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Kernel: SageMath 9.6

19. Lie derivative

This notebook is part of the Introduction to manifolds in SageMath by Andrzej Chrzeszczyk (Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce, Poland).

'SageMath version 9.6, Release Date: 2022-05-15'

Lie derivative of functions

If ϕϕ is a one-parameter group of transformations on MM (notebook 17), then the map ϕt:MMϕ_t : M → M, defined by ϕt(x)=ϕ(x,t)ϕ_t (x) = ϕ(x, t), is smooth and therefore for fC(M),  f ∈ C^∞ (M),\ \ ϕtf=fϕt ϕ_t^*f = f\circ \phi_t\ also belongs to C(M)C^∞ (M).

If XX is the infinitesimal generator of ϕϕ (notebook 17), then the Lie derivative of ff with respect to XX is defined by

LXf=limt0ϕtfft=ddt(ϕtf)t=0.\begin{equation} \mathcal{L}_Xf=\lim_{t\to 0}\frac{\phi_t^*f-f}{t} =\frac{d}{dt}(\phi_t^*f)\Big|_{t=0}. \tag{19.1} \end{equation}

Example 19.1

Compute   LXf  \ \ \mathcal{L}_Xf\ \ for f(x)=x2cosy   f(x)=x^2\cos y \ \ and   X=yx+xy,\ \ X=-y\frac{\partial}{\partial x}+x\frac{\partial}{\partial y}, using SageMath Manifolds.

%display latex M = Manifold(2, 'M') # manifold M c_xy.<x,y> = M.chart() # chart on M f = M.scalar_field(x^2*cos(y)) # scalar function f on M X = M.vector_field(name='X') # vector field X on M X[:] = (-y, x) # components of X f.lie_derivative(X).expr() # Lie derivative L_X(f)

x3sin(y)2xycos(y)\displaystyle -x^{3} \sin\left(y\right) - 2 \, x y \cos\left(y\right)

Lie derivative of ff with respect to XX is the value of  Xf\ Xf

Since the curve ϕxϕ_x given by ϕx(t)=ϕ(x,t)ϕ_x (t) = ϕ(x, t) is the integral curve of XX that starts at xx we have

limt0ϕtfft(x)=limt0f(ϕt(x))f(x)t=limt0f(ϕ(x,t))f(x)t\lim_{t\to 0}\frac{\phi_t^*f-f}{t}(x)= \lim_{t\to 0}\frac{f(\phi_t(x))-f(x)}{t} =\lim_{t\to 0}\frac{f(\phi(x,t))-f(x)}{t}=limt0f(ϕx(t))f(ϕx(0))t=(ϕx)0(f)=Xx(f)=(Xf)(x).=\lim_{t\to 0}\frac{f(\phi_x(t))-f(\phi_x(0))}{t}\\ =(ϕ_x)'_0 ( f ) = X_x ( f )=(Xf)(x).

We have checked that LXf=Xf.\begin{equation} \mathcal{L}_Xf=Xf. \tag{19.2} \end{equation}

Thus we can compute   LXf  \ \ \mathcal{L}_Xf\ \ without any knowledge on the integral curves of XX.

Example 19.2

Check the result of the previous example using (19.2).

We have

  X(f)=(yx+xy)(x2cosy)  =y(2x)cosy+x(x2)(siny)=x3siny2xycosy.\ \ X(f)=(-y\frac{\partial}{\partial x}+x\frac{\partial}{\partial y})(x^2\cos y )\ \ =-y(2x)\cos y +x(x^2)(-\sin y)\\=-x^3\sin y-2xy\cos y.
# continuation X(f).expr() # value of the vector field X on f

x3sin(y)2xycos(y)\displaystyle -x^{3} \sin\left(y\right) - 2 \, x y \cos\left(y\right)

Example 19.3

Check that SageMath lie_derivative method applied to functions coincides with application of (19.2).

%display latex N = 2 # dimension of manifold M M = Manifold(N, 'M') # manifold M c_x = M.chart(' '.join(['x'+str(i)+':x^{'+str(i)+'}' for i in range(N)])) # chart on M x0, x1 = c_x[:] # coordinates x^0, x^1 of chart c_x as the Python variables x0, x1 X = M.vector_field(name='X') # vector field X Xf=[M.scalar_field(function('X'+str(i), # list of components latex_name='X'+'^'+str(i))(x0, x1)) for i in range(N)] X[:] = Xf # define all components of X X.disp()

X=X0(x0,x1)x0+X1(x0,x1)x1\displaystyle X = X^0\left({x^{0}}, {x^{1}}\right) \frac{\partial}{\partial {x^{0}} } + X^1\left({x^{0}}, {x^{1}}\right) \frac{\partial}{\partial {x^{1}} }

f = M.scalar_field(function('f')(x0, x1)) # scalar function on M f.disp()

MR(x0,x1)f(x0,x1)\displaystyle \begin{array}{llcl} & M & \longrightarrow & \mathbb{R} \\ & \left({x^{0}}, {x^{1}}\right) & \longmapsto & f\left({x^{0}}, {x^{1}}\right) \end{array}

f.lie_derivative(X).expr() # Lie derivative of f w.r.t. X

X0(x0,x1)x0f(x0,x1)+X1(x0,x1)x1f(x0,x1)\displaystyle X^0\left({x^{0}}, {x^{1}}\right) \frac{\partial}{\partial {x^{0}}}f\left({x^{0}}, {x^{1}}\right) + X^1\left({x^{0}}, {x^{1}}\right) \frac{\partial}{\partial {x^{1}}}f\left({x^{0}}, {x^{1}}\right)

Commutator of Lie derivatives of functions

From (19.2) it follows LX(LYf)LY(LXf)=XYfYXf=[X,Y]f=L[X,Y]f,\mathcal{L}_X (\mathcal{L}_Y f ) − \mathcal{L}_Y (\mathcal{L}_X f ) = XY f − YX f = [X, Y] f = \mathcal{L}_{[X,Y]} f, i.e. LX(LYf)LY(LXf)=L[X,Y]f.\begin{equation} \mathcal{L}_X (\mathcal{L}_Y f ) − \mathcal{L}_Y (\mathcal{L}_X f )= \mathcal{L}_{[X,Y]} f. \tag{19.3} \end{equation}

Example 19.4

Check in SageMath Manifolds that (19.3) holds for 2-dimensional manifolds.

# continuation Y = M.vector_field(name='Y') # vector field Y Yf = [M.scalar_field(function('Y'+str(i), # list of components latex_name='Y'+'^'+str(i))(x0, x1)) for i in range(N)] Y[:] = Yf # define all components L_XL_Yf = (f.lie_derivative(Y)).lie_derivative(X) # L_X(L_Y(f)) L_YL_Xf = (f.lie_derivative(X)).lie_derivative(Y) # L_Y(L_X(f)) L_bracket_f = f.lie_derivative(X.bracket(Y)) # L_{lie_brack(X,Y)}(f) L_XL_Yf - L_YL_Xf == L_bracket_f # check (19.3)

True\displaystyle \mathrm{True}

Let ψ:MNψ : M → N be a smooth map between two smooth manifolds. If XX(M)X ∈ \mathfrak{X}(M) and YX(N).Y ∈ \mathfrak{X}(N ).

XX and YY are ψψ-related if Yψ(p)=dψpXp,\begin{equation} Y_{ψ(p)} = dψ_pX_p , \tag{19.4} \end{equation} for pM.p ∈ M.

If fC(N)f ∈ C^∞ (N ), then from (19.4) and (8.8) it follows

(Yf)(ψ(p))=Yψ(p)(f)=dψpXp(f)=Xp(fψ)=(X(fψ))(p),(Y f ) (ψ( p)) = Y_{ψ( p)} ( f ) = dψ_p X_p ( f ) = X_p ( f ◦ ψ) = (X( f ◦ ψ) )( p),

for pM,p ∈ M, i.e., (Yf)ψ=X(fψ),\begin{equation} (Y f ) ◦ ψ = X( f ◦ ψ), \tag{19.5} \end{equation}
for fC(N).f ∈ C^∞ (N). An equivalent formulation is

ψ(Yf)=X(ψf),\begin{equation} \psi^*(Y f ) = X( \psi^*f), \tag{19.6} \end{equation}

for fC(N).f ∈ C^∞ (N).

Pullback of a vector field and its properties

Let MM and NN be smooth manifolds, ψ:MNψ : M → N be a diffeomorphism and XX be a vector field on NN. The pullback of XX under ψ\psi is the vector field on MM defined by

(ψX)x=d(ψ1)ψ(x)Xψ(x).\begin{equation} (\psi^∗ X)_x = d(ψ^{-1 })_{ψ(x)} X_{ ψ(x)}. \tag{19.7} \end{equation}

Note that (19.7) implies that

Xψ(x)=dψx(ψX)x,\begin{equation} X_{\psi(x)}=d\psi_x(\psi^*X)_x, \tag{19.7'} \end{equation}

which means that ψXψ^∗ X and XX are ψψ-related. If we replace in (19.6) YY by XX and XX by ψX\psi^*X we obtain

ψ(Xf)=(ψX)(ψf),\begin{equation} \psi^*(X f ) = (\psi^*X)( \psi^*f), \tag{19.8} \end{equation}

for fC(N).f ∈ C^∞ (N ).

We have also ψ(fX)=(ψf)(ψX),ψ^∗ ( f X) = (ψ^∗ f )(ψ^∗ X),

ψ(aX+bY)=aψX+bψY,ψ^∗ (aX + bY) = aψ^∗X + bψ^∗ Y,

for X,YX(N),fC(N),X, Y ∈ \mathfrak{X}(N ), f ∈ C^∞ (N ), and a,bR.a, b ∈ R.

