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GitHub Repository: sagemanifolds/IntroToManifolds
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Kernel: SageMath 9.6

4. Spheres as manifolds

This notebook is part of the Introduction to manifolds in SageMath by Andrzej Chrzeszczyk (Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce, Poland).

'SageMath version 9.6, Release Date: 2022-05-15'

One dimensional sphere S1\mathbf{S}^1

Example 4.1

In manifolds.Sphere in the one-dimensional case   S1={(x,y)R2:x2+y2=1}  \ \ S^1=\{(x,y)\in R^2: x^2+y^2=1\}\ \ the default coordinates are the spherical (polar) ones.

%display latex S1=manifolds.Sphere(1) # 1-dimensional sphere Phi=S1.embedding() # embedding S^1 -> E^2 Phi.disp() # show embedding

ι:S1E2on A:ϕ(x,y)=(cos(ϕ),sin(ϕ))\displaystyle \begin{array}{llcl} \iota:& \mathbb{S}^{1} & \longrightarrow & \mathbb{E}^{2} \\ \mbox{on}\ A : & \phi & \longmapsto & \left(x, y\right) = \left(\cos\left(\phi\right), \sin\left(\phi\right)\right) \end{array}

The spherical coordinates are predefined in manifolds.Sphere but we want to have a shorter name.

sph.<phi>=S1.spherical_coordinates() # spherical coordinates sph.coord_range() # coordinate range

ϕ: [π,π](periodic)\displaystyle \phi :\ \left[ -\pi , \pi \right] \mbox{(periodic)}

On  [π,π] \ [-\pi,\pi]\ the map φ(cosφ,sinφ)\varphi \to (\cos\varphi, \sin\varphi) is not one-to one, so not homeomorphic.

To represent graphically the sphere S1S^1 we need the ambient space R2R^2 and the mapping S1R2S^1 \to R^2.

E=S1.ambient() # ambient space E^2 c_cart.<x,y> = E.cartesian_coordinates() # Cartesian coord in R^2 p=sph.plot(c_cart,mapping=Phi,number_values=15, thickness=1,color='grey') # plot S^1[3,2]) # show plot
Image in a Jupyter notebook

Restricting the coordinate to an open interval contained in [π,π][-\pi,\pi] we obtain a homeomorphic map (but the image is a proper subset of the sphere).

p=sph.plot(c_cart,mapping=Phi,ranges={phi:(-pi,pi/4)}, number_values={phi:50},color={phi:'grey'}) # plot subset of S^1[3,2]) # show plot
Image in a Jupyter notebook

Example 4.2

S1S^1 can be defined as a manifold with two-element atlas. Note that in this new example we do not use the manifolds.Sphere command!

# example from the Manifolds manual, sect 2.7.1 (p.546 in 9.5 version) M = Manifold(1, 'S^1') # manifold S^1 U = M.open_subset('U') # the complement of one point (1,0) c_u.<u> = U.chart('u:(0,2*pi)') # the standard angle coordinate V = M.open_subset('V') # the complement of the point (-1,0) c_v.<v> = V.chart('v:(0,2*pi)') # the angle u-pi M.declare_union(U,V) # S^1 is the union of U and V M.atlas() # atlas

[(U,(u)),(V,(v))]\displaystyle \left[\left(U,(u)\right), \left(V,(v)\right)\right]

On the intersection of W=UVW=U\cap V two "new" charts are defined, they are just restrictions of the "old" maps to WW.

u_to_v = c_u.transition_map(c_v, (u-pi,), # transition map u->v intersection_name='W', restrictions1 = u!=0, restrictions2 = v!=pi) v_to_u = u_to_v.inverse() # inverse transition M.atlas() # atlas

[(U,(u)),(V,(v)),(W,(u)),(W,(v))]\displaystyle \left[\left(U,(u)\right), \left(V,(v)\right), \left(W,(u)\right), \left(W,(v)\right)\right]

If we need to use W=UVW=U\cap V in calculations we can define it:

W = U.intersection(V) # intersection of print(W) # chart domains
Open subset W of the 1-dimensional differentiable manifold S^1

To make the plot in R2R^2 we need to define an ambient space and the embedding.

R2 = Manifold(2, 'R^2') # manifold R^2 X.<x,y> = R2.chart() # Cartesian coordinates # the embedding is not predefined this time, so it must be # defined: F = M.continuous_map(R2, {(c_u, X): [cos(u),sin(u)]}, name='F') p=c_u.plot(X,mapping=F,color='grey') # plot image of S^1,2)) # show plot
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Stereographic coordinates on S1\mathbf{S}^1

Example 4.3

In manifold.Sphere not only the Cartesian and polar but also the stereographic coordinates are predefined.

S1=manifolds.Sphere(1) # stereographic projection from the S1.stereographic_coordinates(pole='north',names='u') # North pole

(S1{NP},(u))\displaystyle \left(\mathbb{S}^{1}\setminus\{\mathrm{NP}\},(u)\right)

# stereographic projection from the S1.stereographic_coordinates(pole='south',names='u') # South pole

(S1{SP},(u))\displaystyle \left(\mathbb{S}^{1}\setminus\{\mathrm{SP}\},({u'})\right)

Stereographic projection of S1S^1 from the North pole N=(0,1)N = (0, 1)

var('t') # symb. variable p1=parametric_plot((cos(t),sin(t)),(t,0,2*pi),color='grey') # plot the circle p2=plot(1-x/2,(x,0,2)) # half line through (0,1) and (x,y) p3= text("(x,y)",(0.88,0.72)) # point (x,y) p4= text("(u,0)",(2.0,0.15)) # point (u,0) (p1+p2+p3+p4).show(figsize=[3,2]) # combine plots
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Consider the line which passes through the North pole (0,1)(0, 1), the point (x,y)(x, y) on the circle and intersects the axis Ox at the point (u,0)(u, 0). The function u=u(x,y)u = u(x, y) defines the stereographic projection. Three points: North pole, the point (x,y)(x, y) on the circle and the point (u,0)(u, 0) are on the same line. Since the right triangle with the hypotenuse joining (0,1), (x,y) and the right triangle with the hypotenuse joining (0,1),(u,0) are similar, we have ux=11y\frac{u}{x}=\frac{1}{1-y} and consequently u=x1yu=\frac{x}{1-y}. Solving the system of equations x2+y2=1,u=x1y, x^2+y^2=1,\quad u=\frac{x}{1-y}, with respect to (x,y)(x,y):

%display latex forget() # forget previous assumptions var('x, y, u') # symbolic variables assume(y>0) # assume y>0 s=solve([x^2+y^2==1,u==x/(1-y)],[x,y]);s # solve eq. above

[[x=2uu2+1,y=u21u2+1],[x=0,y=1]]\displaystyle \left[\left[x = \frac{2 \, u}{u^{2} + 1}, y = \frac{u^{2} - 1}{u^{2} + 1}\right], \left[x = 0, y = 1\right]\right]

we obtain the relations x=2uu2+1,y=u21u2+1,u=x1y. x=\frac{2u}{u^2+1},\quad y=\frac{u^2-1}{u^2+1}, \quad u=\frac{x}{1-y}.

