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GitHub Repository: sagemanifolds/IntroToManifolds
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Kernel: SageMath 9.6

3. Function graph as a manifold

This notebook is part of the Introduction to manifolds in SageMath by Andrzej Chrzeszczyk (Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce, Poland).

'SageMath version 9.6, Release Date: 2022-05-15'

The graph Γ(f)={(x,f(x))Rm+n:xU},Γ(f)=\{(x, f(x))\in R^{m+n}: x ∈ U \},

for a smooth function f:URmf : U → R^{m} and an open subset URnU\subset R^n is a simple example of a smooth manifold having an atlas with a single chart

(Γ(f),φ),ϕ:(x,f(x))x,xU.(Γ( f ), φ ),\quad \phi: (x, f (x)) \to x,\quad x\in U.

One-dimensional function graph as a manifold

Since we don't use any predefined charts or transitions in this case, we can use general manifold (not the Euclidean space as previously).

Example 3.1

Here we use an open interval (0,2π)(0,2\pi):

J = manifolds.OpenInterval(0, 2*pi) # open interval J as manifold c.<t>=J.chart() # chart on J

First we plot U=(0,2π)U=(0,2\pi) as a subset of R2R^2 defined as x(t)=t,y(t)=0.x(t)=t,\quad y(t)=0.

R2 = Manifold(2, 'R^2') # manifold R^2 X.<x,y> = R2.chart() # chart on R^2 # F1: J -> R^2 : F1 = J.continuous_map(R2,{(c, X):[t,0]}, name='F1') # plot c p1=c.plot(X,mapping=F1,thickness=4,color='grey')[4,3]) # show plot
Image in a Jupyter notebook

And next the image of UU under sinus function as a subset of R2R^2.

# continuous map x=t,y=sin(t): F2 = J.continuous_map(R2, {(c, X): [t,sin(t)]}, name='F2') p=c.plot(X,mapping=F2,color='grey',thickness=2) # plot image of J[4,3]) # under F2
Image in a Jupyter notebook

Example 3.2

Below, we map the same open interval into R3R^3.

# continuation po1={'thickness':5,'color':'darkblue'} # param. po2={'fontsize':20,'color':'black'} ax =line3d([(0,0,0), (1+0.15,0,0)], **po1) # axes ax+=line3d([(0,0,0), (0,1+0.15,0)], **po1) ax+=line3d([(0,0,0), (0,0,6.28+0.15)], **po1) ax+=text3d("x",(1.25,0,0),**po2) ax+=text3d("y",(0,1.25,0),**po2) ax+=text3d("z",(0.,0.,6.9),**po2)
J=manifolds.OpenInterval(0,2*pi) # open interval as manifold c.<t>=J.chart() # chart on J R3 = Manifold(3, 'R^3') # manifold R^3 X.<x,y,z> = R3.chart() # chart on R^3 # F: J -> R^3: F=J.continuous_map(R3,{(c,X):[cos(3*t),sin(3*t),t]},name='F') p=c.plot(X,mapping=F,color='grey',thickness=3, plot_points=200,label_axes=False) # plot image of J (p+ax).show(aspect_ratio=[1,1,0.3],frame=False) # show plot

Two-dimensional function graph as a manifold

Example 3.3

Now let UU be an open rectangle (π,π)×(π,π)(-\pi,\pi)\times (-\pi,\pi) in R2R^2.

R2 = Manifold(2, 'R^2') # manifold R^2 c_xy.<x,y> = R2.chart() # chart on R^2 U = R2.open_subset('U', # open subset of R^2 coord_def={c_xy: [x>-pi,x<pi,y>-pi,y<pi]}) c_U.<x,y>=U.chart() # chart on U

First we plot the coordinate lines in the set (π,π)×(π,π)(-\pi,\pi)\times(-\pi,\pi).

p=c_U.plot(number_values={x:15,y:15},color='grey') # plot # coordinate lines on U
Image in a Jupyter notebook

The graph of the function f(x,y)=cos(x2+y2)f(x,y)=\cos(\sqrt{x^2+y^2}) as a subset of R3R^3:

R3 = Manifold(3, 'R^3') # manifold R^3 c_XYZ.<X,Y,Z> = R3.chart() # chart on R^3 F = U.continuous_map(R3, # F: U -> R^3 {(c_U, c_XYZ): [x,y,cos(sqrt(x^2+y^2))]}, name='F') # plot the image of coordinate lines in U: p1=c_U.plot(c_XYZ,mapping=F,number_values={x:15,y:15}, color='black',thickness=2,label_axes=False) s=plot3d(cos(sqrt(x^2+y^2)),(x,-pi,pi),(y,-pi,pi), color='lightgrey',opacity=0.7) # plot image of U (p1+s).rotateZ(-pi/6).show(frame=False,aspect_ratio=[1,1,1.8]) # show plot

Example 3.4

Now we show a similar example using polar coordinates. We need two charts in this example. If we don't use the Euclidean space, we need to define both Cartesian and polar coordinates and also the transition map

  x=rcosϕ,  y=rsinϕ.\ \ x=r\cos\phi,\ \ y=r\sin\phi.

