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Try doing some basic maths questions in the Lean Theorem Prover. Functions, real numbers, equivalence relations and groups. Click on and then on "Open in CoCalc with one click".
Project: Xena
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/- Copyright (c) 2018 Simon Hudon. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Simon Hudon -/ import tactic.rcases data.list.defs data.sum universes u₁ u₂ open interactive interactive.types open lean.parser nat tactic /-- `derive_struct_ext_lemma n` generates two extensionality lemmas based on the equality of all non-propositional projections. On the following: ``` @[ext] structure foo (α : Type*) := (x y : ℕ) (z : {z // z < x}) (k : α) (h : x < y) ``` `derive_struct_lemma` generates: ``` lemma foo.ext : ∀ {α : Type u_1} (x y : foo α), x.x = y.x → x.y = y.y → x.z == y.z → x.k = y.k → x = y lemma foo.ext_iff : ∀ {α : Type u_1} (x y : foo α), x = y ↔ x.x = y.x ∧ x.y = y.y ∧ x.z == y.z ∧ x.k = y.k ``` -/ meta def derive_struct_ext_lemma (n : name) : tactic name := do e ← get_env, fs ← e.structure_fields n, d ← get_decl n, n ← resolve_constant n, let r := @expr.const tt n $ level.param, (args,_) ← infer_type r >>= mk_local_pis, let args := expr.to_implicit_local_const, let t := r.mk_app args, x ← mk_local_def `x t, y ← mk_local_def `y t, let args_x := args ++ [x], let args_y := args ++ [y], bs ← fs.mmap $ λ f, do { d ← get_decl (n ++ f), let a := @expr.const tt (n ++ f) $ level.param, t ← infer_type a, s ← infer_type t, if s ≠ `(Prop) then do let x := a.mk_app args_x, let y := a.mk_app args_y, t ← infer_type x, t' ← infer_type y, some <$> if t = t' then mk_app `eq [x,y] >>= mk_local_def `h else mk_mapp `heq [none,x,none,y] >>= mk_local_def `h else pure none }, let bs := bs.filter_map id, eq_t ← mk_app `eq [x,y], t ← pis (args ++ [x,y] ++ bs) eq_t, pr ← run_async $ do { (_,pr) ← solve_aux t (do { args ← intron args.length, x ← intro1, y ← intro1, cases x, cases y, bs.mmap' (λ _, do e ← intro1, cases e), reflexivity }), instantiate_mvars pr }, let decl_n := n <.> "ext", add_decl (declaration.thm decl_n d.univ_params t pr), bs ← bs.mmap infer_type, let rhs := expr.mk_and_lst bs, iff_t ← mk_app `iff [eq_t,rhs], t ← pis (args ++ [x,y]) iff_t, pr ← run_async $ do { (_,pr) ← solve_aux t $ do { args ← intron args.length, x ← intro1, y ← intro1, cases x, cases y, split, solve1 $ do { h ← intro1, hs ← injection h, subst_vars, repeat (refine ``( and.intro _ _ ) >> reflexivity ), done <|> reflexivity }, solve1 $ do { repeat (do refine ``(and_imp.mpr _), h ← intro1, cases h, skip ), h ← intro1, cases h, reflexivity } }, instantiate_mvars pr }, add_decl (declaration.thm (n <.> "ext_iff") d.univ_params t pr), pure decl_n meta def get_ext_subject : expr → tactic name | (expr.pi n bi d b) := do v ← mk_local' n bi d, b' ← whnf $ b.instantiate_var v, get_ext_subject b' | ( _ e) := do t ← infer_type e >>= instantiate_mvars >>= head_beta, if t.get_app_fn.is_constant then pure $ t.get_app_fn.const_name else if t.is_pi then pure $ name.mk_numeral 0 name.anonymous else if t.is_sort then pure $ name.mk_numeral 1 name.anonymous else do t ← pp t, fail format!"only constants and Pi types are supported: {t}" | e := fail format!"Only expressions of the form `_ → _ → ... → R ... e are supported: {e}" open native @[reducible] def ext_param_type := option name ⊕ option name meta def opt_minus : lean.parser (option name → ext_param_type) := sum.inl <$ tk "-" <|> pure sum.inr meta def ext_param := opt_minus <*> ( name.mk_numeral 0 name.anonymous <$ brackets "(" ")" (tk "→" <|> tk "->") <|> none <$ tk "*" <|> some <$> ident ) meta def saturate_fun : name → tactic expr | (name.mk_numeral 0 name.anonymous) := do v₀ ← mk_mvar, v₁ ← mk_mvar, return $ v₀.imp v₁ | (name.mk_numeral 1 name.anonymous) := do u ← mk_meta_univ, pure $ expr.sort u | n := do e ← resolve_constant n >>= mk_const, a ← get_arity e, e.mk_app <$> (list.iota a).mmap (λ _, mk_mvar) meta def equiv_type_constr (n n' : name) : tactic unit := do e ← saturate_fun n, e' ← saturate_fun n', unify e e' <|> fail format!"