Now consider the South pole case.

Stereographic projection of S1S^1 from the South pole S=(0,1)S = (0, -1)

var('t') # symbolic variable p1=parametric_plot((cos(t),sin(t)),(t,0,2*pi),color='grey') # plot the circle p2=plot(x/2-1,(x,0,2)) # halfline through (0,-1) and (x,y) p3= text("(x,y)",(0.88,-0.72)) # point (x,y) p4= text("(u',0)",(2.0,0.15)) # point (u',0) (p1+p2+p3+p4).show(figsize=[3,2]) # combine plots
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Since the right triangle with the hypotenuse joining (0,-1), (x,y) and the right triangle with the hypotenuse joining (0,-1),(u',0) are similar we have ux=11(y)\frac{u'}{x}=\frac{1}{1-(-y)} (yy is negative now) and consequently u=x1+yu'=\frac{x}{1+y}. Solving the system of equations x2+y2=1,u=x1+y, x^2+y^2=1,\quad u'=\frac{x}{1+y}, with respect to (x,y)(x,y):

forget() # forget previous assumptions var('x, y, up') # symbolic variables assume(y<0) # assume y<0 s=solve([x^2+y^2==1,up==x/(1+y)],[x,y]);s # solve eq. above

[[x=2uu2+1,y=u21u2+1],[x=0,y=(1)]]\displaystyle \left[\left[x = \frac{2 \, {u'}}{{u'}^{2} + 1}, y = -\frac{{u'}^{2} - 1}{{u'}^{2} + 1}\right], \left[x = 0, y = \left(-1\right)\right]\right]

we obtain the relations x=2uu2+1,y=1u2u2+1,u=x1+y. x=\frac{2u'}{u'^2+1},\quad y=\frac{1-u'^2}{u'^2+1}, \quad u'=\frac{x}{1+y}.

Example 4.4

As we mentioned, both the stereographic projections from North and South poles are predefined in manifolds.Sphere.

reset() S1=manifolds.Sphere(1) # S^1 from manifolds.Sphere # stereographic projection from the North pole: stereoN.<u> = S1.stereographic_coordinates(pole='north') # stereographic projection from the South pole: stereoS.<up> = S1.stereographic_coordinates(pole='south') Phi=S1.embedding() # embedding S^1 -> E^2 Phi.disp() # show embedding

ι:S1E2on A:ϕ(x,y)=(cos(ϕ),sin(ϕ))on S1{NP}:u(x,y)=(2uu2+1,u21u2+1)on S1{SP}:u(x,y)=(2uu2+1,u21u2+1)\displaystyle \begin{array}{llcl} \iota:& \mathbb{S}^{1} & \longrightarrow & \mathbb{E}^{2} \\ \mbox{on}\ A : & \phi & \longmapsto & \left(x, y\right) = \left(\cos\left(\phi\right), \sin\left(\phi\right)\right) \\ \mbox{on}\ \mathbb{S}^{1}\setminus\{\mathrm{NP}\} : & u & \longmapsto & \left(x, y\right) = \left(\frac{2 \, u}{u^{2} + 1}, \frac{u^{2} - 1}{u^{2} + 1}\right) \\ \mbox{on}\ \mathbb{S}^{1}\setminus\{\mathrm{SP}\} : & {u'} & \longmapsto & \left(x, y\right) = \left(\frac{2 \, {u'}}{{u'}^{2} + 1}, -\frac{{u'}^{2} - 1}{{u'}^{2} + 1}\right) \end{array}

Example 4.5

To show graphically how the projection from the North pole acts, let us extract an appropriate part of the definition from the previous cell.

# continuation E=S1.ambient() # ambient space E^2 c_cart.<x,y> = E.cartesian_coordinates() # Cartesian coord. fun=list(Phi.coord_functions(stereoN).expr()) # embedd. functions PhiN = S1.continuous_map(E,{(stereoN, c_cart): fun}, name='PhiN',latex_name=r'\Phi_N') # define embedding PhiN.display() # show embedding

ΦN:S1E2on S1{NP}:u(x,y)=(2uu2+1,u21u2+1)\displaystyle \begin{array}{llcl} \Phi_N:& \mathbb{S}^{1} & \longrightarrow & \mathbb{E}^{2} \\ \mbox{on}\ \mathbb{S}^{1}\setminus\{\mathrm{NP}\} : & u & \longmapsto & \left(x, y\right) = \left(\frac{2 \, u}{u^{2} + 1}, \frac{u^{2} - 1}{u^{2} + 1}\right) \end{array}

Let us plot the set of points (x,y)(x,y) corresponding to u(10,10)u\in (-10,10).

p=stereoN.plot(c_cart,mapping=PhiN,ranges={u:(-10,10)}, number_values={u:50},color={u:'grey'}, plot_points=500) # image of (-10,10) under PhiN[3,2]) # show the image
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Thus the points of the grey arc in the figure are projected onto the interval (-10,10).

