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Run Python Online

Image illustrating Run Python Online

Run Python scripts, Jupyter notebooks, or even a graphical application in a full, remote Python environment.

CoCalc covers all the bases

Find more details in the list of installed Python libraries.

Zero setup

Start free today. Upgrade later.

Feature Overview

There are many ways to use Python online via CoCalc.

Collaborative workspaces

Editing a Jupyter notebook in two windows at the same time
As the name suggests, CoCalc's strength is online code collaboration. Collaboration applies to editing plain Python files, Sage Worksheets, Jupyter Notebooks, and much more.
This enables you to work more effectively as a team to solve the challenges of data science, machine learning and statistics. Every collaborator is always looking at the most recent state of files, and they experience and inspect the same Python state.
You can create chatrooms and get help via side chat by @mentioning collaborators.

Python in Jupyter Notebooks

Plotting using Matplotlib and Numpy in a Jupyter notebook
CoCalc offers a complete rewrite of the classical Jupyter notebook interface. It is tightly integrated into CoCalc and adds realtime collaboration, TimeTravel history and much more.
The user interface is very similar to Jupyter classic. It uses the same underlying Jupyter notebook file format, so you can download your *.ipynb file at any time and continue working locally.
You can also easily run Jupyter Classical and JupyterLab in any CoCalc project.
Start free today. Upgrade later.

LaTeX\LaTeX support for PythonTeX/SageTeX

Using PythonTex with LaTeX
The fully integrated CoCalc latex editor covers all your basic needs for working with .tex files containing PythonTeX or SageTeX code. The document is synchronized with your collaborators in real-time and everyone sees the very same compiled PDF.
In particular, this LaTeX editor
  • Manages the entire compilation pipeline for you: it automatically calls pythontex3 or sage to pre-process the code,
  • Supports forward and inverse search to help you navigating in your document,
  • Captures and shows you where LaTeX or Python errors happen,
  • and via TimeTravel you can go back in time to see your latest edits in order to easily recover from a recent mistake.
Combined, this means you can do your entire workflow online on CoCalc:
  1. Upload or fetch your datasets,
  2. Use Jupyter Notebooks to explore the data, process it, and calculate your results,
  3. Discuss and collaborate with your research team,
  4. Write your research paper in a LaTeX document,
  5. Publish the datasets, your research code, and the PDF of your paper online, all hosted on CoCalc.

Code formatting

Video of formatting Python code in a Jupyter notebook with 1 click
CoCalc has one-click code formatting for Jupyter notebooks and code files!
Your python code is formatted in a clean and consistent way using yapf.
This reduces cognitive load reading source code, and ensures all code written by your team has a consistent and beautiful style.
Python code formatting works with pure .py files and Jupyter Notebooks running a Python kernel.

Command line support

Using scikit learn from the command line to run Python code
Your existing Python scripts run on CoCalc. Either open a Terminal in the code editor, or click the "Shell" button to open a Python command line.
Terminals also give you access to git and many more utilities.
Regarding collaboration, terminals can be used by multiple users at once. This means you can work with your coworkers in the same session at the same time. Everyone sees the same output, and coordinate via side chat next to the terminal.
You can also simultaneously work with many terminal sessions.
For long-running programs, you can even close your browser and check on the result later.

Chatroom about your Python code

A Jupyter notebook with a chat window on the side
Collaboration is a first class citizen on CoCalc. Use side chat for each file to discuss content with your colleagues or students.
Additionally, avatars give you presence information about who is currently also working on a file.
Collaborators who are not online will be notified about new messages the next time they sign in.
Chat also supports markdown formatting and LaTeX\LaTeX formulas.


Viewing a PDF file in the share server
CoCalc helps you share your work with the world. It offers its own hosting of shared documents, alongside with any associated data files.
You can configure if your published files should be listed publicly, or rather only be available via a confidential URL.

Snapshot backups

Browsing filesystem snapshots in a CoCalc project
Snapshots are consistent read-only views of all your files in a CoCalc project. You can restore your files by copying back any that you accidentally deleted or corrupted.
Start free today. Upgrade later.