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Try doing some basic maths questions in the Lean Theorem Prover. Functions, real numbers, equivalence relations and groups. Click on and then on "Open in CoCalc with one click".
Project: Xena
Views: 18536License: APACHE
/- Copyright (c) 2017 Mario Carneiro. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Mario Carneiro -/ import data.buffer.parser meta.expr /-! # The `alias` command This file defines an `alias` command, which can be used to create copies of a theorem or definition with different names. Syntax: ``` / -- doc string - / alias my_theorem ← alias1 alias2 ... ``` This produces defs or theorems of the form: ``` / -- doc string - / @[alias] theorem alias1 : <type of my_theorem> := my_theorem / -- doc string - / @[alias] theorem alias2 : <type of my_theorem> := my_theorem ``` Iff alias syntax: ``` alias A_iff_B ↔ B_of_A A_of_B alias A_iff_B ↔ .. ``` This gets an existing biconditional theorem `A_iff_B` and produces the one-way implications `B_of_A` and `A_of_B` (with no change in implicit arguments). A blank `_` can be used to avoid generating one direction. The `..` notation attempts to generate the 'of'-names automatically when the input theorem has the form `A_iff_B` or `A_iff_B_left` etc. -/ open lean.parser tactic interactive parser namespace tactic.alias @[user_attribute] meta def alias_attr : user_attribute := { name := `alias, descr := "This definition is an alias of another." } meta def alias_direct (d : declaration) (doc : string) (al : name) : tactic unit := do updateex_env $ λ env, env.add (match d.to_definition with | declaration.defn n ls t _ _ _ := declaration.defn al ls t (expr.const n (level.param <$> ls)) reducibility_hints.abbrev tt | declaration.thm n ls t _ := declaration.thm al ls t $ task.pure $ expr.const n (level.param <$> ls) | _ := undefined end), alias_attr.set al () tt, add_doc_string al doc meta def mk_iff_mp_app (iffmp : name) : expr → (nat → expr) → tactic expr | (expr.pi n bi e t) f := expr.lam n bi e <$> mk_iff_mp_app t (λ n, f (n+1) (expr.var n)) | `(%%a ↔ %%b) f := pure $ @expr.const tt iffmp [] a b (f 0) | _ f := fail "Target theorem must have the form `Π x y z, a ↔ b`" meta def alias_iff (d : declaration) (doc : string) (al : name) (iffmp : name) : tactic unit := (if al = `_ then skip else get_decl al >> skip) <|> do let ls := d.univ_params, let t := d.type, v ← mk_iff_mp_app iffmp t (λ_, expr.const d.to_name (level.param <$> ls)), t' ← infer_type v, updateex_env $ λ env, env.add (declaration.thm al ls t' $ task.pure v), alias_attr.set al () tt, add_doc_string al doc meta def make_left_right : name → tactic (name × name) | (name.mk_string s p) := do let buf : char_buffer := s.to_char_buffer, sum.inr parts ← pure $ run (sep_by1 (ch '_') (many_char (sat (≠ '_')))) s.to_char_buffer, (left, _::right) ← pure $ parts.span (≠ "iff"), let pfx (a b : string) := a.to_list.is_prefix_of b.to_list, (suffix', right') ← pure $ right.reverse.span (λ s, pfx "left" s ∨ pfx "right" s), let right := right'.reverse, let suffix := suffix'.reverse, pure (p <.> "_".intercalate (right ++ "of" :: left ++ suffix), p <.> "_".intercalate (left ++ "of" :: right ++ suffix)) | _ := failed @[user_command] meta def alias_cmd (meta_info : decl_meta_info) (_ : parse $ tk "alias") : lean.parser unit := do old ← ident, d ← (do old ← resolve_constant old, get_decl old) <|> fail ("declaration " ++ to_string old ++ " not found"), let doc := λ al : name, meta_info.doc_string.get_or_else $ "**Alias** of `" ++ to_string old ++ "`.", do { tk "←" <|> tk "<-", aliases ← many ident, ↑(aliases.mmap' $ λ al, alias_direct d (doc al) al) } <|> do { tk "↔" <|> tk "<->", (left, right) ← mcond ((tk "." *> tk "." >> pure tt) <|> pure ff) (make_left_right old <|> fail "invalid name for automatic name generation") ( <$> types.ident_ <*> types.ident_), alias_iff d (doc left) left `, alias_iff d (doc right) right `iff.mpr } meta def get_lambda_body : expr → expr | (expr.lam _ _ _ b) := get_lambda_body b | a := a meta def get_alias_target (n : name) : tactic (option name) := do attr ← try_core (has_attribute `alias n), option.cases_on attr (pure none) $ λ_, do d ← get_decl n, let (head, args) := (get_lambda_body d.value).get_app_fn_args, let head := if head.is_constant_of ` ∨ head.is_constant_of `iff.mpr then expr.get_app_fn (head.ith_arg 2) else head, guardb $ head.is_constant, pure $ head.const_name end tactic.alias