Example 4.6

Now let us extract the definition of the projection from the South pole,

# continuation fun=list(Phi.coord_functions(stereoS).expr()) # embedd. functions PhiS = S1.continuous_map(E,{(stereoS, c_cart): fun}, name='PhiS',latex_name=r'\Phi_S') # define embedding PhiS.display() # show embedding

ΦS:S1E2on S1{SP}:u(x,y)=(2uu2+1,u21u2+1)\displaystyle \begin{array}{llcl} \Phi_S:& \mathbb{S}^{1} & \longrightarrow & \mathbb{E}^{2} \\ \mbox{on}\ \mathbb{S}^{1}\setminus\{\mathrm{SP}\} : & {u'} & \longmapsto & \left(x, y\right) = \left(\frac{2 \, {u'}}{{u'}^{2} + 1}, -\frac{{u'}^{2} - 1}{{u'}^{2} + 1}\right) \end{array}

and check which points of the circle are projected onto (-10,10):

# continuation p=stereoS.plot(c_cart,mapping=PhiS,ranges={up:(-10,10)}, number_values={up:50},color={up:'grey'}, # plot image of (-10,10) plot_points=500)[3,2]) # show image
Image in a Jupyter notebook

Transition map from u coordinate to u' coordinate

Using the relations  u=x1y,  u=x1+y\ u=\frac{x}{1-y},\ \ u'=\frac{x}{1+y} and y=u21u2+1, y=\frac{u^2-1}{u^2+1},\ we obtain u=x1+y=u(1y)1+y=1y1+yu.  u'=\frac{x}{1+y}=\frac{u(1-y)}{1+y}=\frac{1-y}{1+y}u.\ \ Replacing yy by u21u2+1  \frac{u^2-1}{u^2+1}\ \ we get  1y1+y=1u21u2+11+u21u2+1=u2+1u2+1u2+1+u21=22u2=1u2. \ \frac{1-y}{1+y}=\frac{1-\frac{u^2-1}{u^2+1}}{1+\frac{u^2-1}{u^2+1}}= \frac{u^2+1-u^2+1}{u^2+1+u^2-1}=\frac{2}{2u^2}=\frac{1}{u^2}.\ Accordingly u=1y1+yu=1u, u'=\frac{1-y}{1+y}u=\frac{1}{u},\ so the transition map from uu coordinate to uu' coordinate has the form  u=1u. \ u'=\frac{1}{u}.\ It is smooth if  u0,u0.\ u\not=0, u'\not=0.

Here is SageMath solution (eliminate x,y variables from equations of the first line in the previous computations):

%display latex var('x,y,u,up') maxima.eliminate([u==x/(1-y),up==x/(1+y), # eliminate var. x,y y==(u^2-1)/(u^2+1)],[x,y]).sage() # from eqs of projections

[2(uu1)u]\displaystyle \left[2 \, {\left(u {u'} - 1\right)} u\right]

The answer means that the bracket vanishes. Since u0u\not=0, the expression in the bracket vanishes if   u=1u\ \ u'=\frac{1}{u}.

Example 4.7

In SageMath Manifolds the transition from one coordinate system to the other can be defined as follows:

S1=manifolds.Sphere(1) # S^1 from manifolds.Sphere # stereographic projection from the North pole: stereoN.<u> = S1.stereographic_coordinates(pole='north') # stereographic projection from the South pole: stereoS.<up> = S1.stereographic_coordinates(pole='south') trans = stereoN.transition_map(stereoS, 1/u, # define transition intersection_name='W', # stereoN -> StereoS restrictions1= u!=0, # specify restrictions2 = up!=0) # restrictions trans.display() # show transition

u=1u\displaystyle \begin{array}{lcl} {u'} & = & \frac{1}{u} \end{array}

In some cases, the definition of the inverse transition can be left to the SageMath Manifolds.


u=1u\displaystyle \begin{array}{lcl} u & = & \frac{1}{{u'}} \end{array}

As we can see the transition map and its inverse are smooth.

Some transition maps are predefined in manifolds.Sphere.

Example 4.8

Let us check that the transitions from the previous example are predefined in manifolds.Sphere.

dim=1 # dim of the sphere Sph=manifolds.Sphere(dim) # sphere S^1 spher = Sph.spherical_coordinates() # spherical coord. stereoN, stereoS = Sph.coordinate_charts('stereographic', names=['u']) # sterogr. projections A=stereoN.domain() # domain of stereoN # intersection of domains of stereoN and stereo S: W = Sph._stereoN_dom.intersection(Sph._stereoS_dom) # transition from stereoN to stereoS: FNS=Sph.coord_change(stereoN.restrict(W),stereoS.restrict(W)) # transition from stereoS to stereoN: FSN=Sph.coord_change(stereoS.restrict(W),stereoN.restrict(W)) FNS.disp(),FSN.disp() # show transitions

(u=1u,u=1u)\displaystyle \left(\begin{array}{lcl} {u'} & = & \frac{1}{u} \end{array}, \begin{array}{lcl} {u'} & = & \frac{1}{u} \end{array}\right)

We can check that both transitions can be obtained as compositions of other transitions.

# continuation A = spher.domain() # domain of spher.coord # intersection of domains of stereoN and stereo S: W = Sph._stereoN_dom.intersection(Sph._stereoS_dom) V=W.intersection(A) # intersection of domains of # stereoN, stereoS and spher F1=Sph.coord_change(spher.restrict(V), stereoN.restrict(V)) # transition spher -> stereoN F2=Sph.coord_change( stereoN.restrict(V), spher.restrict(V)) # transition stereoN -> spher F3=Sph.coord_change(spher.restrict(V), stereoS.restrict(V)) # transition spher -> stereoS F4=Sph.coord_change( stereoS.restrict(V),spher.restrict(V)) # transition stereoS -> spher (F1*F4).disp(),(F3*F2).disp() # show compositions

(u=1u,u=1u)\displaystyle \left(\begin{array}{lcl} u & = & \frac{1}{{u'}} \end{array}, \begin{array}{lcl} {u'} & = & \frac{1}{u} \end{array}\right)

Example 4.9

Knowing the transition maps we are ready to define S1S^1 as a manifold with two maps.

Note that this time, our calculations are independent of manifolds.Sphere.