In fact by (19.7)

[ψ(fX)]x=d(ψ1)ψ(x)(fX)ψ(x)=d(ψ1)ψ(x)(f(ψ(x))Xψ(x))=f(ψ(x))d(ψ1)ψ(x)Xψ(x)=(ψf)(x)(ψX)x=[(ψf)(ψX)]x,[ψ^∗( f X)]_x = d(ψ^{−1} )_{ψ(x)} ( f X)_{ψ(x)} = d(ψ^{−1} )_{ψ(x)} (f (ψ(x)) X_{ψ(x)})\\ = f (ψ(x)) d(ψ^{−1} )_{ψ(x)} X_{ψ(x)} = (ψ^∗ f )(x) (ψ^∗ X)_x = [(ψ^∗ f )(ψ^∗ X)]_x,


[ψ(aX+bY)]x=d(ψ1)ψ(x)(aX+bY)ψ(x)=d(ψ1)ψ(x)(aXψ(x)+bYψ(x))=ad(ψ1)ψ(x)Xψ(x)+bd(ψ1)ψ(x)Yψ(x)=[aψX+bψY]x.[ψ^∗ (aX + bY)]_x = d(ψ^{−1})_{ψ(x)} (aX + bY)_{ψ(x)} = d(ψ^{−1} )_{ψ(x)} (aX_{ψ(x)} + bY_{ψ(x)} ) = ad(ψ^{ −1} )_{ψ(x)} X_{ψ(x)} + bd(ψ^{−1} )_{ψ(x)} Y_{ψ(x)} = [aψ^∗ X + bψ^∗ Y]_x.

If ψ:MNψ : M → N is a diffeomorphism of smooth manifolds MM, NN and χχ is a one-parameter group of transformations on NN whose infinitesimal generator is YY, then ϕt=ψ1χtψϕ_t = ψ^{−1} ◦ χ_t ◦ ψ is a one-parameter group of transformations on MM whose infinitesimal generator is ψYψ^∗ Y.

This relation follows from

ϕsϕt=(ψ1χsψ)(ψ1χtψ)=ψ1χsχtψ=ψ1χs+tψ=ϕs+t.ϕ_s ◦ϕ_t = (ψ^{−1} ◦ χ_s ◦ ψ) ◦ (ψ^{−1} ◦ χ_t ◦ ψ) \\ = ψ^{−1} ◦ χ_s ◦ χ_t ◦ ψ = ψ^{−1} ◦ χ_{s+t} ◦ ψ = ϕ_{s+t} .

If ψ1:M1M2ψ_1 : M_1 → M_2 and ψ2:M2M3ψ_2 : M_2 → M_3 are diffeomorphisms, then (ψ2ψ1)X=(ψ1ψ2)X,(ψ_2 ◦ ψ_1 )^∗ X = (ψ_1^∗ ◦ ψ_2^∗ )X, for XX(M3)X ∈ \mathfrak{X}(M_3 ).

The last equality is true, since

[(ψ2ψ1)X]x=d((ψ2ψ1)1)(ψ2ψ1)(x)X(ψ2ψ1)(x)=(d(ψ11)ψ1(x)d(ψ21)ψ2(ψ1(x)))Xψ2(ψ1(x))=d(ψ11)ψ1(x)(ψ2X)ψ1(x)=[ψ1(ψ2X)]x.[(ψ_2 ◦ ψ_1 )^∗ X]_x = d((ψ_2 ◦ ψ_1 )^{−1}) _{ (ψ_2 ◦ψ_1 )(x)}X_{( ψ_2 \circ ψ_1 )(x)}\\ = (d(ψ_1^{−1})_{ψ_1 (x)}\circ d(ψ_2^{-1})_{\psi_2(\psi_1(x))}) X_{\psi_2(ψ_1 (x))}\\ =d(\psi_1^{-1})_{\psi_1(x)}(\psi_2^*X)_{\psi_1(x)} = [ψ_1^∗ (ψ_2^∗ X)]_x .

Lie derivative of a vector field

If ϕϕ is a one-parameter group of transformations on a manifold MM and XX its infinitesimal generator, then for any vector field YY on MM, the Lie derivative of YY with respect to XX is defined by (LXY)x=limt0(ϕtY)xYxt=ddt(ϕtY)xt=0.\begin{equation} (\mathcal{L}_XY)_x=\lim_{t→0}\frac{(\phi^*_tY)_x-Y_x}{t} =\frac{d}{dt}(\phi_t^*Y)_x\Big|_{t=0}. \tag{9.11} \end{equation}

Lie derivatives of vector fields are equal to Lie brackets

If X,YX(M)X, Y ∈ \mathfrak{X}(M), then LXY=[X,Y].\begin{equation} \mathcal{L}_XY=[X,Y]. \tag{19.12} \end{equation}

To prove this formula, we will check first a form of Leibniz rule. If ϕ \phi is a one-parameter group of transformations on MM whose infinitesimal generator is XX, then

LX(Yf)=limt0ϕt(Yf)Yft=limt0(ϕtY)(ϕtf)Yft\mathcal{L}_X(Yf) =\lim_{t→0}\frac{\phi^*_t(Yf)-Yf}{t} =\lim_{t→0}\frac{(\phi^*_tY)(\phi_t^*f)-Yf}{t}=limt0[(ϕtY)ϕtfft+ϕtYYtf]=Y(LXf)+(LXY)f.=\lim_{t→0}\Big[(\phi^*_tY)\frac{\phi^*_tf-f}{t} +\frac{\phi^*_tY-Y}{t}f\Big]=Y(\mathcal{L}_Xf)+(\mathcal{L}_XY)f.

Notice that (ϕtY)x=d(ϕt1)ϕt(x)Yϕt(x)=d(ϕt)ϕt(x)Yϕt(x)(\phi^*_tY)_x=d(\phi_t^{-1})_{\phi_t(x)}Y_{\phi_t(x)}= d(\phi_{-t})_{\phi_t(x)}Y_{\phi_t(x)}. We have also ϕt(x)x, ϕt(x)x\phi_t(x)\to x, \ \phi_{-t}(x)\to x as t0t\to 0 and in local coordinates the components of the matrix of the differential d(ϕt)ϕt(x):Tϕt(x)MTxMd(ϕ_{−t} )_{\phi_t(x)} : T_{ϕ_t(x)} M → T_x M are ϕi(t,ϕ(t,x))xj.\displaystyle \frac{∂ϕ^i(−t, ϕ(t, x))}{∂x^j}. Smoothness of XX implies smoothness of ϕ\phi, which implies that

ϕi(t,ϕ(t,x))xjϕi(0,x)xj=xixj=δjias t0.\displaystyle \frac{∂ϕ^i(−t, ϕ(t, x))}{∂x^j}\to \frac{\partial\phi^i(0,x)}{\partial x^j}=\frac{\partial x^i}{\partial x^j}=\delta^i_j\quad\text {as}\ t\to 0.

Consequently, if Y=YjxjY = Y^j \frac{\partial}{∂ x^j}, then d(ϕt)ϕt(x)Yϕt(x)=ϕi(t,ϕ(t,x))xjYj(ϕ(t,x))xixYxas t0.d(ϕ_{−t} )_{\phi_t(x)}Y_{ϕ_t (x)} = \frac{∂ϕ^i (−t, ϕ(t, x))}{ ∂ x^j}Y^j(ϕ(t, x))\frac{∂}{∂x^i}\Big|_{x}\to Y_x\quad \mbox{as } t\to 0.

Since by (19.2) LXf=Xf, \mathcal{L}_Xf=Xf,\ we have


so LX(Yf)=X(Yf)Y(Xf)=[X,Y]f,\mathcal{L}_X(Yf)= X(Yf)-Y(Xf)=[X,Y]f, i.e., (19.12) holds true.

Thus we can compute   LXY  \ \ \mathcal{L}_XY\ \ without any knowledge on the integral curves of XX.

Example 19.5

Compute   LXY  \ \ \mathcal{L}_XY\ \ for   X=yx+xy  \ \ X=-y\frac{\partial}{\partial x}+x\frac{\partial}{\partial y}\ \ and   Y=(1x)x+(xy)y.\ \ Y=(1-x)\frac{\partial}{\partial x}+(x-y)\frac{\partial}{\partial y}.

%display latex M = Manifold(2, 'M') # manifold M c_xy.<x,y> = M.chart() # chart on M X = M.vector_field(-y, x, name='X') # vector field X Y = M.vector_field(1-x, x-y, name='Y') # vector field Y

First we use the lie_derivative method:

Y_X = Y.lie_derivative(X) # Lie derivative L_X(Y) Y_X.disp()

xx+(y1)y\displaystyle x \frac{\partial}{\partial x } + \left( -y - 1 \right) \frac{\partial}{\partial y }

and next the Lie bracket for comparison:

X.bracket(Y).disp() # [X,Y]

[X,Y]=xx+(y1)y\displaystyle \left[X,Y\right] = x \frac{\partial}{\partial x } + \left( -y - 1 \right) \frac{\partial}{\partial y }

Example 19.6

Use SageMath to check that (19.12) holds for 2-dimensional manifolds.

%display latex N = 2 # dimension of manifold M M = Manifold(N, 'M') # manifold M c_x = M.chart(' '.join(['x'+str(i)+':x^{'+str(i)+'}' for i in range(N)])) # chart on M x0, x1 = c_x[:] # coordinates x^0, x^1 of chart c_x as the Python variables x0, x1 X = M.vector_field(name='X') # vector field X Xf = [M.scalar_field(function('X'+str(i), # list of components latex_name='X'+'^'+str(i))(x0,x1)) for i in range(N)] X[:] = Xf # define all components of X Y = M.vector_field(name='Y') # vector field Y Yf = [M.scalar_field(function('Y'+str(i), # list of components latex_name='Y'+'^'+str(i))(x0,x1)) for i in range(N)] Y[:] = Yf # define all components of Y Y.lie_derivative(X) == X.bracket(Y) # check (19.12)

True\displaystyle \mathrm{True}

Basic properties of Lie derivative of vector fields

Using properties of the Lie bracket from notebook 12, one can check that if X,YX(M)X, Y ∈ \mathfrak{X}(M) and fC(M),f ∈ C^∞ (M), then

LX(fY)=[X,fY]=f[X,Y]+(Xf)Y=fLXY+(LXf)Y,\mathcal{L}_X(fY)=[X, f Y] = f [X, Y] + (X f )Y = f \mathcal{L}_X Y + (\mathcal{L}_X f )Y,

and LX(Y+Z)=[X,Y+Z]=[X,Y]+[X,Z]=LXY+LXZ.\mathcal{L}_X (Y + Z) = [X, Y + Z] = [X, Y] + [X, Z] = \mathcal{L}_X Y + \mathcal{L}_X Z.

If X,Y,ZX(M)X, Y, Z \in \mathfrak{X}(M), then using Jacobi identity (notebook 12) we obtain

LX(LYZ)LY(LXZ)=[X,[Y,Z]][Y,[X,Z]]=[X,[Y,Z]]+[Y,[Z,X]]=[Z,[X,Y]]=[[X,Y],Z]=L[X,Y]Z.\mathcal{L}_X (\mathcal{L}_Y Z) − \mathcal{L}_Y (\mathcal{L}_X Z) = [X, [Y, Z]] − [Y, [X, Z]] = [X, [Y, Z]] + [Y, [Z, X]]\\ = −[Z, [X, Y]]= [[X, Y], Z] =\mathcal{L}_{[X,Y]} Z.

