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Try doing some basic maths questions in the Lean Theorem Prover. Functions, real numbers, equivalence relations and groups. Click on and then on "Open in CoCalc with one click".
Project: Xena
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/- Copyright (c) 2018 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Scott Morrison Case bashing: * on `x ∈ A`, for `A : finset α` or `A : list α`, or * on `x : A`, with `[fintype A]`. -/ import data.fintype import tactic.norm_num namespace tactic open lean.parser open interactive interactive.types expr open conv.interactive /-- Checks that the expression looks like `x ∈ A` for `A : finset α`, `multiset α` or `A : list α`, and returns the type α. -/ meta def guard_mem_fin (e : expr) : tactic expr := do t ← infer_type e, α ← mk_mvar, to_expr ``(_ ∈ (_ : finset %%α)) tt ff >>= unify t <|> to_expr ``(_ ∈ (_ : multiset %%α)) tt ff >>= unify t <|> to_expr ``(_ ∈ (_ : list %%α)) tt ff >>= unify t, instantiate_mvars α meta def expr_list_to_list_expr : Π (e : expr), tactic (list expr) | `(list.cons %%h %%t) := list.cons h <$> expr_list_to_list_expr t | `([]) := return [] | _ := failed meta def fin_cases_at_aux : Π (with_list : list expr) (e : expr) (ty_numeric : bool), tactic unit | with_list e ty_numeric := (do result ← cases_core e, match result with -- We have a goal with an equation `s`, and a second goal with a smaller `e : x ∈ _`. | [(_, [s], _), (_, [e], _)] := do let sn := local_pp_name s, ng ← num_goals, -- tidy up the new value tactic.interactive.conv (some sn) none (to_rhs >> match with_list.nth 0 with | (some h) := conv.interactive.change (to_pexpr h) | _ := `[try { conv.interactive.simp ff [] [] }] >> when ty_numeric `[try { conv.interactive.norm_num [] }] end), s ← get_local sn, try `[subst %%s], ng' ← num_goals, when (ng = ng') (rotate_left 1), fin_cases_at_aux with_list.tail e ty_numeric -- No cases; we're done. | [] := skip | _ := failed end) meta def fin_cases_at : Π (with_list : option pexpr) (e : expr), tactic unit | with_list e := do ty ← try_core $ guard_mem_fin e, match ty with | none := -- Deal with `x : A`, where `[fintype A]` is available: (do ty ← infer_type e, i ← to_expr ``(fintype %%ty) >>= mk_instance <|> fail "Failed to find `fintype` instance.", t ← to_expr ``(%%e ∈ @fintype.elems %%ty %%i), v ← to_expr ``(@fintype.complete %%ty %%i %%e), h ← assertv `h t v, fin_cases_at with_list h) | (some ty) := -- Deal with `x ∈ A` hypotheses: (do with_list ← match with_list with | (some e) := do e ← to_expr ``(%%e : list %%ty), expr_list_to_list_expr e | none := return [] end, ty_numeric ← succeeds (unify ty `(ℕ) <|> unify ty `(ℤ) <|> unify ty `(ℚ)), fin_cases_at_aux with_list e ty_numeric) end namespace interactive private meta def hyp := tk "*" *> return none <|> some <$> ident local postfix `?`:9001 := optional /-- `fin_cases h` performs case analysis on a hypothesis of the form `h : A`, where `[fintype A]` is available, or `h ∈ A`, where `A : finset X`, `A : multiset X` or `A : list X`. `fin_cases *` performs case analysis on all suitable hypotheses. As an example, in ``` example (f : ℕ → Prop) (p : fin 3) (h0 : f 0) (h1 : f 1) (h2 : f 2) : f p.val := begin fin_cases *; simp, all_goals { assumption } end ``` after `fin_cases p; simp`, there are three goals, `f 0`, `f 1`, and `f 2`. -/ meta def fin_cases : parse hyp → parse (tk "with" *> texpr)? → tactic unit | none none := focus1 $ do ctx ← local_context, ctx.mfirst (fin_cases_at none) <|> fail "No hypothesis of the forms `x ∈ A`, where `A : finset X`, `A : list X`, or `A : multiset X`, or `x : A`, with `[fintype A]`." | none (some _) := fail "Specify a single hypothesis when using a `with` argument." | (some n) with_list := do h ← get_local n, focus1 $ fin_cases_at with_list h end interactive end tactic