M = Manifold(1, 'S^1') # sphere S^1 U = M.open_subset('U') # complement of the North pole cU.<u> = U.chart() # sterogr. proj. from North pole V = M.open_subset('V') # complement of the South pole cV.<v> = V.chart() # sterogr. proj. from South pole M.declare_union(U,V) # M is the sum of U and V trans = cU.transition_map(cV, 1/u, intersection_name='W', restrictions1= u!=0, # transition cU -> cV restrictions2 = v!=0) trans_inv=trans.inverse() # inverse transition trans.disp(),trans_inv.disp() # show transitions

(v=1u,u=1v)\displaystyle \left(\begin{array}{lcl} v & = & \frac{1}{u} \end{array}, \begin{array}{lcl} u & = & \frac{1}{v} \end{array}\right)

Two dimensional sphere S2S^2

Spherical coordinates in S2\mathbf{S}^2

In manifolds.Sphere in two-dimensional case   S2={(x,y,z)R3:x2+y2+z2=1}  \ \ S^2=\{(x,y,z)\in R^3: x^2+y^2+z^2=1\}\ \ the default coordinates are the spherical ones.

var('u v t') # symb.var. po1={'thickness':5,'color':'darkblue'} # parameters po2={'fontsize':20,'color':'black'} po3={'size':7,'color':'black'} ax =line3d([(0,0,0), (1+0.15,0,0)], **po1) # axes ax+=line3d([(0,0,0), (0,1+0.15,0)], **po1) ax+=line3d([(0,0,0), (0,0,1+0.15)], **po1) ax+=text3d("x",(1.25,0,0),**po2) ax+=text3d("y",(0,1.25,0),**po2) ax+=text3d("z",(0.,0.,1.25),**po2)
# semisphere: s=parametric_plot3d((cos(u)*cos(v), sin(u)*cos(v), sin(v)), (u,0,2*pi), (v,0,pi/2),opacity=0.9,color='lightgrey') a=0.59 # triangle tr=line3d([(0,0,0),(a,a,0),(a,a,a),(0,0,0)],**po1) dots=point3d([(0.5*cos(t),0.5*sin(t),0) # dots for t in srange(0,pi/4,0.1)], **po3) dots+=point3d([(0.5*cos(t),0.5*cos(t),0.5*sin(t)) for t in srange(pi/4,pi/2,0.1)],**po3) t=text3d("(x,y,z)",(0.6,0.8,0.7),**po2) # variables t+=text3d("φ",(0.7,0.3,0.0),**po2) # names t+=text3d("θ",(0.,0.2,0.5),**po2) # combine plots: (ax+s+tr+dots+t).rotateZ(-pi/8).show(frame=False)

Example 4.10

Let us show how to use the spherical coordinates in  S2\ S^2.

%display latex S2=manifolds.Sphere(2) # two-dimensional sphere Phi=S2.embedding() # embedding into E^3 Phi.disp() # show embedding

ι:S2E3on A:(θ,ϕ)(x,y,z)=(cos(ϕ)sin(θ),sin(ϕ)sin(θ),cos(θ))\displaystyle \begin{array}{llcl} \iota:& \mathbb{S}^{2} & \longrightarrow & \mathbb{E}^{3} \\ \mbox{on}\ A : & \left(\theta, \phi\right) & \longmapsto & \left(x, y, z\right) = \left(\cos\left(\phi\right) \sin\left(\theta\right), \sin\left(\phi\right) \sin\left(\theta\right), \cos\left(\theta\right)\right) \end{array}

S2.default_chart() # default chart

(A,(θ,ϕ))\displaystyle \left(A,(\theta, \phi)\right)

Let us check the ranges of variables θ,ϕ\theta, \phi.

sph.<th,ph>=S2.spherical_coordinates() # spherical coordinates print(sph.codomain())
The Cartesian product of ((0, pi), [-pi, pi))

Let us note that that the spherical coordinates in manifolds.Sphere are defined on an open subset of the sphere, they do not cover the whole sphere. To cover the entire sphere with charts, we will use the stereographic coordinates instead.

A=sph.domain() # domain of definition of spher. coordinates print(A)
Open subset A of the 2-sphere S^2 of radius 1 smoothly embedded in the Euclidean space E^3

Check the Jacobian of the embedding into E3E^3,

Phi.jacobian_matrix() # Jacobian matrix of embedding

(cos(ϕ)cos(θ)sin(ϕ)sin(θ)cos(θ)sin(ϕ)cos(ϕ)sin(θ)sin(θ)0)\displaystyle \left(\begin{array}{rr} \cos\left(\phi\right) \cos\left(\theta\right) & -\sin\left(\phi\right) \sin\left(\theta\right) \\ \cos\left(\theta\right) \sin\left(\phi\right) & \cos\left(\phi\right) \sin\left(\theta\right) \\ -\sin\left(\theta\right) & 0 \end{array}\right)

and the 2x2 minors of this matrix.

Phi.jacobian_matrix().minors(2) # minors of Jacobian

[cos(ϕ)2cos(θ)sin(θ)+cos(θ)sin(ϕ)2sin(θ),sin(ϕ)sin(θ)2,cos(ϕ)sin(θ)2]\displaystyle \left[\cos\left(\phi\right)^{2} \cos\left(\theta\right) \sin\left(\theta\right) + \cos\left(\theta\right) \sin\left(\phi\right)^{2} \sin\left(\theta\right), -\sin\left(\phi\right) \sin\left(\theta\right)^{2}, \cos\left(\phi\right) \sin\left(\theta\right)^{2}\right]

The sum of squares of 2x2 minors allows us to check the rank of the Jacobian matrix.

ll=[Phi.jacobian_matrix().minors(2)[k].full_simplify() for k in range(3)] # list of minors of Jacobian sum([ll[k]^2 for k in range(3)]).full_simplify() # sum of squares of minors

sin(θ)2\displaystyle \sin\left(\theta\right)^{2}

so the rank is 2 if θ(0,π)\theta\in (0,\pi).

If we are not interested in all details, we can check the rank of Jacobian using the command:


2\displaystyle 2

As we can see spherical coordinates define transformation with Jacobian of rank 2 on the subset A of the sphere defined by (θ,φ)(0,π)×[π,π)(\theta,\varphi)\in (0,\pi)\times [-\pi,\pi).

Example 4.11

Let us plot the coordinate lines of the spherical coordinates.