{n} and {n'} are not definitionally equal types" /-- Tag lemmas of the form: ``` @[ext] lemma my_collection.ext (a b : my_collection) (h : ∀ x, a.lookup x = b.lookup y) : a = b := ... ``` The attribute indexes extensionality lemma using the type of the objects (i.e. `my_collection`) which it gets from the statement of the lemma. In some cases, the same lemma can be used to state the extensionality of multiple types that are definitionally equivalent. ``` attribute [ext [(→),thunk,stream]] funext ``` Those parameters are cumulative. The following are equivalent: ``` attribute [ext [(→),thunk]] funext attribute [ext [stream]] funext ``` and ``` attribute [ext [(→),thunk,stream]] funext ``` One removes type names from the list for one lemma with: ``` attribute [ext [-stream,-thunk]] funext ``` Also, the following: ``` @[ext] lemma my_collection.ext (a b : my_collection) (h : ∀ x, a.lookup x = b.lookup y) : a = b := ... ``` is equivalent to ``` @[ext *] lemma my_collection.ext (a b : my_collection) (h : ∀ x, a.lookup x = b.lookup y) : a = b := ... ``` This allows us specify type synonyms along with the type that referred to in the lemma statement. ``` @[ext [*,my_type_synonym]] lemma my_collection.ext (a b : my_collection) (h : ∀ x, a.lookup x = b.lookup y) : a = b := ... ``` Attribute `ext` can be applied to a structure to generate its extensionality lemma: ``` @[ext] structure foo (α : Type*) := (x y : ℕ) (z : {z // z < x}) (k : α) (h : x < y) ``` will generate: ``` @[ext] lemma foo.ext : ∀ {α : Type u_1} (x y : foo α), x.x = y.x → x.y = y.y → x.z == y.z → x.k = y.k → x = y lemma foo.ext_iff : ∀ {α : Type u_1} (x y : foo α), x = y ↔ x.x = y.x ∧ x.y = y.y ∧ x.z == y.z ∧ x.k = y.k ``` -/ @[user_attribute] meta def extensional_attribute : user_attribute (name_map name) (bool × list ext_param_type × list name × list (name × name)) := { name := `ext, descr := "lemmas usable by `ext` tactic", cache_cfg := { mk_cache := λ ls, do { attrs ← ls.mmap $ λ l, do { ⟨_,_,ls,_⟩ ← extensional_attribute.get_param l, pure $ <$> ls <*> pure l }, pure $ rb_map.of_list $ attrs.join }, dependencies := [] }, parser := do { ls ← pure <$> ext_param <|> list_of ext_param <|> pure [], m ← extensional_attribute.get_cache, pure $ (ff,ls,[],m.to_list) }, after_set := some $ λ n _ b, do (ff,ls,_,ls') ← extensional_attribute.get_param n | pure (), e ← get_env, n ← if (e.structure_fields n).is_some then derive_struct_ext_lemma n else pure n, s ← mk_const n >>= infer_type >>= get_ext_subject, let (rs,ls'') := if ls.empty then ([],[s]) else ls.partition_map ( (flip option.get_or_else s) (flip option.get_or_else s)), ls''.mmap' (equiv_type_constr s), let l := ls'' ∪ (ls'.filter $ λ l, prod.snd l = n).map prod.fst \ rs, extensional_attribute.set n (tt,[],l,[]) b } attribute [ext] array.ext propext prod.ext attribute [ext [(→),thunk]] _root_.funext namespace ulift @[ext] lemma ext {α : Type u₁} (X Y : ulift.{u₂} α) (w : X.down = Y.down) : X = Y := begin cases X, cases Y, dsimp at w, rw w, end end ulift namespace plift @[ext] lemma ext {P : Prop} (a b : plift P) : a = b := begin cases a, cases b, refl end end plift namespace tactic meta def try_intros : ext_patt → tactic ext_patt | [] := try intros $> [] | (x::xs) := do tgt ← target >>= whnf, if tgt.is_pi then rintro [x] >> try_intros xs else pure (x :: xs) meta def ext1 (xs : ext_patt) (cfg : apply_cfg := {}) : tactic ext_patt := do subject ← target >>= get_ext_subject, m ← extensional_attribute.get_cache, do { rule ← m.find subject, applyc rule cfg } <|> do { ls ← attribute.get_instances `ext, ls.any_of (λ n, applyc n cfg) } <|> fail format!"no applicable extensionality rule found for {subject}", try_intros xs meta def ext : ext_patt → option ℕ → tactic unit | _ (some 0) := skip | xs n := focus1 $ do ys ← ext1 xs, try (ext ys (nat.pred <$> n)) local postfix `?`:9001 := optional local postfix *:9001 := many /-- `ext1 id` selects and apply one extensionality lemma (with attribute `ext`), using `id`, if provided, to name a local constant introduced by the lemma. If `id` is omitted, the local constant is named automatically, as per `intro`. -/ meta def interactive.ext1 (xs : parse ext_parse) : tactic unit := ext1 xs $> () /-- - `ext` applies as many extensionality lemmas as possible; - `ext ids`, with `ids` a list of identifiers, finds extentionality and applies them until it runs out of identifiers in `ids` to name the local constants. When trying to prove: ``` α β : Type, f g : α → set β ⊢ f = g ``` applying `ext x y` yields: ``` α β : Type, f g : α → set β, x : α, y : β ⊢ y ∈ f x ↔ y ∈ f x ``` by applying functional extensionality and set extensionality. A maximum depth can be provided with `ext x y z : 3`. -/ meta def interactive.ext : parse ext_parse → parse (tk ":" *> small_nat)? → tactic unit | [] (some n) := iterate_range 1 n (ext1 [] $> ()) | [] none := repeat1 (ext1 [] $> ()) | xs n := tactic.ext xs n end tactic