First we plot the coordinate lines r,ϕr,\phi:

reset() R2 = Manifold(2, 'R^2') # manifold R^2 c_cart.<x,y> = R2.chart() # Cartesian coordinates # the complement of the segment y=0 and x>=0: U = R2.open_subset('U', coord_def={c_cart: (y!=0, x<0)}) c_pol.<r,ph> = U.chart(r'r:(0,+oo) ph:(0,2*pi):\phi') # polar coord. # transition map: pol_to_cart = c_pol.transition_map(c_cart, [r*cos(ph), r*sin(ph)]) # plot coordinate lines g = c_pol.plot(c_cart,number_values={r:20,ph:20},color='grey')[3,3]) # show plot
Image in a Jupyter notebook

And next the image of these lines as a subset of R3R^3:

# continuation R3 = Manifold(3, 'R^3') # manifold R^3 c_XYZ.<X,Y,Z> = R3.chart() # chart on R^3 F = U.continuous_map(R3, # F: U->R^3 {(c_pol, c_XYZ): [r*cos(ph),r*sin(ph),cos(r)]}, name='F') # plot images of coordinate lines in U: p=c_pol.plot(c_XYZ,mapping=F,number_values={r:20,ph:20}, color='black',thickness=1,label_axes=False) # plot image of U: s=parametric_plot3d([r*cos(ph),r*sin(ph),cos(r)], (ph,0,2*pi),(r,0,8.1),color='lightgrey',opacity=0.5) (p+s).show(aspect_ratio=[1,1,4],frame=False) # show plot

Three dimensional function graph as a manifold

Example 3.5

First we show the coordinate lines x,y,zx,y,z in the three dimensional rectangle:

M = Manifold(3, 'M') # manifold M c_xyz.<x,y,z> = M.chart() # coordinates x,y,z p1=c_xyz.plot(ranges={x:(0.1,1),y:(0.1,1),z:(0.1,1)}, number_values={x:4,y:4,z:4},thickness=2, color='grey',label_axes=False) # plot coordinate lines # show plot # adjust manually the figure after plot # (figsize does not work in 3d)

And next the image under the map F(x,y,z)=(x,y,(x2+y2)+z)F(x,y,z)=(x,y,(x^2+y^2)+z):

c_XYZ.<X,Y,Z> = M.chart() # new chart X,Y,Z # F: R^3 -> R^3 F=M.continuous_map(M,{(c_xyz,c_XYZ):[x,y,(x^2+y^2)+z]}, name='F') # plot images of coordinate lines: p=c_xyz.plot(c_XYZ,mapping=F, ranges={x:(0.1,1),y:(0.1,1),z:(0.1,4)}, number_values={x:4,y:4,z:4},color='grey', thickness=2,label_axes=False) (aspect_ratio=[1,1,0.3],frame=False) # show plot

Example 3.6

Finally let us show 3-dimensional example in spherical coordinates.

First we show some coordinate lines of the open set defined by: 0<r<1, 0<ϕ<π/2, 0<θ<π/2,0<r<1,\ 0<\phi<\pi/2,\ 0<\theta<\pi/2,

(the transition map   x=rsinθcosϕ, y=rsinθsinϕ,  z=rcosθ  \ \ x=r\sin\theta\cos\phi,\ y=r\sin\theta\sin\phi,\ \ z=r\cos\theta\ \ must be defined by the user).

M = Manifold(3, 'R^3') # manifold R^3 U = M.open_subset('U') # the domain of spherical coordinates c_spher.<r,th,ph>=U.chart(r'r:(0,+oo) th:(0,pi):\theta\ ph:(0,2*pi):periodic:\phi') # spherical coordinates c_cart.<x,y,z> = U.chart() # Cartesian coordinates spher_to_cart = c_spher.transition_map(c_cart, [r*sin(th)*cos(ph), r*sin(th)*sin(ph), r*cos(th)]) #
po1={'thickness':5,'color':'darkblue'} # param. po2={'fontsize':20,'color':'black'} ax =line3d([(0,0,0), (1+0.35,0,0)], **po1) # axes ax+=line3d([(0,0,0), (0,1+0.35,0)], **po1) ax+=line3d([(0,0,0), (0,0,1.3+0)], **po1) ax+=text3d("x",(1.45,0,0),**po2) ax+=text3d("y",(0,1.45,0),**po2) ax+=text3d("z",(0.,0.,1.40),**po2)
# plot the coordinate lines: pp=c_spher.plot(c_cart,ranges={r:(0,1),th:(0,pi/2),ph:(0,pi/2)}, number_values={r:2,th:10,ph:2},thickness=2, color={r:'red', ph:'green',th:'blue'},label_axes=False) (pp+ax).rotateZ(pi/9).show(frame=False) # show plot frame=False # adjust manually the figure after plot

And next the image of these lines under the mapping which triples the ϕ\phi coordinate.

# F1(r,th,ph)=(r,th,3ph) F1 = U.continuous_map(M, {(c_spher, c_spher): [r,th,3*ph]}, name='F1') # define F1 p1=c_spher.plot(c_cart,mapping=F1,ranges={r:(0,1),th:(0,pi/2), ph:(0,pi/2)},number_values={r:2,ph:2,th:10}, color={r:'red', ph:'green',th:'blue'}, thickness=2,label_axes=False) # plot image of coord. lines (p1+ax).rotateZ(3*pi/2+0.2).show(frame=False) # show plot

What's next?

Take a look at the notebook Spheres as manifolds.