%display latex S2=manifolds.Sphere(2) # two-dimensional sphere sph.<th,ph>=S2.spherical_coordinates() # spherical coordinates Phi=S2.embedding() # embedding into E^3 E=S2.ambient() # ambient space E^3 c_cart.<x,y,z> = E.cartesian_coordinates() # Cartesian coordinates p=sph.plot(c_cart,mapping=Phi,number_values=15, thickness=2,color='grey', # plot coordinate lines label_axes=False,frame=False) # show plot

Example 4.12

We can restrict the ranges of parameters (for example to  θ(0,π/2),  ϕ(0,π/4)\ \theta\in (0,\pi/2),\ \ \phi \in (0,\pi/4) ):

po1={'thickness':5,'color':'darkblue'} # param. po2={'fontsize':20,'color':'black'} ax =line3d([(0,0,0), (1+0.15,0,0)], **po1) # axes ax+=line3d([(0,0,0), (0,1+0.15,0)], **po1) ax+=line3d([(0,0,0), (0,0,1+0.15)], **po1) ax+=text3d("x",(1.25,0,0),**po2) ax+=text3d("y",(0,1.25,0),**po2) ax+=text3d("z",(0.,0.,1.25),**po2)
S2=manifolds.Sphere(2) # sphere S^2 Phi=S2.embedding() # embedding S^2->E^3 sph.<th,ph>=S2.spherical_coordinates() # spherical coord. A=sph.domain() # domain of sph U=A.open_subset('U',coord_def={sph:[th>0,th<pi/2, ph>0,ph<pi/4]}) # def.restrictions # on coordinates sphU=sph.restrict(U) # restrict sph to U E=S2.ambient() # ambient space E^3 c_cart.<x,y,z> = E.cartesian_coordinates() # Cartesian coord. p=sphU.plot(c_cart,mapping=Phi,number_values=10,thickness=2, color='grey',label_axes=False) # plot sphU coord lines (p+ax).show(frame=False,label_axes=False) # plot coord lines and ax

Example 4.13

We can investigate S2S^2 and its parts without manifolds.Sphere, but the transition maps and the corresponding restrictions must be defined by the user in that case.

We have to define the manifolds, charts and the embedding S2R3S^2\to R^3.

# spherical coordinates in S^2 without manifolds.Sphere setup M = Manifold(2, 'S^2') # sphere S^2 U = M.open_subset('U') # the complement of a meridian, # domain of spherical coordinates c_spher.<th,ph> = U.chart(r'th:(0,pi):\theta ph:(0,2*pi):\phi') # spherical coordinates on U N = Manifold(3, 'R^3', r'\RR^3') # manifold R^3 c_cart.<x,y,z> = N.chart() # Cartesian coord. on R^3 Phi=U.continuous_map(N,(sin(th)*cos(ph),sin(th)*sin(ph), cos(th)), name='Phi',latex_name=r'\Phi') # define embedding S^2 -> R^3

We can make previous plots without manifolds.Sphere setup.

# Previous graph without manifolds.Sphere setup forget() M = Manifold(2, 'S2') # sphere S^2 c_pol.<th,ph> = M.chart() # spherical coordinates D = M.open_subset('D', coord_def={c_pol: [0<th,th<pi/2, 0<=ph,ph<pi/4]}) # D -not open, contains some boundary points c_pol_D = c_pol.restrict(D) # restrict coordinates to D # dla rysunku N = Manifold(3, 'R3', r'R^3') # manifold R^3 c_cart.<x,y,z> = N.chart() # Cartesian coordinates on R^3 Phi = M.continuous_map(N,{(c_pol,c_cart): (cos(ph)*sin(th),sin(ph)*sin(th), cos(th))}, name='Phi',latex_name=r'\Phi') # define embedding S^2->R^3 Phi1 = Phi.restrict(D) # restrict embedding to D p=c_pol_D.plot(c_cart,mapping=Phi1, # plot the coordinate lines ranges={ph:(0,pi/4),th:(0,pi/2)}, # contained in D number_values={ph:11,th:10},thickness=2, color='grey',label_axes=False) (p+ax).show(frame=False) # use ax defined in the previous plot!

Stereographic coordinates in S2\mathbf{S^2}

Stereographic projection of S2S^2 from the North pole

var('t u v') po1={'thickness':5,'color':'darkblue'} # parameters po2={'fontsize':20,'color':'black'} po3={'fontsize':20,'color':'white'} # half line from North pole: p=parametric_plot3d((t,t,1-t/0.85),(t,0,0.85),**po1) p+=point3d([(1.2*cos(t),1.2*sin(t),0) # dotted arc for t in srange(0,pi/2,0.087)], size=7,frame=False)
ax =line3d([(0,0,0), (1+0.15,0,0)], **po1) # axes ax+=line3d([(0,0,0), (0,1.1+0.15,0)], **po1) ax+=line3d([(0,0,0), (0,0,1+0.15)], **po1) ax+=text3d("x",(1.25,0,0),**po2) ax+=text3d("y",(0,1.3,0),**po2) ax+=text3d("z",(0.,0.,1.25),**po2)
# hemisphere: s=parametric_plot3d((cos(u)*cos(v), sin(u)*cos(v), sin(v)), (u,0,2*pi), (v,0,pi/2),opacity=0.9,color='lightgrey') t=text3d("(x,y,z)",(0.8,0.67,0.3),**po3) # distinguished t+=text3d("(u,v,0)",(1.,1.,0.0),fontsize=20) # points t+=text3d("(0,0,1)",(0.6,0.2,0.98),**po3) (p+ax+s+t).rotateZ(-pi/6).show(frame=False) # combine plots

Consider the line which passes through the North pole (0,0,1)(0,0,1), the point (x,y,z)(x,y,z) on the sphere and intersects the plane Oxy at the point (u,v,0)(u,v,0). The functions  u=u(x,y,z), v=v(x,y,z) \ u = u(x,y,z),\ v=v(x,y,z)\ define the stereographic projection from the North pole. Using the rotations around z-axis and appropriate similar triangles in OxzOxz and OyzOyz planes we can see that (as in the case of S1S^1) ux=11z,vy=11z,\quad\frac{u}{x}=\frac{1}{1-z},\quad \frac{v}{y}=\frac{1}{1-z},\quad so the stereographic projection can be described by u=x1z,v=y1z.u=\frac{x}{1-z},\quad v=\frac{y}{1-z}. Solving this system combined with the equation of the unit sphere: x2+y2+z2=1x^2+y^2+z^2=1 with respect to x,y,zx,y,z:

%display latex var('u v x y z') # symbolic variables assume(z>0) # assume z>0 # solve the system above, # with respect to x,y,z solve([u==x/(1-z),v==y/(1-z),x^2+y^2+z^2==1],[x,y,z])

[[x=0,y=0,z=1],[x=2uu2+v2+1,y=2vu2+v2+1,z=u2+v21u2+v2+1]]\displaystyle \left[\left[x = 0, y = 0, z = 1\right], \left[x = \frac{2 \, u}{u^{2} + v^{2} + 1}, y = \frac{2 \, v}{u^{2} + v^{2} + 1}, z = \frac{u^{2} + v^{2} - 1}{u^{2} + v^{2} + 1}\right]\right]

we obtain the transformation x=2uu2+v2+1,y=2vu2+v2+1,z=u2+v21u2+v2+1.x=\frac{2u}{u^2+v^2+1},\quad y=\frac{2v}{u^2+v^2+1},\quad z=\frac{u^2+v^2-1}{u^2+v^2+1}.