Example 19.7

For  X,Y\ X,Y from example 19.5 and  Z=yx+xy  \ Z=y\frac{\partial}{\partial x}+x\frac{\partial}{\partial y}\ \ compute LX(LYZ)LY(LXZ)  \mathcal{L}_X (\mathcal{L}_Y Z) − \mathcal{L}_Y (\mathcal{L}_X Z)\ \ and L[X,Y]Z. \mathcal{L}_{[X,Y]} Z.

%display latex M = Manifold(2, 'M') # manifold M c_xy.<x,y> = M.chart() # chart on M X = M.vector_field(-y, x, name='X') # vector field X Y = M.vector_field(1-x, x-y, name='Y') # vector field Y Z = M.vector_field(y, x, name='Z') # vector field Z Z_YX = (Z.lie_derivative(Y)).lie_derivative(X) # L_X(L_Y(Z)) Z_XY = (Z.lie_derivative(X)).lie_derivative(Y) # L_Y(L_X(Z)) (Z_YX - Z_XY).disp() # L_X(L_Y(Z)) - L_Y(L_X(Z))

(2y1)x+2xy\displaystyle \left( -2 \, y - 1 \right) \frac{\partial}{\partial x } + 2 \, x \frac{\partial}{\partial y }

Z_brXY = Z.lie_derivative(X.bracket(Y)) # L_[X,Y](Z) Z_brXY.disp()

(2y1)x+2xy\displaystyle \left( -2 \, y - 1 \right) \frac{\partial}{\partial x } + 2 \, x \frac{\partial}{\partial y }

Some properties of pullback of covariant tensor fields

Let us recall (from notebook 15) that if MM and NN are smooth manifolds and ψ:MNψ : M → N is a smooth map then the pullback  ψt \ \psi^*t\ of a smooth tensor field tT(0,k)Nt\in T^{(0,k)}N is defined by

(ψt)p(X1p,...,Xkp)=tψ(p)(dψpX1p,...,dψpXkp),\begin{equation} (ψ^∗ t)_p (X_{1p} , . . . , X_{kp} ) = t_{ψ( p)} (dψ_p X_{1p} , . . . , dψ_p X_{kp} ), \tag{19.13} \end{equation}

for X1p,,XkpTpMX_{1p},\ldots,X_{kp}\in T_pM and pMp\in M.

In (15.2) we have proved that for fC(N)f ∈ C^∞ (N ) ψdf=d(ψf),\begin{equation} ψ^∗ d f=d(\psi^*f), \tag{9.14} \end{equation}

and in (15.3)-(15.5) we justified the relations (for covariant tensor fields t,st,s and fC(M), a,bRf\in C^\infty(M),\ a,b\in R)

ψ(at+bs)=aψt+bψs,ψ(ft)=(ψf)(ψt),\begin{equation} \begin{matrix} ψ^∗ (at + bs) = aψ^∗ t + bψ^∗ s,\\ ψ^∗ ( f t) = (ψ^* f )(ψ^* t), \end{matrix} \tag{19.15} \end{equation}
ψ(ts)=(ψt)(ψs).\begin{equation} ψ^∗ (t ⊗ s) = (ψ^∗ t) ⊗ (ψ^∗ s). \tag{19.16} \end{equation}

In notebook 15 we also have checked that if M1,M2,M3 M_1,M_2,M_3\ are smooth manifolds and ψ1:M1M2ψ_1 : M_1 → M_2 and ψ2:M2M3ψ_2 : M_2 → M_3 are smooth maps, then (ψ2ψ1)t=(ψ1ψ2)t.\begin{equation} (ψ_2 ◦ ψ_1 )^∗ t = (ψ_1^∗ ◦ ψ_2^∗ )\,t. \tag{19.17} \end{equation}

Lie derivative of covariant tensor fields

If ϕϕ is a one-parameter group of transformations on MM and XX its infinitesimal generator, then for any tensor field tT(0,k)Mt\in T^{(0,k)}M the Lie derivative of tt with respect to XX is defined by (LXt)x=limh0(ϕht)xtxh=ddt(ϕtt)xt=0.\begin{equation} (\mathcal{L}_Xt)_x=\lim_{h→0}\frac{(\phi^*_ht)_x-t_x}{h} =\frac{d}{dt}(\phi_t^*t)_x\Big|_{t=0}. \tag{9.18} \end{equation}

For tT(0,k)M, sT(0,m)Mt\in T^{(0,k)}M,\ s\in T^{(0,m)}M we have

LX(ts)=limh0ϕh(ts)tsh=limh0(ϕht)(ϕhs)tsh=limh0[(ϕht)ϕhssh+ϕhtths]=t(LXs)+(LXt)s.\begin{equation} \begin{matrix} \displaystyle \mathcal{L}_X(t\otimes s) =\lim_{h→0}\frac{\phi^*_h(t\otimes s)-t\otimes s}{h} =\lim_{h→0}\frac{(\phi^*_ht)\otimes (\phi_h^*s)-t\otimes s}{h}\\ \displaystyle =\lim_{h→0}\Big[(\phi^*_ht)\otimes\frac{\phi^*_hs-s}{h} +\frac{\phi^*_ht-t}{h}\otimes s\Big]\\ \displaystyle =t\otimes(\mathcal{L}_X s)+(\mathcal{L}_Xt)\otimes s. \end{matrix} \tag{19.19} \end{equation}

For t,sT(0,k)Mt,s\in T^{(0,k)}M and a,bRa,b\in R

LX(at+bs)=limh0ϕh(at+bs)(at+bs)h=limh0aϕht+bϕhsatbsh=aLXt+bLXs.\begin{equation} \begin{matrix} \displaystyle \mathcal{L}_X(at+bs) =\lim_{h→0}\frac{\phi^*_h(at+bs)-(at+bs)}{h}\\ \displaystyle =\lim_{h→0}\frac{a\phi^*_ht+b\phi^*_hs-at-bs}{h} =a\mathcal{L}_Xt +b\mathcal{L}_Xs. \end{matrix} \tag{19.20} \end{equation}

For fC(M)f ∈ C^∞ (M) and tT(0,k)Mt\in T^{(0,k)}M

LX(ft)=limh0ϕh(ft)fth=limh0(ϕhf)(ϕht)fth=limh0[ϕhfϕhtth+ϕhffht]=f(LXt)+(LXf)t.\begin{equation} \begin{matrix} \displaystyle \mathcal{L}_X(ft) =\lim_{h→0}\frac{\phi^*_h(ft)-ft}{h} =\lim_{h→0}\frac{(\phi^*_hf)(\phi_h^*t)-ft}{h}\\ \displaystyle =\lim_{h→0}\Big[\phi^*_hf\frac{\phi^*_ht-t}{h} +\frac{\phi^*_hf-f}{h}t\Big] =f(\mathcal{L}_X t)+(\mathcal{L}_Xf)t. \end{matrix} \tag{19.21} \end{equation}
LXdf=limh0ϕhdfdfh=limh0d(ϕhf)dfh=d(LXf).\begin{equation} \begin{matrix} \displaystyle \mathcal{L}_Xdf =\lim_{h→0}\frac{\phi^*_hdf-df}{h} =\lim_{h→0}\frac{d(\phi^*_hf)-df}{h} =d(\mathcal{L}_Xf). \end{matrix} \tag{19.22} \end{equation}

Lie derivative of covariant tensor fields in local components

If tT(0,k)Mt\in T^{(0,k)}M is given locally by t=ti1...ikdxi1dxikt = t_{i_1... i_k} dx^{i_1} ⊗· · · ⊗ dx^{i_k}, then

$$\mathcal{L}_X t = \mathcal{L}_X (t_{i_1... i_k} dx^{i_1} ⊗ · · · ⊗ dx^{i_k} )\\ = (\mathcal{L}_X t_{i_1... i_k})dx^{i_1} ⊗ · · · ⊗ dx^{i_k} \\ + t_{i_1... i_k}\big( \mathcal{L}_X dx^{i_1} ⊗ · · · ⊗ dx^{i_k} + · · · + dx^{i_1} ⊗ · · · ⊗ \mathcal{L}_Xdx^{i_k}\big)\\ =(Xt_{i_1... i_k})dx^{i_1} ⊗ · · · ⊗ dx^{i_k}\\ + t_{i_1... i_k}\big[d (\mathcal{L}_X x^{i_1}) ⊗ · · · ⊗ dx^{i_k} + · · · + dx^{i_1} ⊗ · · · ⊗ d(\mathcal{L}_Xx^{i_k})\big].\\$$

If X=XmxmX = X^m \frac{∂}{∂ x^m}, then

LXxi=Xxi=(Xmxm)xi=Xi,\mathcal{L}_Xx^i=Xx^i=\big(X^m \frac{∂}{∂ x^m}\big)x^i=X^i,


d(LXxi)=dXi=Xixmdxm,\begin{equation} d(\mathcal{L}_Xx^i)=dX^i=\frac{∂X^i}{∂ x^m}dx^m, \tag{19.22'} \end{equation}

and LXt=(Xti1...ik)dxi1dxik+ti1...ik(Xi1xmdxmdxik++dxi1Xikxmdxm)=(Xmti1...ikxm+tim...ikXimxi1++ti1...imXimxik)dxi1dxik.(19.23)\begin{darray}{rcl} &\mathcal{L}_X t = (Xt_{i_1... i_k} ) dx^{i_1} ⊗ · · · ⊗ dx^{i_k}\\ &+t_{i_1... i_k} \big(\frac{∂X^{i_1}}{∂ x^m}dx^m\otimes\ldots\otimes dx^{i_k}+\ldots+dx^{i_1}\otimes\ldots\otimes\frac{∂X^{i_k}}{∂ x^m}dx^m\Big)\\ &=\big(X^m\frac{\partial t_{i_1... i_k}}{∂ x^m}+ t_{i_m... i_k}\frac{∂X^{i_m}}{∂ x^{i_1}}+\ldots +t_{i_1... i_m}\frac{∂X^{i_m}}{∂ x^{i_k}}\Big)dx^{i_1} ⊗ · · · ⊗ dx^{i_k}. \tag{19.23} \end{darray}

Example 19.8

Compute  LXt  \ \mathcal{L}_Xt\ \ for  X=(1x)x+(xy)y  \ X=(1-x)\frac{\partial}{\partial x}+(x-y)\frac{\partial}{\partial y}\ \ and   t=xdxdx+dxd𝑦+𝑦d𝑦dx.\ \ t=xdx⊗dx+dx⊗d𝑦+𝑦d𝑦⊗dx.

