ _ _ _ _ (by exact is_ring_hom.is_semiring_hom _) _ _ h, exact subtype.val_injective }, { rw hq, exact monic_map _ pmonic } }, { convert hp using 1, replace hq := congr_arg (eval (comap.to_comap R A B x)) hq, convert hq using 1; symmetry, swap, exact eval_map _ _, refine @eval_map _ _ _ _ _ _ (by exact is_ring_hom.is_semiring_hom _) _ }, end /-- If A is an R-algebra all of whose elements are integral over R, and x is an element of an A-algebra that is integral over A, then x is integral over R.-/ lemma is_integral_trans (A_int : ∀ x : A, is_integral R x) (x : B) (hx : is_integral A x) : is_integral R (comap.to_comap R A B x) := begin rcases hx with ⟨p, pmonic, hp⟩, let S : set (comap R A B) := (↑((finset.range (p.nat_degree + 1)).image (λ i, to_comap R A B (p.coeff i))) : set (comap R A B)), refine is_integral_of_mem_of_fg (adjoin R (S ∪ {comap.to_comap R A B x})) _ _ _, swap, { apply subset_adjoin, simp }, apply fg_trans, { apply fg_adjoin_of_finite, { apply finset.finite_to_set }, intros x hx, rw [finset.mem_coe, finset.mem_image] at hx, rcases hx with ⟨i, hi, rfl⟩, rcases A_int (p.coeff i) with ⟨q, hq, hqx⟩, use [q, hq], replace hqx := congr_arg (to_comap R A B : A → (comap R A B)) hqx, rw alg_hom.map_zero at hqx, convert hqx using 1, symmetry, exact polynomial.hom_eval₂ _ _ _ _ }, { apply fg_adjoin_singleton_of_integral, exact is_integral_trans_aux _ pmonic hp _ rfl } end /-- If A is an R-algebra all of whose elements are integral over R, and B is an A-algebra all of whose elements are integral over A, then all elements of B are integral over R.-/ lemma algebra.is_integral_trans (A_int : ∀ x : A, is_integral R x)(B_int : ∀ x:B, is_integral A x) : ∀ x:(comap R A B), is_integral R x := λ x, is_integral_trans A_int x (B_int x) end algebra