Stereographic projection of S2S^2 from the South pole

var('t u v') po1={'thickness':4,'color':'darkblue'} # parameters po2={'fontsize':20,'color':'black'} po3={'fontsize':20,'color':'black'} p=parametric_plot3d((t,t,-1+t/0.85),(t,0,0.85), # half line thickness=3,color='green') # from South pole p+=point3d([(1.2*cos(t),1.2*sin(t),0) # dotted arc for t in srange(0,pi/2,0.075)], color='darkblue',size=7,frame=False)
ax =line3d([(0,0,0), (1.3,0,0)], **po1) # axes ax+=line3d([(0,0,0), (0,1.3,0)], **po1) ax+=line3d([(0,0,-1.), (0,0,0.55)], **po1) ax+=text3d("x",(1.4,0,0),**po2) ax+=text3d("y",(0,1.5,0),**po2) ax+=text3d("z",(0.,0.,0.7),**po2)
# hemi-sphere: s=parametric_plot3d((cos(u)*cos(v), sin(u)*cos(v), sin(v)), (u,0,2*pi), (v,-pi/2,0),opacity=0.4,color='lightgrey') t=text3d("(x,y,z)",(0.4,0.67,-0.2),**po3) # distinguished t+=text3d("(u,v,0)",(1.,1.2,0.0),**po3) # points t+=text3d("(0,0,-1)",(-0.5,0.4,-2.2),**po3) # intersection P=point3d([(0.6,0.67,-0.29)],size=20) # point P+=point3d([(0,0,-1)],size=25,color='red') # South pole (p+ax+s+t+P).rotateZ(-pi/1.9).show(frame=False)

Consider the line which passes through the South pole (0,0,1)(0,0,-1), the point (x,y,z)(x,y,z) on the sphere and intersects the plane Oxy at the point (u,v,0)(u,v,0). The functions u=u(x,y,z),v=v(x,y,z)u = u(x,y,z), v=v(x,y,z) define a stereographic projection from the South pole. Using the rotations around z-axis and appropriate similar triangles in OxzOxz and OyzOyz planes we can see that (as in the case of S1S^1) ux=11+z,vy=11+z,\quad\frac{u}{x}=\frac{1}{1+z},\quad \frac{v}{y}=\frac{1}{1+z},\quad so the stereographic projection from the South pole can be described by u=x1+z,v=y1+z.u=\frac{x}{1+z},\quad v=\frac{y}{1+z}. Solving this system combined with the equation of the unit sphere: x2+y2+z2=1x^2+y^2+z^2=1 with respect to x,y,zx,y,z:

forget() %display latex var('u v x y z') # symbolic variables assume(z<0) # assume z<0 # solve the system above # with respect to x,y,z solve([u==x/(1+z),v==y/(1+z),x^2+y^2+z^2==1],[x,y,z])

[[x=0,y=0,z=(1)],[x=2uu2+v2+1,y=2vu2+v2+1,z=u2+v21u2+v2+1]]\displaystyle \left[\left[x = 0, y = 0, z = \left(-1\right)\right], \left[x = \frac{2 \, u}{u^{2} + v^{2} + 1}, y = \frac{2 \, v}{u^{2} + v^{2} + 1}, z = -\frac{u^{2} + v^{2} - 1}{u^{2} + v^{2} + 1}\right]\right]

we obtain the inverse transformation x=2uu2+v2+1,y=2vu2+v2+1,z=u2+v21u2+v2+1.x=\frac{2u}{u^2+v^2+1},\quad y=\frac{2v}{u^2+v^2+1},\quad z=-\frac{u^2+v^2-1}{u^2+v^2+1}.

Example 4.14

As we mentioned in the case of S1S^1 both the stereographic projections from North and South poles are predefined in manifolds.Sphere.

%display latex S2=manifolds.Sphere(2) # sphere S^2 # stereographic proj. from North pole: stereoN.<u,v>=S2.stereographic_coordinates(pole='north') # stereographic proj. from South pole: stereoS.<up,vp>=S2.stereographic_coordinates(pole='south') Phi=S2.embedding() # embeddings Phi.disp() # show embeddings

ι:S2E3on A:(θ,ϕ)(x,y,z)=(cos(ϕ)sin(θ),sin(ϕ)sin(θ),cos(θ))on S2{NP}:(u,v)(x,y,z)=(2uu2+v2+1,2vu2+v2+1,u2+v21u2+v2+1)on S2{SP}:(u,v)(x,y,z)=(2uu2+v2+1,2vu2+v2+1,u2+v21u2+v2+1)\displaystyle \begin{array}{llcl} \iota:& \mathbb{S}^{2} & \longrightarrow & \mathbb{E}^{3} \\ \mbox{on}\ A : & \left(\theta, \phi\right) & \longmapsto & \left(x, y, z\right) = \left(\cos\left(\phi\right) \sin\left(\theta\right), \sin\left(\phi\right) \sin\left(\theta\right), \cos\left(\theta\right)\right) \\ \mbox{on}\ \mathbb{S}^{2}\setminus\{\mathrm{NP}\} : & \left(u, v\right) & \longmapsto & \left(x, y, z\right) = \left(\frac{2 \, u}{u^{2} + v^{2} + 1}, \frac{2 \, v}{u^{2} + v^{2} + 1}, \frac{u^{2} + v^{2} - 1}{u^{2} + v^{2} + 1}\right) \\ \mbox{on}\ \mathbb{S}^{2}\setminus\{\mathrm{SP}\} : & \left({u'}, {v'}\right) & \longmapsto & \left(x, y, z\right) = \left(\frac{2 \, {u'}}{{u'}^{2} + {v'}^{2} + 1}, \frac{2 \, {v'}}{{u'}^{2} + {v'}^{2} + 1}, -\frac{{u'}^{2} + {v'}^{2} - 1}{{u'}^{2} + {v'}^{2} + 1}\right) \end{array}

Example 4.15

To show graphically how the projection from the North pole acts, let us extract an appropriate part of definition from the previous cell.