First define the tensor field and vector field:

%display latex M = Manifold(2, 'M') # manifold M c_xy.<x,y> = M.chart() # chart on M e_xy = c_xy.frame() # local basis of vector fields t = M.tensor_field(0, 2, {e_xy: [[x, 1], [y, 0]]}, name='t') t.disp() # tensor field t of (0,2)-type

t=xdxdx+dxdy+ydydx\displaystyle t = x \mathrm{d} x\otimes \mathrm{d} x +\mathrm{d} x\otimes \mathrm{d} y + y \mathrm{d} y\otimes \mathrm{d} x

e_xy # show the local basis

(M,(x,y))\displaystyle \left(M, \left(\frac{\partial}{\partial x },\frac{\partial}{\partial y }\right)\right)

X = M.vector_field({e_xy: [1-x, x-y]}, name='X') X.disp() # vector field X

X=(x+1)x+(xy)y\displaystyle X = \left( -x + 1 \right) \frac{\partial}{\partial x } + \left( x - y \right) \frac{\partial}{\partial y }

Now we can compute  LXt:  \ \mathcal{L}_Xt:\ \

lt = t.lie_derivative(X) # Lie derivative L_X(t) lt.display(e_xy)

(3x+y+2)dxdx2dxdy+(x3y)dydx\displaystyle \left( -3 \, x + y + 2 \right) \mathrm{d} x\otimes \mathrm{d} x -2 \mathrm{d} x\otimes \mathrm{d} y + \left( x - 3 \, y \right) \mathrm{d} y\otimes \mathrm{d} x

Example 19.9

For a deeper understanding of the formula (19.23) let us take a more general example.

Let   t=𝑡00d𝑥0d𝑥0+𝑡01d𝑥0d𝑥1+𝑡10d𝑥1d𝑥0+𝑡11d𝑥1d𝑥1.  \ \ t=𝑡_{00}d𝑥^0⊗d𝑥^0+𝑡_{01}d𝑥^0⊗d𝑥^1+𝑡_{10}d𝑥^1⊗d𝑥^0+𝑡_{11}d𝑥^1⊗d𝑥^1.\ \

N=2 # dimension of manifold M M = Manifold(N, 'M') # manifold M c_x = M.chart(' '.join(['x'+str(i)+':x^{'+str(i)+'}' for i in range(N)])) # chart on M x0, x1 = c_x[:] # coordinates x^0, x^1 of chart c_x as the Python variables x0, x1 t = M.tensor_field(0,2, name='t') # tensor field t of type (0,2) def f2(i,j): return 't'+str(i)+str(j) # names of components # component functions: f1 = [[M.scalar_field(function(f2(j,k))(x0,x1), name=f2(j,k)) for k in range(N)] for j in range(N)] t[:] = f1 # define all components of t %display latex Manifold.options.omit_function_arguments=True t.disp() # show tensor field t

t=t00dx0dx0+t01dx0dx1+t10dx1dx0+t11dx1dx1\displaystyle t = t_{00} \mathrm{d} {x^{0}}\otimes \mathrm{d} {x^{0}} + t_{01} \mathrm{d} {x^{0}}\otimes \mathrm{d} {x^{1}} + t_{10} \mathrm{d} {x^{1}}\otimes \mathrm{d} {x^{0}} + t_{11} \mathrm{d} {x^{1}}\otimes \mathrm{d} {x^{1}}

and   X=X0x0+X1x1\ \ X=X^0\frac{\partial}{\partial x^0}+X^1\frac{\partial}{\partial x^1}

# continuation X = M.vector_field(name='X') # vector field X Xf=[M.scalar_field(function('X'+str(i), # list of components latex_name='X'+'^'+str(i))(x0,x1)) for i in range(N)] X[:] = Xf # define all comp. of X X.disp() # show vect.field X

X=X0x0+X1x1\displaystyle X = X^0 \frac{\partial}{\partial {x^{0}} } + X^1 \frac{\partial}{\partial {x^{1}} }

Compute the Lie derivative LXt:  \ \mathcal{L}_Xt:\ \

lt = t.lie_derivative(X) lt.disp()

(2t00X0x0+(t01+t10)X1x0+X0t00x0+X1t00x1)dx0dx0+(t01X0x0+t00X0x1+t11X1x0+t01X1x1+X0t01x0+X1t01x1)dx0dx1+(t10X0x0+t00X0x1+t11X1x0+t10X1x1+X0t10x0+X1t10x1)dx1dx0+((t01+t10)X0x1+2t11X1x1+X0t11x0+X1t11x1)dx1dx1\displaystyle \left( 2 \, t_{00} \frac{\partial\,X^0}{\partial {x^{0}}} + {\left(t_{01} + t_{10}\right)} \frac{\partial\,X^1}{\partial {x^{0}}} + X^0 \frac{\partial\,t_{00}}{\partial {x^{0}}} + X^1 \frac{\partial\,t_{00}}{\partial {x^{1}}} \right) \mathrm{d} {x^{0}}\otimes \mathrm{d} {x^{0}} + \left( t_{01} \frac{\partial\,X^0}{\partial {x^{0}}} + t_{00} \frac{\partial\,X^0}{\partial {x^{1}}} + t_{11} \frac{\partial\,X^1}{\partial {x^{0}}} + t_{01} \frac{\partial\,X^1}{\partial {x^{1}}} + X^0 \frac{\partial\,t_{01}}{\partial {x^{0}}} + X^1 \frac{\partial\,t_{01}}{\partial {x^{1}}} \right) \mathrm{d} {x^{0}}\otimes \mathrm{d} {x^{1}} + \left( t_{10} \frac{\partial\,X^0}{\partial {x^{0}}} + t_{00} \frac{\partial\,X^0}{\partial {x^{1}}} + t_{11} \frac{\partial\,X^1}{\partial {x^{0}}} + t_{10} \frac{\partial\,X^1}{\partial {x^{1}}} + X^0 \frac{\partial\,t_{10}}{\partial {x^{0}}} + X^1 \frac{\partial\,t_{10}}{\partial {x^{1}}} \right) \mathrm{d} {x^{1}}\otimes \mathrm{d} {x^{0}} + \left( {\left(t_{01} + t_{10}\right)} \frac{\partial\,X^0}{\partial {x^{1}}} + 2 \, t_{11} \frac{\partial\,X^1}{\partial {x^{1}}} + X^0 \frac{\partial\,t_{11}}{\partial {x^{0}}} + X^1 \frac{\partial\,t_{11}}{\partial {x^{1}}} \right) \mathrm{d} {x^{1}}\otimes \mathrm{d} {x^{1}}

For comparison, using (19.23) without simplifications we obtain

(Xmti1...ikxm+tim...ikXimxi1+...+ti1...imXimxik)dxi1dxik=(X0t00x0+X1t00x1+t00X0x0+t10X1x0+t00X0x0+t01X1x0)dx0dx0+(X0t01x0+X1t01x1+t01X0x0+t11X1x0+t00X0x1+t01X1x1)dx0dx1+(X0t10x0+X1t10x1+t00X0x1+t10X1x1+t10X0x0+t11X1x0)dx1dx0+(X0t11x0+X1t11x1+t01X0x1+t11X1x1+t10X0x1+t11X1x1)dx1dx1,\begin{matrix} \Big(X^m\frac{\partial t_{i_1... i_k}}{∂ x^m} & +t_{i_m... i_k}\frac{∂X^{i_m}}{∂ x^{i_1}}+ & ...+t_{i_1... i_m}\frac{∂X^{i_m}}{∂ x^{i_k}}\Big) & dx^{i_1} ⊗ · · · ⊗ dx^{i_k}\\ =\Big(X^0\frac{\partial t_{00}}{\partial x^0}+X^1 \frac{\partial t_{00}}{\partial x^1} & +t_{00}\frac{\partial X^0}{\partial x^0}+t_{10}\frac{\partial X^1}{\partial x^0} & +t_{00}\frac{\partial X^0}{\partial x^0}+t_{01}\frac{\partial X^1}{\partial x^0} \Big)& dx^0\otimes dx^0\\ +\Big(X^0\frac{\partial t_{01}}{\partial x^0}+X^1 \frac{\partial t_{01}}{\partial x^1} & +t_{01}\frac{\partial X^0}{\partial x^0}+t_{11}\frac{\partial X^1}{\partial x^0} & +t_{00}\frac{\partial X^0}{\partial x^1}+t_{01}\frac{\partial X^1}{\partial x^1} \Big)& dx^0\otimes dx^1\\ +\Big(X^0\frac{\partial t_{10}}{\partial x^0}+X^1 \frac{\partial t_{10}}{\partial x^1} & +t_{00}\frac{\partial X^0}{\partial x^1}+t_{10}\frac{\partial X^1}{\partial x^1} & +t_{10}\frac{\partial X^0}{\partial x^0}+t_{11}\frac{\partial X^1}{\partial x^0} \Big)& dx^1\otimes dx^0\\ +\Big(X^0\frac{\partial t_{11}}{\partial x^0}+X^1 \frac{\partial t_{11}}{\partial x^1} & +t_{01}\frac{\partial X^0}{\partial x^1}+t_{11}\frac{\partial X^1}{\partial x^1} & +t_{10}\frac{\partial X^0}{\partial x^1}+t_{11}\frac{\partial X^1}{\partial x^1} \Big)& dx^1\otimes dx^1, \end{matrix}

which of course gives the same result.

# 3 ways how to obtain contraction sign print(u'\u231F',u'\u300D',u'\uFF63')
⌟ 」 」

Contraction with a vector field (interior product)

If tT(0,k)M, XX(M)t\in T^{(0,k)}M,\ X\in \mathfrak{X}(M), then the contraction of tt with XX, denoted by  Xt \ X\mathbin{」}t\ is a tensor field from T(0,k1)MT^{(0,k-1)}M defined by

(Xt)p(X2p,,Xkp)=tp(Xp,X2p,,Xkp).\begin{equation} (X\mathbin{」}t)_p(X_{2p},\ldots,X_{kp})=t_p(X_p,X_{2p},\ldots,X_{kp}). \tag{19.24} \end{equation}

Example 19.10

Let us compute   Xt  \ \ X\mathbin{」}t\ \ for   X=X1x1+X2x2  \ \ X=X^1\frac{\partial}{\partial x^1}+ X^2\frac{\partial}{\partial x^2}\ \ and   𝑔=d𝑥1d𝑥1+d𝑥2d𝑥2.\ \ 𝑔=d𝑥^1⊗d𝑥^1+d𝑥^2⊗d𝑥^2.

