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RSK and the Littlewood-Richardson rule

Math 737 - Lab 7

Exercise 1:

  • Google search the phrase 'sage math rsk' to find the Sage documentation for the RSK and RSK_inverse functions.

  • Then create one or more examples (different from the examples in the documentation) to demonstrate how to use these functions. One of your examples should check you work on a Team Activity from the class notes.

  • Demonstrate in your examples what happens to the matrix when you swap the tableaux P and Q.

Exercise 2: Finish the 'for' loop below to check that for every involution of S3S_3, its corresponding insertion and recording tableaux are equal. Do the same for n=4,5,6n=4,5,6.

for perm in Permutations(3): if perm

Exercise 3: Calculate the sum of (fλ)2(f^{\lambda})^2 for all λ\lambda with 33 boxes. Do the same for n=4,5,6n=4,5,6. Conjecture a formula in terms of nn. How does RSK prove this formula? (The answer is in Fulton Section 4.3.)

In the rest of the lab, we will calculate the Littlewood-Richardson coefficents cλμνc_{\lambda\mu}^{\nu} in two different ways.

Start by evaluating the block below to define the operator s, which is the built-in Schur polynomial function in Sage.

s = SymmetricFunctions(QQ).s() s([2,1])

Exercise 4: Multiply the Schur polynomials for λ=[3,2,1]\lambda=[3,2,1] and μ=[2,2]\mu=[2,2]. Note that the code automatically expands the product as a sum of Schur polynomials. By looking at the coefficients, find the Littlewood-Richardson coefficient cλμνc^{\nu}_{\lambda\mu} corresponding to ν=[4,3,2,1]\nu=[4,3,2,1].

Exercise 5: Evaluate the code below to see how to create skew SSYT of a given shape and content, create the row word, then check whether it is Yamanouchi.

Then use these functions to help you find cλμνc^{\nu}_{\lambda\mu} Littlewood-Richardson tableaux of shape ν/λ\nu / \lambda and content μ\mu, with λ\lambda, μ\mu, and ν\nu as above. Then find cλμνc^{\nu}_{\lambda\mu} for different partitions λ\lambda, μ\mu, and ν\nu.

S = SemistandardSkewTableaux([[3,2,1],[2,1]],[1,1,1]) S
Semistandard skew tableaux of shape [3, 2, 1] / [2, 1] and weight [1, 1, 1]
for s in S: s.pp()
s.pp() s.to_word_by_row() s.to_word_by_row().is_yamanouchi()