# continuation E=S2.ambient() # ambient space E^3 c_cart.<x,y,z> = E.cartesian_coordinates() # Cartesian coordinates fun=list(Phi.coord_functions(stereoN).expr()) # embedd. functions PhiN = S2.continuous_map(E,{(stereoN, c_cart): fun}, name='PhiN',latex_name=r'\Phi_N') # define embedding PhiN PhiN.display() # show PhiN

ΦN:S2E3on S2{NP}:(u,v)(x,y,z)=(2uu2+v2+1,2vu2+v2+1,u2+v21u2+v2+1)\displaystyle \begin{array}{llcl} \Phi_N:& \mathbb{S}^{2} & \longrightarrow & \mathbb{E}^{3} \\ \mbox{on}\ \mathbb{S}^{2}\setminus\{\mathrm{NP}\} : & \left(u, v\right) & \longmapsto & \left(x, y, z\right) = \left(\frac{2 \, u}{u^{2} + v^{2} + 1}, \frac{2 \, v}{u^{2} + v^{2} + 1}, \frac{u^{2} + v^{2} - 1}{u^{2} + v^{2} + 1}\right) \end{array}

In the figure below we show the arcs on the sphere, which correspond to the lines v=constv=\text{const} on the (u,v)(u,v) plane (for the stereographic projection from the North pole).

# continuation p=stereoN.plot(c_cart,mapping=PhiN,ranges={u:(-4,4),v:(-4,4)}, number_values={u:0,v:14},color='black',thickness=3, plot_points=200,label_axes=False) # plot coordinate lines s=sphere(color='lightgrey',opacity=0.6) # plot sphere (p+s).show(frame=False,label_axes=False) # combine plots

Example 4.16

Now let us do the same for the South pole.

# continuation fun=list(Phi.coord_functions(stereoS).expr()) # embedd. functions PhiS = S2.continuous_map(E,{(stereoS, c_cart): fun}, name='PhiS',latex_name=r'\Phi_S') # define embedd PhiS PhiS.display() # show PhiS

ΦS:S2E3on S2{SP}:(u,v)(x,y,z)=(2uu2+v2+1,2vu2+v2+1,u2+v21u2+v2+1)\displaystyle \begin{array}{llcl} \Phi_S:& \mathbb{S}^{2} & \longrightarrow & \mathbb{E}^{3} \\ \mbox{on}\ \mathbb{S}^{2}\setminus\{\mathrm{SP}\} : & \left({u'}, {v'}\right) & \longmapsto & \left(x, y, z\right) = \left(\frac{2 \, {u'}}{{u'}^{2} + {v'}^{2} + 1}, \frac{2 \, {v'}}{{u'}^{2} + {v'}^{2} + 1}, -\frac{{u'}^{2} + {v'}^{2} - 1}{{u'}^{2} + {v'}^{2} + 1}\right) \end{array}

In the figure below we show the arcs on the sphere, which correspond to the lines v=constv'=\text{const} on the (u,v)(u',v') plane (for the stereographic projection from the South pole).

p=stereoS.plot(c_cart,mapping=PhiS,ranges={up:(-4,4),vp:(-4,4)}, number_values={up:0,vp:25},color='black',thickness=3, plot_points=200,label_axes=False) # plot coordinate lines s=sphere(color='lightgrey',opacity=0.6) # plot sphere (p+s).show(frame=False,label_axes=False) # combine plots

Transition map

From the relations  (u,v)=(x1z,y1z) \ (u,v)=(\frac{x}{1-z},\frac{y}{1-z})\ and  (u,v)=(x1+z,y1+z) \ (u',v')=(\frac{x}{1+z},\frac{y}{1+z})\ it follows  (1+z)(u,v)=(1z)(u,v)=(x,y) \ (1+z)(u',v')=(1-z)(u,v)=(x,y)\ , so the transition map is of the form (u,v)=1z1+z(u,v).(u',v')=\frac{1-z}{1+z}(u,v).

To calculate the fraction  1z1+z \ \frac{1-z}{1+z}\ let us note that  z=u2+v21u2+v2+1=r21r2+1, \ z=\frac{u^2+v^2-1}{u^2+v^2+1}=\frac{r^2-1}{r^2+1},\ where  r2=u2+v2. \ r^2=u^2+v^2.\ Accordingly  1z1+z=1r21r2+11+r21r2+1=r2+1r2+1r2+1+r21=22r2=1r2. \ \frac{1-z}{1+z}=\frac{1-\frac{r^2-1}{r^2+1}}{1+\frac{r^2-1}{r^2+1}}=\frac{r^2+1-r^2+1}{r^2+1+r^2-1}=\frac{2}{2r^2}=\frac{1}{r^2}.\ Consequently the transition map has the form u=uu2+v2,v=vu2+v2.u'=\frac{u}{u^2+v^2},\quad v'=\frac{v}{u^2+v^2}.

Example 4.17

Transition maps from one stereographic projection to the second one in SageMath Manifolds:

%display latex S2=manifolds.Sphere(2) # sphere S^2 # stereographic proj. from North pole: stereoN.<u,v>=S2.stereographic_coordinates(pole='north') # stereographic proj. from South pole: stereoS.<up,vp>=S2.stereographic_coordinates(pole='south') stereoN_to_stereoS = stereoN.transition_map(stereoS, (u/(u^2+v^2), v/(u^2+v^2)), intersection_name='W', restrictions1= u^2+v^2!=0, restrictions2= up^2+vp^2!=0) # define transition map stereoN_to_stereoS.display() # show transition map

{u=uu2+v2v=vu2+v2\displaystyle \left\{\begin{array}{lcl} {u'} & = & \frac{u}{u^{2} + v^{2}} \\ {v'} & = & \frac{v}{u^{2} + v^{2}} \end{array}\right.