%display latex N = 2 # dimension of manifold M M = Manifold(2, 'M',start_index=1) # manifold M c_x = M.chart(' '.join(['x'+str(i)+':x^{'+str(i)+'}' for i in range(1, N+1)])) # chart on M x1, x2 = c_x[:] # coordinates x^1, x^2 of chart c_x as the Python variables x1, x2 g = M.tensor_field(0, 2, name='g'); # tensor field of type (0,2) g[1,1] = 1; g[2,2] = 1 # set nonzero components g.display() # show g

g=dx1dx1+dx2dx2\displaystyle g = \mathrm{d} {x^{1}}\otimes \mathrm{d} {x^{1}}+\mathrm{d} {x^{2}}\otimes \mathrm{d} {x^{2}}

X = M.vector_field() # vector field X X[:] = (function('X1', latex_name='X^1')(x1,x2), # define components of X function('X2', latex_name='X^2')(x1,x2)) Manifold.options.omit_function_arguments=True X.display() # show X

X1x1+X2x2\displaystyle X^1 \frac{\partial}{\partial {x^{1}} } + X^2 \frac{\partial}{\partial {x^{2}} }

X.contract(g).display() # X 」g

X1dx1+X2dx2\displaystyle X^1 \mathrm{d} {x^{1}} + X^2 \mathrm{d} {x^{2}}

Example 19.11

Compute   Xa  \ \ X\mathbin{」} a\ \ for   X=X1x1+X2x2  \ \ X=X^1\frac{\partial}{\partial x^1}+ X^2\frac{\partial}{\partial x^2}\ \ and   a=𝑎1d𝑥1+𝑎2d𝑥2.\ \ a= 𝑎_1d𝑥^1+𝑎_2d𝑥^2.

# continuation a = M.one_form() # one-form a # define components of a a[:] = (function('a1')(x1,x2), function('a2')(x1,x2)) a.disp() # show a

a1dx1+a2dx2\displaystyle a_{1} \mathrm{d} {x^{1}} + a_{2} \mathrm{d} {x^{2}}

(X.contract(a)).disp() # X 」 a

MR(x1,x2)X1a1+X2a2\displaystyle \begin{array}{llcl} & M & \longrightarrow & \mathbb{R} \\ & \left({x^{1}}, {x^{2}}\right) & \longmapsto & X^1 a_{1} + X^2 a_{2} \end{array}

X.interior_product(a).disp() # interior product # gives the same results for k-forms

MR(x1,x2)X1a1+X2a2\displaystyle \begin{array}{llcl} & M & \longrightarrow & \mathbb{R} \\ & \left({x^{1}}, {x^{2}}\right) & \longmapsto & X^1 a_{1} + X^2 a_{2} \end{array}

a(X).disp() # value of a on X

MR(x1,x2)X1a1+X2a2\displaystyle \begin{array}{llcl} & M & \longrightarrow & \mathbb{R} \\ & \left({x^{1}}, {x^{2}}\right) & \longmapsto & X^1 a_{1} + X^2 a_{2} \end{array}

X(a).disp() # value of X on a

MR(x1,x2)X1a1+X2a2\displaystyle \begin{array}{llcl} & M & \longrightarrow & \mathbb{R} \\ & \left({x^{1}}, {x^{2}}\right) & \longmapsto & X^1 a_{1} + X^2 a_{2} \end{array}

Example 19.12

Compute   Xt  \ \ X\mathbin{」}t\ \ for   X=X0x0+X1x1  \ \ X=X^0\frac{\partial}{\partial x^0}+ X^1\frac{\partial}{\partial x^1}\ \ and   𝑡=𝑡00d𝑥0d𝑥0+𝑡01d𝑥0d𝑥1+𝑡10d𝑥1d𝑥0+𝑡11d𝑥1d𝑥1.\ \ 𝑡=𝑡_{00}d𝑥^0⊗d𝑥^0+𝑡_{01}d𝑥^0⊗d𝑥^1+𝑡_{10}d𝑥^1⊗d𝑥^0+𝑡_{11}d𝑥^1⊗d𝑥^1.

N = 2 # dimension of manifold M M = Manifold(N, 'M') # manifold M c_x = M.chart(' '.join(['x'+str(i)+':x^{'+str(i)+'}' for i in range(N)])) # chart on M x0, x1 = c_x[:] # coordinates x^0, x^1 of chart c_x as the Python variables x0, x1 t = M.tensor_field(0,2, name='t') # tensor field t of type (0,2) def f2(i,j): return 't'+str(i)+str(j) # names of components # list of components: f = [[M.scalar_field(function(f2(j,k))(x0,x1), name=f2(j,k)) for k in range(2)] for j in range(2)] t[:] = f # all components of t %display latex Manifold.options.omit_function_arguments=True t.disp() # show t

t=t00dx0dx0+t01dx0dx1+t10dx1dx0+t11dx1dx1\displaystyle t = t_{00} \mathrm{d} {x^{0}}\otimes \mathrm{d} {x^{0}} + t_{01} \mathrm{d} {x^{0}}\otimes \mathrm{d} {x^{1}} + t_{10} \mathrm{d} {x^{1}}\otimes \mathrm{d} {x^{0}} + t_{11} \mathrm{d} {x^{1}}\otimes \mathrm{d} {x^{1}}

X = M.vector_field() # vector field X X[:] = (function('X0',latex_name='X^0')(x0,x1), # list of comp. function('X1',latex_name='X^1')(x0,x1))
X.contract(t).display() # X 」 t

(X0t00+X1t10)dx0+(X0t01+X1t11)dx1\displaystyle \left( X^0 t_{00} + X^1 t_{10} \right) \mathrm{d} {x^{0}} + \left( X^0 t_{01} + X^1 t_{11} \right) \mathrm{d} {x^{1}}

Pullback of contraction

Let ψ:MNψ:M → N be a diffeomorphisms,  tT(0,k)N \ t\in T^{(0,k)}N\ and  XX(N)\ X\in \mathfrak{X}(N). Recall that since ψXψ^∗ X and XX are ψψ-related, then Xψ(p)=dψp(ψX)p X_{\psi(p)}=d\psi_p(\psi^*X)_p\ (cf. (19.7')) and (ψX)(ψf)=ψ(Xf) (ψ^∗ X)(ψ^∗ f ) = ψ^∗ (X f )\ (cf. (19.8)), therefore

[(ψX)(ψt)]p(X2p,...,Xkp)=(ψt)p((ψX)p,X2p,...,Xkp)=tψ(p)(dψp(ψX)p,dψpX2p,...,dψpXkp)=tψ(p)(Xψ(p),dψpX2p,...,dψpXkp)=(Xt)ψ(p)(dψpX2p,...,dψpXkp)=[ψ(Xt)]p(X2p,...,Xkp),[(ψ^∗ X)\mathbin{」}(ψ^∗ t)]_p (X_{2p} , . . . , X_{kp} ) =(ψ^∗ t)_p ((ψ^∗ X)_p , X_{2p} , . . . , X_{kp})\\ = t_{ψ( p)} (dψ_p (ψ^∗ X)_p , dψ_p X_{2p} , . . . , dψ_p X_{kp})\\ = t_{ψ( p)} (X_{ψ( p)} ,dψ_p X_{2p} , . . . , dψ_p X_{kp} )\\ =(X\mathbin{」} t)_{ψ( p)} (dψ_p X_{2p} , . . . , dψ_p X_{kp} ) = [ψ^∗ (X\mathbin{」} t)]_p (X_{2p} , . . . , X_{kp} ),

for X2p,,XkpTpN.X_{2p},\ldots,X_{kp}\in T_pN. We have proved

ψ(Xt)=(ψX)(ψt).\begin{equation} ψ^∗ (X\mathbin{」} t)=(ψ^∗ X)\mathbin{」}(ψ^∗ t). \tag{19.25} \end{equation}

Lie derivative of contraction

In a consequence, if ϕt\phi_t is a one-parameter group of transformations on 𝑀, XX its infinitesimal generator and YX(M)Y\in\mathfrak{X}(M), then for tT(0,k)Mt\in T^{(0,k)}M LX(Yt)=limh0ϕh(Yt)Yth=limh0ϕh(Y)(ϕht)Yth=limh0ϕh(Y)(ϕht)ϕh(Y)t+ϕh(Y)tYth=limh0[ϕhYϕhtth+ϕhYYht].\mathcal{L}_X (Y\mathbin{」}t)= \lim_{h\to 0}\frac{\phi_h^*(Y\mathbin{」}t)-Y\mathbin{」}t}{h} =\lim_{h\to 0}\frac{\phi_h^*(Y)\mathbin{」}(\phi^*_ht)-Y\mathbin{」}t}{h}\\ =\lim_{h\to 0}\frac{\phi_h^*(Y)\mathbin{」}(\phi^*_ht)- \phi_h^*(Y)\mathbin{」}t+\phi_h^*(Y)\mathbin{」}t-Y\mathbin{」}t}{h}\\ =\lim_{h\to 0}\Big[\phi_h^*Y\mathbin{」}\frac{\phi_h^*t-t}{h}+ \frac{\phi_h^*Y-Y}{h}\mathbin{」}t\Big].

Thus LX(Yt)=(LXY)t+YLXt.\begin{equation} \mathcal{L}_X (Y\mathbin{」}t)=(\mathcal{L}_XY)\mathbin{」}t +Y\mathbin{」}\mathcal{L}_Xt. \tag{19.26} \end{equation}

Example 19.13

Compute both sides of (19.26) for  X=yx+xy,\ X=-y\frac{\partial}{\partial x}+x\frac{\partial}{\partial y},   Y=(1x)x+(xy)y  \ \ Y=(1-x)\frac{\partial}{\partial x}+(x-y)\frac{\partial}{\partial y}\ \ and g=ydxdx+xd𝑦dy.g=ydx⊗dx+xd𝑦⊗dy.

