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Project: Xena
Views: 18536License: APACHE
/- Copyright (c) 2020 Gabriel Ebner. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. -/ import logic.basic /-! # Derive handler for `inhabited` instances This file introduces a derive handle to automatically generate `inhabited` instances for structures and inductives. We also add various `inhabited` instances for types in the core library. -/ namespace tactic /-- Tries to derive an `inhabited` instance for inductives and structures. For example: ``` @[derive inhabited] structure foo := (a : ℕ := 42) (b : list ℕ) ``` Here, `@[derive inhabited]` adds the instance `foo.inhabited`, which is defined as `⟨⟨42, default (list ℕ)⟩⟩`. For inductives, the default value is the first constructor. If the structure/inductive has a type parameter `α`, then the generated instance will have an argument `inhabited α`, even if it is not used. (This is due to the implementation using `instance_derive_handler`.) -/ @[derive_handler] meta def inhabited_instance : derive_handler := instance_derive_handler ``inhabited $ do applyc ``, `[refine {..}] <|> (constructor >> skip), all_goals $ do applyc ``default <|> (do s ← read, fail $ to_fmt "could not find inhabited instance for:\n" ++ to_fmt s) end tactic attribute [derive inhabited] vm_decl_kind vm_obj_kind tactic.new_goals tactic.transparency tactic.apply_cfg smt_pre_config ematch_config cc_config smt_config rsimp.config tactic.dunfold_config tactic.dsimp_config tactic.unfold_proj_config tactic.simp_intros_config tactic.delta_config tactic.simp_config tactic.rewrite_cfg interactive.loc tactic.unfold_config param_info subsingleton_info fun_info format.color pos environment.projection_info reducibility_hints congr_arg_kind ulift plift string_imp string.iterator_imp rbnode.color ordering unification_constraint pprod unification_hint instance {α} : inhabited (bin_tree α) := ⟨bin_tree.empty⟩ instance : inhabited unsigned := ⟨0⟩ instance : inhabited string.iterator := string.iterator_imp.inhabited instance {α} : inhabited (rbnode α) := ⟨rbnode.leaf⟩ instance {α lt} : inhabited (rbtree α lt) := ⟨mk_rbtree _ _⟩ instance {α β lt} : inhabited (rbmap α β lt) := ⟨mk_rbmap _ _ _⟩