SageMath can perform the corresponding calculation (with the help of Maxima).

var('u,v,up,vp,x,y,z') # symbolic variables # Eliminate variables x,y,z from the system defining stereogr. proj maxima.eliminate([u==x/(1-z),v==y/(1-z),up==x/(1+z),vp==y/(1+z), z==(u^2+v^2-1)/(u^2+v^2+1)],[x,y,z]).sage()

[2(u2+v2)v2v,2uv+2uv]\displaystyle \left[2 \, {\left(u^{2} + v^{2}\right)} {v'} - 2 \, v, -2 \, {u'} v + 2 \, u {v'}\right]

#Solve the obtained system with respect to up,vp solve([2*(u^2 + v^2)*vp - 2*v, -2*up*v + 2*u*vp],[up,vp])

[[u=uu2+v2,v=vu2+v2]]\displaystyle \left[\left[{u'} = \frac{u}{u^{2} + v^{2}}, {v'} = \frac{v}{u^{2} + v^{2}}\right]\right]

The inverse transition map has the form u=uu2+v2,v=vu2+v2.u=\frac{u'}{u'^2+v'^2},\quad v=\frac{v'}{u'^2+v'^2}.

stereoN_to_stereoS.inverse().display() # inverse transition map

{u=uu2+v2v=vu2+v2\displaystyle \left\{\begin{array}{lcl} u & = & \frac{{u'}}{{u'}^{2} + {v'}^{2}} \\ v & = & \frac{{v'}}{{u'}^{2} + {v'}^{2}} \end{array}\right.

Both transformations are smooth provided u2+v2u^2+v^2 and u2+v2u'^2+v'^2 are nonzero.

Example 4.18

In fact, both transition maps are predefined in manifolds.Sphere.

%display latex dim=2 # dim of the sphere Sph=manifolds.Sphere(dim) # sphere S^2 spher = Sph.spherical_coordinates() # spherical coord. stereoN, stereoS = Sph.coordinate_charts('stereographic', names=['u','v']) # sterogr. projections A=stereoN.domain() # domain of stereoN # intersection of domains of stereoN and stereoS: W = Sph._stereoN_dom.intersection(Sph._stereoS_dom) # transition from stereoN to stereoS: FNS=Sph.coord_change(stereoN.restrict(W),stereoS.restrict(W)) # transition from stereoS to stereoN: FSN=Sph.coord_change(stereoS.restrict(W),stereoN.restrict(W)) FNS.disp(),FSN.disp() # show transitions

({u=uu2+v2v=vu2+v2,{u=uu2+v2v=vu2+v2)\displaystyle \left(\left\{\begin{array}{lcl} {u'} & = & \frac{u}{u^{2} + v^{2}} \\ {v'} & = & \frac{v}{u^{2} + v^{2}} \end{array}\right., \left\{\begin{array}{lcl} {u'} & = & \frac{u}{u^{2} + v^{2}} \\ {v'} & = & \frac{v}{u^{2} + v^{2}} \end{array}\right.\right)

Example 4.19

The transitions from stereoN to stereoS and the inverse can be also obtained as compositions.

dim=2 # dimension of sphere Sph=manifolds.Sphere(dim) # manifold S^2 spher = Sph.spherical_coordinates() # spherical coordinates stereoN,stereoS=Sph.coordinate_charts('stereographic', names=['u','v']) # stereographic coordinates A = spher.domain() # domain of stereogr. coord. # intersection of stereoN and stereoS coordinates domains: W = Sph._stereoN_dom.intersection(Sph._stereoS_dom) V=W.intersection(A) # intersection with spher. coord. domain # transition spher->stereoN: F1=Sph.coord_change(spher.restrict(V), stereoN.restrict(V)) # transition stereoN->spher: F2=Sph.coord_change( stereoN.restrict(V),spher.restrict(V)) # transition spher->stereoS: F3=Sph.coord_change(spher.restrict(V), stereoS.restrict(V)) # transition stereoS->spher F4=Sph.coord_change( stereoS.restrict(V),spher.restrict(V)) (F1*F4).disp(),(F3*F2).disp() # show compositions

({u=uu2+v2v=vu2+v2,{u=uu2+v2v=vu2+v2)\displaystyle \left(\left\{\begin{array}{lcl} u & = & \frac{{u'}}{{u'}^{2} + {v'}^{2}} \\ v & = & \frac{{v'}}{{u'}^{2} + {v'}^{2}} \end{array}\right., \left\{\begin{array}{lcl} {u'} & = & \frac{u}{u^{2} + v^{2}} \\ {v'} & = & \frac{v}{u^{2} + v^{2}} \end{array}\right.\right)

Example 4.20

Knowing the transition maps we are ready to an independent of manifolds.Sphere definition of S2S^2 as a manifold with two maps.

S2 = Manifold(2, 'S^2') # S^2-sphere U = S2.open_subset('U') # complement of the North pole V = S2.open_subset('V') # complement of the South pole S2.declare_union(U,V) c_uv.<u,v> = U.chart() # stereogr. coordinates from the North pole c_upvp.<up,vp> = V.chart() # stereogr. coord. from the South pole uv_to_upvp = c_uv.transition_map(c_upvp, (u/(u^2+v^2), v/(u^2+v^2)), intersection_name='W', # transition map restrictions1= u^2+v^2!=0, restrictions2= up^2+vp^2!=0) upvp_to_uv = uv_to_upvp.inverse() # inverse transition uv_to_upvp.disp(),upvp_to_uv.disp() # show transitions

({u=uu2+v2v=vu2+v2,{u=uu2+v2v=vu2+v2)\displaystyle \left(\left\{\begin{array}{lcl} {u'} & = & \frac{u}{u^{2} + v^{2}} \\ {v'} & = & \frac{v}{u^{2} + v^{2}} \end{array}\right., \left\{\begin{array}{lcl} u & = & \frac{{u'}}{{u'}^{2} + {v'}^{2}} \\ v & = & \frac{{v'}}{{u'}^{2} + {v'}^{2}} \end{array}\right.\right)

What's next?

Take a look at the notebook Spheres and spherical coordinates in higher dimensions.