First we define g, X, Yg,\ X,\ Y:

%display latex M = Manifold(2, 'M') # manifold M c_xy.<x,y> = M.chart() # chart on M g = M.tensor_field(0,2, name='g'); # tensor field of type (0,2) g[0,0] = y; g[1,1] = x # set nonzero components X = M.vector_field(-y, x, name='X') # vector field X Y = M.vector_field(1-x, x-y, name='Y') # vector field Y

Left hand side of (19.26) in SageMath:


(xy+y2+x)dx+(x2(x+1)y+y2)dy\displaystyle \left( -x y + y^{2} + x \right) \mathrm{d} x + \left( -x^{2} - {\left(x + 1\right)} y + y^{2} \right) \mathrm{d} y

Right hand side of (19.26):

r1 = (Y.lie_derivative(X)).contract(g) r2 = Y.contract(g.lie_derivative(X)) (r1 + r2).disp()

(xy+y2+x)dx+(x2(x+1)y+y2)dy\displaystyle \left( -x y + y^{2} + x \right) \mathrm{d} x + \left( -x^{2} - {\left(x + 1\right)} y + y^{2} \right) \mathrm{d} y

Computing the Lie derivative of covariant tensor fields with the help of Lie brackets

From (19.24) it follows tp(Xp,X2p,,Xkp)=(Xt)p(X2p,,Xkp),for tT(0,k)M,\begin{equation} t_p(X_p,X_{2p},\ldots,X_{kp})=(X\mathbin{」}t)_p(X_{2p},\ldots,X_{kp}),\quad \text{for}\ t\in T^{(0,k)}M, \end{equation}

and XiX(M)X_i\in\mathfrak{X}(M).

As a consequence we obtain

tp(Y1p,Y2p,,Ykp)=(Y1pt)p(Y2p,,Ykp)=(Y2p(Y1pt))p(Y3p,,Ykp)==(YkpY(k1)pY1pt),t_p(Y_{1p},Y_{2p},\ldots,Y_{kp})=(Y_{1p}\mathbin{」}t)_p(Y_{2p},\ldots,Y_{kp})\\ =(Y_{2p}\mathbin{」}(Y_{1p}\mathbin{」}t))_p(Y_{3p},\ldots,Y_{kp})=\ldots\\ =(Y_{kp}\mathbin{」}Y_{(k-1)p}\mathbin{」}\ldots\mathbin{」}Y_{1p}\mathbin{」}t),

i.e., for  tT(0,k)M\ t\in T^{(0,k)}M and YiX(M)Y_i\in\mathfrak{X}(M)

t(Y1,Y2,,Yk)=YkYk1Y1t.\begin{equation} t(Y_1,Y_2,\ldots,Y_k)=Y_k\mathbin{」}Y_{k-1}\mathbin{」}\ldots\mathbin{」}Y_1\mathbin{」}t. \tag{19.27} \end{equation}

We know from (19.2) that Xf=LXfXf=\mathcal{L}_Xf, so

X(t(Y1,...,Yk))=LX(t(Y1,...,Yk))=LX(YkYk1Y1t)=[(LXYk)Yk1Y1t+Yk(LXYk1)Y1t............................+YkYk1(LXY1)t+YkYk1Y1(LXt)]X( t (Y_1 , . . . , Y_k )) = \mathcal{L}_X (t (Y_1 , . . . , Y_k ))= \mathcal{L}_X(Y_k\mathbin{」}Y_{k-1}\mathbin{」}\ldots\mathbin{」}Y_1\mathbin{」}t)\\ =[(\mathcal{L}_XY_k)\mathbin{」}Y_{k-1}\mathbin{」}\ldots\mathbin{」}Y_1\mathbin{」}t\\ +Y_k\mathbin{」}(\mathcal{L}_XY_{k-1})\mathbin{」}\ldots\mathbin{」}Y_1\mathbin{」}t\\ ............................\\ +Y_k\mathbin{」}Y_{k-1}\mathbin{」}\ldots\mathbin{」}(\mathcal{L}_XY_1)\mathbin{」}t\\ +Y_k\mathbin{」}Y_{k-1}\mathbin{」}\ldots\mathbin{」}Y_1\mathbin{」}(\mathcal{L}_Xt)]

According to (19.27) we have

t(Y1,,Yk1,LXYk)=(LXYk)Yk1Y1t,t(Y1,,LXYk1,Yk)=Yk(LXYk1)Y1t,......................................t(LXY1,,Yk1,Yk)=YkYk1(LXY1)t,(LXt)(Y1,,Yk1,Yk)=YkYk1Y1(LXt).t(Y_1,\ldots,Y_{k-1},\mathcal{L}_XY_k)= (\mathcal{L}_XY_k)\mathbin{」}Y_{k-1}\mathbin{」}\ldots\mathbin{」}Y_1\mathbin{」}t,\\ t(Y_1,\ldots,\mathcal{L}_XY_{k-1},Y_k)= Y_k\mathbin{」}(\mathcal{L}_XY_{k-1})\mathbin{」}\ldots\mathbin{」}Y_1\mathbin{」}t,\\ ......................................\\ t(\mathcal{L}_XY_1,\ldots,Y_{k-1},Y_k)= Y_k\mathbin{」}Y_{k-1}\mathbin{」}\ldots\mathbin{」}(\mathcal{L}_XY_1)\mathbin{」}t,\\ (\mathcal{L}_Xt)(Y_1,\ldots,Y_{k-1},Y_k)= Y_k\mathbin{」}Y_{k-1}\mathbin{」}\ldots\mathbin{」}Y_1\mathbin{」}(\mathcal{L}_Xt).


X(t(Y1,...,Yk))=t(Y1,Y2,...,LXYk)+t(Y1,Y2,...,LXYk1,Yk)++t(LXY1,Y2,...,Yk)+(LXt)(Y1,...,Yk)=(LXt)(Y1,...,Yk)+i=1kt(Y1,...,LXYi,...,Yk).X( t (Y_1 , . . . , Y_k )) =t (Y_1 , Y_2 , . . . , \mathcal{L}_X Y_k ) + t (Y_1 , Y_2 , . . . , \mathcal{L}_X Y_{k−1} , Y_k ) + · · ·\\ + t (\mathcal{L}_X Y_1 , Y_2 , . . . , Y_k ) + (\mathcal{L}_X t)(Y_1 , . . . , Y_k )\\ = (\mathcal{L}_X t)(Y_1 , . . . , Y_k )+ \sum_{i=1}^k t (Y_1 , . . . , \mathcal{L}_X Y_i , . . . , Y_k).

We have proved

(LXt)(Y1,..,Yk)=X(t(Y1,..,Yk))i=1kt(Y1,..,[X,Yi],..,Yk).\begin{equation} (\mathcal{L}_X t)(Y_1 ,.., Y_k ) = X (t (Y_1 ,.., Y_k )) -\sum_{i=1}^kt (Y_1 ,.., [X, Y_i ],.., Y_k ). \tag{19.28} \end{equation}

Example 19.14

Compute both sides of (19.28) for  X=yx+xy,\ X=-y\frac{\partial}{\partial x}+x\frac{\partial}{\partial y},   Y1=(1x)x+(xy)y,  Y2=(y+1)x+(x2)y, \ \ Y_1=(1-x)\frac{\partial}{\partial x}+(x-y)\frac{\partial}{\partial y},\ \ Y_2=(y+1)\frac{\partial}{\partial x}+(x-2)\frac{\partial}{\partial y},\ and t=ydxdx+xd𝑦dy.t=ydx⊗dx+xd𝑦⊗dy.

First we define  t, X, Y1,Y2\ t,\ X,\ Y_1,Y_2:

%display latex M = Manifold(2, 'M') # manifold M c_xy.<x,y> = M.chart() # chart on M t = M.tensor_field(0,2, name='t') # tensor field of type (0,2) t[0,0] = y; t[1,1] = x # set nonzero components X = M.vector_field(-y, x, name='X') # vector field X Y1 = M.vector_field(1-x, x-y, name='Y1') # vector field Y1 Y2 = M.vector_field(y+1, x-2, name='Y2') # vector field Y2
L = t.lie_derivative(X)(Y1,Y2) # left hand side of (19.28) L.expr() # value of L

x3(x+1)y2+y3+3x22(x1)yx\displaystyle -x^{3} - {\left(x + 1\right)} y^{2} + y^{3} + 3 \, x^{2} - 2 \, {\left(x - 1\right)} y - x

R = X(t(Y1,Y2)) - t(X.bracket(Y1),Y2) - t(Y1,X.bracket(Y2)) R # right hand side of (19.28)

X(t(Y1,Y2))t([X,Y1],Y2)t(Y1,[X,Y2])\displaystyle X\left(t\left(Y1,Y2\right)\right)-t\left(\left[X,Y1\right],Y2\right)-t\left(Y1,\left[X,Y2\right]\right)

R.expr() # value of R

x3(x+1)y2+y3+3x22(x1)yx\displaystyle -x^{3} - {\left(x + 1\right)} y^{2} + y^{3} + 3 \, x^{2} - 2 \, {\left(x - 1\right)} y - x

Commutator of Lie derivatives of covariant tensor fields

Repeating the use of (19.28) we obtain

(LX(LYt))(Z1,...,Zk)=X((LYt)(Z1,...,Zk))i=1k(LYt)(Z1,...,[X,Zi],...,Zk)=X{Y(t(Z1,...,Zk))i=1kt(Z1,...,[Y,Zj],...,Zk) }i=1k{Y(t(Z1,...,[X,Zi],...,Zk)t(Z1,...,[Y,[X,Zi]],...,Zk)j=1,j<ikt(Z1,...,[Y,Zj],...,[X,Zi],...,Zk)j=1,j>ikt(Z1,...,[X,Zi],...,[Y,Zj],...,Zk)}=XY(t(Z1,...,Zk))j=1kX(t(Z1,...,[Y,Zj],...,Zk))i=1k{Y(t(Z1,...,[X,Zi],...,Zk))t(Z1,...,[Y,[X,Zi]],...,Zk)j=1,j<ikt(Z1,...,[Y,Zj],...,[X,Zi],...,Zk)j=1,j>ikt(Z1,...,[X,Zi],...,[Y,Zj],...,Zk)},(\mathcal{L}_X (\mathcal{L}_Y t)) (Z_1 , . . . , Z_k )\\ =X ((\mathcal{L}_Y t)(Z_1 , . . . , Z_k ))-\sum_{i=1}^k (\mathcal{L}_Y t)(Z_1 , . . . , [X, Z_i ], . . . , Z_k )\\ = X \Big\{Y (t (Z_1 , . . . , Z_k )) -\sum_{i=1}^k t (Z_1 , . . . , [Y, Z_j ], . . . , Z_k )\ \Big\}\\ -\sum_{i=1}^k \Big\{Y (t (Z_1 , . . . , [X, Z_i ], . . . , Z_k ) − t (Z_1 , . . . , [Y, [X, Z_i ]], . . . , Z_k )\\ -\sum_{j=1,j<i}^kt (Z_1 , . . . , [Y, Z_j ], . . . , [X, Z_i ], . . . , Z_k )\\ -\sum_{j=1,j>i}^kt (Z_1 , . . . , [X, Z_i ], . . . , [Y, Z_j ], . . . , Z_k ) \Big\}\\ = XY( t (Z_1 , . . . , Z_k ))-\sum_{j=1}^k X (t (Z_1 , . . . , [Y, Z_j ], . . . , Z_k ))\\ -\sum_{i=1}^k \Big\{Y (t (Z_1 , . . . , [X, Z_i ], . . . , Z_k ) ) − t (Z_1 , . . . , [Y, [X, Z_i ]], . . . , Z_k )\\ -\sum_{j=1,j<i}^k t (Z_1 , . . . , [Y, Z_j ], . . . , [X, Z_i ], . . . , Z_k )\\ -\sum_{j=1,j>i}^k t (Z_1 , . . . , [X, Z_i ], . . . , [Y, Z_j ], . . . , Z_k ) \Big\},

and analogously

(LY(LXt))(Z1,...,Zk)=YX(t(Z1,...,Zk))i=1kY(t(Z1,...,[Y,Zi],...,Zk))i=1k{X(t(Z1,...,[Y,Zi],...,Zk))t(Z1,...,[X,[Y,Zi]],...,Zk)j=1,j<ikt(Z1,...,[X,Zj],...,[Y,Zi],...,Zk)j=1,j>ikt(Z1,...,[Y,Zi],...,[X,Zj],...,Zk)}.(\mathcal{L}_Y (\mathcal{L}_X t)) (Z_1 , . . . , Z_k )\\ =YX( t (Z_1 , . . . , Z_k )) -\sum_{i=1}^kY (t (Z_1 , . . . , [Y, Z_i ], . . . , Z_k ))\\ -\sum_{i=1}^k \Big\{X (t (Z_1 , . . . , [Y, Z_i ], . . . , Z_k ) ) − t (Z_1 , . . . , [X, [Y, Z_i ]], . . . , Z_k )\\ -\sum_{j=1,j<i}^k t (Z_1 , . . . , [X, Z_j ], . . . , [Y, Z_i ], . . . , Z_k )\\ -\sum_{j=1,j>i}^k t (Z_1 , . . . , [Y, Z_i ], . . . , [X, Z_j ], . . . , Z_k ) \Big\}.

The Jacobi identity   [Y,[Zi,X]][X,[Y,Zi]][Zi,[X,Y]]=0, \ \ -[Y,[Z_i,X]]-[X,[Y,Z_i]]-[Z_i,[X,Y]]=0,\ implies



(LX(LYt))(Z1,...,Zk)LY(LXt))(Z1,...,Zk)=[X,Y](t(Z1,...,Zk))i=1kt(Z1,...,[[X,Y],Zi],...,Zk).(\mathcal{L}_X (\mathcal{L}_Y t) )(Z_1 , . . . , Z_k ) − \mathcal{L}_Y (\mathcal{L}_X t) )(Z_1 , . . . , Z_k )\\ = [X, Y] (t (Z_1 , . . . , Z_k )) -\sum_{i=1}^k t (Z_1 , . . . , [[X, Y], Z_i ], . . . , Z_k ).

Thus LX(LYt)LY(LXt)=L[X,Y]t.\begin{equation} \mathcal{L}_X (\mathcal{L}_Y t) − \mathcal{L}_Y (\mathcal{L}_X t) = \mathcal{L}_{[X,Y]} t. \tag{19.29} \end{equation}

Using the fact that LXX=[X,X]=0\mathcal{L}_X X = [X, X] = 0, we obtain:

LX(Xt)=(LXX)t+X(LXt)=X(LXt).\mathcal{L}_X (X \mathbin{」}t) = (\mathcal{L}_X X)\mathbin{」} t + X\mathbin{」} (\mathcal{L}_X t) = X\mathbin{」} (\mathcal{L}_X t).

Example 19.15

Check (19.29) for a 2-dimensional manifold and tensor tt of type (0,2).

%display latex N = 2 # dimension of manifold M M = Manifold(N, 'M') # manifold M c_x = M.chart(' '.join(['x'+str(i)+':x^{'+str(i)+'}' for i in range(N)])) # chart on M x0, x1 = c_x[:] # coordinates x^0, x^1 of chart c_x as the Python variables x0, x1 X = M.vector_field(name='X') # vector field X Xf = [M.scalar_field(function('X'+str(i), # list of components latex_name='X'+'^'+str(i))(x0,x1)) for i in range(N)] X[:] = Xf Y = M.vector_field(name='Y') # vector field Y Yf = [M.scalar_field(function('Y'+str(i), # list of components latex_name='Y'+'^'+str(i))(x0,x1)) for i in range(N)] Y[:] = Yf t = M.tensor_field(0,2, name='t') # tensor field t of type (0,2) def f2(i,j): return 't'+str(i)+str(j) # names of components # list of components: f = [[M.scalar_field(function(f2(j,k))(x0,x1), name=f2(j,k)) for k in range(2)] for j in range(2)] t[:] = f t.disp() # show t

t=t00dx0dx0+t01dx0dx1+t10dx1dx0+t11dx1dx1\displaystyle t = t_{00} \mathrm{d} {x^{0}}\otimes \mathrm{d} {x^{0}} + t_{01} \mathrm{d} {x^{0}}\otimes \mathrm{d} {x^{1}} + t_{10} \mathrm{d} {x^{1}}\otimes \mathrm{d} {x^{0}} + t_{11} \mathrm{d} {x^{1}}\otimes \mathrm{d} {x^{1}}

[X.disp(), Y.disp()] # show X,Y

[X=X0x0+X1x1,Y=Y0x0+Y1x1]\displaystyle \left[X = X^0 \frac{\partial}{\partial {x^{0}} } + X^1 \frac{\partial}{\partial {x^{1}} }, Y = Y^0 \frac{\partial}{\partial {x^{0}} } + Y^1 \frac{\partial}{\partial {x^{1}} }\right]

L_XL_Yt = (t.lie_derivative(Y)).lie_derivative(X) # L_XL_Y(t) L_YL_Xt = (t.lie_derivative(X)).lie_derivative(Y) # L_YL_X(t) L = L_XL_Yt-L_YL_Xt # Left hand side of (19.29) R = t.lie_derivative(X.bracket(Y)) # Right hand side of (19.29) L == R # check (19.29) # slow

True\displaystyle \mathrm{True}

Lie derivative for general tensor fields

For a general tensor field tT(k,m)Mt\in T^{(k,m)}M the lie derivative is defined by

(£Xt)(α1,...,αk,Y1,...,Ym)=X(t(α1,...,αk,Y1,...,Ym))i=1kt(α1,...,£Xαi,...,αk,Y1,...,Ym)i=1mt(α1,...,αk,Y1,...,£XYi,...,Ym),\begin{equation} \begin{matrix} (£_X t)(α_1 , . . . , α_k , Y_1 , . . . , Y_m ) = X (t (α_1 , . . . , α_k , Y_1 , . . . , Y_m ))\\ -\sum_{i=1}^k t (α_1 , . . . , £_X α_i , . . . , α_k , Y_1 , . . . , Y_m )\\ -\sum_{i=1}^m t (α_1 , . . . , α_k , Y_1 , . . . , £_X Y_i , . . . , Y_m ), \end{matrix} \tag{19.30} \end{equation}

for  α1,...,αkΩ1(M) \ α_1 , . . . , α_k ∈ \Omega^1(M)\ and  Y1,...,YmX(M)\ Y_1 , . . . , Y_m ∈ \mathfrak{X}(M).

Lie derivative for general tensor fields in components

If in coordinates  (x1,,xn) \ (x^1,\ldots,x^n)\ the tensor field tT(k,m)Mt\in T^{(k,m)}M has components tj1jmi1ikt^{i_1\ldots i_k}_{j_1\ldots j_m}, then the Lie derivative  LXt  \ \mathcal{L}_Xt\ \ has components

(LXt)j1jmi1ik=Xptj1jmi1ikxptj1jmpi2ikXi1xptj1jmi1ik1pXikxp+tpj2jmi1ikXpxj1++tj1jm1pi1ikXpxjm.\begin{equation} \begin{matrix} \displaystyle (\mathcal{L}_Xt)^{i_1\ldots i_k}_{j_1\ldots j_m} =X^p\frac{\partial t^{i_1\ldots i_k}_{j_1\ldots j_m}}{\partial x^p} -t^{p\,i_2\ldots i_k}_{j_1\ldots j_m}\frac{\partial X^{i_1}}{\partial x^p} \ldots -t^{i_1\ldots i_{k-1}p}_{j_1\ldots j_m}\frac{\partial X^{i_k}}{\partial x^p}\\ \displaystyle +t^{i_1\ldots i_k}_{p\,j_2\ldots j_m}\frac{\partial X^p}{\partial x^{j_1}} +\ldots +t^{i_1\ldots i_k}_{j_1\ldots j_{m-1}\,p}\frac{\partial X^p}{\partial x^{j_m}}. \end{matrix} \tag{19.31} \end{equation}

The formula follows from (19.30). In fact, computing LX\mathcal{L}_X for scalars  f \ f\ we have by (19.2)  LXf=Xf, \ \mathcal{L}_Xf=Xf,\ so  LX(tj1jmi1ik)=Xptj1jmi1ikxp\ \mathcal{L}_X(t^{i_1\ldots i_k}_{j_1\ldots j_m})=X^p\frac{\partial t^{i_1\ldots i_k}_{j_1\ldots j_m}}{\partial x^p}, computing LX\mathcal{L}_X for  dxi \ dx^i\ we have by (19.22), (19.22')   LXdxi=Xixpdxp, \ \ \mathcal{L}_Xdx^i=\frac{\partial X^i}{\partial x^p}dx^p,\ and computing LX\mathcal{L}_X for for xk\frac{\partial}{\partial x^k} we can use Lie brackets: LXxk=[X,xk]=[Xpxp,δkixi]=(XδkixkXp)xp=Xpxkxp,\mathcal{L}_X \frac{\partial}{\partial x^k} =[X,\frac{\partial}{\partial x^k}]=[X^p\frac{\partial}{\partial x^p}, \delta^i_k\frac{\partial}{\partial x^i}]=(X\delta^i_k-\frac{\partial}{\partial x^k}X^p)\frac{\partial}{\partial x^p} =-\frac{\partial X^p}{\partial x^k} \frac{\partial}{\partial x^p},

(cf. also (19.23)).

Example 19.16

Compute the Lie derivative  LXt  \ \mathcal{L}_Xt\ \ for   X=X0x0+X1x1  \ \ X=X^0\frac{\partial}{\partial x^0}+ X^1\frac{\partial}{\partial x^1}\ \ and 𝑡=𝑡00𝑥0d𝑥0+𝑡10𝑥0d𝑥1+𝑡01𝑥1d𝑥0+𝑡11𝑥1d𝑥1.𝑡=𝑡^0_0\frac{∂}{∂𝑥^0}⊗d𝑥^0+𝑡^0_1\frac{∂}{∂𝑥^0}⊗d𝑥^1+𝑡^1_0\frac{∂}{∂𝑥^1}⊗d𝑥^0+𝑡^1_1\frac{∂}{∂𝑥^1}⊗d𝑥^1.

%display latex N = 2 # dimension of manifold M M = Manifold(N, 'M') # manifold M c_x = M.chart(' '.join(['x'+str(i)+':x^{'+str(i)+'}' for i in range(N)])) # chart on M
def fn(i,j): return 't'+str(i)+str(j) # names of components def fl(i,j): return 't'+'^'+str(i)+'_'+str(j) # latex names of comp. # list of components of t: ff = [[M.scalar_field(function(fn(i,j), latex_name=fl(i,j))(*c_x)) for j in range(N)] for i in range(N)] t = M.tensor_field(1,1, name='t') # tensor field t t[:] = ff # define all components of t Manifold.options.omit_function_arguments=True t.disp() # show t

t=t00x0dx0+t10x0dx1+t01x1dx0+t11x1dx1\displaystyle t = t^0_0 \frac{\partial}{\partial {x^{0}} }\otimes \mathrm{d} {x^{0}} + t^0_1 \frac{\partial}{\partial {x^{0}} }\otimes \mathrm{d} {x^{1}} + t^1_0 \frac{\partial}{\partial {x^{1}} }\otimes \mathrm{d} {x^{0}} + t^1_1 \frac{\partial}{\partial {x^{1}} }\otimes \mathrm{d} {x^{1}}

X = M.vector_field() # vector field X X[:] = (function('X0', latex_name='X^0')(*c_x), function('X1', latex_name='X^1')(*c_x)) # comp. of X LtX = t.lie_derivative(X) # Lie derivative L_X(t) LtX.disp() # show Lie derivative

(t01X0x1+t10X1x0+X0t00x0+X1t00x1)x0dx0+(t10X0x0+(t00t11)X0x1+t10X1x1+X0t10x0+X1t10x1)x0dx1+(t01X0x0(t00t11)X1x0t01X1x1+X0t01x0+X1t01x1)x1dx0+(t01X0x1t10X1x0+X0t11x0+X1t11x1)x1dx1\displaystyle \left( -t^1_0 \frac{\partial\,X^0}{\partial {x^{1}}} + t^0_1 \frac{\partial\,X^1}{\partial {x^{0}}} + X^0 \frac{\partial\,t^0_0}{\partial {x^{0}}} + X^1 \frac{\partial\,t^0_0}{\partial {x^{1}}} \right) \frac{\partial}{\partial {x^{0}} }\otimes \mathrm{d} {x^{0}} + \left( -t^0_1 \frac{\partial\,X^0}{\partial {x^{0}}} + {\left(t^0_0 - t^1_1\right)} \frac{\partial\,X^0}{\partial {x^{1}}} + t^0_1 \frac{\partial\,X^1}{\partial {x^{1}}} + X^0 \frac{\partial\,t^0_1}{\partial {x^{0}}} + X^1 \frac{\partial\,t^0_1}{\partial {x^{1}}} \right) \frac{\partial}{\partial {x^{0}} }\otimes \mathrm{d} {x^{1}} + \left( t^1_0 \frac{\partial\,X^0}{\partial {x^{0}}} - {\left(t^0_0 - t^1_1\right)} \frac{\partial\,X^1}{\partial {x^{0}}} - t^1_0 \frac{\partial\,X^1}{\partial {x^{1}}} + X^0 \frac{\partial\,t^1_0}{\partial {x^{0}}} + X^1 \frac{\partial\,t^1_0}{\partial {x^{1}}} \right) \frac{\partial}{\partial {x^{1}} }\otimes \mathrm{d} {x^{0}} + \left( t^1_0 \frac{\partial\,X^0}{\partial {x^{1}}} - t^0_1 \frac{\partial\,X^1}{\partial {x^{0}}} + X^0 \frac{\partial\,t^1_1}{\partial {x^{0}}} + X^1 \frac{\partial\,t^1_1}{\partial {x^{1}}} \right) \frac{\partial}{\partial {x^{1}} }\otimes \mathrm{d} {x^{1}}

For comparison, using (19.31) without simplifications we obtain the following components of  LXt  \ \mathcal{L}_Xt\ \ (in the first row we repeat the general formula)

Xptj1jmi1ikxptj1jmpi2ikXi1xptj1jmi1ik1pXikxp+tpj2jmi1ikXpxj1++tj1jm1pi1ikXpxjmX0t00x0+X1t00x1t00X0x0t01X0x1+t00X0x0+t10X1x0X0t10x0+X1t10x1t10X0x0t11X0x1+t00X0x1+t10X1x1X0t01x0+X1t01x1t00X1x0t01X1x1+t01X0x0+t11X1x0X0t11x0+X1t11x1t10X1x0t11X1x1+t01X0x1+t11X1x1\begin{matrix} X^p\frac{\partial t^{i_1\ldots i_k}_{j_1\ldots j_m}}{\partial x^p} & -t^{p\,i_2\ldots i_k}_{j_1\ldots j_m}\frac{\partial X^{i_1}}{\partial x^p} \ldots -t^{i_1\ldots i_{k-1}p}_{j_1\ldots j_m}\frac{\partial X^{i_k}}{\partial x^p} & +t^{i_1\ldots i_k}_{p\,j_2\ldots j_m}\frac{\partial X^p}{\partial x^{j_1}} +\ldots +t^{i_1\ldots i_k}_{j_1\ldots j_{m-1}\,p}\frac{\partial X^p}{\partial x^{j_m}}\\ X^0\frac{\partial t^0_0}{\partial x^0}+X^1\frac{\partial t^0_0}{\partial x^1} & -t^0_0\frac{\partial X^0}{\partial x^0}-t^1_0\frac{\partial X^0}{\partial x^1} & +t^0_0\frac{\partial X^0}{\partial x^0}+t^0_1\frac{\partial X^1}{\partial x^0}\\ X^0\frac{\partial t^0_1}{\partial x^0}+X^1\frac{\partial t^0_1}{\partial x^1} & -t^0_1\frac{\partial X^0}{\partial x^0}-t^1_1\frac{\partial X^0}{\partial x^1} & +t^0_0\frac{\partial X^0}{\partial x^1}+t^0_1\frac{\partial X^1}{\partial x^1}\\ X^0\frac{\partial t^1_0}{\partial x^0}+X^1\frac{\partial t^1_0}{\partial x^1} & -t^0_0\frac{\partial X^1}{\partial x^0}-t^1_0\frac{\partial X^1}{\partial x^1} & +t^1_0\frac{\partial X^0}{\partial x^0}+t^1_1\frac{\partial X^1}{\partial x^0}\\ X^0\frac{\partial t^1_1}{\partial x^0}+X^1\frac{\partial t^1_1}{\partial x^1} & -t^0_1\frac{\partial X^1}{\partial x^0}-t^1_1\frac{\partial X^1}{\partial x^1} & +t^1_0\frac{\partial X^0}{\partial x^1}+t^1_1\frac{\partial X^1}{\partial x^1} \end{matrix}

which of course gives the same result.

Bellow we list the components of the Lie derivative using display_comp method:


X0000=t01X0x1+t10X1x0+X0t00x0+X1t00x1X0101=t10X0x0+(t00t11)X0x1+t10X1x1+X0t10x0+X1t10x1X1010=t01X0x0(t00t11)X1x0t01X1x1+X0t01x0+X1t01x1X1111=t01X0x1t10X1x0+X0t11x0+X1t11x1\displaystyle \begin{array}{lcl} X_{\phantom{\, 0}\,0}^{\,0\phantom{\, 0}} & = & -t^1_0 \frac{\partial\,X^0}{\partial {x^{1}}} + t^0_1 \frac{\partial\,X^1}{\partial {x^{0}}} + X^0 \frac{\partial\,t^0_0}{\partial {x^{0}}} + X^1 \frac{\partial\,t^0_0}{\partial {x^{1}}} \\ X_{\phantom{\, 0}\,1}^{\,0\phantom{\, 1}} & = & -t^0_1 \frac{\partial\,X^0}{\partial {x^{0}}} + {\left(t^0_0 - t^1_1\right)} \frac{\partial\,X^0}{\partial {x^{1}}} + t^0_1 \frac{\partial\,X^1}{\partial {x^{1}}} + X^0 \frac{\partial\,t^0_1}{\partial {x^{0}}} + X^1 \frac{\partial\,t^0_1}{\partial {x^{1}}} \\ X_{\phantom{\, 1}\,0}^{\,1\phantom{\, 0}} & = & t^1_0 \frac{\partial\,X^0}{\partial {x^{0}}} - {\left(t^0_0 - t^1_1\right)} \frac{\partial\,X^1}{\partial {x^{0}}} - t^1_0 \frac{\partial\,X^1}{\partial {x^{1}}} + X^0 \frac{\partial\,t^1_0}{\partial {x^{0}}} + X^1 \frac{\partial\,t^1_0}{\partial {x^{1}}} \\ X_{\phantom{\, 1}\,1}^{\,1\phantom{\, 1}} & = & t^1_0 \frac{\partial\,X^0}{\partial {x^{1}}} - t^0_1 \frac{\partial\,X^1}{\partial {x^{0}}} + X^0 \frac{\partial\,t^1_1}{\partial {x^{0}}} + X^1 \frac{\partial\,t^1_1}{\partial {x^{1}}} \end{array}

#LtX.comp()[:] # matrix of components

What's next?

Take a look at the notebook Integration of differential forms on singular kk-cubes.